Department of Archeology and History of Art2024-11-092019978-1-315-57775-3978-1-4724-1446-5N/A powerful narrative inscribed onto the landscape of Gallipoli has been shaped by the post-WWI secularist citizens of Turkey, and has focused on the important role played in the battles by the nation's founder Mustafa Kemal Pasha: Ataturk. Proponents of this narrative associate the landscape of Gallipoli primarily with the heroism and tenacity demonstrated by the nation's founder, a key military figure in the Gallipoli battles. Depending on national, political, and religious orientations, visitors to the Gallipoli peninsula follow different routes through the landscape. The itineraries of non-Turkish tourists typically highlight the iconic moments and places experienced on the peninsula by the Allied troops, and/or the Commonwealth and War Graves Commissions' tidy cemeteries and commemorative monuments. The Legend of Gallipoli was part of a much larger project, initiated in 2005 by the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs to develop the touristic infrastructure of the Gallipoli peninsula.GeographyThe future of the Gallipoli peninsula Towards 2023Book Chapter473567400006N/A7531