Metal doped black phosphorus/molybdenum disulfide (BP/MoS2-Y (Y: Ni, Co)) heterojunctions for the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution and electrochemical nitrite sensing applications
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Eroğlu, Zafer
Önder, Metin
Yılmaz, Seda
Yanalak, Gizem
Bas, Salih Zeki
Patir, Imren Hatay
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Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd
Recently, 2D semiconductor-based heterojunctions emerge as a focal point of intensive research owing to their unique properties, including efficient charge separation and large interface areas. Herein, Ni or Co-doped black phosphorus/molybdenum disulfide (BP/MoS2-Y (Y: Ni, Co)) heterojunctions fabricate for photocatalytic H2 evolution and electro-chemical nitrite sensor. Compared to the BP/MoS2, the BP/MoS2-Ni and BP/MoS2-Co exhibit enhanced H2 performance, as 6.4139 mmol h-1 g-1 and 7.4282 mmol h-1 g-1, respectively, in the presence of Eosin-Y (l >= 420 nm). Furthermore, BP/MoS2-Co applies as an electrocatalyst on a GCE for the electrochemical detection of nitrite. To optimize the nitrite sensing performance of BP/MoS2-Co, the effect of the pH, amount of material, scan rates, and other conditions study in detail. The BP/MoS2-Co displays a linear response within the range of 100-2000 mM with a detection limit of 4.1 mM for DPV. This work can offer an opportunity for hydrogen systems as well as electrochemical sensor applications.
Chemistry, physical, Electrochemistry, Energy and fuels