Department of Computer EngineeringDepartment of Mathematics2024-11-092008978-1-4244-1998-2N/A the behavior of epidemic spreading in a network is a good way of modeling several network phenomena. There are several studies analyzing the spreading of email viruses. Spreading of epidemics is also a good model for several types of information dissemination in distributed systems. In this study, we examine spreading of epidemics for anti-entropy algorithms in a peer-to-peer network with any given topology. We derive nodes' exact probability distributions of being infected in each epidemic cycle.EngineeringElectrical and electronic engineeringImaging sciencePhotographic technologyTelecommunicationsTopology dependent information dissemination in P2P networks for anti-entropy algorithmSGörevdeş aǧlarda entropi önler algoritmalar ile topolojiye baǧli bilgi yayilimiConference proceeding26135920008910152