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Publication Open Access The variable selection problem in the Three Worlds of Welfare literature(Springer, 2019) Öker, İbrahim; Yıldırım, Kerem; Yakut-Çakar, Burcu; Department of Sociology; Yörük, Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 28982Based on a quantitative meta-analysis of empirical studies, this article points out a significant flaw in the Three Worlds of Welfare literature, the variable selection problem. Compiling, classifying, and quantitatively analysing all variables that have been employed in this literature, the article shows first that variable selection has depended more on case selection than on theory. Scholars tend to employ variables based on data availability, rather than selecting variables according to theoretical frameworks. Second, the use of welfare policy variables is mostly limited to the analysis of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, while studies analysing non-OECD countries, where data is limited, tend to use developmental outcome variables as a proxy. This tendency harms conceptualization and operationalization of welfare regimes, as well as blur the boundary between development and welfare regimes studies. Third, the use of original Esping-Andersen variables remains very limited, undermining continuity, comparability, and reliability within the literature.Publication Open Access The promising momentum and collective practices of the recently expanding network of consumer-led ecological food initiatives in Turkey(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2020) Department of Sociology; Al, İrem Soysal; Department of Sociology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and HumanitiesThe main objective of this paper is to contribute to the discussions on the collective ecological food initiatives in Turkey that the academic literature has to a large extent ignored. This study provides a current and detailed analysis of these initiatives in Turkey, whose momentum has expanded considerably in recent years, especially in Istanbul. The study investigates food communities and consumer food cooperatives as two significant forms of consumer-led collective ecological food initiatives, comparing these in terms of their motivations, organization models, and functions. A comprehensive picture of almost 20 consumer-led ecological food initiatives is presented, and 11 prominent examples of these possessing transformative ambitions in Istanbul are discussed in detail. The fieldwork is based on my participant observation of the Kadikoy Cooperative, of which I have been a member for one year, and close interactions with the members of other ecological food initiatives for two years, as well as 20 in-depth interviews with the members of these initiatives. This paper examines the commonalities in these initiatives that differentiate them from other alternative food channels, as well as the connections, relationships, and collaborations among these recently emerging collective ecological initiatives. The paper discusses concrete examples of the alternative relations in food production, distribution, and consumption that these urban ecological food initiatives try to offer in practice and that indicate the potential power these initiatives have for transforming current food relations and for contributing to the emerging food sovereignty struggle in Turkey. The study also illustrates how the consumers and producers in this network of initiatives have conceptualized their practices and ambitions within the food sovereignty movement.Publication Open Access Women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey: recent patterns and practices(2021) Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273This article sets out to understand the recent patterns and practices of women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey, and by investigating its demographics using quantitative methods, critically discussing microcredit as a policy tool, evaluating the reinforcement provided by civil society and public institutions specifically based on the action plans of the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organization (KOSGEB), the aim is to examine whether existing entrepreneurship opportunities and support mechanisms enhance women’s skills and potential based on Nussbaum’s (1999; 2000) combined capabilities approach and human powers concept. This article finds that there is no particularly restricted demographics of women’s entrepreneurship in Turkey, specifically referring to marital status and educational level. In terms of microcredit as a common practice, discussions underline that it does not seem to contribute to women’s human powers to a large extent in terms of strengthening their position in the job market and society. Finally, it is seen that there are various sources of support towards women in entrepreneurship in Turkey offered largely by NGOs as well as public institutions, yet at the level of action plans the main target is mostly increasing the number of entrepreneur women, who are considered as a part of special target groups rather than being regarded as a separate focus. Based on Nussbaum’s combined capabilities approach (1999), this article underlines that public institutions and social policies as primary external capabilities need to continue supporting women’s internal capabilities (via training, networking activities etc.) in entrepreneurship, yet also concurrently focus on the expansion of the scope and fields of women-owned businesses to enable the execution of their human powers. / Bu makale, Türkiye’de kadınların güncel girişimcilik örüntülerini ve konuya ilişkin pratikleri irdelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Öncelikle, kadınların girişimciliğinin demografik yapısı nicel yöntemlerle incelenmiştir. Ardından, mikrokredi bir politika aracı olarak tartışılmış ve bu konudaki sivil toplum ve sosyal politika destekleri özellikle Küçük ve Orta Ölçekli İşletmeleri Geliştirme ve Destekleme İdaresi Başkanlığı (KOSGEB) aksiyon planları bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Makalede, girişimcilik imkanları ve desteklerinin Nussbaum’un (1999; 2000) birleşik yapabilirlikler yaklaşımı ve insan güçleri kavramı çerçevesinde kadınların bu alandaki yetenek ve potansiyellerini geliştirme kapasitesi ele alınmıştır. Sonuçlar Türkiye’de kadınların girişimcilik örüntülerinde özellikle medeni durum ve eğitim seviyesi açısından çok kısıtlı bir demografik yapıya işaret etmemiştir. Yaygın bir uygulama olan mikrokredinin ise kadınların insan güçlerine istihdam ve toplumdaki statülerini geliştirme bağlamında yüksek düzeyde bir katkı sağlamadığı tespit edilmiştir. Son olarak, sivil toplum alanında kadınların girişimciliğine ilişkin çeşitli destek mekanizmaları olduğu görülmüştür. Kamusal aksiyon planları çerçevesinde de girişimci kadınlara yönelik adımlar mevcut olmakla birlikte çoğunlukla bu alanda çalışan kadınların sayısını artırmanın hedeflendiği ve spesifik olarak kadınlara odaklanan politikaların eksikliği dikkat çekmiş, girişimci kadınların özel hedef grupları arasında değerlendirildikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Nussbaum’un (1999) birleşik yapabilirlikler yaklaşımına dayanarak, en önemli dışsal yapabilirlik öğelerinden olan kamu kuruluşu destekleri ve sosyal politikalar bazında girişimci kadınların içsel yapabilirliklerini (eğitim imkanları, ağ oluşturma aktiviteleri vb. aracılığıyla) pekiştirme süreçlerinin devamı ile birlikte kadınlara ait girişimlerin kapsam ve alanlarının genişlemesine ilişkin çalışmalara odaklanılmasının öneminin altını çizmiştir.Publication Open Access Between the state and the world market: small-scale hazelnut production in the Black Sea region(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2020) Erköse, H. Yener; Şahin, Osman; Yükseker, Deniz; Department of Sociology; Sert, Hüseyin Deniz; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and HumanitiesTurkey is the world's largest hazelnut producer and exporter, yet hazelnut farmers have been growing hazelnuts in increasingly difficult conditions even for the years when production levels and hazelnut prices are high. In this paper, we take up the contradictions in hazelnut cultivation in Turkey and seek to show that, despite the commonsense opinion that the problem stems from small-scale cultivation, the more important problem is the unequal power relations that exist in the hazelnut market. We make the following arguments in the paper based on some of the findings from the field study we carried out in the Western and Eastern Black Sea regions in 2017. Issues exist regarding productivity and profitability in hazelnut cultivation characterized by small holdings. Hazelnut farmers are often unable to meet the expenditures and investments required for raising productivity. These problems arise more from the farmers' demographic profiles and debt levels and the unequal power relations in the hazelnut market with respect to small-scale production. Therefore, resolving the problems in hazelnut cultivation might require making changes that favor small farmers' power relations in the hazelnut market rather than enlarging holdings. / Türkiye dünyanın en büyük fındık üreticisi ve ihracatçısı konumunda. Ancak fındık üreticileri, bazı yıllar bol mahsul veya mahsullerine iyi fiyat alsalar bile, giderek daha zorlu koşullarda üretim yapıyorlar. Bu yazıda, Türkiye’de fındık üretiminin barındırdığı çelişkileri ele alacağız. Sorunların kaynağında fındık işletmelerinin küçük olmasının yattığı yönündeki genel kabulün aksine, sorunun aslen fındık piyasasındaki eşitsiz güç ilişkilerinden kaynaklandığını göstermeye çalışacağız. 2017’de Doğu ve Batı Karadeniz Bölgeleri’nde yaptığımız alan araştırmasının verilerinin bir bölümünün bulgularına dayanan makalede şu savları ortaya koyuyoruz. Türkiye’de küçük işletmelerde yapılan fındık tarımının verimlilik ve kârlılık konusunda sorunları vardır. Fındık üreticilerinin çoğu verim artırımı için gerekli harcamaları ve yatırımı yapamamaktadırlar. Bu sorunlar, üretim birimlerinin küçük olmasından çok, fındık üreticilerinin demografik profili, borçlanma ve fındık piyasasındaki eşitsiz yapıdan kaynaklanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, fındık üretimindeki sorunların çözülmesi için üretim ölçeğini büyütmekten çok, eşitsiz güç ilişkilerinin hâkim olduğu küresel piyasada üretici lehine değişiklikler yapmak daha uygun olabilir.Publication Open Access Söylem, temsil, faillik ve anlatı: yeni yoksulluk literatürünün bir eleştirisi(Denta Florya ADSM Limited Company (DENTAWORLD), 2017) Department of Sociology; Yörük, Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 28982In this article, a theoretical critique of the new poverty concept is presented. The New poverty concept has been increasingly used in the fields of development and social policy and it refers to a new stratum in the society. In this article, the new poverty concept is analysed in the light of the work of Michael Foucault, Edward Said, Ranajit Guha and Margaret Somers and a critique of the new poverty literature is presented using the theoretical framework regarding the concepts of discourse, representation, agency and narrative. As a result of this critique, it is emphasized that the non-critical use of the new poverty concept bears the risk of reconstructing the aforementioned population as a passive and victimised group.Publication Open Access Happiness at the macro level: a critical discussion on the compatibility of different indicators(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2022) Department of Sociology; Mert, Aslı Ermiş; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 292273This paper presents a critical discussion mainly based on the macro-level (societal) determinants of happiness by focusing on gender equality, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, and countries’ commitment to reducing inequality. The aim is to critically evaluate the compatibility of these components through the examples of happiest and unhappiest countries to arrive at conclusions regarding the importance of these means as a whole. Rankings based on these determinants reveal an apparent compatibility to exist for both ends of happiness with countries’ gender equality, GDP per capita, and commitment to reducing inequality as well as gross national income (GNI) per capita (based on purchasing power parity [PPP]) and Gini coefficient. Exceptional cases are discussed based on their sociological and socioeconomic contexts. Further research has been determined to be needed that will examine happiness at the macro level using an inclusive multidimensional approach rather than only focusing on a single indicator, in particular by taking into account various means of inequality, primarily regarding gender, income, living standards/conditions as well as issues such as access to health, education, employment opportunities, and information, as parts of the broader concept.Publication Open Access Recognizing and misrecognizing: inclusive education, schools, and ethnicity(Sosyoloji Derneği, 2022) Department of Sociology; Çelik, Çetin; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 105104Studies on educational inequalities have long emphasized the relationship between academic achievement, family resources, and cultural values. Complementary to this literature, this study focuses on the role of schools in the educational processes with attention to the concept of institutional habitus. It examines two schools in Bremen and Istanbul that apply different educational programs to students from diverse ethnic profiles and how they shape educational processes. Bremen's school program recognizes students' cultural identities and aims at academic development, increasing the smooth transition between home and school. The school's program in Istanbul does not admit students' cultural identities, enlarging the distance between home and school exclusively. These findings suggest that the different institutional habitus of these schools are strongly associated with their positions in the broader educational field. / Eğitim eşitsizlikleri literatürü, akademik başarıyla aile kaynaklarının ve kültürel değerlerin ilişkisini uzun süredir vurgulamaktadır. Okulun, bu ilişkiye etkisine dair literatür ise son on yıllarda hızlı bir gelişme göstermektedir. Bu çalışma okulların yapı ve işleyişinin eğitim süreçlerine etkilerine kurumsal habitus kavramıyla odaklanmaktadır. Çalışma Bremen ve İstanbul’da bulunan ve çoğunluk toplumundan farklı etnik ve dilsel özellikteki öğrencilerine farklı eğitim programları uygulayan iki okulun eğitim süreçlerini nasıl şekillendirdiğini nitel verilerle incelemektedir. Elde edilen bulgular Bremen’deki okulun öğrencilerin kültürel kimliklerini tanıyarak ve akademik gelişmeyi hedefleyerek ev ile okul arasındaki geçişliliği kolaylaştırdığını, İstanbul’daki okulun ise öğrencilerin kültürel kimliklerini tanımayarak ev ile okul arasındaki mesafeyi dışlayıcı şekilde açtığını ortaya koymaktadır.Publication Open Access Çin’in yükselişi ve yeni kapitalizm(Sosyoekonomi Society, 2018) Department of Sociology; Yörük, Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 28982This article presents a theoretical discussion about the new forms of capitalism in the context of the economic and political rise of China. The article raises a discussion on the changes that the rise of China has instigated in both China and the world capitalism. This is considered in the context of mode of production, international trade, state and capital, by analysing China and capitalism from the perspective of long historical periods. In doing this, the article benefits from the work of and polemics between Giovanni Arrighi, Joel Andreas ve Richard Walker, who provided very important contemporary debates on this issue in the field of historical sociology.Publication Open Access The perceptions of ethnic boundaries among Kurdish youth and their destigmatization strategies(Sosyoloji Derneği, 2021) Turgut, Serkan; Department of Sociology; Çelik, Çetin; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 105104This study investigates the perceptions of ethnic boundaries and stigma among Kurdish youth, and how they deal with them in an urban context in the western part of Turkey, where they are a minority. It focuses on the daily interactions of Kurdish youth and considers the historical context that shapes those interactions. The research draws on twenty-nine in-depth interviews conducted with Kurdish youth in İzmir between 2017 and 2019. Our findings show that Kurdish youth experience firm ethnic boundaries in their daily lives in both educational and urban contexts. They also reveal that the destigmatization strategies of the respondents are strongly associated with their ethnic indicators and the available historical repertoire. Participants generally used confrontation, strategic silence, assumption of individual responsibility, or avoidance as their main destigmatization strategies. / Bu çalışma Kürt gençlerinin etnik kimlikleriyle ilişkili olarak algıladıkları, deneyimledikleri onur kırıcı ve ayrımcı davranışlara ve bunlarla başa çıkma stratejilerine odaklanmaktadır. Çalışmanın temel amacı Kürt gençlerinin azınlıkta oldukları batı illerinde ve özellikle okul ortamında etnik aidiyetleri kapsamında algıladıkları damga ve ayrımcılık anlatılarını ve bunlarla başa çıkma stratejilerini analiz etmektir. Bu çalışma sıradan bireylerin gündelik yaşam deneyimlerine odaklansa bile bu anlatıların ulusal bağlamın etkisiyle şekillendiğini kabul etmekte ve etnik sınırların oluşmasına etki eden tarihsel süreçleri de dikkate almaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri 2017-19 yılları arasında İzmir ilinin Bayraklı ve Menemen ilçelerinde yaşayan 29 Kürt öğrenciyle yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeye dayanmaktadır. Alan verileri damga algısı ve buna verilen tepkilerin kişilerin etnik göstergelere sahiplik durumuyla doğrudan bağlantılı olduğunu, etnik sınırların giderek güçlendiğini ve Kürt gençlerinin gündelik yaşamlarında sıklıkla etnik kimlikleriyle bağlantılı sorunlar yaşadıklarını göstermektedir. Görüşmecilerin en sık başvurduğu başa çıkma stratejileri karşı çıkma, bilinçli tepkisizlik, bireysel sorumluluğu üstlenme ve kaçınma stratejisi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.Publication Open Access The squeaky wheel gets the grease: violent civil unrest and global social assistance provision(Frontiers, 2022) Çemen, R.; Department of Sociology; Yörük, Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 28982What are the contemporary determinates of social assistance provision? What is the role of contentious politics? Social assistance literature is dominated by economic and demographic accounts, which under-examine the possibility that governments extend social assistance to contain social unrest. We test factors associated with these “structuralist” and “political” theories on a new panel dataset which includes 54 OECD and emerging market countries between 2002 and 2015. The results indicate social assistance coverage has a significant positive relationship with riots. We explain this outcome as policymakers expanding social assistance as a means of containing violent civil unrest. This effect is more significant in emerging markets, suggesting that the domination of structural explanations is a result of sample bias toward the OECD. Finally, we find that governments consider World Bank social policy recommendations only insofar as there is violent unrest.
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