Department of Sociology2024-11-0920172147-5237 this article, a theoretical critique of the new poverty concept is presented. The New poverty concept has been increasingly used in the fields of development and social policy and it refers to a new stratum in the society. In this article, the new poverty concept is analysed in the light of the work of Michael Foucault, Edward Said, Ranajit Guha and Margaret Somers and a critique of the new poverty literature is presented using the theoretical framework regarding the concepts of discourse, representation, agency and narrative. As a result of this critique, it is emphasized that the non-critical use of the new poverty concept bears the risk of reconstructing the aforementioned population as a passive and victimised group.pdfSociologySöylem, temsil, faillik ve anlatı: yeni yoksulluk literatürünün bir eleştirisiDiscourse, representation, agency and narrative: a critique of the new poverty literatureJournal ArticleN/ANOIR01513