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Publication Metadata only The role of cultural herıtage in the creation of a sense of belonging among young Norwegian Turks: Boundary making and crossing(Univ Jaen, Serv Publicaciones, 2016) N/A; N/A; Nikielska Sekula, Karolina; Resercher; Migration Research Program at Koç University (MIReKoç) / Göç Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (MIReKoç); N/A; N/AThis paper discusses the importance that cultural heritage has for Norwegians of Turkish decent when it comes to negotiating both their belonging and the concept of home. The role of heritage in making and crossing the boundaries of ethnicity is also discussed here. I argue that Norwegian Turks have developed a multi-layered sense of belonging based on the identification with groups and places located both in Turkey and in Norway. They participate in Norwegian society while identifying themselves as Turks and negotiations of cultural heritage contribute to the preservation of consistent image of themselves as they adopt common Norwegian lifestyles.Publication Metadata only İnsan hakları avrupa mahkemesi kararları ışığında tutuklama hukukuna eleştirel yaklaşım(Marmara Üniversitesi, 2011) N/A; Centel, Nuri Tankut; Faculty Member; Law School; 4945The Turkish legislation is in principle compliant with the decisions of European Court of Human Rights. However certain important complications arise in the enforcement of legislation with regard to the following: lack of care in determining whether facts revealing strong suspicion of crime exist; acting as if pre-trial detention is compulsory where merely a legal presumption is present; not setting forth the adequate reasoning in decisions regarding pre-trial detention or the extension of the pre-trial detention period; exceeding the reasonable period of time in pre-trial detention, disregarding the health conditions of the detainee and failing to provide conditions that respect human dignity in detention facilities. / Öz: Tutuklamaya ilişkin Türk hukukundaki yasal düzenlemeler, genel olarak, İnsan Hakları Avrupa Mahkemesi’nin kararlarıyla uyumludur. Buna karşılık, uygulamada kuvvetli suç şüphesinin varlığını gösteren olguların bulunup bulunmadığının gerektiği gibi denetlenmemesi, yasal karineler olarak adlandırılan hallerde tutuklama mecburiyetinin bulunduğu şeklinde davranılması, tutuklama ve tutukluluğun devamı kararlarında yeterli gerekçe gösterilmemesi, tutuklamada makul sürenin aşılması, tutuklunun sağlık durumunun göz önüne alınmaması ve tutukevinde insan onuruna yakışan koşulların sağlanamaması gibi önemli sorunlar yaşanmaktadır.Publication Metadata only Why the ICC needs a 'Palestine situation' (more than palestine needs the ICC): On the court's potential role(s) in the Israeli-Palestinian context(IL MULINO, 2017) Mariniello, Triestino; N/A; Azarova, Valentina; Researcher; Center for Global Public Law (CGPL) / Küresel Kamu Hukuku Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KÜREMER); N/A; N/AThis article interrogates the potential role of the ICC in the Israeli-Palestinian context as a function of the relationship between international criminal justice and the maintenance of peace. It argues that the Palestine situation presents the ICC with a critical opportunity to redress its 'crises' of effectiveness and legitimacy. The risks of an ICC intervention for the Palestinian population and for the Court may have been underappreciated. However, the Court's reluctance to open an investigation in the Palestine situation, and missed opportunities during the deliberation of Palestine's 2009 declaration requesting jurisdiction, have undermined its institutional integrity and contributed to the waning of its standing as an enforcer of international law. This contribution concludes that the ICC's potential to deter international crimes in the Israeli-Palestinian context is limited, and the Court needs a 'Palestine situation' more than the Palestine needs the ICC.Publication Metadata only Anonim şirket genel kurul kararlarının hükümsüzlüğü ihtilaflarında tahkim(Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2020) N/A; N/A; Kayıklık, Abdurrahman; Researcher; Law School; 307836Genel kurul kararlarının hükümsüzlüğüne dair uyuşmazlıklar, anonimşirketlerde en tipik ve yaygın ihtilaflardandır. Bu ihtilafların tahkim yoluyla hızlıbir şekilde çözülmesi, şirket ve hissedarlar için özellikle hukuki belirlilik açısındanavantajlıdır. Ancak bu ihtilafların tahkime elverişliliği, şirketler hukukunun esassözleşmesel tahkim şartına cevaz verip vermediği ve yargılama usulünün bu davalardaözellik arz etmesi konuyu tartışmalı kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tüm bu tartışmalımeseleler karşılaştırmalı hukuktaki gelişmeler de dikkate alınarak incelenmiş ve konuhakkındaki hukuki belirsizlikleri gidermek üzere öneriler sunulmuştur.Publication Metadata only Explaining variation in the intrusiveness of regional human rights remedies in domestic orders(Oxford Univ Press, 2018) N/A; Çalı, Başak; Faculty Member; Koç University Center for Global Public Law (CGPL) / Koç Üniversitesi Küresel Kamu Hukuku Araştırmaları (KÜREMER); Law School; N/ARegional human rights systems vary with respect to the intrusiveness of human rights remedies into the domestic orders of states from a spectrum of more intrusive remedies in the Americas to less intrusive remedies in Europe. This article identifies three potential explanations as to why the intrusiveness of human rights remedies varies across the three regional systems: (i) the legal design explanation, (ii) the case-history explanation, and (iii) the legal culture explanation. The article argues that of these competing explanations, the legal culture explanation fares better than the other contenders in accounting for variation in the intrusiveness of remedies over time. The other two explanations, however, are also of use. The legal design explanation accounts for why the courts in the Americas and Africa are more amenable to intrusive remedies. The case-history explanation is able to explain sudden bursts of intrusive remedies in all three regions.Publication Metadata only Comparing the support of the EU and the US for international human rights law qua international human rights law: worlds too far apart?(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2015) N/A; Çalı, Başak; Faculty Member; Law School; N/ASupport for international human rights law (IHRL) is one area where most international lawyers would have a hunch that the European Union fares better than the United States overall. in this article I focus on Pollack's dependent variable, "support" for international law, and its four dimensions: leadership, commitment, compliance, and internalization and investigate this hunch. I find that the conventional contrast between the US and the EU with regard to their support for IHRL is valid, with respect to political support for IHRL, but less so for judicial support. I argue that the marked differences between the EU and the US in the field of political support for IHRL are best explained by the thickness of the institutional human rights regime with respect to EU member states in the case of judicial support, the CJEU shares with the US Supreme Court the reflex of protecting its own constitutional autonomy, despite the comparatively better legal resources at its disposal to support IHRL.Publication Metadata only Taking identity seriously: When identity meets regulation(Oxford Univ Press, 2016) N/A; Çoban, Mehmet Kerem; Researcher; The Center for Research on Globalization, Peace, and Democratic Governance (GLODEM) / Küreselleşme, Barış ve Demokratik Yönetişim Araştırma Merkezi (GLODEM); 346796Financial stability is a public good. Banking regulation has a vital role to play in the provision and maintenance of financial stability. This article introduces a multiple identity approach to the regulation of the banking sector. It conceptualizes bankers and regulators sharing a common social identity with the rest of the society, namely taxpayer identity besides their respective banker and regulator identities. The article underlines the balance between two social identities, and the reasons why bankers and regulators cannot achieve a balance between the two. Finally, motivated by the multiple identity approach on the political economy of banking regulation, the article discusses two major policy recommendations for regulatory design, at least, to partially address the multiple identity problem.Publication Metadata only Comparative regional human rights regimes: defining a research agenda(Oxford Univ Press, 2018) Madsen, Mikael Rask; Viljoen, Frans; N/A; Çalı, Başak; Faculty Member; Center for Global Public Law (CGPL) / Küresel Kamu Hukuku Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KÜREMER); Law School; N/AThis article introduces the Comparative Regional Human Rights Regimes Symposium which marks a first attempt at a regime-level comparative analysis of the three main regional human rights courts and commissions. It does so with the aim of laying out why regime level comparative analysis matters and why access, interpretation and remedies offer core markers of a comparative research agenda. The article identifies three distinct contributions that regional comparison makes to comparative international human rights law. First, it allows us to go beyond the binary form that is prevalent in comparative human rights law scholarship that most often juxtaposes (selected elements of) the European and Inter-American human rights regimes, and less frequently the African-Inter-American, or African-European human rights regimes. Second, a comparative research agenda goes beyond existing scholarship on regional comparison that has been largely descriptive in character. Taking a holistic approach to regional human rights regimes, comparisons can be made over time and dynamics of divergences and convergences can be identified and explained. Third, a comparative research agenda allows us to locate regional human rights regimes as part of a more general global evolution of law and institutions. That is, through comparison, we are better placed to evaluate how regional human rights courts and commissions are inscribed in a broader development of regional and international law since the aftermath of World War II.Publication Metadata only Copyright law practice in Turkey(Istanbul University Press, 2020) N/A; N/A; Nevhis, Deren Yıldırım; Faculty Member; Law School; 176366Zusammenfassung Das Gesetz fuer geistige Schoepfungen und Kunstwerke trat im Jahre 1951 in Kraft. Es bestimmt den Schutzgegenstand des Urheberrechts und stellt verschiedene Kategorien,wie wissenschaftliche und literarische Werke,musikalische Werke, Kunstwerke und Filmwerke auf. Seit der Gesetzesaenderung im Jahre 1995 werden auch verwandte Schutzrechte des ausuebenden Kuenstlers,des Herstellers von Tontraegern und des Sendeunternehmens anerkannt Der Schutz der Verwertungsrechte und der urheberlichen Persoenlichkeitsrechte bildet Den Kernpunkt dieses Rechtsbereiches. Der einstweilige Rechtschutz spielt im Urheberrecht eine kritische Rolle. Die Einfuehrung der Berufungsinstanz ist aus diesem Grund zu begruessen, da die Gerichtspraxis in Vergangenheit zur Abweisung der Antraege tendierte. / Abstract The Turkish Copyright Act is from 1951. This Act distinguishes between several classes of works such as linguistic works, musical works, works of arts and cinematographic works. Under the amendment in 1995 the same. Act is regulating the related rights: The protection of the rights of exploitation and moral rights is a sensitive subject for legal practice. Furthermore, the protection of copyrights is related with preliminary injunctions. The provisional legal protection of copyrights can be safeguarded by the new built. Courts of appeal in Turkey. / Öz (Türk) Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu 1951 tarihlidir. Söz konusu kanun birçok eser kategorisine yer vermektedir; bunlar sırasıyla edebiyat eserleri, müzik eserleri, güzel sanat eserleri ve sinema eserleridir. 1995 değişikliği ile aynı kanun eser ile bağlantılı hakları da koruma altına almıştır. Uygulamada eser üzerindeki mali haklar ile manevi yetkilerin hukuki korunmas hassas bir konudur. Bunun yanı sıra telif haklarının korunması ihtiyati tedbirler ile de bağlantılıdır. Fikri hakların geçici korunması yeni kurulan istinaf mahkemeleri ile de garanti altına alınmıştır.Publication Metadata only The bounds of (il)legality: rethinking the regulation of transnational corporate wrongs(Brill, 2018) N/A; Azarova, Valentina; Researcher; Center for Global Public Law (CGPL) / Küresel Kamu Hukuku Çalışmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KÜREMER); N/A; N/AThe chapter critically interrogates the remedial limits of international law as regards the regulation of extraterritorial business by their home-states, by exploring the conceptual foundations of this area of law and their effects on state practice. The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights offer limited guidance to home-states on their obligations to regulate their corporate nationals' extraterritorial activities. At the same time, traditional approaches to the domestic implementation of international human rights law have failed to account for the interplay and interrelation between international law and domestic law. As a result, the limits of the remedial nature of human rights law as regards the regulation of extraterritorial corporate activity have effectively shielded businesses and their home-states from consequences under both international and domestic law. A rethinking of the legal risks entailed by transnational corporate wrongs for home-states through a transnational legal process, under home-states' obligations to ensure the non-recognition as lawful of internationally unlawful acts by its domestic legal order opens the possibility of regulating such wrongs as either illegally-constituted gains or unlawfully obtained factors of production under domestic laws and not only as violations of human rights law. The chapter offers such a re-examination and invites a rethinking of the regulation of extraterritorial business as a transnational legal process.