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    PublicationOpen Access
    Global dynamics, domestic coalitions and a reactive state: major policy shifts in post-war Turkish economic development
    (Middle East Technical University, 2007) Şenses, Fikret; Department of International Relations; Öniş, Ziya; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 7715
    The main objective of this study is to propose an analytical framework to explain the major policy shifts that has characterized post-war Turkish economic development; divided into four phases, starting respectively in 1950, 1960, 1980, and 2001. Its main contribution is to incorporate external and internal factors into this framework within a broadly political economy perspective, attaching particular significance to the role of economic crises in moving from one phase to the other. While the role of external agents is identified as the main factor behind policy shifts, the role of domestic coalitions in support of policy regime in each phase is also recognized. Drawing attention to the role of state in the impressive recent growth of countries such as China, India, and Ireland, the paper argues that there is still room for the state taking on a developmental role. The paper recommends that Turkey follows a similar path by improving state capacity not only with respect to its regulatory role but also in more developmental spheres, encompassing its redistributive and transformative role on the basis of a domestically-determined industrialization strategy.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Household demographics and preference for organic products in seven major food categories
    (Anadolu Üniversitesi, 2022) Department of Business Administration; Güler, Ali Umut; Faculty Member; Department of Business Administration; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 143349
    Amid increasing health concerns about industrially processed packaged consumer products, demand for organic products has risen in recent decades. Using rich panel data on food purchases of more than 60 thousand U.S. households, this study examines consumer profiles of organic products in seven major food groups with the aim of identifying household characteristics that predict preference for organic product options. The results of the regression analyses show that demand for organic products increases with income and education level. The preference for organic products is higher in younger households and peaks in the 30-34 age group, while it decreases in large households with more than four members. At the same time, the results show that consumption of organic products increases in households with a young child, especially in categories that typically form an important part of a young child's diet, such as eggs and dairy products. These results suggest significant nonlinearities in the effects of age and household size, as well as differences in the effects of demographic variables by product category, that should be taken into consideration in the marketing of organic products. / Endüstriyel olarak işlenmiş tüketici ürünleriyle ilgili sağlık endişelerinin artmasıyla birlikte, yakın dönemde organik ürünlere olan talep artmıştır. Bu çalışma, organik ürün tercihini belirleyen hanehali demografik özelliklerini ortaya koymak amacıyla, 60 binin üzerinde ABD hanehalkının gıda alımlarına ilişkin verişini kullanarak, yedi ana gıda grubu temelinde organik ürünlerin tüketici profillerini incelemektedir. Regresyon analizlerinden elde edilen sonuçlar, organik ürünlere olan talebin gelir ve eğitim düzeyi ile arttığını ortaya koymaktadır. Organik ürün tercihi genç hanelerde daha yüksek olup, 30-34 yaş grubunda en yüksek seviyeye çıkmakta, buna karşın dört ve daha çok birey içeren geniş haneler için düşüş göstermektedir. Küçük çocuklu evlerde, özellikle yumurta ve süt ürünleri gibi tipik olarak çocuk beslenmesinde önemli yeri olan gıda kategorilerinde organik ürünlerin payı artmaktadır. Bu bulgular, organik ürün pazarlamasında, demografik etmenlerde yaş ve hanehalkı büyüklüğüne göre ve ürün kategorisine göre oluşabilen tercih farklarının gözönünde bulundurulması gerektiğine işaret etmektedir.