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    Effects of alprazolam and haloperidol on thyroglobulin, antithyroglobulin, anti thyroid peroxidase and TSH in Rat
    (Walter De Gruyter Gmbh, 2018) Samadi, Afshin; Ansari, Mohammad Hassan Khadem; Ulusu, Nuriye Nuray; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 6807
    Background: A large number of psychotropic drugs can interfere with the thyroid physiology, function and autoimmunity. Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of alprazolam and haloperidol on thyroglobulin, antithyroglobulin (aTg), antithyroid peroxidase, and thyroid stimulating hormone levels on rats. Materials and Methods: First group of adult male Wistar rats was the control, second group received 0.5 mg kg(-1) haloperidol in physiological saline and the third group received 0.5 mg kg(-1) alprazolam, via gastric gavage once daily for 28 days. Plasma levels of all thyroid function tests were measured with chemiluminescent assay. Results: We have investigated a decrease in aTg amounts of control group (5.461 +/- 0.718) compared with drug treated rats with alprazolam (1.433 +/- 0.225) and haloperidol (1.21 +/- 0.228). (P-aTg = 0.00([ALP]), P-aTg = 0.01([HAL])). Although there were not any change in thyroglobulin levels in the haloperidol treated groups (0.9583 +/- 0.014) relative to control group (0.975 +/- 0.015); but in opposition Tg levels decreased significantly in response to alprazolam (0.36 +/- 0.16) compared with the control group (0.975 +/- 0.015), p-values are (P-Tg = 0. 001([ALP])), (P-Tg = 0. 021([HAL])). Conclusion: We found that these two drugs may interfere with the thyroid physiology and metabolism.
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    Sequence of theory-of-mind acquisition in Turkish children from diverse social backgrounds
    (Wiley, 2018) Brink, Kimberly A.; Wellman, Henry M.; Department of Psychology; N/A; Selçuk, Bilge; Ekerim-Akbulut, Müge; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 52913; 311454
    We examined the sequence of theory of mind (ToM) acquisition in 260 Turkish children (M-age=53.36months, SD=10.37) and the demographic factors associated with it. Children came from 5 different cities in Turkey. Their ToM skills were measured using ToM Scale, which probes various mental state understandings from diverse desires to hidden emotions. These Turkish children demonstrated the traditional, collectivist ToM acquisition pattern evident in Iran and China with earlier understanding of knowledge access than diverse beliefs, not the western, individualist pattern evident in the United States, Australian, and German children. Gender, socio-economic status (SES), and number of adults living in the home influenced the pace of children's ToM acquisitions. A post hoc analysis examined a minority of children that exhibited individualist ToM acquisition with earlier achievement of diverse beliefs than knowledge access. The results contribute to a fuller sociocultural understanding of ToM development including examination of variations within a single heterogeneous developing country. They also further suggest the importance of exposure to different ideas and beliefs in large households for earlier understanding of varying belief states. Highlights We assessed theory of mind (ToM) acquisition in 260 Turkish children whose families spanned a large range of social class circumstances. We measured ToM via Wellman and Liu's scale (2004), consisting of five items testing diverse desires, diverse belief, knowledge access, false belief, and hidden emotion. The Turkish children demonstrated the traditional, collectivist ToM acquisition pattern, but a minority of children exhibited individualistic ToM acquisition. In cultures where elements of individualism and collectivism are blended, children can come to different orders of acquisition in accord with recent arguments that cultural development often represents a coexistence of different reasoning styles.
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    The triangle intersection problem for K4 - E designs
    (Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc., 2007) Billington, Elizabeth J.; Lindner, C. C.; Department of Mathematics; Yazıcı, Emine Şule; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; 27432
    An edge-disjoint decomposition of the complete graph Kn into copies of K4 - e, the simple graph with four vertices and five edges, is known to exist if and only if n ≡ 0 or 1 (mod 5) and n ≥ 6 (Bermond and Schönheim, Discrete Math. 19 (1997)). The intersection problem for K4 - e designs has also been solved (Billington, M. Gionfriddo and Lindner, J. Statist. Planning Inference 58 (1997)); this problem finds the number of common K4 - e blocks which two K4 - e designs on the same set may have. Here we answer the question: how many common triangles may two K4 - e designs on the same set have? Since it is possible for two K4 - e designs on the same set to have no common K4 - e blocks and yet some positive number of common triangles, this problem is largely independent of the earlier K4 - e intersection result.
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    Cutaneous foreign body granulomas associated with lipolytic cocktail: who is the enemy, mesotherapy or drugs injected?
    (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2017) Kutlubay, Zekayi; İnce, Ümit; Engin, Burhan; N/A; Gökalp, Hilal; Doctor; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/A
    Mesotherapy is widely used for its lipolytic effect as an alternative procedure to surgical methods. Although many benefits of lipolytic mesotherapy have been observed, numerous side effects have also been reported. Here, we report a case of cutaneous foreign body granulomas that occurred after lipolytic rnesotherapy.
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    Clinical results of anterior odontoid screw fixation for type II odontoid fractures
    (Turkish Neurosurgical Society, 2014) Keskin, Fatih; Gomleksiz, Cengiz; Sasani, Mehdi; Oktenoglu, Tunc; Suzer, Tuncer; Özer, Ali Fahir; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 1022
    AIM: In this study, 31 patients with a diagnosis of Type II odontoid fractures were reported. All patients were treated with anterior transodontoid screw fixation and clinical outcomes were reported. MATERIAL and METHODS: In this study, the retrospective clinical analysis of 31 patients with traumatic type II odontoid fractures who were treated through anterior transodontoid fixation in Neurosurgery Department at VKV American Hospital between 1998 and 2012 was performed. The age, sex, cause of injury, diagnosis time, neurological examination before and after surgery, follow-up period were evaluated. The neurological status of patients was classified according to the Frankel scale. RESULTS: In 4 patients, 2 transodontoid screws were inserted. The mean hospital stay was 3.35 days. Posterior occipito-cervical fusion was done in 1 patient due to the lack of fusion in the first operation. No vascular injury, screw malposition, infection, neurologic deterioration, or complications were observed during the peroperative and postoperative stage. The mean postoperative follow-up period was 36 months after surgery. Radiological imaging of patients were performed at the early and late postoperative stage. CONCLUSION: We found satisfying fusion rates and better patient comfort during the postoperative period. We think that stabilization and fusion through a transodontoid screw is a minimal invasive method.AMAÇ: Çalışmada, Tip II odontoid fraktürü tanısı alan 31 olgu bildirilmiştir. Olguların hepsi anterior transodontoid vida fiksasyonu ile tedavi edilmiş ve klinik sonuçları bildirilmiştir. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Çalışma, VKV Amerikan Hastanesi Nöroşirürji Bölümü’nde 1998-2012 yılları arasında travmatik tip II odontoid kırığı nedeniyle anterior transodontoid fiksasyon ile cerrahi tedavi uygulanan 31 hastanın retrospektif klinik analizleri yapılmıştır. Tüm olguların yaş, cinsiyet, travma nedeni, teşhis zamanı, cerrahi girişim öncesi ve sonrasında nörolojik muayeneleri, takip süresi değerlendirilmiştir. Olguların nörolojik durumları Frankel skalasına göre sınıflandırılmıştır. BULGULAR: Dört hastaya 2 adet transodontoid vidası yerleştirildi. Hastanede kalış süresi ortalama 3,35 gün idi. 1 hastada postop takibinde füzyon oluşmaması nedeniyle ikinci bir operasyon ile posteriordan oksipitoservikal füzyon yapıldı. İşlem sırasında ve sonrasında damar yaralanması, vida malpozisyonu, enfeksiyon, nörolojik bozulma gibi komplikasyonlar izlenmedi. Hastalar ameliyat sonrasında ortalama 36 ay takip edildi. Hastaların erken ve geç dönemde radyolojik görüntülemeleri yapıldı. SONUÇ: Postoperatif dönemde hastaların takiplerinde tatmin edici füzyon oranı ve hasta konforunun daha iyi olduğunu saptadık. Tip II odontoid kırıklarının cerrahi tedavisinde minimal invaziv yöntem olan transodontoid vida ile fiksasyonun yüksek avantajlarından dolayı ilk seçenek olabileceğini düşünüyoruz.
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    Unfolded protein response is involved in trans-platinum (ii) complex-induced apoptosis in prostate cancer cells via ros accumulation
    (2019) Karakaş, Didem; Oral, Arzu Y.; Yılmaz, Veysel T.; Ulukaya, Engin; Animal Laboratory; Cevatemre, Buse; Researcher; Animal Laboratory; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); N/A; N/A; N/A
    Background: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancer types and it is the sixth leading cause of cancer-related death in men worldwide. Even though novel treatment modalities have been developed, it still a lifethreatening disease. Therefore novel compounds are needed to improve the overall survival. Methods: In our study, it was aimed to evaluate the anti-cancer activity of newly synthesized Platinum (II) [Pt(II)] complex on DU145, LNCaP and PC-3 prostate cancer cell lines. The cytotoxic activity of Pt(II) complex was tested by SRB and ATP cell viability assays. To detect the mode of cell death; fluorescent staining, flow cytometry and western blot analyses were performed. Results: The Pt(II) complex treatment resulted in a decrease in cell viability and increasing levels of apoptotic markers (pyknotic nuclei, annexin-V, caspase 3/7 activity) and a decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential in a dose dependent manner. Among cell types, tested PC-3 cells were found to be more sensitive to Pt(II) complex, demonstrating elevation of DNA damage in this cell line. In addition, Pt(II) complex induced Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) stress by triggering ROS generation. More importantly, pre-treatment with NAC alleviated Pt(II) complex-mediated ER stress and cell death in PC-3. Conclusion: These findings suggest an upstream role of ROS production in Pt(II) complex-induced ER stressmediated apoptotic cell death. Considering the ROS-mediated apoptosis inducing the effect of Pt(II) complex, it warrants further evaluation as a novel metal-containing anticancer drug candidate.
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    Explaining NATO enlargement: international relations theories and the dynamics of domestics politics in Russia and the United States
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2012) Department of International Relations; Aktürk, Şener; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 110043
    This article focuses on NATO's expansion after the Cold War. Neorealist, neol constructivist approaches and their failures in explaining the causes of NATO's are highlighted, lhe timing and the nature of NATO's expansion are much bette by the concatenation of specific domestic political dynamics in the United States a In the United States, the rise of the Republicans who captured the Congress in 199 presidency in 2000 provided the impetus for NATO's expansion, along with the of what the current author calls the "East European Lobby" in U.S. politics. In strength of the Communists and the ultranationalists in the Duma, and the rise of t cadres with a military- security background, to positions of executive power, was importance in the polarization of Russian- American relations, which motivate NATO expansions. / Bu makale Soğuk Savaş sonrasında NATO'nun genişlemesine odaklanıyor. Yeni Gerçekçi, Yeni Liberal ve inşacı yaklaşımların, NATO'nun genişlemesinin sebeplerini açıklamadaki başarısızlıkları vurgulanıyor. NATO'nun genişlemesinin zamanlamasını ve mahiyetini, ABD ve Rusya'nın iç siyasal dinamiklerinin çakışması çok daha iyi açıklıyor. ABD'de, 1994'te Kongreyi ve 2000 yılında başkanlığı ele geçiren Cumhuriyetçilerin yükselişi ve yazarın Amerikan siyasetindeki "Doğu Avrupa Lobisi"olarak adlandırdığı zümrenin etkisi, NATO'nun genişlemesinin iç siyasal sebebini oluşturdu. Rusya'da, Komünisderin ve aşırı milliyetçilerin Duma'daki gücü ve siloviki olarak adlandırılan asker ve güvenlik kökenli kadroların yürütme erkinde yükselişi, Rus-Amerikan ilişkilerinin kutuplaşmasında belirleyici rol oynayarak NATO'nun daha fazla genişlemesini tetikledi.
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    Effect of preservation period on the viscoelastic material properties of soft tissues with implications for liver transplantation
    (Asme, 2010) N/A; N/A; N/A; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Öcal, Sina; Özcan, Mustafa Umut; Başdoğan, İpek; Başdoğan, Çağatay; Master Student; Master Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Engineering; College of Engineering; N/A; N/A; 179940; 125489
    The liver harvested from a donor must be preserved and transported to a suitable recipient immediately for a successful liver transplantation. In this process, the preservation period is the most critical, since it is the longest and most tissue damage occurs during this period due to the reduced blood supply to the harvested liver and the change in its temperature. We investigate the effect of preservation period on the dynamic material properties of bovine liver using a viscoelastic model derived from both impact and ramp and hold experiments. First, we measure the storage and loss moduli of bovine liver as a function of excitation frequency using an impact hammer. Second, its time-dependent relaxation modulus is measured separately through ramp and hold experiments performed by a compression device. Third, a Maxwell solid model that successfully imitates the frequency- and time-dependent dynamic responses of bovine liver is developed to estimate the optimum viscoelastic material coefficients by minimizing the error between the experimental data and the corresponding values generated by the model. Finally, the variation in the viscoelastic material coefficients of bovine liver are investigated as a function of preservation period for the liver samples tested 1 h, 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 12 h, 24 h, 36 h, and 48 h after harvesting. The results of our experiments performed with three animals show that the liver tissue becomes stiffer and more viscous as it spends more time in the preservation cycle.
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    Factors affecting adherence with foot abduction orthosis following Ponseti method
    (Turkish Assoc Orthopaedics Traumatology, 2015) Göksan, Süleyman Bora; Bilgili, Fuat; Bursalı, Ayşegül; Koç, Eylem; Eren, İlker; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 168021
    Objective: The Ponseti method is an effective protocol for treatment of congenital idiopathic clubfoot. Foot abduction orthosis (FAO) is sometimes necessary to preserve the correction achieved with the serial casting and tenotomy. Patient and family adherence to brace use is a common problem, as nonadherence is directly related to relapse. The aim of this study was to investigate patient and parent characteristics related to relapse. Methods: One hundred and fifty-three children who were treated with Ponseti method (mean age: 44.62 months; range: 16-104 months) and their parents were included in the study. Thirty-one patients experienced relapse at an average follow-up of 32 months (range: 6-84 months) since beginning orthosis use. At the time of follow-up visits, parents were questioned about brace use adherence. Satisfaction with Symptoms Scale in the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Pediatric Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI) was used. Results: Difficulties with brace use were encountered in 122 children. Children of parents who were satisfied with the treatment had relapse at an average of 69.13 +/- 2.64 months, and those of parents who were not satisfied at 32.83 +/- 7.51 months. The most important variable was the child's adaptation to the orthosis treatment without an adverse reaction. Additionally, better compliance was found in children with higher-educated parents. Conclusion: Non-compliance with periods of intolerance is very common for children during orthosis treatment. Parents' coping strategies are very important to avoid relapses. It is important to develop strategies to guide parents.
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    Surgical exposure gained in an extended retrosigmoid approach to the cerebellopontine angle compared to the traditional retrosigmoid approach
    (Turkish Neurosurgery Society, 2015) Ceylan, Davut; Tatarlı, Necati; Şeker, Aşkın; Kılıç, Türker; Çavdar, Safiye; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 1995
    Aim: Retrosigmoid approach to the posterior fossa has been a popular and dependable approach for accessing the cerebellopontine angle (CPA) and petroclival region. Although this approach is commonly used, it requires cerebellar retraction and has limitations when the lesion is located ventral to the brainstem. The aim was to quantify the angle of view provided by extended retrosigmoid approach in comparison to the traditional approach. A secondary objective was to identify a strategic initial burr hole site for craniotomy. MaterIal and Methods: Ten adult human cadaver heads (20 sides) were used. First, traditional retrosigmoid approach was performed and the angle of exposure was measured on cranial computerized tomography (CT). Following, extended retrosigmoid approach was performed with mastoid bone drilling and reflection of venous sinuses. Angle of exposure was measured on CT. Two measurements of both approaches were compared. Results: Mean angle of view for the traditional retrosigmoid approach (31.4°±4.1°) was significantly smaller than that of the extended approach (46.0°±4.7°) (p< 0.001). Site of strategic burr hole was 5 mm below and 15 mm lateral to the asterion was defined. ConclusIon: Extended retrosigmoid approach offers neurosurgeons approximately 50% larger angle of view and shorter working distance than the traditional approach provides. This modification permits better access to the CPA and ventral brain stem without cerebellar retraction. / AMAÇ: Serebellopontin köşe ve petroklival alana ulaşım için retrosigmoid yaklaşım yaygın kullanılan ve güvenilir bir yöntemdir. Ancak bu yaklaşımda, özelliklede lezyonun beyin sapının ventralinde olduğu durumlarda serebellar retraksiyon gerektiğinden, yöntemin kısıtlamaları bulunmaktadır. Çalışmada amaç, genişletilmiş retrosigmoid (ERS) yaklaşımla kazanılan görüş açısının miktarının belirlenmesi ve geleneksel yöntemle (TRS) karşılaştırılmasıdır. İkincil amaç ise, bu yaklaşım için stratejik burr hole yerinin tespit edilmesidir. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: on yetişkin insan kadavra kafası (20 bölge) kullanıldı. Önce TRS yaklaşımı uygulanarak elde edilen görüş açısı kranial BT kullanılarak ölçüldü. Daha sonra mastoid kemiğin drillenmesi ve venöz sinüslerin refleksiyonu ile ERS yaklaşımı uygulandı. Aynı ölçümler bu yöntemde de elde edildi. İki yaklaşımın ölçümleri karşılaştırıldı. BULGULAR: Geleneksel yaklaşımla elde edilen görüş açısı ortalaması (31,4°±4,1°), genişletilmiş yaklaşımla elde edilen değerden (46,0°±4,7°) istatiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde düşük bulundu (p< 0,001). Stratejik burr hole alanı olarak asterionun 5 mm altı ve 15 mm laterali belirlendi. SONUÇ: ERS yaklaşımı, TRS yaklaşımına göre yaklaşık olarak %50 daha fazla görüş açısı kazandırmaktadır. Bu modifikasyon serebellar retraksiyon yapmadan CPA ve beyin sapının ventraline daha iyi ulaşım olanağı sağlamaktadır.