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    PublicationOpen Access
    Exploring the nexus between inflation and globalization under inflation targeting through the lens of New Zealand's experience
    (2017) Martínez-García, Enrique; Soytaş, Mehmet Ali; Department of Economics; Kabukçuoğlu, Ayşe; Faculty Member; Department of Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
    We investigate empirically the inflation dynamics in New Zealand, a small open economy and a pioneer in inflation targeting, under various open-economy Phillips curve specifications. Our forecasting exercise suggests that open-economy Phillips curves under standard measures of global slack do not help forecast domestic inflation, possibly indicating measurement problems with global slack itself. In turn, under a stable inflation target we still find that (i) global inflation and (ii) global inflation and oil prices have information content for headline CPI and core CPI inflation over the 1997:Q3-2015:Q1 period and appear to be reliable proxies for global slack in forecasting inflation.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Jinekolojik kanser kontrolü ve hemşirelik
    (Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi, 2014) Koç, Gülten; Eroğlu, Kafiye; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 6061
    Kanser ile ilgili son veriler, hem dünyada hem de ülkemizde jinekolojik kanserlerin insidans ve mortalite açısından ilk on kanser türü içinde yer aldığını göstermektedir. Jinekolojik kanserler tedavinin manevi ve maddi yükünün fazlalığı ile diğer kanserlerden farklıdır. Bu nedenle jinekolojik kanser mortalite ve morbiditesinin azaltılmasında kanser kontrolüne yönelik geliştirilmiş stratejiler daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Hemşireler kanser kontrolünün her aşamasında önemli rolleri olan sağlık çalışanlarıdır. Kanser kontrolünde hemşire kanseri önleme, tarama ve tanılamada danışmanlık yapma, bakım verme, sağlık eğitimi yapma, kanser vakalarını yönetme ve araştırma yapma rollerine sahiptir. Bu nedenle jinekolojik kanser ile ilişkili faktörleri bilerek kapsamlı bir tanılama, risk belirleme, genetik yatkınlık konularında analiz ve sentez yapabilecek bilgiye sahip olmalıdır. Böylece jinekolojik kanser gelişmesini önlemeye ve kansere bağlı ölümleri azaltmaya yönelik bireye özgü programlar geliştirebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Jinekolojik kanser, kanserden korunma, sağlığın geliştirilmesi, hemşirelik. / The most recent data about cancer demonstrate that gynaecological cancers rank among the top ten types of cancer in terms of both incidence and mortality in the world and in Turkey. The gyneacological cancers differ from other cancers with respect to the high financial and moral burden of their therapies. For that reason, the strategies developed for cancer control in reducing the gyneacological cancer mortality and morbidity have become even more prominent. Nurses are healthcare professionals who have crucial roles in every level of cancer control. In cancer control, a nurse assumes roles of preventing cancer, counseling during screening and diagnosis, providing care, conducting health education, managing cancer cases and carrying out research. Therefore, s/he should have enough knowledge for being able to do analysis and synthesis by doing a comprehensive diagnosis, risk identification and genetic predisposition with awareness of gynaecological cancer-related factors. Thus, personalized programs geared towards preventing the development of gynaecological cancer and reducing cancer-related deaths may be developed.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Egypt’s manufacturing sector: seizing on an advantageous product space position
    (The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, 2017) Bustos, Sebastian; Department of Economics; Yıldırım, Muhammed Ali; Faculty Member; Department of Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 219280
    This policy report on Egypt’s industrial sector is the third in a series of reports aimed at identifying strategic options Arab countries have in undertaking structural transformation. Using the product space methodology, this report analyzes existing capabilities of selected economies by identifying products they currently export and determining which path they should follow to produce more sophisticated and strategic products. A study of Egypt’s product space reveals the country should develop the machinery and chemicals & allied industry since they would increase the country’s product complexity index. To meet this specific goal and to enhance production in other sectors, Egypt should focus on providing support and public inputs—such as infrastructure and regulation—to existing industries with the aim of improving their productivity and ability to jump to nearby opportunities.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    An historical geographic information system for Ottoman Studies. The c. 1907 Ottoman Census and Armenian Settlement in Istanbul
    (Peeters Online Journals, 2020) Ohanian, Daniel; Başkurt, Z. Mehmet; Department of History; Kabadayı, Mustafa Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of History; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 33267
    The purpose of this article is to announce the publication of a partial transcription of the c. 1907 Ottoman census that relates to 24,000 Apostolic Armenian Istanbulites and of a historical geographic information system (HGIS), or interactive map, that shows where these individuals lived. Within this framework, the authors first present their argument that an unidentified, microfilmed population register housed in New York is the most substantial portion of this census currently available to researchers. In the second part of their article, they introduce HGISes as tools for the digital humanities and describe the process of creating one.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    An empirical investigation of four well-known polynomial-size VRP formulations
    (NA, 2018) Öncan, Temel; Department of Business Administration; N/A; Aksen, Deniz; Sadatizamanabad, Mirehsan Hesam; Faculty Member; Department of Business Administration; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; 40308; N/A
    This study presents an in-depth computational analysis of four well-known Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) formulations with polynomial number of subtour elimination constraints: a node-based formulation and three arc-based (single, two- and multi-commodity flow) formulations. For each formulation, several valid inequalities (VIs) are added for the purpose of tightening the formulation. Moreover, a simple topology-driven granulation scheme is proposed to reduce the number of a certain type of VIs. The lower and upper bounding performance and the solution efficiency of the formulations and respective VI configurations are benchmarked with state-of-the-art commercial optimization software. The extensive computational analysis embraces 121 instances with up to 100 customer nodes. We believe that our findings could be useful for practitioners as well as researchers developing algorithms for the CVRP.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Granulomatosis with Poliangiitis (GPA)
    (Hacettepe Tıp Fakültesi, 2021) Kanıtez, Nilüfer Alpay; Şentürk, Begüm Güler; Faculty Member; Researcher; School of Medicine; 239432; 327593
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Gebelikte belirlenen risk faktörlerinin anne ve bebek sağlığı açısından ortaya çıkardığı sorunların incelenmesi
    (Düzce Üniversitesi, 2014) Balkaya, Nevin Akdolun; Vural, Gülşen; Eroğlu, Kafiye; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 6061
    Araştırma, gebelikteki risk faktörlerini ve bunların ane ve bebek sağlığına etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla prospektif olarak yapılmıştır. Çalışma, Bolu il belediye sınırları içindeki Merkez Sağlık Ocakları’nda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sağlık Ocakları’na 6 ay içinde başvuran, 1. trimestrı dolduran ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden toplam 184 gebe çalışmaya alınmıştır. İzlem sonucunda gebelerde birden fazla risk faktörü bulunduğu ve risklerin gebelik haftası ilerledikçe artığı gözlenmiştir. Kadınların %6.8’i doğum eyleminde sorun yaşarken, doğum sonrası sadece bir annede sorun görülmemiştir. Gebelikteki bireysel ve ailesel riskler, özelikle obstetrik, tıbi öykü ve şimdiki gebeliğe bağlı çeşitli risk faktörleri düşük tehdidi, erken doğum tehdidi, prematür eylem, preklemsi, doğum korkusu, sezaryen doğum, bebek ölümü, konjenital anomali bebek doğumu, doğum sonrası enfeksiyon ve doğum sonrası ruhsal sıkıntı yaşama riskini artırmıştır. Gebeliği riske sokan faktörler peripartum dönemde ane ve bebeğin sağlığını olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu nedenle hemşirelerin gebelikteki risk faktörlerini erkenden saptamaları, özelikle risk altındaki gebeleri düzenli ve sık olarak izlemeleri ve riskler ve olası etkilerine yönelik koruyucu bakım, eğitm ve danışmanlık hizmetlerini vermeleri önemlidir. / The study has ben carried out prospectively to determine risk factors in pregnancy and their impacts on both mother’s and newborn’s health in central health-care centers in Bolu. A total of 184 pregnant women who had visited health-care centers within 6 months, had completed first trimester and accepted to attend at research were included. As a result of follow-up, it was observed that attendants had multiple risk factors and risks increased with gestational age. Of women 6.8% experienced problems in delivery, only one mother had no problem postpartum. Various individual and family risk factors were present during pregnancy. Particularly obstetrics, medical history and a variety of present pregnancy related risk factors increased risks of miscarriage, risks of preterm labor, preterm labor, preclampsia, fear of childbirth, cesarean birth, infant mortality, births of babies with congenital anomalies, neonatal infections and postpartum psychological distress. Factors risking pregnancy influence mother’s and newborn’s health in peripartum period adversely. Therefore it is important hat nurses determine risk factors early during pregnancy, follow up especially the pregnant women at risk regularly and frequently and give effective preventive care, education and counseling related to the risks and their possible consequences.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    First case of severe late ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in a patient who was treated with in-vitro maturation of human oocytes and planed short gonadotropin stimulation
    (Open Journal of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 2016) N/A; Ata, Mustafa Barış; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 182910
    In-vitro maturation is a technique used to perform assisted reproduction in women with high ovarian reserve, who are at risk for ovarian stimulation. With this technique occasionally 3-4 days of gonadotropins are planned to enlarge the follicles and aid in oocyte collection. Human choreinonic gonadotropin is also given to ease the collection. These few days of ovarian stimulation were felt to be insufficient to cause severe ovarian hyperstimlation syndrome. However, the case of a 32 year old women with polycystic ovary syndrome who underwent planned ovarian stimulation with four days of gonadotropins for a stimulated IVM cycle, and who developed severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome is presented. This is the first case of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome in an IVM cycle. Clearly, only unstimulated IVM can be used to completely avoid ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Bank volatility connectedness in South East Asia
    (2018) Department of Economics; Yılmaz, Kamil; Faculty Member; Department of Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 6111
    This paper presents an analysis of the volatility connectedness of major bank stocks in the South East Asia (SEACEN) region between 2004 and 2016. Applying the Diebold-Yilmaz Connectedness Index (DYCI) framework to daily stock return volatilities of major banks in the region, we obtain results that help us uncover valuable information on the region's static and dynamic bank volatility network. The volatility connectedness increased substantially during the US financial crisis (from 2007 to 2009) and during the European sovereign debt and banking crisis in 2011. The recent increase in the total connectedness has resulted from temporary financial shocks on a global scale. Once included in the analysis, the global systemically important banks (GSIBs) from the U.S. and Europe generate substantial volatility connectedness to SEACEN banks. We also identify country clusters in the banking volatility network. Major Indian, Taiwanese and Chinese banks generate volatility connectedness to their counterparts in other countries of the region. Finally, we show that the region's bank volatility network becomes tighter during systemic events; banks from different countries in the region generate volatility connectedness to the others.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Mühendis gözüyle ekolojik tahribata bir örnek: BP çevre felaketi
    (Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2019) Department of Computer Engineering; Yobas, Mümine Banu; Teaching Faculty; Department of Computer Engineering; College of Engineering