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Publication Open Access Revisiting the etiological aspects of dissociative identity disorder: a biopsychosocial perspective(Dove Medical Press, 2017) Dorahy, Martin J; Krüger, Christa; N/A; Şar, Vedat; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 8542Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a chronic post-traumatic disorder where developmentally stressful events in childhood, including abuse, emotional neglect, disturbed attachment, and boundary violations are central and typical etiological factors. Familial, societala and cultural factors may give rise to the trauma and/or they may influence the expression of DID. Memory and the construction of self-identity are cognitive processes that appear markedly and centrally disrupted in DID and are related to its etiology. Enduring decoupling of psychological modes may create separate senses of self, and metamemory processes may be involved in interidentity amnesia. Neurobiological differences have been demonstrated between dissociative identities within patients with DID and between patients with DID and controls. Given the current evidence, DID as a diagnostic entity cannot be explained as a phenomenon created by iatrogenic influences, suggestibility, malingering, or social role-taking. On the contrary, DID is an empirically robust chronic psychiatric disorder based on neurobiological, cognitive, and interpersonal non-integration as a response to unbearable stress. While current evidence is sufficient to firmly establish this etiological stance, given the wide opportunities for innovative research, the disorder is still understudied. Comparison of well-selected samples of DID patients with non-dissociative subjects who have other psychiatric disorders would further delineate the neurobiological and cognitive features of the disorder, whereas genetic research on DID would further illuminate the interaction of the individual with environmental stress. As such, DID may be seen as an exemplary disease model of the biopsychosocial paradigm in psychiatry.Publication Open Access Risperidone and hepatotoxicity in children and adolescent: a literature review(Cyprus Mental Health Institute, 2020) Çöpür, Mazlum; Çöpür, Sidar; Researcher; School of MedicineRisperidone is a second generation anti-psychotic drug that is commonly preferred in the treatment of schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and bipolar disorders. Risperidone-associated hepatic adverse effects have long been investigated and continues to be unclear. In this review, our aim is to establish the possible hepatic adverse effects linked to risperidone treatment in children and adolescent in terms of severities and reversibility. We performed literature search via electronic databases (PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library) in August 2019. Risperidone treatment may lead to alterations in liver function test (LFT), mostly asymptomatic and reversible with the discontinuation or normalizes with time. Furthermore, there are few cases reporting risperidone-induced cholestatic hepatitis and immunoallergic hepatitis. Although exact mechanism of action of risperidone on liver remains unknown, there are growing evidences that link alterations of fatty acid biosynthesis to hepatic adverse effects. We recommend physicians to take basal LFT prior to risperidone treatment and monitor LFT during treatment. Additionally, physicians should be aware that most alterations at LFT associated with risperidone use are asymptomatic and reversible. However, more comprehensive studies investigating risperidone-associated hepatic adverse effects should be performed to reach a definitive outcome. / Risperidon; şizofreni, dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu ve bipolar bozukluğun tedavisinde yaygın olarak tercih edilen ikinci kuşak anti-psikotik bir ilaçtır. Çocuklarda risperidon kullanımının karaciğer üzerine olası yan etkileri uzun yıllardır incelenmekte olup konuyla ilgili kesin bir sonuca varılamamıştır. Bu çalışmada, çocuk ve ergenlerde risperidon kullanımının olası yan etkilerini şiddet ve geri dönüşümlülüğü dahil olmak üzere birçok açıdan incelemeyi amaçlamaktayız. Konu, Ağustos 2019 tarihi itibariyle yayınlanmış olan çalışmalar arasından PubMed, Embase ve Cochrane Library olmak üzere üç elektronik veri tabanında araştırılmıştır. Risperidon kullanımının karaciğer fonksiyon testlerinde (KFT) bozukluklara yol açabilmesine rağmen bu değişimlerin çoğunlukla ilacın bırakılmasını takiben geri dönüşümlü olduğu ve klinik bir belirtiye yol açmadığı görülmüştür. Aynı zamanda, risperidon kullanımının immüno-alerjik hepatit ve kolestatik hepatit ile ilişkili olabileceğini gösteren birtakım vaka bildirimleri literatürde mevcuttur. Risperidonun karaciğer hasarına yol açan temel etki mekanizması henüz bilinmiyor olsa da KFT’deki bozuklukların yağ aside sentezindeki değişiklikler ile ilişkili olduğu görüşü hakimdir. Konuyla ilişkin kesin bir kanıya varmadan önce daha kapsamlı çalışmalara ihtiyaç duyulmakla birlikte, risperidon tedavisi düşünülen hastalarda tedavi öncesi bazal bir KFT yapılıp tedavi boyunca değerlerin takip edilmesinin faydalı olacağı görülmektedir. Testlerde meydana gelebilecek değişimlerin çoğu zaman asemptomatik ve geri dönüşümlü olduğu ve karaciğer yetmezliğine yol açmayacağı bilinmelidir.Publication Open Access Effectiveness of Self-Help Plus in preventing mental disorders in refugees and asylum seekers in Western Europe: a multinational randomized controlled trial(Karger Publishers, 2021) Purgato, Marianna; Carswell, Kenneth; Tedeschi, Federico; Anttila, Minna; Au, Teresa; Bajbouj, Malek; Baumgartner, Josef; Biondi, Massimo; Churchill, Rachel; Cuijpers, Pim; Koesters, Markus; Gastaldon, Chiara; Lantta, Tella; Nose, Michela; Ostuzzi, Giovanni; Papola, Davide; Popa, Mariana; Roselli, Valentina; Sijbrandij, Marit; Tarsitani, Lorenzo; Turrini, Giulia; Valimaki, Maritta; Walker, Lauren; Wancata, Johannes; Zanini, Elisa; White, Ross; van Ommeren, Mark; Barbui, Corrado; Department of Psychology; Acartürk, Ceren; İlkkurşun, Zeynep; Faculty Member; Master Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 39271; N/AIntroduction: Self-Help Plus (SH+) is a group-based psychological intervention developed by the World Health Organization for managing stress. Objective: to assess the effectiveness of SH+ in preventing mental disorders in refugees and asylum seekers in Western Europe. Methods: we conducted a randomized controlled trial in 5 European countries. Refugees and asylum seekers with psychological distress (General Health Questionnaire score >= 3), but without a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) or ICD/10 diagnosis of mental disorder, as assessed with the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), were randomized to SH+ or enhanced treatment as usual (ETAU). The primary outcome was the frequency of mental disorders with the MINI at 6 months. Secondary outcomes included the frequency of mental disorders at postintervention, self-identified problems, psychological symptoms, and other outcomes. Results: four hundred fifty-nine individuals were randomly assigned to SH+ or ETAU. For the primary outcome, we found no difference in the frequency of mental disorders at 6 months (Cramer V = 0.007, p = 0.90, RR = 0.96; 95% CI 0.52-1.78), while the difference significantly favored SH+ at after the intervention (secondary outcome, measured within 2 weeks from the last session; Cramer V = 0.13, p = 0.01, RR = 0.50; 95% CI 0.29-0.87). Conclusions: this is the first randomized indicated prevention study with the aim of preventing the onset of mental disorders in asylum seekers and refugees in Western Europe. As a prevention effect of SH+ was not observed at 6 months, but rather after the intervention only, modalities to maintain its beneficial effect in the long term need to be identified.Publication Open Access Trajectories of psychosocial symptoms and wellbeing in asylum seekers and refugees exposed to traumatic events and resettled in Western Europe, Turkey, and Uganda(Taylor _ Francis, 2022) Purgato, Marianna; Tedeschi, Federico; Turrini, Giulia; Anttila, Minna; Augustinavicious, Jura; Baumgartner, Josef; Bryant, Richard; Churchill, Rachel; Karyotaki, Eirini; Klein, Thomas; Koesters, Markus; Lantta, Tella; Leku, Marx R.; Nose, Michela; Ostuzzi, Giovanni; Popa, Mariana; Prina, Eleonora; Sijbrandij, Marit; Uygun, Ersin; Valimaki, Maritta; Walker, Lauren; Wancata, Johannes; White, Ross G.; Cuijpers, Pim; Tol, Wietse; Barbui, Corrado; Department of Psychology; Acartürk, Ceren; İlkkurşun, Zeynep; Faculty Member; Master Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 39271; N/ABackground: longitudinal studies examining mental health trajectories in refugees and asylum seekers are scarce. Objectives: to investigate trajectories of psychological symptoms and wellbeing in refugees and asylum seekers, and identify factors associated with these trajectories. Method: 912 asylum seekers and refugees from the control arm of three trials in Europe (n = 229), Turkey (n = 320), and Uganda (n = 363) were included. We described trajectories of psychological symptoms and wellbeing, and used trauma exposure, age, marital status, education, and individual trial as predictors. Then, we assessed the bidirectional interactions between wellbeing and psychological symptoms, and the effect of each predictor on each outcome controlling for baseline values. Results: symptom improvement was identified in all trials, and for wellbeing in 64.7% of participants in Europe and Turkey, versus 31.5% in Uganda. In Europe and Turkey domestic violence predicted increased symptoms at post-intervention (ss = 1.36, 95% CI 0.17-2.56), whilst murder of family members at 6-month follow-up (ss = 1.23, 95% CI 0.27-2.19). Lower wellbeing was predicted by murder of family member (ss = -1.69, 95% CI -3.06 to -0.32), having been kidnapped (ss = -1.67, 95% CI -3.19 to -0.15), close to death (ss = -1.38, 95% CI -2.70 to -0.06), and being in the host country >= 2 years (ss = -1.60, 95% CI -3.05 to -0.14). In Uganda at post-intervention, having been kidnapped predicted increased symptoms (ss = 2.11, 95% CI 0.58-3.65), and lack of shelter (ss = -2.51, 95% CI -4.44 to -0.58) and domestic violence predicted lower wellbeing (ss = -1.36, 95% CI -2.67 to -0.05). Conclusion: many participants adapt to adversity, but contextual factors play a critical role in determining mental health trajectories. / Antecedentes: estudios longitudinales que examinan las trayectorias de la salud mental en losrefugiados y solicitantes de asilo son escasos. Objetivos: investigar las trayectorias de los síntomas psicológicos y el bienestar en refugiadosy solicitantes de asilo, e identificar factores asociados a estas trayectorias.Métodos:Se incluyeron 912 solicitantes de asilos y refugiados del brazo control de tresensayos clínicos en Europa (n= 229), Turquía (n= 320) y Uganda (n= 363). Describimos las trayectorias psicológicas de los síntomas y el bienestar, y utilizamos la exposición traumática, laedad, el estado marital, la educación y el juicio individual como predictores. Después,evaluamos las interacciones bidireccionales entre el bienestar y los síntomas psicológicos, yel efecto de cada uno de los predictores en cada resultado controlando por los valores iniciales.Resultados: se identificó una mejoría en los síntomas en todos los ensayos, y del bienestar en el64.7% de los participantes en Europa y Turquía, versus el 31.5% en Uganda. En Europa y en Turquía,la violencia doméstica predijo el incremento de síntomas de después de la intervención (ß= 1.36,95% CI 0.17 a 2.56), mientras que el homicidio de algún miembro familiar a los 6 meses deseguimiento (ß= 1.23, 95% CI 0.27 a 2.19). Un menor bienestar fue predicho por el homicidio dealgún miembro de la familia (ß=?1.69, 95% CI?3.06 a?0.32), haber sido secuestrado (ß=?1.67, 95% CI?3.19 a?0.15), haber estado próximo a la muerte (ß=?1.38, 95% CI?2.70 a?0.06), y estar en el país de acogida?2años(ß=?1.60, 95% CI?3.05 a?0.14). En Uganda,después de la intervención, haber sido secuestrado predijo un aumento de los síntomas(ß=2.11, 95% CI 0.58 a 3.65), y la falta de refugio (ß=?2.51, 95% CI?4.44 a?0.58) y laviolencia doméstica predijo un menor bienestar (ß=?1.36, 95% CI?2.67 a?0.05).Conclusión: muchos participantes se adaptan a la adversidad, pero los factores contextualesjuegan un papel crítico en determinar las trayectorias de la salud mental.Publication Open Access The comorbidity of reduplicative paramnesia, intermetamorphosis, reverse-intermetamorphosis, misidentification of reflection, and capgras syndrome in an adolescent patient(Hindawi, 2014) Arısoy, Özden; Tufan, A. Evren; Bilici, Rabia; Topal, Zehra; Demir, Nuran; Cansız, M. Akif; N/A; Taşkıran, Ali Sarper; Other; School of Medicine; 195168Delusional misidentification syndromes may be superimposed on neurological or psychiatric disorders and include delusional beliefs that the people, objects, or places around the patient change or are made to change with one another. In this paper, an adolescent patient displaying Capgras syndrome, metamorphosis, reverse-intermetamorphosis,misidentification of reflection, and reduplicative paramnesia was presented. The findings that our patient struggled with visuospatial tests applied in the acute phase as well as the observation that she refused to meet her family face-to-face while accepting to speak on the phone may support the role of right hemisphere and visuospatial functions in the development of those syndromes. Further studies or case series evaluated more extensively are needed to reveal the relationship between right hemisphere functions and delusional misidentification syndromes.Publication Open Access What opportunities do European early career psychiatrists have?(Hellenic Psychiatric Association, 2019) Pagkalos, G.; Ismayilova, J.; Gondek, T.M.; Mogren, T.; Pinto da Costa, Μ.; Kılıç, Özge; Doctor; Koç University HospitalIn the past century, biological, psychological and social sciences have brought significant progresses to psychiatry, building it is a broad medical specialty, closely linked to somatic medicine, psychology and society. Many psychiatrists early in their career have understood that it is easier to face these challenges in a collaborative way, and therefore there has been in the last decades a growth of local and national associations of psychiatric trainees and early career psychiatrists across Europe. In 2007, the European Psychiatric Association (EPA) has integrated in its program the "Young Psychiatrists Committee", an informal network of young psychiatrists. This Committee since 2010 has been known as the Early Career Psychiatrists Committee (ECPC). EPA has been making remarkable efforts towards supporting early career psychiatrists' education and participation in scientific congresses, promoting their professional growth and integration into the international professional community. Likewise, early career psychiatrists contribute to EPA with their motivation, enthusiasm and creative ideas, proving this initiative as an effective win-win cooperation.Publication Open Access Population-based psychiatric comorbidity in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder: a meta-analysis(Frontiers, 2022) Can, Merve; Münir, Kerim; Mutluer, Tuba; Genç, Herdem Aslan; Eser, Hale Yapıcı; Ertınmaz, Beliz; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 305311; 177866; N/A; 134359; N/APsychiatric comorbidity in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a subject of critical scientific importance, affecting the quality of life, prognosis, and functional outcomes. The prevalence of psychiatric disorders vary considerably according to variables such as index subject characteristics, study setting, sampling frame, diagnostic methods used, as well as country of geographic origin. To date, most studies comprise clinical or treatment referral samples in tertiary care or subjects enrolled in clinical trials and genetic cohort collections. Such samples carry the potential for overestimation of both the frequency and severity of psychiatric comorbidity. A systematic literature search was performed using PubMed and Web of Science databases restricted to population-based study publications in the English between May 1, 2015, and May 31, 2020. A comprehensive keyword list was generated to investigate co-occurrence of psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents with ASD. A wide range of DSM-5 based disorders such as anxiety, mood, ADHD, intellectual disability/intellectual developmental disorder, eating/feeding, gender dysphoria and sleep-wake disorders were assessed. Initial search revealed a total of 1674 articles after removal of duplicates. Two independent researchers conducted a parallel-blinded screening process to identify the eligible studies based on titles and abstracts; 39 studies were analyzed in the current review. The main findings show prevalence estimates of 22.9% (95% CI: 17.7- 29.2) for intellectual disability; 26.2% (22-31) for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; 11.1% (8.6-14.1) for anxiety disorders; 19.7% (11.9-30.7) for sleep disorders; 7% (5.2- 9.3) for disruptive disorders; 2% (1.3- 3.1) for bipolar disorders; 2.7% (1.8- 4.2) for depression; 1.8% (0.4-8.7) for obsessive-compulsive disorder; and 0.6% (0.3-1.1) for psychosis. Psychiatric comorbidity in population-based studies is lower than in clinical and referred samples. However, our results also indicate that the frequency of psychiatric comorbidity in children and adolescents with ASD in the population context is considerable, without the influence of referral bias implicit in clinical and treatment samples. There is a need for better targeted diagnostic tools to detect psychiatric comorbidity in children and youth in future population-based studies, as an essential component in providing care as well as new insights into the nature and mechanisms of its underlying associations.Publication Open Access The profile of nurses in psychiatric units: Istanbul sample(Kare Yayıncılık, 2021) Boyacıoğlu, Nur Elçin; Yılmaz, Sevil; Sükut, Özge; Doğan, Nareğ; Enginkaya, Semra; Oflaz, Fahriye; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 185160Introduction: nurses are the backbone of the workforce in mental healthcare. However, profile studies of nurses working in mental health services are limited, and provide inadequate qualitative and quantitative evidence about the characteristics, roles and functions of nurses who work in psychiatric settings. The aim of this study was to examine and provide a profile of nurses working in Istanbul psychiatric care units. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional design was used to analyze the personal characteristics, work conditions, and job-related experiences of 307 nurses working in psychiatric service units in Istanbul in 2018-2019. Data were collected using a 46-question digital survey of personal and professional experiences, services performed, and work conditions. Results: the nurses’ responses revealed that they felt that the patient/nurse ratio was insufficient and that the physical environment was inadequate, there was a lack of sufficient safety, and insufficient support personnel. Nurses still fulfill a very traditional role in psychiatric settings. Discussion and conclusion: this study illustrates some of the work-related concerns and experiences of nurses serving in psychiatric service units. A greater focus on personal, recovery-centered care according to evidence-based standards for the patient/nurse ratio and other international criteria and knowledge is needed. / Amaç: hemşireler, ruh sağlığı hizmetlerindeki işgücünün bel kemiğidir. Ancak ruh sağlığı hizmetleri ile ilgili profil araştırmalarında psikiyatri alanında çalışan hemşirelerin özellikleri, rolleri ve işlevleri hakkında niteliksel ve niceliksel kanıtlar yetersizdir. Bu araştırma, psikiyatrik bakım hizmeti verilen birimlerde çalışan hemşirelerin profilini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. Gereç ve yöntem: tanımlayıcı ve kesitsel nitelikteki çalışma, İstanbul'da 2017–2019 yıllarında psikiyatri servislerinde çalışan 307 hemşirenin kişisel ve mesleki özelliklerini ortaya koymak amacıyla uygulandı. Veriler, kişisel ve mesleki deneyimler, hizmet sunumu ve çalışma koşulları hakkındaki 46 soruluk bir dijital anket ile toplandı. Bulgular: çalışmanın bulguları hasta/hemşire oranının yetersiz olduğunu ve uygun olmayan fiziksel ortam, güvenlik eksikliği ve destek personeli eksikliğinin hemşireler tarafından en çok dile getirilen sorunlar olduğunu göstermiştir. Hemşireler psikiyatri birimlerinde hala geleneksel rolleri yerine getirmektedirler. Sonuç: bu çalışma, psikiyatri birimlerinde çalışan hemşirelerin mesleki durumlarını bir ayna gibi yansıtmaktadır. Psikiyatri alanında ki hemşirelerin, çalışmalarının odağını birey ve iyileşme merkezli bakıma çevirmeleri gerekmektedir. Psikiyatri yatan hasta birimlerinde hasta/hemşire oranı için kanıta dayalı standartlar bulunmamaktadır. Psikiyatri servislerinde hemşire kadrolarının uluslararası ve çağdaş kriterlere göre incelenmesi gerekmektedir. / Introduction: nurses are the backbone of the workforce in mental healthcare. However, profile studies of nurses working in mental health services are limited, and provide inadequate qualitative and quantitative evidence about the characteristics, roles and functions of nurses who work in psychiatric settings. The aim of this study was to examine and provide a profile of nurses working in Istanbul psychiatric care units. Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional design was used to analyze the personal characteristics, work conditions, and job-related experiences of 307 nurses working in psychiatric service units in Istanbul in 2018-2019. Data were collected using a 46-question digital survey of personal and professional experiences, services performed, and work conditions. Results: the nurses’ responses revealed that they felt that the patient/nurse ratio was insufficient and that the physical environment was inadequate, there was a lack of sufficient safety, and insufficient support personnel. Nurses still fulfill a very traditional role in psychiatric settings. Discussion and conclusion: this study illustrates some of the work-related concerns and experiences of nurses serving in psychiatric service units. A greater focus on personal, recovery-centered care according to evidence-based standards for the patient/nurse ratio and other international criteria and knowledge is needed.Publication Open Access Alexithymia in nurses and its relationship with burnout, anger, and somatization(Kare Yayıncılık, 2020) Korkmaz, Ebru Konal; Kadıoğlu, Hasibe; Karaca, Semra; Telli, Sibel; Koç University HospitalObjectives: the aim of the study was to evaluate the alexithymia levels of nurses and the relationship between alexithymia and burnout, anger, and somatization. Methods: this correlational descriptive study was conducted with 339 nurses working in four training research hospitals between February 3 and 28, 2014. Data were collected using the Demographic Questionnaire, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Maslach Burnout Inventory, State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, and SCl-90 somatization subscale. The analysis of the data was performed using descriptive statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Spearman's correlation. Results: the mean age of the nurses participating in the research was 30.8±7.3, 91.2% were female, and 28.6% (n=97) had moderate alexithymia. The alexithymic nurses had higher burnout (p<0.05), öfke puanı (p><0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.05), anger (p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01), and somatization (p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01) scores than those who did not exhibit alexithymia. A positive weak relationship was found between the alexithymia scores and burnout (r=0.18; p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01), anger (r=0.34; p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01), and somatization (r=0.32; p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01) scores. Conclusion: the findings of the study showed that the level of alexithymia in nurses was high and the level of burnout, anger, and somatization increased as the alexithymia score increased. / Amaç: bu çalışma hemşirelerin aleksitimi düzeylerini ve aleksitiminin tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon ile ilişkisini incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: ilişkisel tanımlayıcı tipte olan çalışma 3–28 Şubat 2014 tarihleri arasında, İstanbul Anadolu Kuzey Kamu Hastaneleri Birliğine bağlı tam teşekküllü dört eğitim ve araştırma hastanesinde çalışan hemşireler ile yürütülmüştür (n=339). Araştırma verileri “Kişisel Bilgi Formu”, “Toronto Aleksitimi Ölçeği”, “Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği”, “Spielberger Sürekli Öfke ve Öfke İfade Tarzı Ölçeği” ve “SCl-90 Somatizasyon Alt Ölçeği” ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler (ortalama, sayı, yüzde dağılımları) ve Kruskall Wallis testi, Mann-Whitney-U testi ve Spearman’s Korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: çalışmaya katılan hemşirelerin, yaş ortalamasının 30.8±7.3, %91.2’sinin kadın ve %28.6’sının orta düzeyde aleksitimik olduğu bulunmuştur. Aleksitimik hemşirelerin tükenmişlik puanı (p<0.05), öfke puanı (p><0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.05), öfke puanı (p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32; p<0.01) ve somatizasyon puan ortalamaları (p><0.01) aleksitimik olmayan hemşirelerden daha yüksektir. Aleksitimi ile tükenmişlik (r=0.18; p><0.01), öfke (r=0.34; p><0.01) ve somatizasyon (r=0.32 p><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir><0.01) arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç: çalışma bulguları hemşirelerde aleksitimi düzeyinin yüksek olduğunu, aleksitimi puanı arttıkça tükenmişlik, öfke ve somatizasyon düzeylerinin de arttığını göstermiştir.Publication Open Access Understanding the associations between psychosocial factors and severity of crime in juvenile delinquency: a cross-sectional study(Dove Medical Press, 2017) Tufan, A. E.; Semerci, B.; N/A; Taşkıran, Ali Sarper; Mutluer, Tuba; Other; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 195168; N/APurpose: Juvenile delinquency is a serious and common problem. To date, several studies have focused on possible psychosocial risk factors for delinquency among youths and on the implications of childhood mental illness on child criminality. However, the literature on prevalence of psychopathology and predictors of crime severity among delinquent youths in Turkey is sparse. Therefore, the aim of this study was to show the associations between crimeseverity and psychosocial factors such as gender, age, criminal history, concomitant attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other comorbid psychiatric conditions, along with behavioral problem domains of Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Participants and methods: This analytical cross-sectional study sample consisted of 52 individuals (30 females and 22 males) who were sent to a pilot detention facility in Istanbul, Turkey. The participants' age ranged from 8 to 18 years (M = 13.4; SD = 2.9). Self-rating scales were administered in an interview format, and the crime severity information was provided by participants' admission documents. Results: No differences were found in terms of gender, age, children's past history of crime and substance abuse. However, family crime history was significantly higher in the high severity crime group (P=0.026). Having one or more comorbid psychiatric disorder was associated with high crime severity(P=0.018). The most common psychiatric disorders were found to be ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder (CD) and anxiety disorder. Conclusion: Findings suggest that a family history of crime comes across as a very strong predictor of severity of crime. Among psychiatric factors, ADHD and CD were associated with commitment of more severe crimes in delinquent youths in our sample. Anxious/depressed traits as depicted by CBCL are found to be associated with less severe crimes.