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Publication Open Access 1899 yılı Osmanlı İmparatorluğu için jeomekansal ve çok modlu bir ulaşım ağı oluşturma denemesi(Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED) / Koç Üniversitesi Anadolu Medeniyetleri Araştırma Merkezi (ANAMED), 2020) Gerrits, Piet; Department of History; Kabadayı, Mustafa Erdem; Özkan, Osman; Koçak, Turgay; Faculty Member; Teaching Faculty; Department of History; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 33267; N/A; N/APublication Metadata only 19. yüzyıl osmanlı padişahlarının müzik politikalarından kesitler(Yakındoğu Üniversitesi, 2011) N/A; Baydar, Evren Kutlay; Teaching Faculty; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/AFor centuries, Turkish music has been developed in monophonic texture with its own harmonic and rhythmic rules, different than the western music system. Music took an important position in the Ottoman Court, both in education and performance practices. The Sultans were raised with a music culture. In the Ottoman Empire, music was a part of life not only in the Court but also in the Military (as in the case of janissary music); therefore a reorganization in music was encountered both in the Court and the Military. During 19th century, Ottoman Empire encountered a “Westernization process” in music (as well as in other areas). With the enterance of polyphonic western music into the Ottoman Court, beginning with Selim III, but mainly during the period of Mahmud II, a great reconstruction in the Ottoman music begins. The reformations of Mahmud II, which were the first movements of polyphony in Turkey, were a break point in the Turkish music history. In this research, the enterance and development of Western music in the Ottoman Empire is discussed based on the music politics of each Sultan in rule, chronogically. / Türk müziği, yüzyıllar boyunca, batı müziği sisteminden farklı olarak tek sesli ve kendi makam ve usulleri çerçevesinde gelişme göstermiştir. Osmanlı saraylarında müzik, gerek eğitimi gerek icrası açısından çoğunlukla büyük önem taşımış, sultanlar müzik kültürüyle iç içe büyümüşlerdir. Osmanlı’da müzik sadece sarayda değil, askeri alanda da yoğun olarak kullanılmış, dolayısıyla müziğin gelişimi saray müziğinin yanısıra bu boyutta da ağırlıklı olarak etkilenmiştir. 19. yüzyılda Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda müzikte (ve diğer alanlarda) batılılaşma eğilimi görülmektedir. Çok sesli batı müziğinin III. Selim zamanından başlayarak ve esas olarak II. Mahmud’la birlikte Osmanlı sarayına girmesiyle Osmanlı müziğinde büyük bir yeniden yapılanma başlar. II. Mahmud’un reformlarının Türk müziğinde bir dönüm noktası oluşturmasıyla ortaya çıkan hareket Türkiye’deki çok sesliliğin ilk adımlarıdır. Bu araştırmada, batı müziğinin Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’na girişi ve gelişimi süreci, II. Mahmud’dan itibaren 19. yüzyıl boyunca hükümdar olan her padişahın müzik politikaları bağlamında kronolojik sırasıyla ele alınmıştır.Publication Metadata only 2 July 1993 in Turkish Literature: representations of the Sivas Massacre(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Department of Comparative Literature; Ağıl, Nazmi; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 50749On 2 July 1993 the fire set on Hotel Madimak in Sivas, Turkey by religious fanatics claimed the lives of 37 people. Such traumatic events need to be narrated to heal the wound they have opened in the public consciousness. Yet it is also true that they pose a serious challenge to the narrator as they lie beyond the reach of usual means of representation. This article examines the ways the massacre is represented in the two recent Turkish novels, Atesve Kugu (Fire and the Swan) by Burhan Gunel and Seytan Minareleri (Seashells) by Hidayet Karakus, with a view to examining the approaches these works offer to meet the challenge.Publication Metadata only 3D Shape recovery and tracking from multi-camera video sequences via surface deformation(IEEE, 2006) Skala, V.; N/A; Department of Computer Engineering; Sahillioğlu, Yusuf; Yemez, Yücel; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Computer Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Engineering; 215195; 107907This paper addresses 3D reconstruction and modeling of time-varying real objects using multicamera video. The work consists of two phases. In the first phase, the initial shape of the object is recovered from its silhouettes using a surface deformation model. The same deformation model is also employed in the second phase to track the recovered initial shape through the time-varying silhouette information by surface evolution. The surface deformation/evolution model allows us to construct a spatially and temporally smooth surface mesh representation having fixed connectivity. This eventually leads to an overall space-time representation that preserves the semantics of the underlying motion and that is much more efficient to process, to visualize, to store and to transmit.Publication Metadata only 50 years after the labour recruitment agreement with Germany: the consequences of emigration for Turkey(Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2012) N/A; Department of International Relations; N/A; İçduygu, Ahmet; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 207882Turkey is a country with relatively recent and ongoing experience of labour emigration. Starting with the signing of the bilateral Turkish-West German labour recruitment agreement in October 1961, it has been a country of emigration, a trend that significantly influenced part of its economic, social, and political history. This essay elaborates the last fifty-year history of labour emigration from Turkey, and its consequences for the country in the economic, social and political spheres. It aims to sketch briefly the trends and patterns of emigration flows with reference mainly to the changing nature of these flows over time. More specifically, the essay offers an overview of the main impacts of labour migration for the country. It concludes that neither the positive nor the negative consequences of emigratory flows for the country should be overestimated.Publication Metadata only 5718 Sayılı milletlerarası özel hukuk ve usul hukuku hakkında kanun (MÖHUK) uyarınca yabancılık unsuru taşıyan akdi borç ilişkilerinde hukuk seçimi(Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2010) Tarman, Zeynep Derya; Faculty Member; Law School; 177966This paper is devoted to the choice of law and its restrictions in contractual relations with a foreign element under the Law Nr. 5718 concerning Private International Law and International Civil Procedure. In addition to the general article 24 regulating the applicable law to the contractual relationships, contractual obligations in Turkish Private International Law Code are governed by various articles dealing with contracts of a special nature. The main source of inspiration for the new articles was basically the Rome Convention. In the preparation period of the Turkish PIL Code, besides the European instruments on this field the relevant articles on the applicable law to contractual obligations in the Swiss PIL Code were taken into consideration. Having examined the PIL Code’s provisions pertaining to the applicable law to contractual obligations, this article concludes that the Turkish legislator has succeeded in preparing a new code which is in line with recent developments in European private international law. / Avrupa’daki gelişmelere paralel olarak, Türkiye’de milletlerarası özel hukuk alanındaki AB mevzuatı dikkate alınarak 27.11.2007 tarihli ve 5718 sayılı yeni bir MÖHUK hazırlanmış ve bu kanun 12.12.2007 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. 2675 sayılı MÖHUK’ta düzenlenmeyen birçok konuya 5718 sayılı MÖHUK’ta yer verilmiştir. 2007 tarihli MÖHUK Sözleşmeden Doğan Borç İlişkilerinde Uygulanacak Hukuk başlıklı genel bir madde (m. 24) ve özellik arz eden çeşitli borç ilişkileri için de birçok yeni madde kabul ederek günümüz gelişmelerine ayak uydurmuştur. Bu çalışma, akdi borç ilişkileri bakımından hukuk seçiminin şartlarını ve sınırlarını inceleme amacı taşımaktadır. Bu kapsamda genel kural niteliğindeki m. 24 ve özel bağlama kuralları (m. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29) hukuk seçimi ile sınırlı olmak üzere incelenecektir.Publication Metadata only 5719 Sayılı milletlerarası özel hukuk ve usul hukuku hakkında kanun (MÖHUK) uyarınca yabancılık unsuru taşıyan akdi borç ilişkilerinde hukuk seçimi(Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2010) Tarman, Zeynep Derya; Faculty Member; Law School; 177966This paper is devoted to the choice of law and its restrictions in noncontractual relations with a foreign element under the Law Nr. 5718 concerning Private International Law and International Civil Procedure. In addition to the general article 34 regulating the applicable law to torts, non-contractual obligations in Turkish Private International Law Code are governed by various articles dealing with non-contractual relations of a special nature. In the preparation period of the Turkish PIL Code, the relevant articles on the applicable law to non-contractual obligations in the Swiss PIL Code were taken into consideration. Having examined the PIL Code’s provisions pertaining to the applicable law to non- contractual obligations, this article concludes that the Turkish legislator has succeeded in preparing a new code which is in line with recent developments in European private international law. / Avrupa’daki gelişmelere paralel olarak, Türkiye’de milletlerarası özel hukuk alanındaki AB mevzuatı dikkate alınarak 27.11.2007 tarihli ve 5718 sayılı yeni bir MÖHUK hazırlanmış ve bu kanun 12.12.2007 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. 2675 sayılı MÖHUK’ta düzenlenmeyen birçok konuya, 5718 sayılı MÖHUK’ta yer verilmiştir. 2007 tarihli MÖHUK Haksız Fiiller başlıklı genel bir madde (m. 34) ve çeşitli özellik arz eden akit dışı borç ilişkileri için de birçok yeni madde kabul ederek günümüz gelişmelerine ayak uydurmuştur. Bu çalışma, akit dışı borç ilişkileri bakımından hukuk seçiminin şartlarını ve sınırlarını inceleme amacı taşımaktadır. Bu kapsamda genel kural niteliğindeki m. 34 ve özel bağlama kuralları (m. 35, 36, 37, 38) hukuk seçimi ile sınırlı olmak üzere incelenecektir.Publication Metadata only A 70-year-old patient with seronegative lupus nephritis: rare case(Logos Tıp Yayıncılığı, 2018) N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; Dağel, Tuncay; Meram, Ece; Önal, Emine Meltem; Erbil, Damla; Bülbül, Mustafa Cem; Uysal, Sanem Pınar; Doctor; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; Researcher; Undergraduate Student; N/A; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 327626; N/ASystemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease known to be associated with various kinds of autoantibodies such as Antinuclear antibodies (ANA). ANA is found to be positive in most of the SLE patients. In fact, ANA positivity in serum is one of the diagnostic criteria of SLE. However, a minority of SLE patients may present with ANA negativity. We report a 70-year-old female who presented with massive edema and 10-gram/day proteinuria. Her serum antibodies for SLE were all negative and the renal biopsy showed a class V lupus nephritis. This case was unusual type of SLE due to multiple reasons namely the patient was an elderly woman, with isolated lupus nephritis and negative serology including ANA negativity.Publication Open Access A benevolent angel with blue eyes(Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği, 2019) Ergün, Canan; Other; Suna Kıraç LibraryI met Professor Dr. Meral Alpay on my first day at Istanbul University, Department of Librarianship. I tried to tell my memory of this first day that I met with Professor Dr. Meral Alpay. / İstanbul Üniversitesi Kütüphanecilik Bölümünü kazanıp, okula başladığım ilk gün Prof. Dr. Meral Alpay hocam ile tanışma anımı anlatmaya çalıştım.Publication Metadata only A benevolent angel with blue eyes(Türk Kütüphaneciler Derneği, 2019) Ergün, Canan; Other; Suna Kıraç Library; N/AI met Professor Dr. Meral Alpay on my first day at Istanbul University, Department of Librarianship. I tried to tell my memory of this first day that I met with Professor Dr. Meral Alpay. / İstanbul Üniversitesi Kütüphanecilik Bölümünü kazanıp, okula başladığım ilk gün Prof. Dr. Meral Alpay hocam ile tanışma anımı anlatmaya çalıştım.Publication Metadata only A case of Burkitt’s lymphoma mimicking peritonitis carcinomatosa(Turkish Society of Hematology, 2020) Örnek, Serdar; Tecimer, Tülay; Büyüktaş, Deram; Ferhanoğlu, Ahmet Burhan; Doctor; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; N/A; 18320N/APublication Metadata only A case of chordoma invading multiple neuroaxial bones: report of ten years follow up(Turkish Neurosurgery Society, 2013) Aydın, Ahmet Levent; Sasani, Mehdi; Öktenoğlu, Bekir Tunç; Solaroğlu, İhsan; Özer, Ali Fahir; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 102059; 1022Aim: Chordoma is a rare, slow-growing primary malignant tumor of the axial skeleton, arising from the embryonic cells of primitive notochord. Chordomas may arise at different sites of the vertebral column simultaneously or more probably they may metastasise along the neural axis insidiously. Recurrence despite radical surgery and following adjuvant therapy is possible. MaterIal and Methods: A 46-year-old female patient presented weakness and numbness of the lower extremities. She was operated for clivus chordoma five years ago at another institute. Results: First the patient underwent surgery for resection of the tumor at the cervical region. a second surgery was performed to resect tumor on the foramen magnum and at the C1 level. Histologic examination of the removed vertebra confirmed the diagnosis of chordoma involving the vertebral body. Radiotherapy was administered after the second surgery. Follow-up neurological and radiological examinations revealed no abnormal neurological symptoms 2,5 years after second surgery. There were no distant organ metastases. ConclusIon: A patient with diagnosed chordoma of the spine must be investigated with MRI of other regions of the neuraxis to exclude second or even third source of chordoma metastases. In metastatic chordoma cases, radical or gross total resection should be performed for each lesion but if complete surgical resections are impossible, preoperative or postoperative radiation therapy should be planned to improve life expectancy. / AMAÇ: Kordoma, omurganın ender rastlanan, yavaş ilerleyen malign karakterli bir tümörüdür. Primitif notokordun embryo hücrelerinden köken alır. Omurganın farklı bölgelerinde, birbirinden bağımsız kordoma odakları eş zamanlı olarak gelişmeye başlayabilir. Fakat daha sıklıkla, birinci tümör odağından kaynaklanan metastatik kordoma lezyonları tüm nöral aks boyunca yayılabilir. Radikal cerrahiye ve ek onkolojik tedaviye rağmen rekürens sık görülür. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Bu sunumda tartışılan 46 yaşındaki kadın hasta, bacaklarında kuvvet ve his kaybı şikayetiyle kliniğimize başvurmuştur. Hasta, beş yıl önce, ayrı bir merkezde klivus kordoması tanısıyla opere edilmiştir. BULGULAR: Hasta öncelikle servikal bölgedeki tümör için opere edilmiştir. İkinci seansta foramen magnum ve C1 seviyesindeki tümör çıkarılmıştır. Patolojik inceleme sonucunda, omurga cismini tutan kordoma lezyonu tanısı konmuştur. İkinci cerrahi seansından sonra hasta radyoterapiye yönlendirilmiştir. Bu tedaviden ikibuçuk yıl sonra yapılan değerlendirmede, hastanın nörolojik muayenesinde progresyon gözlenmemiştir. SONUÇ: Omurganın herhangi bir lokalizasyonunda kordoma tanısı konulan bir hastada, tüm spinal bölge manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) tetkiki ile incelenmelidir. Bu hastalarda birden fazla kordoma odağına rastlanabilir. Birden fazla odak tespit edilmesi durumunda, her ayrı tümör odağı için rezeksiyon planlanmalıdır. Total rezeksiyonun mümkün olmaması durumunda, yaşam süresini uzatmak için operasyon öncesi ve sonrası dönemlerde radyoterapi uygulanmalıdır.Publication Metadata only A case of mediterranean spotted fever misdiagnosed as drug allergy(National Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2018) Gözaydın, Ayhan; Tekin, Süda; Öztürk, Ayşe Bilge; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 42146; 147629Skin rashes are observed in about 2-3% of patients taking medication for any reason. Since the cutaneous manifestations are also common in viral exanthemas, rickettsial-bacterial infections and rheumatologic diseases, it is important to exclude other conditions that may mimic drug-induced allergic reactions in patients having skin rashes. Here, we report a patient of Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) who was initially misdiagnosed as a drug eruption. The clinician should take into account the skin manifestations that can also be seen in the course of infectious diseases and they should consider the possibility of various infections in the diagnosis of drug allergy such as a Mediterranean Spotted Fever. / Deri döküntüleri herhangi bir nedenle ilaç kullanan hastaların yaklaşık %2-3’ünde gözlenmektedir. Cilt bulguları aynı zamanda viral döküntüler, riketsiyal-bakteriyel enfeksiyonlar ve romatizmal hastalıklarda da sık görülen bir bulgu olduğundan, deri döküntüsü olan hastalarda ilacın neden olduğu allerjik reaksiyonları taklit eden diğer durumları dışlamak önemlidir. Burada, başlangıçta yanlış ilaç allerjisi tanısı almış bir Akdeniz Benekli Ateşi olgusu sunulmuştur. Klinisyenler enfeksiyon hastalıklarının seyrinde de görülebilen cilt bulguları konusunda dikkatli olmalı ve ilaç allerjisi ayırıcı tanısında Akdeniz Benekli Ateşi gibi çeşitli enfeksiyonların olasılığını düşünmelidir.Publication Metadata only A cause of pleural effusion is familial mediterranean fever(Look Us Scientific, 2016) Chousein, Efsun Gonca Uğur; Abalı, Hülya; Öztürk, Sakine; Çağlar, Emel; N/A; İliaz, Sinem; Doctor; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/AFamilial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autoinflammatory disease characterized by recurrent abdominal pain and fever episodes. Pleural pain and effusion can also be seen, but rarely in the absence of abdominal pain. FMF is treated with colchicine to control symptoms and to prevent amyloidosis and renal failure. A 41-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital due to recurrent fever, chest pain, and dyspnea. She had an exudative pleural effusion and responded to antibiotic therapy with partial radiographic resolution. She had recurrence of her symptoms three weeks after the completion of therapy. Pleural biopsy by video-assisted thoracoscopy revealed chronic non-specific pleuritis. The patient disclosed that two of her offspring had FMF. Gene analysis showed she was heterozygous carrier of M680I (G/C) mutation. Treatment with colchicine led to resolution of her symptoms and of the pleural effusion. Turkey has a high prevalence of FMF. Pulmonologists should consider FMF in the differential diagnosis of patients with recurrent pleural effusions. / Kırk bir yaşında kadın hasta tekrarlayan ateş, sol yan ağrısı, nefes darlığı yakınmalarıyla başvurdu. Arka-ön akciğer grafisinde solda plevral efüzyon ile uyumlu görünüm saptandı. Torasentez ile alınan plevral sıvı örnekleri eksuda özelliğinde olup nötrofil hâkimiyeti mevcuttu. Hastaya plöropnömoni tanısıyla antibiyoterapi uygulandı. Kısmi klinik ve radyolojik iyileşme ile taburcu edildi. Üç hafta sonra aynı şikâyetlerle tekrar kliniğimize müracaat etti. Hastaya Video Assisted Torakoskopi uygulandı. Biyopsi sonucu kronik nonspesifik plörit olarak geldi. Anamnez derinleştirildiğinde iki çocuğunda Ailevi Akdeniz Ateşi (AAA) olduğu ve hastanın M680I (G/C) heterojen taşıyıcısı olduğu öğrenildi. Romatoloji bölümüyle konsülte edilerek hastaya oral kolşisin 0,5 mg 2x1 başlandı. Bu tedaviden sonra hastanın kliniği düzeldi, plevral sıvısı geriledi. AAA tanısı olan hastalarının %95 'inde ana yakınma abdominal ağrıdır. Abdominal ağrı olmaksızın plevral ağrı nadirdir. Plevral sıvı daha da nadirdir. Plevral efüzyonların etiyolojisini araştırırken Akdeniz bölgesinde yer alan ülkemizde, AAA’nin de plevral sıvı nedeni olabileceğini aklımızda tutmamız gerekmektedir.Publication Open Access A class of Banach algebras whose duals have the Schur property(TÜBİTAK, 1999) Mustafayev, H.; Department of Mathematics; Ülger, Ali; Faculty Member; Department of Mathematics; College of SciencesCall a commutative Banach algebra A a γ-algebra if it contains a bounded group Λ such that aco(Λ) contains a multiple of the unit ball of A. In this paper, first by exhibiting several concrete examples, we show that the class of γ-algebras is quite rich. Then, for a γ-algebra A, we prove that A* has the Schur property iff the Gelfand spectrum Σ of A is scattered iff A* = ap(A) iff A* = Span(Σ).Publication Open Access A combined VBM and DTI study of schizophrenia: bilateral decreased insula volume and cerebral white matter disintegrity corresponding to subinsular white matter projections unlinked to clinical symptomatology(Aves, 2017) Ulaşoğlu-Yıldız, Çiğdem; Aslan, Selçuk; Talı, Erhan Turgut; N/A; N/A; Onay, Aslıhan; Eser, Hale Yapıcı; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; N/A; 134359PURPOSE: Grey matter and white matter changes within the brain are well defined in schizophrenia. However, most studies focused on either grey matter changes or white matter integrity separately; only in limited number of studies these changes were interpreted in the same frame. In addition, the relationship of these findings with clinical variables is not clearly established. Here, we aimed to investigate the grey matter and white matter changes in schizophrenia patients and exhibit the relation of these imaging findings with clinical variables. METHODS: A total of 20 schizophrenia patients and 16 matched healthy controls underwent magnetic resonance imaging to investigate the grey matter and white matter alterations that occur in schizophrenia patients using voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and whole brain voxel-wise analysis of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters with SPM8, respectively. While the preprocessing steps ofVBM were performed with the default parameters of VBM8 toolbox, the preprocessing steps of DTI were carried out using FSL. Additionally, VBM results were correlated with clinical variables. RESULTS: Bilateral insula showed decreased grey matter volume in schizophrenia patients compared with healthy controls (P < 0.01). The opposite contrast did not show a significant difference. Psychiatric scores, duration of illness, and age were not correlated with the decreased grey matter volume of insula in schizophrenia patients. DTI analysis revealed a significant increase in mean, radial, and axial diffusivity, mainly of the fibers of bilateral anterior thalamic radiation and superior longitudinal fasciculus with left predominance, which intersected with bilateral subinsular white matter (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that insula may be the main affected brain region in schizophrenia, which is also well supported by the literature. Our results were independent of disease duration and schizophrenia symptoms. White matter alterations were observed within bilateral anterior thalamic radiation and superior longitudinal fasciculus that intersects with subinsular white matter. Studies with larger sample sizes and more detailed clinical assessments are required to understand the function of insula in the neurobiology of schizophrenia.Publication Metadata only A comparative look at Halaf and Ubaid period social complexity and the Tell Kurdu case(Tuba-Turkish acad Sciences, 2010) N/A; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Özbal, Rana; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 55583While the Uruk Period is generally accepted as the earliest state society in the Near East, Assessing the social, political and economic organization of the antecedent Halaf and Ubaid phases has been a matter of long-standing debate. Over-schematized evolutionary categories like "tribes" or "chiefdoms" provide little resolve in characterizing the socio-political complexity of Near Eastern prehistoty because they fail to account for the variability these phases encompass. This paper invites us to move beyond typological categories, yet considers issues of political economy and explores conscious strategies towards social complexity between these two well-known phases of Near Eastern prehistory. Located in the Hatay province of southern Turkey, Tell Kurdu has relatively wide horizontal exposures dating both to the Halaf-related and to the Ubaid-related phases, providing a unique opportunity to explore at a single settlement the contrasting levels of social complexity in the sixth and fifth millennia BC.Publication Metadata only A comparative study on thyroid function in alzheimer's disease: results from a Turkish multi-centre study(Journal Neurological Sciences, 2015) Yılmaz, Gökhan; Erbayraktar, Zübeyde; Evlice, Ahmet; Genç, Metin; Aras, Sevgi; Avcı, Aslıhan; Yener, Görsev; Ulusu, Nuriye Nuray; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 6807Alzheimer's disease is a very severe degenerative disease that affects brain function. Neuronal loss, accumulation of extracellular amyloid beta containing plaques and accumulation of intracellular (tau) neurofibrillary tangles are the hallmarks of this disease. We aim to investigate serum thyroid function tests in Alzheimer's disease, in addition to other dementias, and geriatric Turkish patients. We evaluated patients from Ankara, Dokuz Eylul, Cukurova University Hospitals. 357 female and male geriatric subjects were enrolled. All the cases were selected from three different geographical regions irrespective of sex and socioeconomic status. In this study, we evaluated the results of thyroid functions in Alzheimer disease patients as well as in other dementias and geriatric patients. In patients from Ankara, Central Anatolia region, no significant difference between groups regarding the routine control of biochemical parameters was observed. However, thyroid function results revealed that hypothyroidism in Alzheimer's disease patients from Mediterranean region, Adana and Aegean region, Izmir is a recurrent medical condition and is often an embedded side of the normal aging process. We concluded that currently, routine thyroid functions tests should be a part of all geriatric patients for screening presymptomatic Alzheimer's disease. There might be an interplay between reduced thyroid function and Alzheimer's disease that could be exploited for diagnostic purposes.Publication Metadata only A comparative study on thyroid function in alzheimer`s disease: results from a Turkish multi-centre study(Ege Üniversitesi, 2015) Yılmaz, Gökhan; Erbayraktar, Zübeyde; Evlice, Ahmet; Genç, Metin; Aras, Sevgi; Avcı, Aslıhan; Yener, Görsev; Ulusu, Nuriye Nuray; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 6807Alzheimer's disease is a very severe degenerative disease that affects brain function. Neuronal loss, accumulation of extracellular amyloid β containing plaques and accumulation of intracellular (tau) neurofibrillary tangles are the hallmarks of this disease. We aim to investigate serum thyroid function tests in Alzheimer's disease, in addition to other dementias, and geriatric Turkish patients. We evaluated patients from Ankara, Dokuz Eylul, Cukurova University Hospitals. 357 female and male geriatric subjects were enrolled. All the cases were selected from three different geographical regions irrespective of sex and socioeconomic status. In this study, we evaluated the results of thyroid functions in Alzheimer disease patients as well as in other dementias and geriatric patients. In patients from Ankara, Central Anatolia region, no significant difference between groups regarding the routine control of biochemical parameters was observed. However, thyroid function results revealed that hypothyroidism in Alzheimer's disease patients from Mediterranean region, Adana and Aegean region, İzmir is a recurrent medical condition and is often an embedded side of the normal aging process. We concluded that currently, routine thyroid functions tests should be a part of all geriatric patients for screening presymptomatic Alzheimer`s disease. There might be an interplay between reduced thyroid function and Alzheimer`s disease that could be exploited for diagnostic purposes. / Alzheimer hastalığı, beyin fonksiyonlarını etkileyen çok şiddetli dejeneratif bir hastalıktır. Nöronal kayıp, amiloid β içeren plakların ekstrasellüler birikimi ve intrasellüler nörofibriler yumakların (tau) birikimi, bu hastalığın göstergeleridir. Bu çalışma İzmir Dokuz Eylül, Ankara ve Adana Çukurova Üniversitesi Nöroloji, Biyokimya ve Geriatri Anabilim Dalları tarafından çok merkezli bir çalışma olarak tasarlanmış olup, farklı coğrafi yörelerde yaşayan, geriatri yaş grubundan 357 demans tanısı almış hastalardaki tiroid fonksiyon testlerini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamıştır. Olgular, cinsiyet ve sosyoekonomik durumlarına göre ayırım yapılmadan üç farklı coğrafi bölgeden seçilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Alzheimer hastalarında, diğer demans tanılı ve geriatrik hastalarda tiroid fonksiyon testleri değerlendirilmiştir. Orta Anadolu Bölgesi'ni temsilen Ankara'daki olguların rutin biyokimyasal parametreleri arasında belirgin bir fark gözlenmemiştir. Ancak Ege Bölgesi'ni temsil eden İzmir ve Akdeniz Bölgesi'ni temsil eden Adana'daki Alzheimer hastalarının tiroid fonksiyonları, genellikle normal yaşlanma süreciyle de ilişkili olan hipotiroidizm ile uyumlu olarak gözlenmiştir. Geriatrik olgularda rutin tiroid fonksiyon testlerinin, presemptomatik Alzheimer taramasının bir parçası olması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır. Azalmış tiroid fonksiyonları ile Alzheimer hastalığı arasındaki etkileşim olasılığı, tanısal yaklaşımlarda önemli rol oynayabilecektir.Publication Metadata only A comparison between drug experimenters and non-experimenters regarding their participation to the social activities: Istanbul sample(Galenos Yayınevi, 2007) Ögel, Kültegin; Ermağan, Eda; Eke, Ceyda Y.; N/A; Taner, Sevil; Other; N/A; Koç University Counseling Service (KURES); N/AThe goal of this study was to compare drug experimenters and non-experimenters regarding their participation to the social activities among 10th grade students in Istanbul. Method: Tenth grade students in age range of 15-17 of Istanbul were recruited for the study. The study has been done in 13 vocational, 24 public and 6 private schools that have been selected from different socioeconomic levels and regions of Istanbul. Results: The most frequent social activities that 10th grade students engage in have been found to be reading newspapers (%94,2), meeting with friends (%92,8) and doing sports (%83,6) whereas pop music was the most preferred type of music. Noticably, substance-nonexperimenters were more likely to read newspapers of 1.8 times, participate in a course of 1,48 times and read extracurricular books of 1,53 times than substance-experimenters. Riding car for recreation, going out for clubs/pubs, cafes and internet-surfing, going to internet cafes, going to Taksim and music concerts, soccer games were found to be higher for substance-experimenters, compared to substance-nonexperimenters. Conclusion: Our study revealed that substance-nonexperimenters prefer goal-oriented, structured and individualistic social activities. Positive correlation was found between substance use and engagement in social activities that are out of monitoring and control, unstructured and have aim of being in crowded contexts just for spending leisure time. / Bu araştırmada amaç; İstanbul ilinde madde deneyen ve denemeyen lise iki öğrencileri arasında tercih ettikleri sosyal aktiviteler arasında bir fark olup, olmadığını araştırmaktır. Yöntem: Araştırmaya İstanbul’da 15–17 yaş grubunu kapsayan lise iki öğrencileri alınmıştır. Araştırma, İstanbul’un farklı bölgelerinden, farklı sosyoekonomik düzeye sahip 15 ilçeden seçilen 13 meslek, 24 genel, 6 özel lisede gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bulgular: İstanbul ili lise iki öğrencilerinin en sık yaptıkları sosyal aktivitelerin gazete okuma (%94,2), bir arkadaşlarıyla buluşma (%92,8) ve spor yapma (%83,6), en çok tercih ettiği müzik türünün pop müzik olduğu görülmüştür. Madde denemeyenlerde deneyenlere göre gazete okumanın 1.8, bir kursa katılmanın 1.48, ders dışı bir kitap okumanın 1.53 kat daha yüksek olduğu dikkat çekmektedir. Madde deneyenlerde ise eğlenmek için arabayla dolaşma, eğlence mekanlarına gitme, kahveye gitme, bilgisayar oyunları oynama, internet kullanma, internet kafeye gitme, Taksim’e gitme, müzik konserlerine gitme, futbol maçına gitme oranları herhangi bir madde kullanımı olmayanlara nispeten daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Araştırmamızda, madde denemeyenlerin belli bir amaca yönelik, yapılandırılmış ve bireysel olarak gerçekleştirilen sosyal aktiviteleri tercih ettiği görülmüştür. Denetim ve kontrolden uzak, yapılandırılmamış, kalabalık ortamlarda sadece vakit geçirmek için gerçekleştirilen sosyal aktivitelere katılımın ise madde kullanan öğrenciler arasında daha yaygın olduğu gözlenmiştir.