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    PublicationOpen Access
    Management of hypoglycemia in newborn: Turkish Neonatal and Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Societies consensus report
    (Turkish Pediatric Association, 2019) Aliefendioğlu, Didem; Çoban, Asuman; Hatipoğlu, Nihal; Ecevit, Ayşe; Arısoy, Ayşe Engin; Baş, Firdevs; Bideci, Aysun; Özek, Eren; N/A; Yeşiltepe Mutlu, Rahime Gül; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 153511
    Hypoglycemia is one of the most important and most common metabolic problems of the newborn because it poses a risk of neurological injury, if it is prolonged and recurs. Therefore, newborns who carry a risk of hypoglycemia should be fed immediately after delivery and the blood glucose level should be measured with intervals of 2-3 hours from the 30th minute alter feeding. The threshold value for hypoglycemia is 40 mg/dL for the first 24 hours in symptomatic babies. In asymptomatic babies, this value is considered 25 mg/dL for 0-4 hours, 35 mg/dl for 4-24 hours, 50 mg/dL alter 24 hours and 60 mg/dL after 48 hours. Screening should be performed with bed-side test sticks. When values near the limit value are obtained, confirmation with laboratory method should be done and treatment should be initiated, if necessary. The level targeted with treatment is considered 50 mg/dL in the postnatal first 48 hours before feeding, 60 mg/dL after 48 hours in babies with high risk and above 70 mg/dL in babies with permanent hypoglycemia. In cases in which the blood glucose level is below the threshold value and can not be increased by feeding, a glucose infusion of 6-8 mg/kg/min should be initiated. If symptoms accompany, a mini bolus of 10% dextrose (2 ml/kg/min) should accompany. Incements (2 mg/kg/min) should be performed, if the target level can not be achieved and decrements (2 ml/kg/min) should be performed, if nutrition and stabilization is provided. The infusion should be discontinued, if the infusion rate decreases to 3-5 mg/kg/min. If necessary, blood samples should be obtained during hypoglycemia in terms of differential diagnosis and the investigation should be performed following a 6-hour fasting period in babies fed enterally and at any time when the plasma glucose is <50 mg/dL in babies receiving parenteral infusion. The hypoglycemic babies in the risk group whose infusions have been terminated can be discharged, if the plasma glucose level is found to be at the target level for two times before feeding and babies with permanent, severe or resistant hypoglycemia can be discharged, if the plasma glucose level is >60 mg/dL following a 6-hour fast. / Hipoglisemi, uzun sürmesi ve tekrarlaması durumunda nörolojik zedelenme riski nedeniyle, yenidoğanın en önemli ve en sık metabolik sorunlarından birisidir. Bu nedenle, hipoglisemi riski taşıyan yenidoğanlar, doğum sonrası hemen beslenmeli ve beslenme sonrası 30. dakikadan itibaren 2-3 saat aralıklarla kan glukozuna bakılmalıdır. Hipoglisemi eşik değerleri, ilk 24 saat için belirtisi olanlarda 40 mg/dL, belirtisiz olanlarda 0 - 4 saatte 25 mg/dL, 4-24 saat aralığında 35 mg/dL, 24 saatten sonra 50 mg/ dL, 48 saatten sonra ise 60 mg/dL olarak kabul edilebilir. Tarama hastabaşı test çubukları ile yapılmalı, sınıra yakın değerlerde, laboratuvar yöntemi ile doğrulama yapılırken, gerekliyse tedavi başlanmalıdır. Tedavi ile ulaşılması hedeflenen düzeyler, beslenme öncesi postnatal ilk 48 saatte 50 mg/dL, 48 saatten sonra riskli olanlarda 60 mg/dL, kalıcı hipoglisemili olgularda ise 70 mg/dL’nin üstü olarak kabul edilebilir. Kan glukozu eşik değerin altında olan ve beslenme ile yükseltilemeyen durumlarda, 6-8 mg/kg/dk glukoz infüzyonu başlanmalı, belirti eşlik etmesi durumunda ise 2 ml/kg %10 dekstroz minibolus eşlik etmelidir. Hedef düzeye ulaşılamaması durumunda artışlar ve beslenme ile stabilizasyonun sağlanması durumunda azaltmalar 2 mg/kg/dk olarak yapılmalı, infüzyon hızının 3-5 mg/kg/dk’ye inmesi durumunda ise infüzyon sonlandırılmalıdır. Gerekliyse ayırıcı tanı açısından kan örnekleri hipoglisemi sırasında alınmalı ve araştırma, enteral beslenen bebeklerde 6 saatlik beslenmeme periyodu sonrasında, parenteral infüzyon alanlarda ise plazma glukozunun 60 mg/dL olması durumunda taburcu edilebilirler.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Effects of preeclampsia on the amplitude integrated electroencephalography activity in preterm infants
    (De Gruyter, 2016) Topçuoğlu, Sevilay; Kolsuz, Leyla Daban; Ovalı, Fahri; Karatekin, Güner; N/A; Gürsoy, Tuğba; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 214691
    Objective: Preeclampsia leads to chronic intrauterine hypoxia by interfering with placental blood supply. The aim of this study was to investigate whether preeclampsia exposure has an influence on the central nervous system of infants, as monitored by amplitude integrated electro-encephalography (aEEG).
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Clinical presentation in a series of eight children with abdominal tuberculosis: experience of a single-center in Turkey
    (Kowsar Publishing Corporation, 2017) Usta, Merve; Urgancı, Nafiye; Dalgıç, Nazan; Kurtaraner, Tuğce; Karadağ, Çetin Ali; N/A; Kızılkan, Nuray Uslu; Faculty Member; School of Medicine
    Background: Abdominal tuberculosis, the sixth commonest extrapulmanory tuberculosis, is easily misdiagnosed due to nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms. The diagnosis is highly dependent on clinician's suspicion of the disease; therefore to increase awareness we retrospectively reviewed clinical features of eight children in a four year-period. Methods: The medical records of children with abdominal TB were retrospectively reviewed. The diagnosis of abdominal TB was defined as Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of gastrointestinal tract along with peritoneal or solid organ involvement. Results: There were six girls and two boys with a mean age of 13.6 +/- 2.8 years (range, 7 - 16 years). Abdominal pain and weight loss were common complaints in all patients (100%) at presentation; fever was present in four (50%) patients and abdominal distension in two (25%) patients. Mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 2.5 +/- 1 months. Laparotomy performed in six patients, and the peritoneum was the most common infection site (in 5 patients). Chest X-rays of 7 patients indicated lung involvement. The most common abdominal computed tomography and ultrasonography finding was ascites. Bowel wall thickening was recorded in 2 patients and ileal thickening in 1 patient. Inguinal lymphadenopathy and multiple mesenteric lymphadenitis were present as single cases. Conclusions: The abdominal tuberculosis should be suspected in children with ongoing abdominal pain, fever, and abdominal distension, laparoscopy or laparotomy could be useful in the differential diagnosis and utilizing imaging techniques, invasive methods with clinical suspicion may prevent delay of the diagnosis.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Effects of antenatal magnesium exposure on intestinal blood flow and outcome in Preterm Neonates
    (Thieme Medical Publishers, 2015) İmamoğlu, Ebru Yalın; Ovalı, Fahri; Karatekin, Güner; N/A; Gürsoy, Tuğba; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 214691
    Objective This study aims to investigate the effects of antenatal magnesium sulfate on intestinal blood flow in preterm neonates. Study Design In this prospective case-match study, 25 preterm neonates exposed to magnesium sulfate antenatally were included (study group). Overall, 25 gestational age-matched neonates who had no exposure to magnesium constituted the control group. Serial daily Doppler flow measurements of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) were performed. The time to reach full feeds, first meconium passage were assessed. Presence of feeding intolerance or necrotizing enterocolitis was recorded. Results Blood flow velocities of SMA were not different between the groups during the first five postnatal days. However, SMA blood flow showed an increasing trend in the control group unlike the study group (control group, p < 0.001; study group, p = 0.29). There was no significant difference between the two groups regarding the time to reach full feeds or first meconium passage and presence of feeding intolerance. No case of necrotizing enterocolitis was seen. Conclusion Antenatal magnesium does not significantly affect intestinal blood flow, but it seems to attenuate the increasing trend of the intestinal blood flow in the early postnatal days. However, this study failed to show any impact of this finding on clinical outcomes.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Diffusion MRI features of acute encephalopathy due to stopping steroid medication abruptly in congentila adrenal hyperplasia
    (Medknow Publications, 2015) Serter, Aslı; Alkan, Alpay; N/A; Demirkol, Demet; Faculty Member; School of Medicine
    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is characterized by adrenal steroid biosynthesis defect. Steroid replacement therapy should be performed regularly in these patients. Adrenal crisis may be present in acute stress due to increased cortisol requirements or in steroid deficiency due to stopping steroid medication abruptly. In patients with acute adrenal insufficiency, severe hypotension or hypovolemic shock occurs typically. Acute encephalopathy can be seen due to hypoxia, hypervolemia, or hypoglycemia. Diffusion restriction can be seen in cortical-subcortical regions of frontal and parieto-occipital lobes and in splenium of corpus callosum. In CAH patients with neurologic symptoms, Diffusion weighted images (DWI) is very important in the diagnosis and follow-up of acute encephalopathy.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Maturity onset diabetes of the young due to Glucokinase, HNF1-A, HNF1-B, and HNF4-A mutations in a cohort of Turkish children diagnosed as type 1 diabetes mellitus
    (Karger Publishers, 2019) Özsu, Elif; Çizmecioğlu, Filiz Mine; Yüksel, Ayşegül Büte; Çalışkan, Mürsel; Yeşilyurt, Ahmet; N/A; Yeşiltepe Mutlu, Rahime Gül; Hatun, Şükrü; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; N/A; 153504
    Background/aims: maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY) is a rare condition often misdiagnosed as type 1 diabetes (T1D). The purposes of this study were: to identify any patients followed in a large Turkish cohort as T1D, with an atypical natural history, who may in fact have MODY, and to define the criteria which would indicate patients with likely MODY as early as possible after presentation to allow prompt genetic testing. Methods: Urinary C-peptide/creatinine ratio (UCPCR) was studied in 152 patients having a diagnosis of T1D for at least 3 years. Those with a UCPCR ≥0.2 nmol/mmol were selected for genetic analysis of the Glucokinase (GCK), Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1a (HNF1A), Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a (HNF4A), and Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1b (HNF1B) genes. This UCPCR cut-off was used because of the reported high sensitivity and specificity. Cases were also evaluated using a MODY probability calculator. Results: twenty-three patients from 152 participants (15.1%) had a UCPCR indicating persistent insulin reserve. The mean age ± SD of the patients was 13.6 ± 3.6 years (range 8.30-21.6). Of these 23, two (8.7%) were found to have a mutation, one with HNF4A and one with HNF1B mutation. No mutations were detected in the GCK or HNF1A genes. Conclusion: in Turkish children with a diagnosis of T1D but who have persistent insulin reserve 3 years after diagnosis, up to 9% may have a genetic mutation indicating a diagnosis of MODY.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Turkish Neonatal Society guideline to the approach, follow-up, and treatment of neonatal jaundice
    (Turkish Pediatric Association, 2018) Çoban, Asuman; Türkmen, Münevver Kaynak; N/A; Gürsoy, Tuğba; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 214691
    Jaundice is one of the most common problems in the newborn. It is generally accepted as a physiologic condition; most cases are benign and transient. However, in a small portion of jaundiced newborn infants, serum bilirubin concentrations increase to a level at which irreversible brain damage can occur. The timely diagnosis and management of severe hyperbilirubinemia is essential to prevent acute bilirubin encephalopathy and kernicterus. Kernicterus still occurs although it is almost always preventable. The focus of this guideline is to reduce the incidence of severe hyperbilirubinemia and bilirubin encephalopathy. Therefore, a system-based approach using the recommendations of this guideline should be implemented in all birthing facilities and continued in ambulatory care of the newborn infants. / Sarılık yenidoğan bebeklerde sık görüllen bulgulardan biridir. Normal fizyolojik bir durum olarak kabul edilir; genellikle selim, geçici bir durumdur. Ancak yenidoğanların küçük bir bölümünde geri dönüşümsüz ciddi beyin hasarı için tehdit oluşturabilen düzeylere erişebilir. Zamanında tanı konup tedavi edildiğinde akut bilirubin ensefalopatisi ve kernikterus önlenebilir. Kernikterus her zaman önlenebilir bir durum olmasına rağmen halen görülmektedir. Bu kılavuzun amacı ciddi hiperbilirubinemi sıklığını ve bilirubin ensefalopatisini azaltmaktır. Bundan dolayı bu kılavuzun önerilerinin tüm doğum yapılan kurumlarda ve taburcu etme sonrası izlemde kullanılmasını sağlamak önemlidir.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Effects of Saccharomyces boulardii on neonatal hyperbilirubinemia: a randomized controlled trial
    (Thieme Medical Publishers, 2015) Ovalı, Fahri; Karatekin, Güner; N/A; Gürsoy, Tuğba; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 214691
    Since probiotics modulate intestinal functions and enterohepatic circulation; they might have an effect on neonatal hyperbilirubinemia treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of Saccharomyces boulardii supplementation on hyperbilirubinemia. Study Design A prospective, double-blind, placebo controlled trial was performed on 35 to 42 gestational weeks' neonates. They were randomized either to receive feeding supplementation with S. boulardii 125 mg every 12 hours or placebo during phototherapy. Serum bilirubin levels were measured at 0, 24th, 48th, 72nd, and 96th hour of phototherapy. Results A total of 119 infants (61 in the control group and 58 in the study group) were enrolled. The duration of phototherapy (2 [1-3] vs. 2 [1-3], p: 0.22) was not different between groups. The levels of bilirubin during phototherapy ([24th hour; 14.1 {12.8-15.7} vs. 13.5 {12.4-14.9}, p: 0.085]; [48th hour; 14.1 {12-15.3} vs. 13.4 {12.4-14.5}, p: 0.41]; [72nd hour; 13.9 {12.2-15.6} vs. 13.5 {12.5-14.5}, p: 0.41]; [96th hour; 14.7 {11.4-15.5} vs. 13.4{10.7-14.1}, p: 0.24]) or the duration of rebound phototherapy (1 [1-1] vs. 1.5 [1-2], p: 0.40) were lower in the study group than in the controls, but none of the values were statistically significant. Conclusion S. boulardii did not influence the clinical course of hyperbilirubinemia significantly.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Neonatal Hyperglycemia, which threshold value, diagnostic approach and treatment?:Turkish Neonatal and Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes Societies consensus report
    (Turkish Pediatric Association, 2018) Şimşek, Damla Gökşen; Ecevit, Ayşe; Hatipoğlu, Nihal; Çoban, Asuman; Arısoy, Ayşe Engin; Baş, Firdevs; Bideci, Aysun; Özek, Eren; N/A; Yeşiltepe Mutlu, Rahime Gül; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 153511
    Hyperglycemia has become an important risk factor for mortality and morbidity in the neonatal period, especially with increased survival rates of very low birth weight neonates. Hyperglycemia in the neonatal period develops as a result of various mechanisms including iatrogenic causes, inability to supress hepatic glucose production, insulin resistance or glucose intolerance, specifically in preterm neonates. Initiation of parenteral or enteral feeding in the early period in preterm babies increases insulin production and sensitivity. The plasma glucose is targeted to be kept between 70 and 150 mg/dL in the newborn baby. While a blood glucose value above 150 mg/dL is defined as hyperglycemia, blood glucose values measured with an interval of 4 hours of >180-200 mg/dL and +2 glucosuria require treatment. Although glucose infusion rate is reduced in treatment, use of insulin is recommended, if two blood glucose values measured with an interval of 4 hours are >250 mg/dL and glucosuria is present in two separate urine samples. / Yenidoğan döneminde özellikle çok düşük doğum ağırlıklı bebeklerin yaşamda kalmaya başlamaları ile birlikte, hiperglisemi morbidite ve mortalite için önemli bir risk etmeni olmuştur. Yenidoğan döneminde özellikle preterm bebeklerde hiperglisemi, iyatrojenik nedenler, karaciğerde glukoz üretiminin baskılanamaması, insülin direnci ya da glukoz intoleransı gibi mekanizmalar sonucu gelişmektedir. Preterm bebeklerin erken dönemde parenteral ya da enteral beslenmeye başlanması; insülin yapımını ve duyarlılığını arttırır. Yenidoğan bebekte kan şekerinin 70-150 mg/dL arasında olması hedeflenmektedir. Kan şeker düzeyi >150 mg/dL olması hiperglisemi olarak tanımlanırken; 4 saat ara ile bakılan kan şekerinin >180-200 mg/dL olması ve +2 glukozüri olması tedaviyi gerektirmektedir. Tedavide glukoz infüzyon hızı azaltılmasına rağmen; 4 saat ara ile bakılan 2 kan şekeri değeri >250 mg/dL ve alınan iki ayrı idrar örneğinde glukozüri varsa insülin kullanılması önerilmektedir.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Allergen immunotherapy for IgE-mediated food allergy: protocol for a systematic review
    (BioMed Central, 2016) Dhami, S.; Nurmatov, U.; Pajno, G. B.; Fernandez-Rivas, M.; Muraro, A.; Roberts, G.; Akdiş, C.; Alvaro-Lozano, M.; Beyer, K.; Bindslev-Jensen, C.; Burks, W.; du Toit, G.; Ebisawa, M.; Eigenmann, P.; Knol, E.; Makela, M.; Nadeau, K. C.; O'Mahony, L.; Papadopoulos, N.; Poulsen, L.; Sampson, H.; Santos, A.; van Ree, R.; Timmermans, F.; Sheikh, A.; N/A; Saçkesen, Cansın; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 182537
    Background: The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) is in the process of developing the EAACI Guidelines for Allergen Immunotherapy (AIT) for IgE-mediated food allergy. We seek to critically assess the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and safety of AIT in IgE-mediated food allergy. Methods: We will undertake a systematic review, which will involve searching international biomedical databases for published, in progress and unpublished evidence. Studies will be independently screened against pre-defined eligibility criteria and critically appraised using established instruments. Data will be descriptively and, if possible and appropriate, quantitatively synthesised. Discussion: The findings from this review will be used to inform the development of recommendations for EAACI's Guidelines on AIT.