Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering2024-11-092006978-1-4244-0481-01522-488010.1109/ICIP.2006.3126802-s2.0-78649860717 mobile video transmission systems, the initial delay for pre-fetching video at the client buffer needs to be short due to buffer limitations and application-layer user convenience. Therefore, an effective cross-layer wireless design is required that considers both physical and application layer aspects of such a system. We present a cross-layer optimized multi-user video adaptation and scheduling scheme for wireless video communication, where Quality-of-Service (QoS) fairness among users is provided while maximizing user convenience and video throughput. Application and physical layer aspects are jointly optimized using a Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) framework that tries to schedule the user with the least remaining playback time and the highest video throughput (delivered video seconds per transmission slot) with maximum video quality. Experiments with the IS-856 (1xEV-DO) standard and ITU Pedestrian A and Vehicular B environments show the improvements over today's schedulers in terms of QoS fairness and user utility.Computer scienceArtificial intelligenceComputer scienceInformation systemsSoftware engineeringImaging sciencePhotographic technologyRadiologyNuclear medicineMedical imagingApplication-layer qos fairness in wireless video schedulingConference proceeding245768501037N/A6231