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    PublicationOpen Access
    Fear of happiness among college students: the role of gender, childhood psychological trauma, and dissociation
    (Medknow Publications, 2019) Türk, Tuğba; Öztürk, Erdinç; N/A; Şar, Vedat; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 8542
    Aims: this study aimed to evaluate the fear of happiness among college students and its relationship to gender, childhood psychological trauma, and dissociation. Setting and Design: College students were addressed as study population, and a relational screening method was implemented. Materials and Methods: among 184 participants, 93 (50.5%) were women. The Fear of Happiness Scale (FHS), the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), and the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) were administered to all participants. Statistical Analysis Used: MannuWhitney-U and Student's t-tests were implemented for comparison of groups. Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify associations between variables. Results: there were no differences on DES, FHS, and CTQ total scores between genders. DES was associated with CTQ total scores in both genders. Women had higher scores than men on childhood emotional abuse and fear of "cheerfulness ends up with bad faith." Compared to nonmembers, female dissociative taxon members had higher scores on all childhood trauma types except sexual abuse, and on all types of fear of happiness except "good fortune ends up with disaster" which was the only type of fear significantly elevated among male dissociative taxon members. A stepwise regression analysis revealed that depersonalization, childhood emotional neglect, and physical abuse predicted fear of happiness among women which was predicted by absorption among men. Conclusions: there is a relationship between childhood psychological trauma, dissociation, and fear of happiness. Women seem to be more vulnerable in this path of obsessional thinking which affects different realms in male and female genders.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Parental sexual abuse and suicidal behaviour among women with major depressive disorder
    (Sage, 2012) Talbot, Nancy L.; Ward, Erin A.; Duberstein, Paul R.; Department of Psychology; Çankaya, Banu; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities
    Objective: Women with major depressive disorder (MDD) and childhood sexual abuse histories have an increased risk for suicidal behaviours, but it is unclear whether specific abuse characteristics contribute to risk. We aimed to examine the contributions of abuse characteristics to lifetime history of suicide attempts and multiple suicide attempts, independent of posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder. Method: Women with MDD and sexual abuse histories (n = 106) were assessed regarding sexual abuse characteristics, psychiatric diagnoses, and suicide attempts. Results: In multivariate logistic regressions, the odds of having multiple suicide attempts increased 12.27-fold when childhood sexual abuse was perpetrated by a parent figure or a parent, compared with a nonparent. Conclusions: Parental perpetration of sexual abuse increases the likelihood of multiple suicide attempts among women outpatients. The relationship of the perpetrator to the abused woman is important in suicide risk evaluation and treatment planning.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Behavioral implications of the Covid-19 process for autism spectrum disorder, and individuals' comprehension of and reactions to the pandemic conditions
    (Frontiers, 2020) Mutluer, Tuba; Doenyas, Ceymi; Genç, Herdem Aslan; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 305311; N/A; N/A
    During disasters and pandemics, vulnerable populations such as patients with mental conditions are known to be overly influenced. Yet, not much is known about how the individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), one of the most common neurodevelopmental conditions globally with a prevalence of 1%, are affected from health-related disasters, especially the current Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we conducted an investigation of how individuals with ASD responded to Covid-19 in terms of comprehension and adherence to implemented measures; changes in their behavioral problems; and how their caregivers' anxiety levels relate with these behavioral changes. Our sample consisted of 87 individuals with ASD (15 girls; ages ranged from 3-29, with an average of 13.96 +/- 6.1). The majority of our sample had problems understanding what Covid-19 is and the measures it requires. They also had challenges in implementing social distance and hygiene-related regulations of the pandemic. The majority stopped receiving special education during this period. We observed a Covid-19-related clinical presentation that resembled PTSD in individuals with ASD in terms of increased stereotypies, aggression, hypersensitivity, behavioral problems, and sleep and appetite alterations. All subscales of Aberrant Behavior Checklist (ABC) differed significantly between before and after the pandemic conditions. The number of hours the children slept significantly decreased from before to during Covid-19. The anxiety levels of caregivers were high and correlated with the current behavioral problem levels of their children, but not with the level of their behavioral problems before the pandemic. The difference in ABC total score and specifically the lethargy/social withdrawal subscale score predicted parents' anxiety score. Our results suggest that the Covid-19 period inflicts specific challenges to individuals with ASD and their caregivers, underlining the need for targeted, distance special education interventions and other support services for this population.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Healthcare workers' anxieties and coping strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Turkey
    (Wiley, 2021) Özçevik Subaşı, Damla; Sümengen, Aylin Akça; Şimşek, Enes; Ocakçı, Ayşe Ferda; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; N/A; N/A; N/A; 1729
    Purpose: this study aimed to investigate the anxiety levels of healthcare workers and the coping strategies they used for stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Design and methods: this descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in April 2020 in Turkey with 444 healthcare workers via three online questionnaires: A participant information form, the State Anxiety Inventory (SAI), and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Findings: healthcare workers might be considered to experience more anxiety during the pandemic than shown in the studies conducted before the pandemic. Significant differences in SAI score were found in terms of age, gender, and education status. Practice implications: age, gender, and some variables related to the pandemic affected the anxiety levels and coping strategies of healthcare workers.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Acute dissociative reaction to spontaneous delivery in a case of total denial of pregnancy: diagnostic and forensic aspects
    (Routledge, 2017) Aydın, N.; van der Hart, O.; Frankel, A.S.; Şar, M.; Omay, O.; N/A; Şar, Vedat; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 8542
    This article presents the history of a 21-year-old female college student with total denial of pregnancy who experienced an acute dissociative reaction during the spontaneous delivery at home without medical assistance where the newborn died immediately. Psychiatric examination, self-report questionnaires, legal documents, and witness reports have been reviewed in evaluation of the case. Evidence pointed to total denial of pregnancy, that is, until delivery. The diagnoses of an acute dissociative reaction to stress (remitted) and a subsequent PTSD were established in a follow-up examination conducted 7months after the delivery. Notwithstanding the inherently dissociative nature of total denial of pregnancy, no other evidence has been found about pre-existing psychopathology. For causing the newborn's death, the patient faced charges for aggravated murder, which were later on reduced into involuntary manslaughter. Given the physical incapacity to perform voluntary acts due to the loss of control over her actions during the delivery, and the presence of an acute dissociative reaction to unexpected delivery, the legal case represents an intricate overlap between insanity and incapacitation defenses. The rather broad severity spectrum of acute dissociative conditions requires evaluation of the limits and conditions of appropriate legal defenses by mental health experts and lawyers. Denial of pregnancy as a source of potential stress has attracted little interest in psychiatric literature although solid research exists which documented that it is not infrequent. Arguments are presented to introduce this condition as a diagnostic category of female reproductive psychiatry with a more neutral label: unperceived pregnancy.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Group problem management plus (PM plus) to decrease psychological distress among Syrian refugees in Turkey: a pilot randomised controlled trial
    (BioMed Central, 2022) Uygun, E.; Yurtbakan, T.; Adam Troian, J.; Şenay, I; Bryant, R.; Cuijpers, P.; Kiselev, N.; McDaid, D.; Morina, N.; Nişancı, Z.; Park, A. L.; Sijbrandij, M.; Ventevogel, P.; Fuhr, D. C.; Department of Psychology; Acartürk, Ceren; İlkkurşun, Zeynep; Kurt, Gülşah; Faculty Member; Master Student; Teaching Faculty; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 39271; N/A; N/A
    Background: Syrian refugees resettled in Turkey show a high prevalence of symptoms of mental disorders. Problem Management Plus (PM+) is an effective psychological intervention delivered by non-specialist health care providers which has shown to decrease psychological distress among people exposed to adversity. In this single-blind pilot randomised controlled trial, we examined the methodological trial procedures of Group PM+ (gPM+) among Syrian refugees with psychological distress in Istanbul,Turkey, and assessed feasibility, acceptability, perceived impact and the potential cost-effectiveness of the intervention. Methods: refugees with psychological distress (Kessler Psychological Distress Scale, K10 > 15) and impaired psychosocial functioning (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule, WHODAS 2.0> 16) were recruited from the community and randomised to either gPM+ and enhanced care as usual (E-CAU) (n = 24) or E-CAU only (n = 22). gPM+ comprised of five weekly group sessions with eight to ten participants per group. Acceptability and feasibility of the intervention were assessed through semi-structured interviews. The primary outcome at 3-month follow-up was symptoms of depression and anxiety (Hopkins Symptoms Checklist-25). Psychosocial functioning (WHODAS 2.0), symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder and self-identified problems (Psychological Outcomes Profiles, PSYCHLOPS) were included as secondary outcomes. A modified version of the Client Service Receipt Inventory was used to document changes in the costs of health service utilisation as well as productivity losses. Results: there were no barriers experienced in recruiting study participants and in randomising them into the respective study arms. Retention in gPM+ was high (75%). Qualitative analyses of the interviews with the participants showed that Syrian refugees had a positive view on the content, implementation and format of gPM+. No adverse events were reported during the implementation. The study was not powered to detect an effect. No significant difference between gPM+ and E-CAU group on primary and secondary outcome measures, or in economic impacts were found. Conclusions: gPM+ delivered by non-specialist peer providers seemed to be an acceptable, feasible and safe intervention for Syrian refugees in Turkey with elevated levels of psychological distress. This pilot RCT sets the stage for a fully powered RCT.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Minimization of childhood maltreatment is common and consequential: results from a large, multinational sample using the childhood trauma questionnaire
    (Public Library of Science, 2016) MacDonald, K.; Thomas, M.; Sciolla, A.; Schneider, B.; Pappas, K.; Bleijenberg, G.; Bohus, M.; Bekh, B.; Carpenter, L.; Carr, A.; Dannlowski, U.; Dorahy, M.; Fahlke, C.; Finzi-Dottan, R.; Karu, T.; Gerdner, A.; Glaesmer, H.; Grabe,H.J.; Heins, M.; Kenny, D.; N/A; Şar, Vedat; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 8542
    Childhood maltreatment has diverse, lifelong impact on morbidity and mortality. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) is one of the most commonly used scales to assess and quantify these experiences and their impact. Curiously, despite very widespread use of the CTQ, scores on its Minimization-Denial (MD) subscale-originally designed to assess a positive response bias-are rarely reported. Hence, little is known about this measure. If response biases are either common or consequential, current practices of ignoring the MD scale deserve revision. Therewith, we designed a study to investigate 3 aspects of minimization, as defined by the CTQ's MD scale: 1) its prevalence; 2) its latent structure; and finally 3) whether minimization moderates the CTQ's discriminative validity in terms of distinguishing between psychiatric patients and community volunteers. Archival, item-level CTQ data from 24 multinational samples were combined for a total of 19,652 participants. Analyses indicated: 1) minimization is common; 2) minimization functions as a continuous construct; and 3) high MD scores attenuate the ability of the CTQ to distinguish between psychiatric patients and community volunteers. Overall, results suggest that a minimizing response bias-as detected by the MD subscale-has a small but significant moderating effect on the CTQ's discriminative validity. Results also may suggest that some prior analyses of maltreatment rates or the effects of early maltreatment that have used the CTQ may have underestimated its incidence and impact. We caution researchers and clinicians about the widespread practice of using the CTQ without the MD or collecting MD data but failing to assess and control for its effects on outcomes or dependent variables.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Association of borderline intellectual functioning and adverse childhood experience with adult psychiatric morbidity. findings from a British birth cohort
    (BioMed Central, 2019) Hassiotis, Angela; Brown, Emma; Harris, James; Helm, David; Münir, Kerim; Salvador-Carulla, Luis; Bertelli, Marco; Baghdadli, Amaria; Wieland, Jannelien; Novell-Alsina, Ramon; Cid, Jordi; Verges, Laura; Martinez-Leal, Rafael; İsmayilov, Fuad; Emerson, Eric; Mutluer, Tuba; Faculty Member; Koç University Hospital; 305311
    Background: to examine whether Borderline Intellectual Functioning (BIF) and Adverse Childhood Experiences independently predict adult psychiatric morbidity. Methods: we performed a secondary analysis of longitudinal data derived from the 1970 British Birth Cohort Study to examine whether BIF and Adverse Childhood Experiences independently predict adult mental distress as measured by the Malaise Inventory. Factor analysis was used to derive a proxy measure of IQ from cognitive testing at age 10 or 5. Variables that could be indicators of exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences were identified and grouped into health related and socio-economic related adversity. Results: children with BIF were significantly more likely than their peers to have been exposed to Adverse Childhood Experiences (BIF mean 5.90, non-BIF mean 3.19; Mann-Whitney z = 31.74, p < 0.001). As adults, participants with BIF were significantly more likely to score above the cut-off on the Malaise Inventory. We found statistically significant relationships between the number of socio-economic Adverse Childhood Experiences and poorer adult psychiatric morbidity (r range 0.104-0.141, all p < 001). At all ages the indirect mediating effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences were significantly related to adult psychiatric morbidity. Conclusions: the relationship between BIF and adult psychiatric morbidity appears to be partially mediated by exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences. Where possible, targeting Adverse Childhood Experiences through early detection, prevention and interventions may improve psychiatric morbidity in this population group.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    The effect of online laughter therapy on depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness among nursing students during the Covid-19 pandemic
    (Elsevier, 2022) Öztürk, F. O.; Kerman, Kader Tekkaş; School of Nursing
    Background: nursing students experienced mental symptoms when they switched to distance education due to the pandemic. Aims: This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of online laughter therapy sessions on depression, anxiety, stress, and loneliness levels in first-year nursing students. Methods: in this randomized controlled trial, 61 healthy nursing students were randomly assigned to intervention (n = 32) and control groups (n = 29). The intervention group received online laughter therapy twice weekly for four weeks. The control group received no intervention. The data were collected using a demographic questionnaire, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, and the De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale at the study initiation and week four in both groups. Results: there was no difference between the mean scores of the groups in the pre-test (p > 0.05). There was a statistically significant difference between groups in terms of depression after online laughter therapy sessions (p < 0.05), but there was no significant difference between anxiety, stress, and loneliness levels (p > 0.05). Conclusions: online laughter therapy sessions significantly reduced depression but had no effect on anxiety, stress, and loneliness. During the COVID-19 pandemic, online laughter therapy can be organized to reduce depression levels.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Morphometric differences in planum temporale in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder revealed by statistical analysis of labeled cortical depth maps
    (Frontiers, 2015) Ratnanather, J. Tilak; Cebron, Shannon; Postell, Elizabeth; Pisano, Dominic V.; Poynton, Clare B.; Crocker, Britni; Honeycutt, Nancy A.; Mahon, Pamela B.; Barta, Patrick E.; Department of Mathematics; Ceyhan, Elvan; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of Sciences
    Differences in cortical thickness in the lateral temporal lobe, including the planum temporale (PT), have been reported in MRI studies of schizophrenia (SCZ) and bipolar disorder (BPD) patients. Most of these studies have used a single-valued global or local measure for thickness. However, additional and complementary information can be obtained by generating labeled cortical distance maps (LCDMs), which are distances of labeled gray matter (GM) voxels from the nearest point on the GM/white matter (WM) (inner) cortical surface. Statistical analyses of pooled and censored LCDM distances reveal subtle differences in PT between SCZ and BPD groups from data generated by Ratnanather et al. (Schizophrenia Research, These results confirm that the left planum temporale (LPT) is more sensitive than the right PT in distinguishing between SCZ, BPD, and healthy controls. Also confirmed is a strong gender effect, with a thicker PT seen in males than in females. The differences between groups at smaller distances in the LPT revealed by pooled and censored LCDM analysis suggest that SCZ and BPD have different effects on the cortical mantle close to the GM/WM surface. This is consistent with reported subtle changes in the cortical mantle observed in post-mortem studies.