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Publication Metadata only Acculturation and family relations(Türk Psikologlar Derneği, 2014) Department of Psychology; Kağıtçıbaşı, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/AThis article is an overview of some of the main issues seen in the context of immigration. As an epilogue, it relates to the other articles in this Special Issue, as well. In particular, the European scene is examined on the basis of research conducted over the last decades. There is also an emphasis on family relations and acculturation as well as their interface. Immigration and acculturation over half a century are introduced through a historical perspective noting that multiphasic and multidisciplinary approaches are needed to understand the myriad factors involved. In particular, cultural and developmental viewpoints are promising. Acculturation research has focused on the acculturating migrant, without due attention to the context of acculturation. In particular, prejudice and discrimination are the greatest challenges. This approach leaves something to be desired, since immigration is a very complex human phenomenon involving issues ranging from micro to macro levels of analysis. While the former concerns individual factors, including the family, the latter includes historic, sociological, economic, and legal aspects and applications. Focusing on the acculturating (or non-acculturating) individual or family without a contextual approach can lead to dispositional attributions, even ‘blaming the victim’, that is, social psychological processes not conducive to understanding and promoting the well-being of the immigrant or the host society. In this context, there is a further need for research to address policies and to suggest solutions for improvement. In particular, concerted efforts that prove to be beneficial for the family, women and children are badly needed. Turkish psychologists and social scientists would do well to attend to these very important topics of study. / Bu makale göç olgusunun çeşitli yönlerine eğilen genel bir çalışmadır ve bu özel sayı için bir sonsöz niteliği taşımaktadır. Özellikle son birkaç on yıldaki araştırmalardan yola çıkarak, bu özel sayıdaki makaleler de dahil olmak üzere, Avrupa’daki durumu ele almaktadır. Aynı zamanda kültürleşme ve aile konularını ve bunların etkileşimini inceler. Yarım yüzyıllık bir göç olgusu tarihsel bir perspektifle ele alınıyor. Bu çok faktörlü karmaşık olayı iyi anlayabilmek için çok katmanlı ve çok disiplinli bir yaklaşımın gerekli olduğu da not ediliyor. Özellikle kültürel ve gelişimsel yaklaşımların yararlı olacağı öne sürülüyor. Kültürleşme çalışmaları genellikle kültürleşme ortamını yeterince incelemeden kültürleşen göçmene vurgu yapıyor. Oysa ki baskın toplumdaki önyargı ve ayrımcılık önemli sorunlardır. Bu yaklaşım yetersiz kalıyor çünkü karmaşık göç süreci, mikro yaklaşımlardan, makro yaklaşımları gerekli kılan karmaşık bir olgudur. Mikro düzeyde insan ve aileye yönelik araştırmalar söz konusuyken, makro düzeyde sosyolojik, ekonomik, hukuksal hususların ve uygulamaların incelenmesi önemlidir. Bağlamı dikkate almadan, kültürleşen (ya da kültürleşmeyen) birey ya da aileye vurgu yapmak, içsel atıflara, hatta “mazlumu suçlamaya” kadar gidebilir. Bunlar ise, olayı anlamaya ve gerek göçmenin, gerek baskın toplumun yararına olmayan sosyal psikolojik yaklaşımlardır. Bu noktada araştırmaların göçmen politikalarına yönelik ve çözüm önerici olması çok yararlıdır. Özellikle, göçmen kadın, aile ve çocukların esenliğine katkıda bulunabilecek çabalara ihtiyaç vardır. Türk psikologlar ve sosyal bilimcilerin bu çok önemli araştırma konularına daha fazla eğilmesi çok yararlı olacaktır.Publication Metadata only An examination of different types of parental control on the well-being of Turkish emerging adults(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023) N/A; Department of Psychology; Taşkın Sayıl, Dilara; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 222027Objective: The present study explored the association between emerging adults' perceptions of different types of parental control and their well-being. Background: There is a lack of research investigating parental control in Turkey during emerging adulthood. The current study addresses the gap by examining the role of basic psychological needs frustration (BPNF), guided by the self-determination theory. Method: The sample included 714 participants who were unmarried, aged 18 to 24 years, and Turkish. Participants answered self-report questionnaires on parental control, BPNF, and mental and sexual well-being. Results: Perceived parental psychological and sexual control were positively and behavioral control was negatively associated with BPNF. The BPNF mediated the relationship between perceived parental psychological and behavioral control, mental well-being, and the relationship between perceived parental sexual control and sexual well-being. The association between perceived parental sexual control and sexual well-being was moderated by gender and religiosity. Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of examining parental control while investigating the well-being of Turkish emerging adults. Implications: Interference with meeting basic psychological needs may be linked to distress for emerging adults. Future research should explore the long-term consequences of parental control on youth development, taking gender and religiosity into account.Publication Metadata only Developmental change in early language and cognitive skills of institution-reared children as compared to their parent-reared peers(Elsevier, 2021) Etel, Evren; N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Sümer-Büyükabacı, Özlem; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; Selçuk, Bilge; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 219275; 52913This study investigates whether preschool-aged institution-reared children's developmental change within one year in theory of mind, executive function, and receptive language abilities differs from their parent-reared peers from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Data were collected from 73 institution-reared, 30 parent-reared children from low socioeconomic status (SES), 36 parent-reared children from middle-SES and 60 parent-reared children from high-SES at two time points, one year apart. Our findings showed that all children showed a significant increase in theory of mind and executive function, but institution-reared group displayed significantly lower performance than all parent-reared groups at Time 2. Difference score analyses revealed that institutional care predicted poorer developmental change within one year in receptive language, holding age and sex constant, as compared to parental care. Specifically, institution-reared children displayed a significant decline and low-SES children showed no change in their receptive language over time, whereas middle- and high-SES children increased significantly.Publication Metadata only Domestic violence in childhood and the associated risk of spousal violence in adulthood: cultural influence on women's experience(Sage Publications Inc, 2022) Al-Modallal, Hanan; Mrayan, Lina; Abu Khait, Abdallah; Mudallal, Rola; Hamaideh, Shaher; N/A; Salameh, Taghreed Nayel Mohammad; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 329120Purpose: To examine the association between childhood violence and spousal violence within the culture of women visiting primary health care centers. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, participants were approached in waiting areas of health care centers. Data about five types of childhood violence and four types of spousal violence were investigated. Chi square was implemented to study the association between spousal violence and women's demographic characteristics. Further, logistic regression associated with 95% CI was implemented to study the risk of spousal violence based on women's exposure to childhood abuse. Results: It was found that women in general were subjects to domestic violence in childhood and during adulthood. Emotional and physical types of childhood violence were the most prevalent in our participants. Regarding spousal violence experience, two-thirds of the women reported control by the spouse. In addition, half of them reported being physically victimized using different violence tactics. Except for sexual abuse, all other types of childhood violence were, generally, significant risk factors for spousal violence victimization. Conclusion: Experiencing childhood violence, witnessing parental violence, tendency to compensate for the deprivation in childhood, and inherited beliefs about spousal violence were factors expected to explain the association between childhood violence and spousal violence in women. Traumatic events in childhood are under-recognized factors in the development of spousal violence in the current population. Therefore, efforts to prevent these forms of violence need to be emphasized by health professionals who are in direct contact with women in different health care facilities.Publication Metadata only Protective and risk factors associated with involved fatherhood in a traditional culture(Wiley, 2023) Akçinar, Berna; Kuşcul, G. Hilal; Bozok, Mehmet; Fişek, Güler; Department of Psychology; N/A; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; Turunç, Gamze; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 219275; 333984Objective: Consistent with ecological systems theory and the heuristic model of parental behavior dynamics, the current study is focused on both individual and contextual factors that determine fatherhood involvement in the context of a traditional patriarchal culture. Background: Father-child interaction during the early childhood period is a salient factor in predicting later child outcomes. However, studies on antecedents of involved fatherhood are scarce, mostly concentrated on one aspect of fathering behavior, and limited to few cultural contexts. Method: Data were collected from a representative urban sample of fathers of preschoolers in Turkey (N = 1,070). Different components of fatherhood involvement were assessed to project three distinct paternal behavior dimensions as care, affection, and control. Results: Father role satisfaction, psychological value attributed to the child, and perceived family support were positively associated with involved fatherhood and higher parental warmth. Working hours per day was negatively associated with involved fatherhood, as expected. Higher life satisfaction was associated with higher positive parenting. Patriarchal views of masculinity were found to be the main predictor of parental physical punishment, controlling for all other predictors in the model. Conclusion: Study findings emphasized the importance of factors other than parenting skills that contribute to fathers' parental effectiveness. Implications: Our study's findings have implications for family practices and policies. For example, besides parenting skills, father support programs should also focus on other factors such as developing awareness of traditional masculinity norms and gender role prescriptions that can harm democratic family environments and childcare practices.Publication Metadata only Relations among sociocognitive abilities and prosocial behavior(Springer, 2014) Department of Psychology; Selçuk, Bilge; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 52913To further the understanding of the relations among sociocognitive abilities and social behavior, the current study examined theory of mind (ToM), social information processing (SIP), and prosocial behavior in 116 preschoolers (M age = 58.88 months) in Turkey. False belief tasks were utilized to test ToM and cartoons were used to assess SIP patterns. Prosocial behavior was measured with mother-reports and individual assessments. ToM was not related with the attribution of intent and was the only sociocognitive predictor of prosocial behavior, but just in boys. Results also pointed at sex differences in levels of sociocognitive development; girls showed greater ToM and more non-hostile attribution. Findings imply that SIP patterns might be less closely related to positive than antisocial behaviors, and understanding others' minds might be less needed for positive acts in Turkish girls, who may learn to engage in such behavior as part of their gender role more strongly.Publication Metadata only Socialization goals and parenting in Turkish immigrant families: a close look at the families with preschoolers(Türk Psikologlar Derneği, 2014) Durgel, Elif; Department of Psychology; Selçuk, Bilge; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 52913As the immigrant population increases in the Western societies, particularly in Europe and the USA, diversity and its role on family patterns have gained prominence and attracted academic attention in the last years. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the literature on the role of culture and acculturation on parenting with a particular focus on child-rearing beliefs and practices of Turkish immigrant parents in Europe. Immigration is mainly from collectivistic cultures to individualistic Western countries and thus, the mainstream and immigrant parents display differences in their child-rearing patterns. Turkish immigrant mothers are shown to reflect a more obedience-oriented child rearing while the parenting pattern of Western mothers is more independence oriented. Regarding the acculturation strategies of immigrant mothers, parenting beliefs and practices of Turkish mothers who adopt the cultural values of the Western host society are found to display a tendency towards encouragement of independence and assertiveness. However, core cultural values such as respect to parents, close family ties remain to be important child-rearing goals even for mothers who are integrated into the host society. Educational and socioeconomic backgrounds of mothers are variables shown to be playing a significant role on parenting in addition to acculturation strategies. Overall, Turkish immigrant mothers are not a homogenous group when it comes to their child rearing and various factors such as acculturation, educational background and socioeconomic status need to be examined in detail in order to develop a better understanding of parenting in Turkish immigrant population. / Batı Avrupa, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri gibi Batılı toplumlarda azınlıkların sayısının ve yaşadıkları uyum problemlerinin artmasıyla birlikte, çok kültürlü toplum yapısına ve kültürleşmenin göçmen grupların aile dinamiklerine olan etkisine dair akademik ilgi de artmaktadır. Bu makalenin amacı, kültürleşmenin ana-babalığı nasıl etkilediğini inceleyen araştırmaları ele alarak çoğunlukla Avrupa’da yaşayan Türk göçmenlerin aile yapısı ve çocuk yetiştirme biliş ve davranışları üzerine bir derleme sunmaktır. Daha çok toplulukçu kültürlerden bireyci kültürlere göç eden anne babaların ebeveynlik örüntüleri Batılı anne babalar ile karşılaştırıldığında bazı önemli farklılıklar göze çarpmaktadır. Türk anneler daha itaat odaklı çocuk yetiştirirken, Batılı annelerin özerkliği destekleyen bir ebeveynlik örüntüsü ortaya koydukları görülmektedir. Ancak göç ettikleri ev sahibi kültürün değerlerine uyum sağlama eğilimi gösteren Türk göçmen annelerin çocuk yetiştirme bilişleri Batı toplumlarında önemsenen özerklik hedeflerine doğru bir değişim göstermektedir. Bu annelerin otoriter disiplin teknikleri ve müdahaleci tutumlarında bir azalma olduğunu bulgulayan birçok çalışma vardır. Yine de kültürleşme stratejisi olarak bütünleşmeyi benimseyen göçmen ailelerde dahi Türk kültüründe önemli olan anne babaya saygı, aileyle yakın ilişkiler gibi bazı temel değerlerin korunduğu bulgular arasındadır. Kültürleşmedeki farklılıkların yanı sıra, eğitim ve gelir düzeyi gibi sosyoekonomik faktörler de Türk göçmen anne-babaların çocuk yetiştirmeleri üzerinde rol oynamaktadır. Türk göçmenler tek tip bir çocuk yetiştirme şekli göstermemekte, kültürleşme ve sosyoekonomik düzey gibi unsurlara bağlı olarak çeşitli ana babalık biliş ve davranışları sergilemektedirler.Publication Metadata only The aggression level of the parents of patients with substance use disorder: the relationship between aggression and the level of depression, and anxiety(ANP Yayıncılık, 2016) Ekinci, Suat; Kural, Hanife Uğur; Kandemir, Hasan; Yalçınay-İnan, Merve; Doctor; Koç University Hospital; N/AThe aim of this study is to research the aggression level in parents of patients with substance use disorder and to examine the relationship between aggression and the level of depression and anxiety. Methods: 40 parents of patients with substance use disorder are included in substance use parents group. 40 participants who were equalized with the substance use parents group in terms of age and gender and do not have an Axis I diagnosis are considered as the control group. Parents who accepted to participate to the study and signed informed consent form included in the study. With the aim of collecting the data, a Sociodemographic Data Form, Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, and Beck Anxiety Inventory were given to the participants. In order to determine DSM-IVTR Axis I diagnoses, The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR was used. Results: As we compared two groups in terms of scale scores, it was found that the scores of Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and Beck Depression Inventory was higher in substance use parents group than the control group. It was revealed that 18 participants in substance use parents group (45%) had Axis I diagnosis comorbidity. Regarding the relationship between scales, there was a positive relationship between aggression and the level of depression and anxiety. Cocnclusion: In this study, it could be suggested that the aggression level was higher in the families of patients with substance use disorder and that there was a relationship between aggression and the level of depression and anxiety. In substance use parents group, high prevalence of Axis I diagnosis comorbidity was observed. We think that it is essential to handle the aggression problems of parents in the process of treatment of patients with substance use disorder. / Madde bağımlılığı olan hastaların ebeveynlerinde öfke düzeyinin araştırılması, öfkenin, depresyon ve anksiyete düzeyi ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Madde bağımlılığı olan hastaların 40 ebeveyni, madde bağımlılığı ebeveyn grubunu, madde bağımlılığı grubu ile yaş ve cinsiyet bakımından denkleştirilmiş, DSM IV TR tanı ölçütlerine göre eksen 1 tanısı almamış 40 kişi, kontrol grubunu oluşturmuştur. Çalışmaya katılmayı kabul etmiş ve bilgilendirilmiş onam formunu imzalamış olan kişiler çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Çalışmaya katılanlara, Sosyo-demografik Veri Formu, Buss-Perry Saldırganlık Ölçeği, Beck Depresyon Envanteri, Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği uygulanmıştır. DSM IV TR eksen I tanıları belirlemek için, yapılandırılmış klinik tanı görüşmesi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Iki grubu ölçek puanları açısından karşılaştırdığımızda, MBE grubunda, BussPerry Saldırganlık Ölçeği, Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri puanlarının daha yüksek olduğu görülmüştür. MBE grubunda 18 kişide (%45) eksen I eş tanı tespit edilmiştir. Ölçekler arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde, MBE grubunda, öfke ile anksiyete ve depresyon arasında pozitif bir ilişki olduğu görülmüştür. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada madde bağımlılığı olan kişilerin ailelerinde öfke düzeyinin yüksek olduğu, öfke ile depresyon ve anksiyete düzeyleri arasında bir ilişki olduğu görülmektedir. MBE grubunda yüksek oranda eksen I eş tanı görülmektedir. Madde bağımlılığı olan hastaların ebeveynlerine yönelik psikiyatrik değerlendirmelerin ve tedaviye yönelik müdahalelerin göz ardı edilmemesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.Publication Metadata only The psychometric properties of the children's social understanding scale among atypically developing children and adolescents(Springer, 2022) Beşiroglu, Burcu; Alaylı, Ayça; Tahiroğlu, Deniz; Department of Psychology; Selçuk, Bilge; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 52913Theory of mind (ToM) has been frequently assessed via behavioral assessments. Recently, Tahiroglu and colleagues developed the parent-report Children's Social Understanding Scale (CSUS) to assess individual differences in ToM. They found it reliable and valid in assessing ToM of typically developing preschoolers. In the present study, we examined the psychometric properties of the CSUS in ToM assessment of children and adolescents with atypical development, who are known to have difficulties in understanding others' mental states. In two studies, we collected data from 106 children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD; M-age = 12.06 years, SD = 2.91) and 70 children and adolescents with hearing impairment (HI; M-age = 7.3 years, SD = 2.3). The children's social understanding was assessed via the CSUS (short form in the ASD and full form in the HI samples) and behavioral ToM tasks (tasks with low-verbal demands and standard ToM tasks). Receptive language in both samples and nonverbal intelligence in ASD sample were also assessed. Analyses revealed high internal consistency for the CSUS in both samples. As expected, the CSUS correlated with performance on behavioral ToM tasks, receptive language, and nonverbal intelligence. The CSUS continued to be significantly associated with performance on behavioral ToM tasks after controlling for receptive language and nonverbal intelligence in ASD sample, and controlling for age and receptive language in HI sample. These results demonstrate that the CSUS is a reliable and valid tool in measuring ToM among children and adolescents with ASD and those with HI in Turkey.Publication Metadata only The role of work-family conflict in the relationship between paternal work environment and depression level(İtobiad, 2021) Yayla, Berna Akçınar; Çetin, İrem Yola; Department of Psychology; Özbek, Ebru; Researcher; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/AThe current study aims to examine association of the work conditions, the experienced work-family conflict and the perceived organizational support with the psychological health of married men in a family of dual-career couples with children aged 2-6. In the scope of the study, the mediating role of work-family conflict in the association of weekday working hours and perceived organizational support with depression were analyzed. The study's conceptual framework was based on the Ecological Systems Theory and Family Systems Theory that explain the environment-family-self associations from macro-level factors to micro-level family relations. The participants of the study were recruited by stratified sampling from all around Turkey in order to achieve representativeness of married and working men with children aged 2-6 (N=300). The fathers presented their working conditions, the level of work-family conflict, perceived organizational support, and depression via self-report questionnaires. The mediation effect analyses were conducted with MPLUS. The results indicated that (i) the working hours and perceived organizational support were negative whereas the work-family conflict and depression were positively associated; (ii) the working hours and work-family conflict predicted the depression levels of the fathers positively; (iii) there was a mediating role of work-family conflict in the association between working hours and perceived organizational support with depression. In the vein of this study's findings, it is possible to describe the problems of working men with young children in a traditional culture which will guide the policymakers to develop and implement family policies and training programs related to work-family conflict. / Bu çalışmanın amacı, 2-6 yaşları arasında çocuğu olan evli ve eşi ve kendileri çalışan babaların, çalışma koşullarının, deneyimledikleri iş-aile çatışmasının ve algıladıkları kurumsal desteğin depresyon düzeyleri ile olan ilişkisini incelemektir. Çalışma kapsamında, hafta içi çalışma süreleri ve algılanan kurumsal destek ile depresyon arasındaki ilişkide iş-aile çatışmasının aracı rolü de araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın kuramsal çerçevesi, makro seviyedeki faktörlerden mikro seviyedeki aile içi ilişkilere kadar bireyin nasıl etkilendiğini açıklayan, yani, çevre-aile-birey ilişkisini en iyi şekilde açıklayan Ekolojik Sistemler Kuramı ve Aile Sistemleri Kuramının bir sentezi ile oluşturulmuştur. Çalışmanın örneklemi tabakalı örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiş 2-6 yaşları arasında çocuğu olan evli ve çalışan 300 babadan oluşmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri, babaların çalışma şartlarını, iş-aile çatışmasını, algıladıkları kurumsal desteği ve depresyon düzeylerini kendilerinin ölçekler aracılığıyla raporladığı nicel yöntemlerle elde edilmiştir. Aracı etki analizi MPLUS programında yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda (i) babaların deneyimledikleri iş-aile çatışmasının, babaların hafta içi çalışma süreleri ve depresyon düzeyleri ile pozitif, iş yerinden algıladıkları kurumsal destek ile ise negatif yönde ilişkili olduğu; (ii) çalışma saatleri ve iş-aile çatışması yüksek olan babaların depresyon belirtileri gösterme olasılığının yüksek olduğu; (iii) hafta içi çalışma süreleri ve algılanan kurumsal destek ile depresyon arasındaki ilişkide iş-aile çatışmasının aracı rolü üstlendiği bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmanın, küçük yaşta çocuğu olan, çalışan, geleneksel cinsiyet rol ve tutumlarının baskın olduğu toplumda yaşayan erkeklerin iş hayatlarına bağlı sorunlarının özetlenmesi ve iş-aile dengesinin sağlanması ve çalışma durumlarının iyileşmesi için var olması gereken unsurların tespiti açısından oldukça önemli katkıları olacağı düşünülmektedir.