2024-11-0920211844-417210.11152/mu-30192-s2.0-85131107699https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14288/3627A 53-year-old woman with fatigue lasting for 6 weeks and increased parathormone level underwent a neck ultrasound. It revealed a large, lobulated, solid intrathyroidal nodule consisting of hypoechoic component with microcalcifications and hy-perechoic component with vascularity on Doppler mode. There were also subcentimetric intrathyroidal hypo- and hyperechoic nodules. Upon the diagnosis of papillary thyroid cancer on fine-needle aspiration biopsy, a total thyroidectomy procedure was performed. In the histopathologic evaluation, the hypoechoic component was diagnosed as papillary thyroid cancer, while the hyperechoic component was diagnosed as ectopic parathyroid adenoma. Subcentimetric nodules were demonstrated as multi-foci of papillary thyroid cancer.pdfAn intrathyroidal nodule consisting of papillary thyroid cancer and ectopic hyperechoic parathyroid adenoma: a case reportJournal Article2066-8643https://doi.org/10.11152/mu-3019N/ANOIR02865