Topographic and morphometric anatomy of the proximal part of the dorsal scapular nerve


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Gürses, İlke Ali


Celikgun, Beyza
Gayretli, Ozcan
Coskun, Osman
Ozturk, Adnan
Kale, Aysin

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The dorsal scapular nerve (DSN) entrapment neuropathy has recently been recognized as a common cause of circumscapular pain and cases of winged scapula. Course of the nerve is important because the middle scalene muscle is frequently accessed for surgical treatments. Studies in the literature have not focused on the morphometric relationship of the DSN with the scalene muscles and its relationship with the long thoracic nerve (LTN). The neck regions of 13 adult cadavers were dissected bilaterally. The relationship of DSN with scalene muscles and LTN was evaluated. Cervical spinal nerves involved in the formation of the DSN were identified. Three types of DSN were observed based on the cervical spinal nerves from which it originates, five types of DSN from its relationship with the scalene muscles, and two types of DSN from its relationship with the LTN. The distance from where the nerve pierces the scalene muscle to the mastoid process was found to be greater in DSNs originating from C4 and C5 (93.85 & PLUSMN; 4.11 mm, p = 0.033). In DSNs not connected with LTN, the distance from where the nerve pierces the scalene muscle to the superior trunk/C5 (12.74 & PLUSMN; 7.73 mm, p = 0.008) and the length of the nerve within the scalene muscle (14.94 & PLUSMN; 5.5 mm, p = 0.029) were found to be statistically significantly greater. The topographic and morphometric anatomy of the proximal part of the DSN is important, especially for scalene muscles-focused surgical treatments and interscalene nerve blocks. We believe our results may guide clinical approaches and surgery.



Medicine, Anatomy, Morphology




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