Publications with Fulltext

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    PublicationOpen Access
    Book review: The idea of comedy: history, theory, critique
    (Penn State University Press, 2007) Department of Philosophy; Freydberg, Bernard; Faculty Member; Department of Philosophy; College of Social Sciences and Humanities
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Derrida's otobiographies
    (University of Hawaii Press, 2017) Department of Comparative Literature; Ergin, Meliz; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 101428
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Materiality in picturebooks: an introduction
    (Croatian Association of Researchers in Children's Literature (HIDK / CARCL), 2019) Department of Media and Visual Arts; Alaca, Ilgım Veryeri; Faculty Member; Department of Media and Visual Arts; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 50569
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Honing emergent literacy via food: edible reading
    (Croatian Association of Researchers in Children's Literature (HIDK / CARCL), 2019) Department of Media and Visual Arts; Alaca, Ilgım Veryeri; Faculty Member; Department of Media and Visual Arts; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 50569
    This study explores the honing of children's emerging literacy skills through the use of food that is inspired by children's books. Besides digital and printed books, edible texts have the potential to aid language acquisition and literary appreciation. When edible materials and children's books are synthesised into a new form to facilitate edible readings, the combination may inspire more families to engage in everyday literacy activities with their children. Using historical examples of edible reading that support emergent literacy, this work investigates how children have fed on edible materialities that appeal to their senses on multiple levels. As well as traditional methods, this study looks at innovative methods of food printing and production such as 2D and 3D printing technologies and how these may be integrated into edible texts through prototypes presented by the author. / Istražuje se način brušenja, tj. uvježbavanja vještine dječje rane pismenosti uz pomoć namirnica inspiriranih dječjim knjigama. Osim digitalnih i tiskanih knjiga, i jestivi tekstovi imaju potencijal pomoći usvajanju jezika i upoznavanju književnosti. Kad se jestivi materijali i dječje knjige sintetiziraju u novi oblik kako bi se olakšalo jestivo čitanje, ta kombinacija može potaknuti veći broj obitelji na zajedničko sudjelovanje sa svojom djecom u svakodnevnim aktivnostima usmjerenima na razvoj pismenosti. U osloncu na povijesne primjere jestivoga čitanja koji podupiru ranu pismenost, istražuje se kako su se djeca hranila jestivim tekstovima koji su poticali njihove osjete na višestrukim razinama. Razmatraju se ne samo tradicionalne metode, nego i inovativne metode tiskanja na hrani i nove tehnologije kao što su dvodimenzionalni i trodimenzionalni tisak te se razmatra kako bi se one mogle uključiti u proizvodnju jestivih tekstova i to uz pomoć prototipa jestivih namirnica koje je osmislila i ovdje prikazala autorica rada.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Entanglements between the Tanzimat and al-Nahdah: Jurji Zaydan between Tarikh adab al-lughah al-turkiyyah and Tarikh adab al-lughah al-'arabiyyah
    (Brill, 2019) Department of Comparative Literature; Arslan, Ceylan Ceyhun; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 280297
    This article analyzes comparisons between Arabic and Turkish literatures in literary histories from the late Ottoman period, with a particular focus on works by Jurji Zaydan (1861-1914). Drawing upon Alexander Beecroft's concept of "literary biomes," it argues that these comparisons overlooked intersections of Arabic and Turkish literatures in the "Ottoman literary biome" and depicted them as belonging to two separate "biomes." I define the "Ottoman literary biome" as the transcultural space of the Ottoman Empire that allowed the circulation of a multilingual textual repertoire and cultivated a cultural elite. Through foregrounding the transcultural context of Ottoman literary biome, I demonstrate that modern Arabic and Turkish literatures morphed in a reciprocal entanglement. My work finally calls for the fields of Arabic literature and comparative literature to further flesh out the diversity of literary biomes in which Arabic texts circulated.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Chronometrics in the modern metropolis: the city, the past and collective memory in A.H. Tanpınar
    (Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Press, 2015) Department of Comparative Literature; Dolcerocca, Özen Nergis; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 237469