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Publication Metadata only Effects of alprazolam and haloperidol on thyroglobulin, antithyroglobulin, anti thyroid peroxidase and TSH in Rat(Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2018) Samadi, Afshin; Ansari, Mohammad Hassan Khadem; Ulusu, Nuriye Nuray; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 6807Background: A large number of psychotropic drugs can interfere with the thyroid physiology, function and autoimmunity. Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of alprazolam and haloperidol on thyroglobulin, antithyroglobulin (aTg), antithyroid peroxidase, and thyroid stimulating hormone levels on rats. Materials and Methods: First group of adult male Wistar rats was the control, second group received 0.5 mg kg(-1) haloperidol in physiological saline and the third group received 0.5 mg kg(-1) alprazolam, via gastric gavage once daily for 28 days. Plasma levels of all thyroid function tests were measured with chemiluminescent assay. Results: We have investigated a decrease in aTg amounts of control group (5.461 +/- 0.718) compared with drug treated rats with alprazolam (1.433 +/- 0.225) and haloperidol (1.21 +/- 0.228). (P-aTg = 0.00([ALP]), P-aTg = 0.01([HAL])). Although there were not any change in thyroglobulin levels in the haloperidol treated groups (0.9583 +/- 0.014) relative to control group (0.975 +/- 0.015); but in opposition Tg levels decreased significantly in response to alprazolam (0.36 +/- 0.16) compared with the control group (0.975 +/- 0.015), p-values are (P-Tg = 0. 001([ALP])), (P-Tg = 0. 021([HAL])). Conclusion: We found that these two drugs may interfere with the thyroid physiology and metabolism.Publication Metadata only Policy priorities in the election manifestos of political parties in Turkey, 2002-2015(İstanbul Üniversitesi, 2017) Department of International Relations; Aytaç, Selim Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 224278The policy areas prioritized by the major Turkish political parties during the election campaigns between 2002 and 2015 are examined in this study. The main questions to be addressed are as follows: Which policy areas do the political parties prioritize? Is there a significant divergence in the prioritization of different policy areas or are there common themes that are emphasized by all parties? Are there trends regarding the parties’ policy priorities over time? and finally, do the policy areas, as prioritized by the parties, correspond to what the public considers as important issues? To address these questions, the election manifestos of the four major Turkish political parties are analyzed. The analyses show that policy areas related to the economy, welfare, and quality of life are the most recurring themes in the election manifestos of the four major Turkish parties between 2002 and 2015.Publication Metadata only A preference-based appointment scheduling problem with multiple patient types(TMMOB Makine Mühendisleri Odası, 2019) N/A; Department of Industrial Engineering; Tunçalp, Feray; Örmeci, Lerzan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Industrial Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Engineering; N/A; 32863This paper focuses on the appointment scheduling mechanism of a physician or a diagnostic resource in a healthcare facility. Multiple patient types with different revenues use the facility. The facility observes the number of appointment requests arriving from each patient type at the beginning of each day. It decides on how to allocate available appointment slots to these appointment requests. Patients prefer a day in the booking horizon with a specific probability and they have only one preference. Patients are either given an appointment for their preferred days or their appointment requests are rejected. The facility wants to keep the rejection costs at a certain level, while maximizing its revenues. This process is modeled with a discrete time and constrained Markov Decision Process to maximize the infinitehorizon expected discounted revenue. The constraint guarantees that the infinite-horizon expected discounted rejection cost is below a specific threshold. We have proved that the optimal policy is a randomized booking limit policy. To solve the model, we have implemented Temporal Difference (TD) Learning Algorithm, which is a well-known Approximate Dynamic Programming (ADP) method. We have compared the ADP results with other heuristics numerically / Bu makale, bir sağlık tesisindeki bir doktor ya da tanı cihazının randevu planlama mekanizmasına odaklanmaktadır. Bu tesisi, getirileri birbirinden farklı olan birden çok hasta tipi kullanmaktadır. Tesis, her hasta tipinden gelen randevu isteklerini her günün başında gözlemlemektedir. Müsait randevu saatlerini bu randevu isteklerine nasıl tahsis edeceğine karar vermektedir. Hastalar belli bir olasılıkla rezervasyon dönemindeki bir günü tercih etmektedirler ve sadece bir tercihleri vardır. Hastalara ya tercih ettiği güne bir randevu verilmektedir ya da randevu istekleri reddedilmektedir. Tesis, getirilerini maksimize ederken reddedilme maliyetlerini belli bir seviyede tutmak istemektedir. Bu süreç, sonsuz zamanlı beklenen indirgenmiş karı maksimize etmek için ayrık zamanlı ve kısıtlı Markov Karar Süreci ile modellenmektedir. Kısıt, sonsuz zamanlı beklenen indirgenmiş reddedilme maliyetlerinin belli bir eşik değerinin altında olmasını garanti etmektedir. En iyi politikanın rassallaştırılmış bir rezervasyon limiti politikasının olduğunu gösterdik. Modeli çözmek için iyi bilinen bir “Yaklaşık Dinamik Programlama” metodu olan “Geçici Farklarla Öğrenme Algoritmasını” uyguladık. “Yaklaşık Dinamik Programlama” sonuçlarını diğer buluşsal yöntemlerle sayısal olarak karşılaştırdık.Publication Metadata only Clinical results of anterior odontoid screw fixation for type II odontoid fractures(Turkish Neurosurgical Society, 2014) Keskin, Fatih; Gomleksiz, Cengiz; Sasani, Mehdi; Oktenoglu, Tunc; Suzer, Tuncer; Özer, Ali Fahir; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 1022AIM: In this study, 31 patients with a diagnosis of Type II odontoid fractures were reported. All patients were treated with anterior transodontoid screw fixation and clinical outcomes were reported. MATERIAL and METHODS: In this study, the retrospective clinical analysis of 31 patients with traumatic type II odontoid fractures who were treated through anterior transodontoid fixation in Neurosurgery Department at VKV American Hospital between 1998 and 2012 was performed. The age, sex, cause of injury, diagnosis time, neurological examination before and after surgery, follow-up period were evaluated. The neurological status of patients was classified according to the Frankel scale. RESULTS: In 4 patients, 2 transodontoid screws were inserted. The mean hospital stay was 3.35 days. Posterior occipito-cervical fusion was done in 1 patient due to the lack of fusion in the first operation. No vascular injury, screw malposition, infection, neurologic deterioration, or complications were observed during the peroperative and postoperative stage. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 36 months after surgery. Radiological imaging of patients were performed at the early and late postoperative stage. CONCLUSION: We found satisfying fusion rates and better patient comfort during the postoperative period. We think that stabilization and fusion through a transodontoid screw is a minimal invasive method.AMAÇ: Çalışmada, Tip II odontoid fraktürü tanısı alan 31 olgu bildirilmiştir. Olguların hepsi anterior transodontoid vida fiksasyonu ile tedavi edilmiş ve klinik sonuçları bildirilmiştir. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Çalışma, VKV Amerikan Hastanesi Nöroşirürji Bölümü’nde 1998-2012 yılları arasında travmatik tip II odontoid kırığı nedeniyle anterior transodontoid fiksasyon ile cerrahi tedavi uygulanan 31 hastanın retrospektif klinik analizleri yapılmıştır. Tüm olguların yaş, cinsiyet, travma nedeni, teşhis zamanı, cerrahi girişim öncesi ve sonrasında nörolojik muayeneleri, takip süresi değerlendirilmiştir. Olguların nörolojik durumları Frankel skalasına göre sınıflandırılmıştır. BULGULAR: Dört hastaya 2 adet transodontoid vidası yerleştirildi. Hastanede kalış süresi ortalama 3,35 gün idi. 1 hastada postop takibinde füzyon oluşmaması nedeniyle ikinci bir operasyon ile posteriordan oksipitoservikal füzyon yapıldı. İşlem sırasında ve sonrasında damar yaralanması, vida malpozisyonu, enfeksiyon, nörolojik bozulma gibi komplikasyonlar izlenmedi. Hastalar ameliyat sonrasında ortalama 36 ay takip edildi. Hastaların erken ve geç dönemde radyolojik görüntülemeleri yapıldı. SONUÇ: Postoperatif dönemde hastaların takiplerinde tatmin edici füzyon oranı ve hasta konforunun daha iyi olduğunu saptadık. Tip II odontoid kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde minimal invaziv yöntem olan transodontoid vida ile fiksasyonun yüksek avantajlarından dolayı ilk seçenek olabileceğini düşünüyoruz.Publication Metadata only Clinical evaluation of dental enamel defects and oral findings in coeliac children(Istanbul Univ Press, Istanbul Univ Rectorate, 2018) Bicak, Damla Aksit; Urganci, Nafiye; Akyuz, Serap; Usta, Merve; Alev, Burcin; Yarat, Aysen; N/A; Kızılkan, Nuray Uslu; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 221274Purpose To examine dental hard and soft tissue changes of coeliac children in order to increase the awareness of the pediatric dentists in prediagnosis of especially undiagnosed coeliac disease. Materials and methods Sixty children, 28 (46.7%) boys and 32 (53.3%) girls whose ages were between 6 to 16 years were included in the present study. Thirty children who had undergone endoscopy and diagnosed with the coeliac disease in the Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, formed the study group. Also, thirty children clinically suspected of having the coeliac disease with the same gastrointestinal complaints had undergone endoscopy and proven not coeliac were chosen as the control group. Oral examination involved assessment of dentition and specific and unspecific dental enamel defects. Also, soft tissue lesions, clinical delay of the dental eruption, salivary flow rate, pH, and buffering capacity were examined. Results Twenty coeliac patients had enamel defects, however none in the control subjects. In the coeliac group, all enamel defects were diagnosed in permanent teeth and as specific in all children. Grade I dental enamel defects found mainly in the incisors. The clinical delayed eruption was observed in 10 (33.3%) of 30 coeliac children and none of the children in the control group. While the level of DMFT/S numbers and stimulated salivary flow rate were found significantly lower in the coeliac group, pH was found significantly higher. Conclusion Oral cavity may be involved in coeliac disease and pediatric dentists can play an important role in the early diagnosis of the coeliac disease.Publication Metadata only Acculturation and family relations(Türk Psikologlar Derneği, 2014) Department of Psychology; Kağıtçıbaşı, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/AThis article is an overview of some of the main issues seen in the context of immigration. As an epilogue, it relates to the other articles in this Special Issue, as well. In particular, the European scene is examined on the basis of research conducted over the last decades. There is also an emphasis on family relations and acculturation as well as their interface. Immigration and acculturation over half a century are introduced through a historical perspective noting that multiphasic and multidisciplinary approaches are needed to understand the myriad factors involved. In particular, cultural and developmental viewpoints are promising. Acculturation research has focused on the acculturating migrant, without due attention to the context of acculturation. In particular, prejudice and discrimination are the greatest challenges. This approach leaves something to be desired, since immigration is a very complex human phenomenon involving issues ranging from micro to macro levels of analysis. While the former concerns individual factors, including the family, the latter includes historic, sociological, economic, and legal aspects and applications. Focusing on the acculturating (or non-acculturating) individual or family without a contextual approach can lead to dispositional attributions, even ‘blaming the victim’, that is, social psychological processes not conducive to understanding and promoting the well-being of the immigrant or the host society. In this context, there is a further need for research to address policies and to suggest solutions for improvement. In particular, concerted efforts that prove to be beneficial for the family, women and children are badly needed. Turkish psychologists and social scientists would do well to attend to these very important topics of study. / Bu makale göç olgusunun çeşitli yönlerine eğilen genel bir çalışmadır ve bu özel sayı için bir sonsöz niteliği taşımaktadır. Özellikle son birkaç on yıldaki araştırmalardan yola çıkarak, bu özel sayıdaki makaleler de dahil olmak üzere, Avrupa’daki durumu ele almaktadır. Aynı zamanda kültürleşme ve aile konularını ve bunların etkileşimini inceler. Yarım yüzyıllık bir göç olgusu tarihsel bir perspektifle ele alınıyor. Bu çok faktörlü karmaşık olayı iyi anlayabilmek için çok katmanlı ve çok disiplinli bir yaklaşımın gerekli olduğu da not ediliyor. Özellikle kültürel ve gelişimsel yaklaşımların yararlı olacağı öne sürülüyor. Kültürleşme çalışmaları genellikle kültürleşme ortamını yeterince incelemeden kültürleşen göçmene vurgu yapıyor. Oysa ki baskın toplumdaki önyargı ve ayrımcılık önemli sorunlardır. Bu yaklaşım yetersiz kalıyor çünkü karmaşık göç süreci, mikro yaklaşımlardan, makro yaklaşımları gerekli kılan karmaşık bir olgudur. Mikro düzeyde insan ve aileye yönelik araştırmalar söz konusuyken, makro düzeyde sosyolojik, ekonomik, hukuksal hususların ve uygulamaların incelenmesi önemlidir. Bağlamı dikkate almadan, kültürleşen (ya da kültürleşmeyen) birey ya da aileye vurgu yapmak, içsel atıflara, hatta “mazlumu suçlamaya” kadar gidebilir. Bunlar ise, olayı anlamaya ve gerek göçmenin, gerek baskın toplumun yararına olmayan sosyal psikolojik yaklaşımlardır. Bu noktada araştırmaların göçmen politikalarına yönelik ve çözüm önerici olması çok yararlıdır. Özellikle, göçmen kadın, aile ve çocukların esenliğine katkıda bulunabilecek çabalara ihtiyaç vardır. Türk psikologlar ve sosyal bilimcilerin bu çok önemli araştırma konularına daha fazla eğilmesi çok yararlı olacaktır.Publication Metadata only Explaining NATO enlargement: international relations theories and the dynamics of domestics politics in Russia and the United States(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2012) Department of International Relations; Aktürk, Şener; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 110043This article focuses on NATO's expansion after the Cold War. Neorealist, neol constructivist approaches and their failures in explaining the causes of NATO's are highlighted, lhe timing and the nature of NATO's expansion are much bette by the concatenation of specific domestic political dynamics in the United States a In the United States, the rise of the Republicans who captured the Congress in 199 presidency in 2000 provided the impetus for NATO's expansion, along with the of what the current author calls the "East European Lobby" in U.S. politics. In strength of the Communists and the ultranationalists in the Duma, and the rise of t cadres with a military- security background, to positions of executive power, was importance in the polarization of Russian- American relations, which motivate NATO expansions. / Bu makale Soğuk Savaş sonrasında NATO'nun genişlemesine odaklanıyor. Yeni Gerçekçi, Yeni Liberal ve inşacı yaklaşımların, NATO'nun genişlemesinin sebeplerini açıklamadaki başarısızlıkları vurgulanıyor. NATO'nun genişlemesinin zamanlamasını ve mahiyetini, ABD ve Rusya'nın iç siyasal dinamiklerinin çakışması çok daha iyi açıklıyor. ABD'de, 1994'te Kongreyi ve 2000 yılında başkanlığı ele geçiren Cumhuriyetçilerin yükselişi ve yazarın Amerikan siyasetindeki "Doğu Avrupa Lobisi"olarak adlandırdığı zümrenin etkisi, NATO'nun genişlemesinin iç siyasal sebebini oluşturdu. Rusya'da, Komünisderin ve aşırı milliyetçilerin Duma'daki gücü ve siloviki olarak adlandırılan asker ve güvenlik kökenli kadroların yürütme erkinde yükselişi, Rus-Amerikan ilişkilerinin kutuplaşmasında belirleyici rol oynayarak NATO'nun daha fazla genişlemesini tetikledi.Publication Metadata only Large-n analysis in the study of conflict(Center Foreign Policy & Peace Research, 2019) Department of International Relations; Akça, Belgin San; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 107754In this paper; I examine the generation and use of large-N datasets and issues related to operationalization and measurement in the quantitative study of inter-state and infra-state conflict. Specifically, I critically evaluate the work on transnational dimensions of internal conflict and talk about my own journey related to my research on interactions between states and nonstate armed groups. I address the gaps in existing research, the use of proxy measures in large-N data analysis, and talk in detail about observational data collection and coding. I argue that future research should bridge the gap between studies of conflict across the fields of Comparative Politics and International relations. I make suggestions laying the standards of academic scholarship in collecting data and increasing transparency in research.Publication Metadata only A study on the effects of direct factor Xa inhibitors and direct thrombin inhibitors on human primary chondrocyte cultures(Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, 2019) Kaya, Yasin Emre; Akalan, Hande; Yılmaz, İbrahim; Karaaslan, Numan; Özbek, Hanefi; N/A; Ateş, Özkan; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 118533Aim:This study investigates the effects of two direct factor Xa inhibitors, apixaban and rivaroxaban, and a direct thrombin inhibitor, dabigatran, on human primary chondrocytecultures.Materials and Methods:Monolayer cultured chondrocytes were prepared. Cell cultures were treated with dabigatran, apixaban, and rivaroxaban. Cultures without drug treatments served as the control group. Using an inverted light microscope, the cell surface morphology was examined. Cell viability and the toxicity of drugs were evaluated using a commercial assay kit, and the results were confirmed using two nucleic acid binding dyes, acridine orange and propidium iodide. The expressions of cartilage oligomeric protein, matrix metalloproteinase-7, and matrix metalloproteinase-19 were assessed using the real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis. All the analyses were performed within 21 days. The data obtained were statistically evaluated.Results:The administration of the three drugs changed the cell viability, proliferation, and expressions of cartilage oligomeric protein, matrix metalloproteinase-7, and matrix metalloproteinase-19. The results were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:Results obtained from in vitro studies may not provide accurate and reliable insight for clinical practices. However, clinicians should know that drugs used for the prevention or treatment of diseases may suppress chondrocyte proliferation and damage the extracellular matrix formation. / Öz: Amaç: Bu çalışmada; direk faktör Xa inhibitörü apiksaban ve rivaroxaban ile Direk/selektif olarak thrombin inhibitörü olan dabigatranın, primer insan kıkırdak hücre kültürleri üzerine etkisinin gözlenmesi amaçlandı. Materyal ve Metot:Kondrosit kültürleri monolayer olarak çoğaltılldı. Bu kültürler üzerine apiksaban, dabigatran ve rivaroksaban farmasötik ajanları ilave edildi. İlaç uygulanmayan hücre kültürleri kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı. Hücrelere ait yüzey morfolojisi invert ışık mikroskobisi ile değerlendirildi. Hücrelerin sağlıklı olup olmadığı ve proliferasyonlarının devam edip etmediği MTT analizi ile spektrofotometrik olarak belirlendi ayrıca AO/PI fluresan boyamalardan da yararlanılarak apoptotik hücre ölümü varlığı araştırıldı. Kıkırdak oligo matriks protein (COMP), matriks metalloproteinaz (MMP)-7 ve MMP-19 genlerine ait ifadeler ise quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) ile test edildi. Tüm analizler 21 gün içinde gerçekleştirildi. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi ve sonuçlarraporlandı. Bulgular:Bu üç farmakolojik ajanın, hem hücre canlılığı ve proliferasyonunu hem de COMP, MMP-7 ve MMP-19 genlerine ait ifadeleri değiştirdiği ve bu sonuçların istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu kaydedildi (P<0.05). Sonuç:Her ne kadar in-vitro deneylerden elde edilen sonuçlar klinik uygulamaları tam olarak yansıtmıyor olsa bile, herhangi bir hastalığı önleyebilmek amacı ile uygulanan ilaçların, kondrosit proliferasyonunu baskılayabileceği ve/veya ekstraselüler matrix (ECM) yapısına zarar verebileceği gerçeği akıllardatutulmalıdır.Publication Metadata only Reconsidering identity in the halaf world: a study of coarse wares in sixth millennium North Mesopotamia(Koc Univ Suna and inan Kirac Res Ctr Mediterranean Civilizations-akmed, 2017) N/A; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Özbal, Rana; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 55583N/A