Living donor-initiated domino split-liver transplantation in pediatric setup: a case report with literature review
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Alim, Altan
Karataş, Cihan
Akbulut, Akın
Oğuz, Bahadır Hakan
Özden, Ömer
Demir, Barış
Kızılkan, Nuray Uslu
Aydın, Alper
Kanmaz, Turan
Emre, Senol
Hos, Gultekin
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Elsevier Science Inc
Background. In patients undergoing liver transplantation for metabolic diseases, removing the patient's liver for transplantation to another recipient is called "domino liver transplantation." The extracted liver can be divided and transplanted into 2 recipients, which is called domino split-liver transplantation in the literature. However, in our study, the domino liver was obtained from a pediatric patient.Methods. A patient with maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) underwent a living donor liver transplant, and the explanted liver was divided in situ into right and left lobes and transplanted to 2 separate patients. Demographic data, surgical techniques, postoperative period, and patient fol-low-ups were evaluated. Results. The father's left lobe liver graft was transplanted into a 12-year-old boy with MSUD. The removed liver was divided in situ into right and left lobes. The left lobe was transplanted to a 14-year-old male patient, whereas the right lobe was transplanted to a 67-year-old male patient. The donor and the first recipient were discharged on postoperative days 5 and 22. The second pediatric patient who underwent domino split-left lobe transplantation was discharged on postop-erative day 23. The adult patient who underwent domino split-right lobe transplantation died on postoperative day 12 owing to massive esophageal variceal bleeding.Conclusion. Patients who underwent liver transplantation due to MSUD are among the best donor choices for domino liver transplantation. If the extracted liver has a sufficient volume and anatomic features for a split, it can be used in "selected cases."
Immunology, Surgery, Transplantation