2024-11-0920151309-534X10.5152/jaemcr.2015.1028https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14288/952Introduction: Injury to deep neck structures should be considered during emergency room (ER) admissions in patients with a chief complaint of swelling in the neck, particularly when there is a history of trauma to the neck. Life-threatening conditions should be assessed, diagnosis should be made using appropriate imaging modalities, and treatment should be planned accordingly. Case Report: A 30-year-old male presented to the ER with the chief complaint of a swollen neck 2 h after he fell off a bicycle. Based on the ultrasound and computed tomography analysis, he was diagnosed with isolated submandibular injury. Conclusion: Isolated submandibular injury following a blunt trauma is a rare condition. Obtaining appropriate imaging modalities is helpful in confirming the diagnosis. Patients with blunt trauma should also be carefully assessed for other, nonapparent injuries.pdfMedicineEmergency medicineTraumaBisikletten düşme sonrası izole künt submandibular gland yaralanmasıIsolated blunt submandibular gland injury after a fall from a bicycleJournal Article2146-2925https://doi.org/10.5152/jaemcr.2015.1028360370500004N/ANOIR00896