Department of Economics2024-11-092017978-1-5090-6494-62165-0608N/A neuroeconomics experiments many ocular artifacts are encountered during long trial durations. In this study, results from algorithms used to remove artifacts in EEG measurements are presented. The study consists of three parts. In the first part, EEG signals were band-pass filtered to remove high frequency noise and low frequency drift. Next, the artifacts were removed by using traditional regression method and independent component analysis (ICA). Finally, the performances of the two artifact removal methods were compared. Although artifacts were suppressed better by ICA than regression, ICA caused decrease in root mean square (RMS) values of the non-artifactual parts of some channels.AcousticsComputer scienceArtificial intelligenceElectrical and electronics engineeringTelecommunicationsRemoval of ocular artifacts in EEG signals measured in a neuroeconomics experimentBir nöroekonomi deneyinde ölçülen EEG işaretlerinde göz artifaktlarının giderilmesiConference proceeding4138131005382776