2024-12-29202410.1016/j.cont.2024.1012122-s2.0-85187310133https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cont.2024.101212https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14288/23641Aims: To present the ICS Teaching Module on Videourodynamics (VUD) and the information as a best practice report. Methods: This teaching module was developed by the (International Continence Society) ICS Urodynamics Committee to assist ICS members in their clinical practice. A detailed literature search on studies and guidelines published on the clinical role of VUD as well as expert opinions have been considered. A slideshow on VUD has been developed and will be presented to the members of the ICS Urodynamics Committee and will be made available to the ICS membership on the ICS website. Results: The scientific evidence on the indications, recommended techniques and interpretation of VUD in patients presenting with lower urinary tract symptoms has been summarised. Troubleshooting and optimisation of the imaging as also been described to minimise the radiation exposure to both patient and healthcare professionals. Conclusions: The scientific evidence on the clinical role, techniques and the indications for VUD is sparse with varying clinical expert opinion. The ICS Urodynamics Committee recommends its use as a second line diagnostic tool for a thorough visualisation of the lower urinary tract anatomy and real time function. This manuscript summarises the evidence and provides practice recommendations on VUD for teaching purposes in the framework of an ICS teaching module.MedicineBest practice for videourodynamics: a teaching module of the international continence society urodynamics committeeJournal article2772-97371254282300001Q441784