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    Large deformations of helices
    (İstanbul Technical University (İTÜ) / İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (İTÜ), 1992) Aköz, Yalçın; Department of Mathematics; Aşkar, Attila; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; 178822
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    Explicit realization of pseudo-Hermitian and quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics for two-level systems
    (TÜBİTAK , 2006) N/A; Department of Mathematics; N/A; Mostafazadeh, Ali; Özçelik, Seher; Faculty Member; Master Student; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; 4231; N/A
    We give an explicit characterization of the most general quasi-Hermitian operator H, the associated metric operators η-, and η+-pseudo-Hermitian operators acting in ℂ2. The latter represent the physical observables of a model whose Hamiltonian and Hubert space are respectively H and ℂ2 endowed with the inner product defined by η+. Our calculations allows for a direct demonstration of the fact that the choice of an irreducible family of observables fixes the metric operator up to a multiplicative factor.
  • Placeholder
    A radiological study on the topographical relationships between the vestibular, cochlear and facial nerves
    (Atatürk Üniversitesi, 2012) Ünel, Sacide; Yılmaz, Mehmet; Albayram, Sait; Kiriş, Adem; Işık, Zehra; Işıldak, Hüseyin; Savaş, Yıldıray; Keser, Zafer; Department of Mathematics; Ceyhan, Elvan; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; N/A
    Objective: The purpose of our study was to investigate the topographical relationship between these nerves along their course from the brainstem through the internal acoustic canal IAC in the living human brain using MR imaging. Materials and Methods: We performed three-dimensional gradient echo balanced Fast Field Echo (3D bFFE) sequence oblique parasagittal MR imaging in 73 healthy subjects. The IACs were analyzed from the brainstem end of the IAC to the fundus in contiguous sections. At five levels, the topographical relationships between the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves (VCN) were recorded. In the lateral portions of the IACs where they separated from each other, the relative sizes of the individual nerves were examined. Results: In general, the facial nerve (FN), which is a round structure, is located anteriorly and superiorly to the vestibulocochlear nerve throughout its course. The vestibulocochlear nerve is usually rectangular; however, it was found to be round and at times triangular in shape near the brainstem, before it became crescent-shaped at the porus in 89% of the cases. The superior vestibular nerve kept its posterosuperior position in the canal, and the inferior vestibular nerve (IVN) and the cochlear nerve (CN) travelled inferior to it. The superior and inferior vestibular nerves were divided by the falciform crest in 53% of the cases. The inferior vestibular nerve was the smallest nerve in 52% of the cases, and the cochlear nerve was the largest in 36% of the cases. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this study is the largest in vivo MR study, and most of our findings differ from previous cadaver studies. Determination of these topographical relationships may facilitate our understanding of the complicated physiological relationships between the 7th and 8th nerve complexes during surgery in this region. / Öz: Amaç: Bizim amacımız, yaşayan insanlarda MR görüntülemeyi kullanarak, bu sinirlerin beyin sapından, internal akustik kanala kadar olan kısmında topografik ilişkilerini araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Yetmiş üç sağlıklı bireyde 3D gradient echo balanced fast field echo (3D bFFE) sekans oblik parasagittal MR inceleme yaptık. İAK, beyin sapından İAK’ın bitimindeki fundusa kadar, ardışık kesitlerle analiz edildi. Beş seviyede fasiyal ve vestibülokoklear sinirin topografik ilişkileri kaydedildi. İAK’ın lateral bölümünde (sinirin kendi içinde bölümlere ayrıldığı kısımda) sinirlerin rölatif boyutları değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Genel olarak fasiyal sinir, yuvarlak bir yapıda, anterior yerleşimli ve tüm seyri boyunca vestibulokoklear sinirin süperiorundadır. Vestibulokoklear sinir ıklıkla dikdörtgen şeklindedir. Fakat bazen beyin sapına yakın kısımda yuvarlak ve nadiren üçgen şeklinde ve vakaların %89’unda porusda kresentrik yapıdadır. Superior vestibuler sinir kanal içinde posterosüperior pozisyonunu korur ve inferior vestibüler sinir ve koklear sinir superior vestibüler sinirin altından geçer. Süperior ve inferior vestibüler sinirler vakaların %53’ünde falsiform krest tarafından bölünür. İnferior vestibüler sinir vakaların %52’sinde en küçük, koklear sinir vakaların %36’sında en geniş olarak izlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bildiğimiz kadarıyla, bu en büyük in vivo MR çalışması olup, bulgularımızın çoğu önceki kadavra çalışmalarından farklıdır.
  • Placeholder
    Cyles in 2-factorizations of Kn
    (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2002) N/A; Department of Mathematics; Küçükçifçi, Selda; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; 105252
    This work studies cycles in 2-faetorizations of K n (undireeted complete graph with n vertices) and gives a complete solution (with three possible exceptions) of the problem of constructing 2-factorizations of K n containing a specified number of 8-cycles, for both n even and odd. / Bu çalışmada n köşeli tam graflardaki döngüler problemi işlenmekte, tek ve çift köşeli tam graflardaki 8-döngü sayısı problemine (üç olası istisna ile) çözüm verilmektedir.
  • Placeholder
    Partial open book decompositions and the contact class in sutured floer homology
    (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2009) Department of Mathematics; Department of Mathematics; Etgü, Tolga; Özbağcı, Burak; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; 16206; 29746
    We demonstrate how to combinatorially calculate the EH-class of a compatible contact structure in the sutured Floer homology group of a balanced sutured three manifold which is associated to an abstract partial open book decomposition. As an application we show that every contact three manifold (closed or with convex boundary) can be obtained by gluing tight contact handlebodies whose EH-classes are nontrivial.
  • Placeholder
    Cosmological adiabatic geometric phase of a scalar field in a Bianchi spacetime
    (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2000) Department of Mathematics; Mostafazadeh, Ali; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; 4231
    A two-component formulation of the Klein-Gordon equation is used to investigate the cyclic and noncyclic adiabatic geometric phases due to spatially homogeneous (Bianchi) cosmological models. It is shown that no adiabatic geometric phases arise for Bianchi type I models. For general Bianchi type IX models the problem of the adiabatic geometric phase is shown to be equivalent to the one for nuclear quadrupole interactions of a spin. For these models nontrivial non-Abelian adiabatic geometrical phases may occur in general.
  • Placeholder
    Network traffic properties of bimodal multicast protocol
    (TÜBİTAK, 2003) N/A; Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Mathematics; Özkasap, Öznur; Çağlar, Mine; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Mathematics; College of Engineering; College of Sciences; 113507; 105131
    The popularity of large-scale distributed applications, such as videoconferencing, multimedia dissemination, electronic stock exchange and distributed cooperative work, has grown with the availability of high-speed networks and the expansion of the Internet. The key property of this type of applications is the need to distribute data among multiple participants together with an application-specific quality of service needs. This fact makes scalable multicast protocols an essential underlying communication structure. Although there exist several studies investigating the traffic characteristics of unicast communication, multicast traffic has not been examined extensively in previous studies. It is well known that the aggregate traffic properties of self-similarity and long-range dependence are ubiquitous in wide area networks and lead to adverse consequences in network performance. In this study, we analyze traffic characteristics of a novel scalable, reliable multicast protocol, Bimodal Multicast (Pbcast). In particular, our simulation studies demonstrate that epidemic approach of Bimodal Multicast generates short-range dependent traffic with low overhead traffic and transport delays. We elaborate on the protocol mechanisms as an underlying factor in our empirical results.
  • Placeholder
    A fredholm alternative-like result on power bounded operators
    (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2011) Yavuz, Onur; Department of Mathematics; Ülger, Ali; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; N/A
    Let X be a complex Banach space and T:X\rightarrow X be a power bounded operator, i.e., \sup_{n \geq 0}\ T^n\
  • Placeholder
    A class of banach algebras whose duals have the schur property
    (Scientific and Technical research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK/Türkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Araştırma Kurumu, 1999) Mustafayev, Heybetkulu; Department of Mathematics; Ülger, Ali; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; N/A
    Call a commutative Banach algebra A a γ-algebra if it contains a bounded group Λ such that aco(Λ) contains a multiple of the unit ball of A. In this paper, first by exhibiting several concrete examples, we show that the class of γ-algebras is quite rich. Then, for a γ-algebra A, we prove that A* has the Schur property iff the Gelfand spectrum Σ of A is scattered iff A* = ap(A) iff A* = Span(Σ).
  • Placeholder
    Swan conductors and torsion in the logarithmic de rham complex
    (Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey-Tubitak, 2010) Department of Mathematics; Ünver, Sinan; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences; 177871
    We prove, for an arithmetic scheme X/S over a discrete valuation ring whose special fiber is a strict normal crossings divisor in X, that the Swan conductor of X/S is equal to the Euler characteristic of the torsion in the logarithmic de Rham complex of X/S This is a precise logarithmic analog of a theorem by Bloch [1].