Department of Media and Visual Arts2024-11-0920149789-8985-3322-7N/A2-s2.0-84929323868N/A this paper, we share insights from our user research studies for the development of the graphical user interface (GUI) design of a surgical operation robot. We had previously been developing the surgical interface (SI) for kidney tumor cryoablation by collecting eye-tracking data for fixation durations and number of fixations at informative regions from the users (Erol Barkana & Acik, 2014). Based on the analyzed data, we then explored the GUI for layout, color use and warning message communication by i) literature review, ii) evaluation using Nielsen's heuristics (Nielsen, 1994), and iii) re-design studies with design workshops. Relying on all the user feedback, we re-designed the GUI and conducted GUI design feedback survey. Here, we share our insights throughout this user research and GUI re-design process.Computer scienceInsights from user studies for the graphical user interface design of a surgical operation robotConference proceeding