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    50 years after the labour recruitment agreement with Germany: the consequences of emigration for Turkey
    (Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2012) N/A; Department of International Relations; N/A; İçduygu, Ahmet; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 207882
    Turkey is a country with relatively recent and ongoing experience of labour emigration. Starting with the signing of the bilateral Turkish-West German labour recruitment agreement in October 1961, it has been a country of emigration, a trend that significantly influenced part of its economic, social, and political history. This essay elaborates the last fifty-year history of labour emigration from Turkey, and its consequences for the country in the economic, social and political spheres. It aims to sketch briefly the trends and patterns of emigration flows with reference mainly to the changing nature of these flows over time. More specifically, the essay offers an overview of the main impacts of labour migration for the country. It concludes that neither the positive nor the negative consequences of emigratory flows for the country should be overestimated.
  • Placeholder
    A comparative study of returns to education of urban men in Egypt, Iran, and Turkey
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2009) Salehi-Isfahani, Djavad; Assaad, Ragui; Department of Economics; Tunalı, Fehmi İnsan; Faculty Member; Department of Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 105635
    This paper presents a comparative study of private returns to schooling of urban men in Egypt, Iran, and Turkey using similar survey data and a uniform methodology. We employ three surveys for each country that span nearly two decades, from the 1980s to 2006, and, to increase the comparability of the estimates across surveys, we focus on urban men 20-54 years old and in full time wage and salary employment. Our aim is to learn how the monetary signals of rewards that guide individual decisions to invest in education are shaped by the institutions of education and labor markets in these countries. Our estimates generally support the stylized facts of the institutions of education and labor markets in Middle Eastern countries. Their labor markets have been described as dominated by the public sector and therefore relatively inflexible, and their education systems as more focused on secondary and tertiary degrees than teaching practical and productive skills. Returns in all countries are increasing in years of schooling, which is contrary to the Mincer assumption of linear returns but consistent with overemphasis on secondary and tertiary degrees. Low returns to vocational training relative to general upper secondary, which have been observed in many developing countries, are observed in Egypt and Iran, but not Turkey. This pattern of returns across countries seems to correspond to how students are selected into vocational and general upper secondary tracks, which is an important part of the education institutions of these countries, and the fact that Turkey's economy is more open than the other two. Greater competitiveness in all three countries over time seems to have increased returns to university education and in few cases to vocational education, but not to general high school.
  • Placeholder
    Anonim ortaklık payı üzerinde kurulan rehin hakkına ilişkin bazı sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri
    (Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2021) Çolak, Hüseyin Bahadır; Faculty Member; Law School; 280307
    It is possible for joint stock company shares to be certified, hence establishmentof share pledge is subject to different procedures depending on whether the share iscertified or uncertified, and type of share certificate. There are also differences interms of legal consequences of the method preferred. This paper examines selectedproblems on establishment of share pledge within the scope of different methodsof pledge establishment on certified and uncertified shares, legal implications ofselected method of pledge establishment, endorsement in pledge on registered sharecertificates, acquisitions by third party in good faith on shares subject to pledge, legalimplications of certification of uncertified shares following establishment of pledge. / Öz: Anonim ortaklık payının kıymetli evrak niteliğindeki senetlere bağlanabilmeimkanı nedeniyle pay üzerinde rehin kurulmasında, payın senede bağlı olup olmamasıve bağlandığı senedin türüne göre farklı yöntemlere başvurulması mümkündür. Rehinkurulmasında tercih edilen yöntemin hukuki sonuçları bakımından da farklılıklarsöz konusudur. Bu çalışmada çıplak pay ve senede bağlı paylar üzerinde rehinkurulmasında tercih edilebilecek farklı yöntemler, bu yöntemlerin hukuki sonuçları,nama yazılı senede bağlı payın rehninde ciroya özgü sonuçlar, rehne konu paylarüzerinde üçüncü kişilerin kazanımlarının akıbeti, rehne konu payların sonradansenede bağlanmasının hukuki sonuçları çerçevesinde anonim ortaklık payı üzerinderehin hakkı kurulması bakımından ortaya çıkabilecek çeşitli sorunlar incelenmektedir.
  • Placeholder
    Anonim şirket genel kurul kararlarının hükümsüzlüğü ihtilaflarında tahkim
    (Banka ve Ticaret Hukuku Araştırma Enstitüsü, 2020) N/A; N/A; Kayıklık, Abdurrahman; Researcher; Law School; 307836
    Genel kurul kararlarının hükümsüzlüğüne dair uyuşmazlıklar, anonimşirketlerde en tipik ve yaygın ihtilaflardandır. Bu ihtilafların tahkim yoluyla hızlıbir şekilde çözülmesi, şirket ve hissedarlar için özellikle hukuki belirlilik açısındanavantajlıdır. Ancak bu ihtilafların tahkime elverişliliği, şirketler hukukunun esassözleşmesel tahkim şartına cevaz verip vermediği ve yargılama usulünün bu davalardaözellik arz etmesi konuyu tartışmalı kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada tüm bu tartışmalımeseleler karşılaştırmalı hukuktaki gelişmeler de dikkate alınarak incelenmiş ve konuhakkındaki hukuki belirsizlikleri gidermek üzere öneriler sunulmuştur.
  • Placeholder
    Business and human rights: mandatory human rights due diligence obligations
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, 2022) Tarman, Zeynep Derya; Faculty Member; Law School; 177966
    While multinational companies contribute to the economies of the countries in which they operate, they can also cause negative effects such as environmental pollution, unsafe and unhealthy working conditions, insufficient wages, child labor and forced displacement of indigenous people, and as a result, human rights violations. In this paper, corporate human rights due diligence obligations, which serve the purpose of preventing human rights violations and environmental damage that may be caused by the commercial activities of multinational companies, are examined. In this context, nonbinding and voluntary legal texts, especially the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are discussed. Then, the developments within the European Union are explained, and then certain national regulations are included. In terms of the national regulations, considering the export volumes with Turkey, the corporate human rights due diligence obligations under German, English, French and Dutch laws are examined. Finally, the effects of these developments especially on companies located in Turkey and in this regard the need for a reform under Turkish law are evaluated. / Çok uluslu şirketler faaliyette bulundukları ülkelerin ekonomilerine bir yandan katkı sağlarken aynı zamanda çevre kirliliği, güvensiz ve sağlıksız çalışma koşulları, yetersiz ücret, çocuk işçiliği ve yerli halkı zorla yerinden etme gibi olumsuz etkilere ve bunun sonucu olarak insan hakları ihlallerine neden olabilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada çok uluslu şirketlerin ticari faaliyetlerinin sebep olabileceği insan hakları ihlallerinin ve çevresel tahribatın engellenmesi amacına hizmet eden insan hakları durum tespit yükümlülükleri incelenmiştir. Bu çerçevede, başta Birleşmiş Milletler İş Dünyası ve İnsan Hakları Rehber İlkeleri olmak üzere uygulanmaları gönüllülük esasına dayanan ve bağlayıcı olmayan hukuk metinleri ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra Avrupa Birliği bünyesindeki gelişmeler açıklanmış, ardından bazı ülkesel düzenlemelere yer verilmiştir. Ülkesel düzenlemeler bakımından Türkiye ile olan ihracat hacimleri göz önünde bulundurularak Almanya, Birleşik Krallık, Fransa ve Hollanda’daki iş dünyası ve insan hakları durum tespit yükümlülükleri kapsamında yaşanan gelişmeler incelenmiştir. Son olarak, Türk hukukundaki durum ve söz konusu gelişmelerin özellikle Türkiye’de yerleşik şirketler üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirilmiştir.
  • Placeholder
    Copyright law practice in Turkey
    (Istanbul University Press, 2020) N/A; N/A; Nevhis, Deren Yıldırım; Faculty Member; Law School; 176366
    Zusammenfassung Das Gesetz fuer geistige Schoepfungen und Kunstwerke trat im Jahre 1951 in Kraft. Es bestimmt den Schutzgegenstand des Urheberrechts und stellt verschiedene Kategorien,wie wissenschaftliche und literarische Werke,musikalische Werke, Kunstwerke und Filmwerke auf. Seit der Gesetzesaenderung im Jahre 1995 werden auch verwandte Schutzrechte des ausuebenden Kuenstlers,des Herstellers von Tontraegern und des Sendeunternehmens anerkannt Der Schutz der Verwertungsrechte und der urheberlichen Persoenlichkeitsrechte bildet Den Kernpunkt dieses Rechtsbereiches. Der einstweilige Rechtschutz spielt im Urheberrecht eine kritische Rolle. Die Einfuehrung der Berufungsinstanz ist aus diesem Grund zu begruessen, da die Gerichtspraxis in Vergangenheit zur Abweisung der Antraege tendierte. / Abstract The Turkish Copyright Act is from 1951. This Act distinguishes between several classes of works such as linguistic works, musical works, works of arts and cinematographic works. Under the amendment in 1995 the same. Act is regulating the related rights: The protection of the rights of exploitation and moral rights is a sensitive subject for legal practice. Furthermore, the protection of copyrights is related with preliminary injunctions. The provisional legal protection of copyrights can be safeguarded by the new built. Courts of appeal in Turkey. / Öz (Türk) Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu 1951 tarihlidir. Söz konusu kanun birçok eser kategorisine yer vermektedir; bunlar sırasıyla edebiyat eserleri, müzik eserleri, güzel sanat eserleri ve sinema eserleridir. 1995 değişikliği ile aynı kanun eser ile bağlantılı hakları da koruma altına almıştır. Uygulamada eser üzerindeki mali haklar ile manevi yetkilerin hukuki korunmas hassas bir konudur. Bunun yanı sıra telif haklarının korunması ihtiyati tedbirler ile de bağlantılıdır. Fikri hakların geçici korunması yeni kurulan istinaf mahkemeleri ile de garanti altına alınmıştır.
  • Placeholder
    Difficult choices: choosing the candidate of the nation alliance in the 2023 Turkish presidential election
    (Routledge, 2024) Department of Media and Visual Arts;Department of International Relations; Baruh, Lemi; Çarkoğlu, Ali; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
    The Turkish presidential election in 2023 marked a pivotal moment for the ruling Justice and Development Party and Erdogan, grappling with criticism over their handling of the economic crisis. Six parties formed the Nation Alliance to challenge the incumbent, but negotiations for the alliance's presidential candidate collapsed, leading to the breakdown of the alliance. This study analyzes the divided opposition and its difficulty in nominating a likeable candidate as another reason for the continuation of President Erdogan's rule. A Response Surface Analysis (RSA) approach is utilized to describe the potential outcomes of the options that opposition parties considered regarding their presidential candidate. The analysis shows that the leader of the Republican People's Party, Kemal Kilicdaroglu, was weaker in appealing to the centre-right wing voters of the alliance partner, the Good Party, yet fared better in gathering the support of the Kurdish voter base of the Peoples' Democratic Party.
  • Placeholder
    Down and up the “U” – A synthetic cohort (panel) analysis of female labor force participation in Turkey, 1988–2013
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021) Kırdar, Murat G.; Dayıoğlu, Meltem; Department of Economics; Tunalı, Fehmi İnsan; Faculty Member; Department of Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 105635
    We study the aggregate labor force participation behavior of women over a 25-year period in Turkey using a synthetic panel approach. In our decomposition of age, year, and cohort effects, we use three APC models that have received close scrutiny of the demography community. The exercise is repeated by rural/urban status and by education to tease out some key differences in behavior. Our comparative methodology yields remarkably consistent profiles for most subsamples, but not all. Notably all methods reveal an M-shaped age profile attributable to child-bearing related interruptions in rural areas and for low-educated women in urban areas. We also find that younger cohorts among the least-educated women are more likely to participate, contrary to the belief that culture stands in the way. The evidence we compiled confirms that Turkey has reached the turning point of the U-shaped pattern in female labor force participation observed in countries where agriculture initially accounts for a large fraction of employment. We dwell on methodological issues throughout the paper and seek explanations for the occasional fragility of the methods. We establish that evolution of the linear trend present in the cross-section age profiles is responsible for the differences in the findings. Despite the apparent inconsistency, the models we use are consistent in recovering the turning points of the age, period, and cohort profiles.
  • Placeholder
    Economic voting during the AKP era in Turkey
    (Oxford University Press, 2020) Department of International Relations; Aytaç, Selim Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 224278
  • Placeholder
    Education abroad and post-graduation location choices: an inquiry on Turkish Republic citizens studying in the United States of America
    (Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, 2020) Department of Economics; Demirci, Murat; Faculty Member; Department of Economics; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 272082
    This study analyzes education and post-graduation residency choices of students who go abroad from Turkey to pursue higher education. It has been found that most students have chosen to study in countries where the university system is advanced and the quality of academic publishing is better than Turkey. The analysis of students who have taken education in the United States as the most commonly preferred country has shown that the majority of students has attended in the master’s- and doctoral-level programs. In addition, it has been observed that Turkish citizens studying at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate levels in the United States were more likely to study in technical fields, such as engineering and computing, compared to university students of the same level in Turkey. It has been also found that a nonnegligible ratio of Turkish students in the United States, such as 21 percent, has enrolled in universities that are considered among the best 100 universities in the world. Although the abundance of Turkish students studying abroad in prominent universities seems to be a richness for Turkey, whether this richness benefits the Turkish economy depends on the rate at which these students return to Turkey after their graduation. To understand the return rate, whether the initial residency choice was the United States or not has been analyzed for all Turkish graduates of American universities who started their studies in the 2005-2015 period. It has been found that most of these students, such as 70 percent of master’s and doctoral degree holders, have continued to stay initially in the United States. Lastly, the longterm residency choices of students who graduated from three American universities have been analyzed, and it has been found that the ratio of them who returned to Turkey 10 years after their graduation has stayed at a low level of 40 percent. / Öz: Makalemizde Türkiye’den yurt dışına üniversite eğitimi almak için giden öğrencilerin eğitim ve mezuniyet sonrası yerleşim tercihleri incelenmiştir. Türkiye’den yurt dışına çıkan uluslararası öğrencilerin ülke tercihlerini incelemek için UNESCO (Birleşmiş Milletler Eğitim, Bilim ve Kültür Örgütü) verisi kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin çoğunluğunun üniversite sistemleri gelişmiş ve akademik yayın kalitesi Türkiye’den daha iyi olan ülkeleri tercih ettiği saptanmıştır. En çok tercih edilen ülke olan Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nde eğitim alan öğrenciler incelendiğinde ise çoğunluğun yüksek lisans ve doktora seviyesinde eğitim aldığı görülmüştür. Ayrıca, Amerikan üniversitelerinde eğitim alan lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrencilerinin Türkiye’de benzer seviye eğitim alan üniversite öğrencilerine kıyasla daha yüksek bir oranının mühendislik ve bilişim gibi teknik alanlarda eğitim almayı tercih ettiği gözlemlenmiştir. Türkiye’den Amerikan üniversitelerine eğitim almaya giden öğrencilerin %21 gibi azımsanmayacak bir oranının dünyanın en iyi 100 üniversitesi arasında kabul edilen kurumlarda eğitim aldıkları bulunmuştur. Her ne kadar yurt dışındaki kaliteli kurumlarda eğitim alan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti (T.C.) vatandaşlarının fazlalığı bir zenginlik olarak düşünülse de bu zenginliğin Türkiye ekonomisi için katkıya dönüşmesi bu öğrencilerin Türkiye’ye geri dönme oranına bağlıdır. Geri dönme oranını anlamak için Amerikan üniversitelerinde 2005-2015 yılları arasında eğitim almaya başlayıp mezun olan bütün T.C. vatandaşlarının ilk yerleşim tercihinin Amerika Birleşik Devletleri olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Öğrencilerin büyük çoğunluğunun, örneğin yüksek lisans ve doktora programı mezunlarının %70’i gibi, mezuniyetten sonra Amerika’da kalmaya devam ettiği görülmüştür. Son olarak, üç farklı Amerikan üniversitesinden mezun olan öğrencilerin daha uzun dönemli yerleşim tercihleri analiz edilmiş ve mezuniyetten 10 yıl sonra Türkiye’ye dönenlerin oranının %40 gibi düşük bir seviyede kaldığı gözlemlenmiştir.