Department of History2024-11-0920209781-7892-0697-59781-7892-0696-8N/A2-s2.0-85128849190 was the case in many other countries, it was only in the early years of this century that Greek and Turkish labour historians began to systematically look beyond national borders to investigate their intricately interrelated histories. The studies in Working in Greece and Turkey provide an overdue exploration of labour history on both sides of the Aegean, before as well as after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Deploying the approaches of global labour history as a framework, this volume presents transnational, transcontinental, and diachronic comparisons that illuminate the shared history of Greece and Turkey.LaborHistoryGreeceTurkeyWorking in Greece and Turkey: a comparative labour history from empires to nation-states, 1840-1940Book