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    Investigating the effects of organizational long-term orientation and employees’ pay satisfaction on turnover intentions
    (Bursa Uludag University, 2024) Department of Business Administration; Aksoy, Eda; Department of Business Administration; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
    This research investigates the impact of organizational long-term orientation (LTO) and employees’ pay satisfaction on their intentions to leave their jobs. Drawing from stewardship theory, it proposes that both organizational LTO and pay satisfaction will inversely influence employees’ intentions to quit. Furthermore, these two antecedents are expected to have an interactive influence on turnover intentions. The theoretical model was empirically tested with data collected from an online survey of 335 white-collar employees across various industries in Türkiye. The data were analyzed using moderated multiple regressions. The findings provide empirical support for the hypothesized negative relationships between both organizational LTO and pay satisfaction with employees' intentions to leave their jobs. Furthermore, LTO has a significant moderating effect. When pay satisfaction is low, LTO significantly reduces turnover intentions. No significant effect is found when pay satisfaction is high. Hence, the study shows that pay satisfaction has a key influence on employees’ decisions to remain with the organization, especially in the context of high levels of unemployment and economic uncertainty observed in developing countries like Türkiye. Nevertheless, the study findings also suggest that organizations that have a high level of LTO can buffer at least some of the negative effects of low pay on employee retention.
  • Placeholder
    Mergers, acquisitions and merger waves in Turkey during the years of 1988-2008
    (Muhasebe ve Finansman Öğretim Üyeleri Derneği (MUFAD), 2011) Department of Business Administration; Akdoğu, Evrim; Faculty Member; Department of Business Administration; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 137298
    In this empirical study, we try to shed some light on the general patterns of merger and acquisitionactivity that occurred in the Turkish market during the years 1988-2008 with respect to deal characteristicsusing Thomson One as our primary database. In the last 20 years, there has been two major periods which canbe identified as a merger wave : One occurred during the years 2000-2001 and other during 2005-2008. However, when we look at these two periods, we noticed difference with respect to the total deal values and theacquirer profiles. The 2005-2008 period has been dominated by the foreign acquirers both with respect to thedeal numbers and also deal values whereas the 2000-2001 period has been dominated by the domestic acquirerswith respect to numbers and again by the foreign acquirers with respect to deal values. The most activeindustries, based on the number of acquisitions, have been the banking, materials and the industrials. If we lookat deal values, we also have to add telecommunications and energy and power to that list. Also, we found thatthe acquiring firms are mostly public and private firms whereas the target firms are mostly private firms andsubsidiaries. Finally, we found that the number of acquisitions after which the acquiring company gains controlof the target firm has increased in the last several years. / Bu çalışmada Türkiye´de 1988-2008 yılları arasında gerçekleşen firma birleşme ve satın almaları ileilgili işlemsel özelliklere bakılarak genel bir ampirik tablo sunulması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın büyük birbölümü Thomson One veritabanı kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Bu tarihler içerisinde birleşme dalgası diyetanımlayabileceğimiz iki önemli dönem görülmüştür: Bunlardan biri 2000-2001, diğeri ise 2005-2008 yıllarıarasında gerçekleşmiştir. Fakat bu iki döneme baktığımızda işlem değerleri ve alıcı firma profilleri arasındafarklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. 2005-2008 yılları arasında gerçekleşen satın almaları hem sayı hem de işlem değeriolarak yabancı alıcı firmalar domine etmiş, 2000-2001 yılları arasında ise sayı olarak yerli, değer açısından iseyine yabancı alıcı firmalar öne çıkmıştır. En aktif sektörler içerisinde işlem sayısı olarak bankacılık, hammaddeve imalat sanayii, işlem değeri olarak da ayrıca telekomünikasyon ve enerji sektörleri bulunmuştur. Son yıllardaalıcı firmanın hedef firmada kontrolü ele geçirdiği işlem sayısında bir artış görülmüştür.