2024-11-0920161301-8841N/AN/Ahttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14288/7021The masses originated from the adnexia can be seen in almost every period of the female reproductive era, they can also be pathological or sometimes physiological lesions. Since these can be seen in postmenopausal period and can be prone to be malignant, these lesions have a big importance. It is critical to evaluate the malignancy potential of these masses especially before the surgery in postmenopausal women. Fort his purpose, a lot of tests or criteria like anamnesis, family history, imaging methods and laboratory tests are being used. Besides, it is also very important to decide to choose the kind of management; follow up or surgery for the cystic lesions which have malignant and benign characteristics. The variation of the surgical modalities, affect and change a lot of factors like survival time and operation time. In this review, it has been aimed to discuss the most suitable management and therapeutic options for the masses especially detected in the postmenopausal period. Additionally, it is attempted to highlight some wrong management pathways for suggestion.GynecologyAdnexal diseasesCancerOsteoporosis in womenApproachment to the postmenopausal adnexal massesPostmenopozal adneksiyal kitlelere yaklaşımJournal Articlehttps://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85026883350&partnerID=40&md5=521d6b2d6176576e735fdc1ea069e9698224