2024-12-2920231600-613510.1016/j.ajt.2023.05.0302-s2.0-85162918929https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajt.2023.05.030https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14288/23412The gut microbiota has been gaining attention due to its interactions with the human body and its role in pathophysiological processes. One of the main interactions is the "gut-liver axis," in which disruption of the gut mucosal barrier seen in portal hypertension and liver disease can influence liver allograft function over time. For example, in patients who are undergoing liver transplantation, preexisting dysbiosis, perioperative antibiotic use, surgical stress, and immunosuppressive use have each been associated with alterations in gut microbiota, potentially impacting overall morbidity and mortality. In this review, studies exploring gut microbiota changes in patients undergoing liver transplantation are reviewed, including both human and experimental animal studies. Common themes include an increase in Enterobacteriaceae and Enterococcaceae species and a decrease in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and Bacteriodes, while a decrease in the overall diversity of gut microbiota after liver transplantation.SurgeryTransplantationImpact of gut microbiota on liver transplantationReview1600-61431088608200001Q141555