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    PublicationOpen Access
    Legal position of third party in transfer of indirect possession by an agreement between transferor and transferee compared to lessee in case of transfer of leased property
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2021) N/A; Karaşahin, Yasin Alperen; Law School; 257378
    In Turkish and Swiss law, if a bailee (third party) is in possession based on a legal relationship with the bailor, the bailor (transferor) can transfer the indirect (constructive) possession by an agreement with the transferee without the consent of the third-party bailee. The Turkish Civil Code (CC) - like the Swiss Civil Code - contains some provisions intended to prevent any negative effect from such an agreement on the interests of the third party. First, the transfer of indirect possession by agreement between transferor and transferee has no legal effect on the third party until that party is notified by the transferor (Article 979/11 of Turkish Civil Code [CC]). This period of ineffectiveness ends upon notice to the third party. However, the third party can refuse delivery to the transferee based on the same defenses that could be invoked against the transferor (Article 979/III CC). Contrary to the prevailing view in Turkish and Swiss literatures, this study argues that the above-referenced provision allows the third party to invoke defenses based on personal rights besides those based on property rights. However, this provision is only applicable to the transfer of indirect possession of chattel. In contrast to a recent opinion in Swiss literature, notice of the transfer does not cause the transferee to become a new party to the legal relationship between the original third-party bailee and transferor. Turkish and Swiss law includes only a provision about lease contracts to that effect. This provision is applicable with regard to the lease of personal and real property. However, in contracts for the lease of chattels, Article 979/III CC, as interpreted in this study, would have been sufficient to protect the lessee's interests without a disproportionate interference in the freedom of contract. / Türk ve İsviçre hukuklarında, zilyetliğin havalesi, özel bir hukukî ilişkiye dayanarak eşyaya zilyet olan üçüncü kişinin rızası aranmaksızın, devreden ile devralan arasında yapılan bir sözleşme ile devralana dolaylı zilyetlik kazandırılması imkânını yaratmaktadır. Üçüncü kişinin rızası olmaksızın yapılan bu işlemin onun menfaatlerini ihlâl etmemesi için kanunda bazı düzenlemeler yer almaktadır. Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 979. maddesinin 2. fıkrasına göre, zilyetliğin havalesi, üçüncü kişiye devreden tarafından bildirilmesinden önce üçüncü kişi açısından hüküm ve sonuç doğurmamaktadır. Bu hüküm ile öngörülen nisbî etkisizlik, üçüncü kişiye yapılan bildirim ile sona ermektedir; dolayısıyla üçüncü kişiye geçici bir koruma sağlamaktadır. Türk Medenî Kanunu’nun 979. maddesinin 3. fıkrasına göre, üçüncü kişi devredene karşı ileri sürebildiği savunmalara dayanarak eşyayı devralana teslimden kaçınabilir. Türk ve İsviçre oktrinlerinde hâkim olan görüşün aksine, bu hüküm aynî hakka dayanan savunmaların yanında şahsî (nisbî) hakka dayanan savunmaların da devralana ileri sürülmesine imkân vermektedir. Söz konusu düzenleme, hükmün sözünde açıklık olmasa da, sadece taşınırlar üzerinde devralana aynî hak kazandırılması için zilyetliğin devri gereken hâllerde uygulanmalıdır. İsviçre doktrininde savunulan yeni görüşün aksine, zilyetliğin havalesinin bildirimi üzerine, üçüncü kişi ile devreden arasındaki ilişkide devredenin yerini devralanın alması söz konusu değildir. Türk ve İsviçre hukuklarında, kira sözleşmesinin kurulmasından sonra kiralananın devri durumunda, devreden yerine devralanın kiraya veren olması yönünde açık bir düzenleme yer almaktadır. Bu düzenleme kiralananın taşınır veya taşınmaz olması açısından bir fark getirmemektedir. Bu makalede savunulan görüşe göre, kira sözleşmesine dair özel hüküm olmasaydı bile, kiralanan taşınırın mülkiyetinin zilyetliğin havalesi ile devri durumunda üçüncü kişi (kiracı) kiralananı kira süresinin sonuna kadar teslimden kaçınabilirdi. Bu nedenle, taşınır kiraları açısından kiralananın devrine dair özel düzenleme, kiracının irade serbestîsine ölçüsüz bir müdahale teşkil etmektedir.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Buy-out of the oppressed minority's shares in joint stock companies: a comparative analysis of Turkish, Swiss and English law
    (Springer, 2018) N/A; Veziroğlu, Cem; Faculty Member; Law School
    Article 531 of the Turkish Commercial Code grants the right to request corporate dissolution for just causes to shareholders representing at least 10% of the capital in joint stock companies, and 5% in publicly traded companies. In addition to dissolution, the court can order purchase of the claimant's shares at real value (buy-out remedy) or adopt a different solution. This article conducts an economic analysis of the buy-out remedy against minority oppression and compares Turkish law with Swiss and English legislation. The buy-out remedy is supposed to provide an ex post control on the controller's conduct, and it is expected to function as a put option conditional upon oppression. However, the current provision does not provide the expected incentives. Addressing this issue, I suggest that: (1) the relief sought by the claimant should be taken into account; (2) the purchaser of the claimant's shares should be the oppressive controller, rather than the company in question; (3) the standard of 'just cause' to be proven should not be equal for each remedy, and thus, the courts should be able to give a buy-out order even if the facts do not justify corporate dissolution; (4) dissolution orders should not be given in cases where there is a going-concern value to protect; and finally, (5) the valuation of the claimant's shares should, in principle, be made on a going concern and pro rata basis, and any depreciation of the claimant's shares due to the controller's abusive conducts should be taken into account.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    When the stakes are high: campaign messages in Hungary
    (Turkish Policy Quarterly, 2021) N/A; Bocskay, Zsofia Flora; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities
    While municipal elections are of less importance than national ones, the study of local election communication shows that there are cases when political actors frame them as first-order elections. In 2019, the opposition managed to challenge the ruling Fidesz-KDNP alliance in Hungary, and gained mayoral offices in strategically important places. In the campaign, PM Viktor Orban 's party stressed the importance of local elections, utilizing a complex conspiracy theory. They argued that the stakes were high because Hungary's sovereignty was at risk. In this article, I evaluate the findings of a content analysis conducted on 86 speeches that were performed as part of the ruling party's election campaign with a special focus on topics and character remarks.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Constitutional amendments and constitutional core values: the Brazilian case in a comparative perspective
    (Federal University of Paraná, 2019) N/A; Scotti, Valentina Rita; Law School
    The debate over the exercise of primary and secondary constituent power is a long-lasting one and is grounded on positions diverging according to the interpretation of constitutionalism and democracy, and to the conception of constitution's flexibility. In order to safeguard the sacrality of fundamental Charter at the same time ensuring its flexibility, framers, moreover after WWII, entrenched therein both specific procedures for the exercise of the secondary constituent power and clauses for the protection of constitutional fundamentals. After the exhaustion of the primary constituent power, a relevant role has been played by Supreme Courts, which ensured the enforceability of the abovementioned clauses and procedures, and, in some cases, inferred them in the lack of explicit constitutional provisions. The Brazilian Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) is among those Courts which had to infer their competence in reviewing constitutional amendments from the unamendability clauses entrenched in the Charter. The analysis, in a comparative perspective, of the STF's activism is the focus of this journal article. / O debate sobre o exercício do poder constituinte originário e derivado é duradouro e se baseia em posições divergentes de acordo com a interpretação do constitucionalismo e da democracia, e com a concepção da flexibilidade da Constituição. A fim de salvaguardar a sacralidade da Carta fundamental, assegurando ao mesmo tempo a sua flexibilidade, os seus fundadores, principalmente após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, incluíram procedimentos específicos para o exercício do poder constituinte derivado e cláusulas sobre a proteção dos valores constitucionais fundamentais. Após o esgotamento do poder constituinte originário, uma função relevante foi desempenhada pelos Supremos Tribunais, o que garantiu a aplicabilidade das cláusulas e procedimentos acima mencionados, e em alguns casos identificou-os diante da falta de disposições constitucionais explícitas. O Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro (STF) está entre os tribunais que tiveram que inferir sua competência de controlar a constitucionalidade de emendas constitucionais a partir das cláusulas pétreas consagradas na Constituição. A análise do ativismo do STF numa perspectiva comparativa é o âmago deste artigo.