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    50 years after the labour recruitment agreement with Germany: the consequences of emigration for Turkey
    (Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2012) N/A; Department of International Relations; N/A; İçduygu, Ahmet; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 207882
    Turkey is a country with relatively recent and ongoing experience of labour emigration. Starting with the signing of the bilateral Turkish-West German labour recruitment agreement in October 1961, it has been a country of emigration, a trend that significantly influenced part of its economic, social, and political history. This essay elaborates the last fifty-year history of labour emigration from Turkey, and its consequences for the country in the economic, social and political spheres. It aims to sketch briefly the trends and patterns of emigration flows with reference mainly to the changing nature of these flows over time. More specifically, the essay offers an overview of the main impacts of labour migration for the country. It concludes that neither the positive nor the negative consequences of emigratory flows for the country should be overestimated.
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    A new paradigm on the identity-security nexus in international relations: ontological security theory
    (Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, 2020) Adısönmez, Umut Can; Department of International Relations; Rumelili, Bahar; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 51356
    Recently, Ontological Security Theory (OST) has found itself a significant place in the International Relations (IR) literature. The theory has provided scholars with a novel analytical framework to explain state behavior and to understand the socio-psychological dynamics underlying the production of a state's self-image and self-narratives. Particularly, the OST has unsettled disciplinary assumptions regarding the primacy of physical security, and offered a framework to analyze the dialectical relationship between state and society in the making, (re)making and protecting of the state's subjective sense of self. The primary aim of this article is to introduce the main arguments and research areas to Turkey's IR community. Additionally, the drawbacks that emanate from the OST's insufficient engagement with critical approaches to security and the extant literature on identity in IR are assessed. / Geçtiğimiz yıllarda Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi (Ontological Security Theory – OGT) Uluslararası İlişkiler (Uİ) disiplininde kendine önemli bir yer edindi. Teori, devlet davranışlarını devletin öz-anlatıları üzerinden anlamlandırırken, bu öz-anlatıların yeniden üretilmesinin altında yatan sosyo-psikolojik dinamikleri de ortaya koydu. Özellikle, fiziksel güvenliğin öncüllüğünü tartışmaya açarak ve öz-anlatılar yoluyla devlet kimliğinin oluşması ve korunması süreçlerinde devlet-toplum arasındaki diyalektik ilişkiyi ortaya koyarak önemli katkıları oldu. Bu makalenin birincil amacı OGT’nin ana argümanlarını ve araştırma konularını Türkiye Uİ camiasına tanıtmaktır. Aynı zamanda OGT’nin mevcut eleştirel güvenlik kavramları ve kimlik yazını ile bağlantısının yetersizliğinden kaynaklanan eksiklikleri değerlendirilmektedir.
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    Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders
    (International Relations Council of Turkey, 2024) N/A; Barıt, Hasan Basri; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities
    In the last decade, there has been a growing interest in Global International Relations (IR), which calls for a non-Western approach to IR, an endeavor that has produced several books and articles. One recent such work is Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders by Ayşe Zarakol in 2022. This book differs from other studies on Global IR with its alternative narrative based on the Chingissid world order, which challenges Eurocentrism from an Asian angle with the help of the IR terminology that we use today.
  • Placeholder
    Democracy in uncertain times: inequality and democratic development in the global North and global South
    (Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi / Middl East Technical Univesity, 2016) Department of International Relations; Öniş, Ziya; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 7715
    Liberal democracy is under challenge on a global scale. The global financial crisis has accelerated and aggravated the crisis of liberal democracy in the global North. The paper examines the prospects for liberal democracy in the global South and argues that the prospects are mixed. The rise of China and the durability of its highly successful model of authoritarian capitalism, in spite of a certain loss of momentum in the current era, poses a central challenge in a rapidly shifting global order where democratic capitalism in the North no longer generates the same level of enthusiasm as in the past. The paper examines alternative and competing models of capitalism and democracy in the global South and evaluates the credentials of democratic BRICS and near-BRICS as serious pro-democracy actors. Whilst the trend is towards less social inclusion in the North and greater social inclusion in the South, persistently high rates of inequality pose severe problems for the future of liberal and social democracy both in the global North and the global South. / Liberal demokrasi küresel ölçekte bir meydan okumaya maruz kalmaktadır. Küresel finansal kriz küresel Kuzey'de liberal demokrasinin yaşadığı buhranı derinleştirdi ve hızlandırdı. Bu çalışma küresel Güney'deki liberal demokrasinin başarı şansını incelemektedir ve geleceğe dair farklı senaryoların gerçekleşebileceğini öne sürmektedir. Çin'in yükselişi ve otoriter kapitalizm modelinin başarılı bir şekilde sürdürülebilmesi eksen kayması yaşayan küresel düzene karşı esaslı bir meydan okuma olarak görülebilir. Bu küresel düzende Kuzey'in benimsediği demokratik kapitalizm eskisi gibi bir cazibe merkezi olamamaktadır. Çalışma kapitalizmin birbirinden farklı ve birbiriyle rekabet halinde olan modelleriyle Güney demokrasisini incelemekte olup demokratik BRICS ile yakın-BRICS ülkelerini demokrasi yakınlıkları açısından irdelemektedir. Toplumsal kapsayıcılık Kuzeyde önemini kaybederken ve aksine Güneyde önemini artırırken, yüksek eşitsizlik oranları hem küresel Güney hem de küresel Kuzeydeki liberal demokrasinin geleceği için önemli sorunlar teşkil etmektedir.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Discourse analysis: strengths and shortcomings
    (Center for Foreign Policy and Peace Research, 2019) Aydın-Düzgit, Senem; Department of International Relations; Rumelili, Bahar; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 51356
    Discourse analysis is a much-favoured textual analysis method among constructivist and critically minded International Relations scholars interested in the impact of identity, meaning, and discourse on world politics. The aim of this article is to guide students of Turkish IR in their choice and use of this method. Written by two Turkish IR scholars who have employed discourse analysis in their past and present research, this article also includes a personal reflection on its strengths and shortcomings. The first section of the article presents an overview of the conceptual and epistemological underpinnings of discourse analysis, while charting the evolution of discourse analysis in IR since the late 1980s in three phases. The second section offers insight into the personal history of the researchers in employing discourse analysis in their previous and ongoing research, while the third section provides a how-to manual by performing discourse analysis of an actual text. The concluding section focuses on the challenges faced in the conduct of discourse analysis and the potential ways to overcome them, also drawing from the researchers'own experiences in the field.
  • Placeholder
    Economic integration/political fragmentation paradox: the euro crisis and the future of European Union
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2012) N/A; Department of International Relations; N/A; Öniş, Ziya; Kutlay, Mustafa; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 7715; N/A
    The Euro-zone project has been struggling for survival since it was hit hard by the global fi nancial crisis in 2008. When the crisis fi rst erupted, the member countries immediately plunged into a vicious cycle of ‘blame-game’ by trying to transfer the burden on the shoulders of other members. In this article, we argue that the structural problems pertaining to the very architecture of the Euro-zone rather than the individual policy choices of member states were at the heart of the deep crisis that the European Union is currently confronted with. Our central argument, therefore is that the ‘economic integration/political fragmentation’ paradox constitutes a central underlying element of the Euro-zone crisis. We claim that the future of the Euro-zone and thereby the European Union will mainly be shaped by the response of the European leaders to the economic integration/political fragmentation paradox. Th e mostlikely response of the EU to this paradox will be a La Carte Europe, which foresees diff erent integration level among EU member countries. Finally, the type of European leaders’ response to the paradox in question will closely aff ect the future of Turkey-EU relations. Th e emergence of a more fl exible Europe may open up new avenues for Turkey-EU relations. / 2008 yılından bu yana avro bölgesi derin bir ekonomik kriz içerisinde adeta varoluş mücadelesi vermektedir. Kriz ilk ortaya çıktığı andan itibaren avro bölgesi üyeleri, sorunun yapısal nedenlerini ortadan kaldırmaya odaklanan çok-boyutlu ve eş-zamanlı tedbirler almak yerine birbirini “suçlama yarışına” girmiştir. Konuya politik ekonomi perspektifi nden yaklaşan bu makalede, avro bölgesindeki krizin temelinde, “üye ülkelerin sorumsuz politikalarından” ziyade avro bölgesinin mimarisinden kaynaklanan yapısal sorun olan “ekonomik bütünleşme/siyasal parçalanmışlık” paradoksu olduğu iddia edilmektedir. Avro bölgesinin geleceği, Birlik üyelerinin bu paradoksa nasıl cevap vereceklerine göre şekillenecektir. Bu eksende daha az üye ile daha fazla bütünleşme öngören ancak monolitik AB mimarisi idealini de gündeminden düşüren “A la carte Avrupa” modelinin, AB bütünleşmesinde “ikinci en iyi çözüm” olarak önümüzdeki dönemde gündeme geleceği vurgulanmaktadır. Tüm bu gelişmelerin Türkiye-AB ilişkilerinde “imtiyazlı ortaklık” değil, “esnek üyelik” modeline somut uygulama alanı sağlayacağı öngörülmektedir.
  • Placeholder
    Globalization, international relations and hegemony
    (Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2006) Department of International Relations; Keyman, Emin Fuat; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 45389
    Since its inception in 1648 Westphalian Treaty, modern international relations have contained both continuity and change. Today, there is a need to analyze both continuities and changes that have occurred in the course of the development of international relations, in order to better understand the main characteristics of world politics. In this article, I have attempted to provide the reader with a brief historical and thematic analysis of the international system. In doing so, my aim was to demonstrate that the relationship between modernity and hegemony has been one of the constitutive elements of modern international relations. In other words, it is possible, also useful, to read the modern history of international relations as a history of hegemony. / 1648 Westphalia antlaşmasıyla kurulan modern uluslararası ilişkiler sisteminin bugüne kadar geçen sürede, ve bugün 11 Eylül-sonrası dünyada da, belli bir "süreklilik degişim ilişkisi" içinde sürdügünü söyleyebiliriz. Güç;-hegemonya ilişkileri bu sistemin kurucu niteliği olarak kalırken, sistemin aktörleri, ve sisteme anlam veren normatif ilkelerin degiştigini gorüyoruz. Bu süreç, aynı zamanda modernite-ulus, devlet-hegemonya ilişkisinin de bir tarihi. Bu tarihin son çeyrek asırdır, niteliyici kodu küreselleşme kavramı. Bu yazı, küreselleşme-uluslararası ilişkiler-hegemonya bağlantısının kısa bir tarihsel-analitik açılımını yapmayı amaçlıyor.
  • Placeholder
    Greece, financialization and the EU: the political economy of debt and destruction by Vassilis Fouskas and Constantine Dimoulas Basingstone: Palgrave and Macmillan, 2013, ISBN: 9781137273444.
    (Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2014) N/A; Department of International Relations; Öniş, Ziya; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 7715
  • Placeholder
    Home state and transnational policies toward civil society: the case of Turkey
    (Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi, 2017) Aksel, Damla Bayraktar; PhD Student; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 315549
    Turkish transnational civil society movement has started to emerge following the Gastarbeiter movement in the 1960s, and has accelerated following the 1980 coup and the political asylum mobility in its aftermath. Over the past two decades, there have been significant changes in the axis of state-emigrant civil society relations, particularly as a result of the state's changing approach to its citizens living abroad and the newly formulated institutional structures. This study reveals that the transnational practices of the state and emigrant communities are processes that affect each other. The divisions along the lines of ideological, religious and political membership within the civil society deepens with the governments' objective of creating and strengthening the informal lobby in the recent years.
  • Placeholder
    Integration and/or transnationalism? the case of Turkish-German transnational space
    (Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi, 2012) N/A; Sert, Deniz; Teaching Faculty; N/A; Migration Research Program at Koç University (MIReKoç) / Göç Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (MIReKoç); 25879
    This article is derived from the findings of an empirical study based on semi-structured and life course qualitative interviews conducted with Turkish-German migrants and their significant others in both countries.1 As the interviews involved different migrant categories, migrants’ life courses and different areas of action, the findings show a large variety of transnational contacts, activities and orientations. After explaining the methodology and the data, the article introduces a typology of transnationalism reflecting these varieties, which is followed by the argument that there is a positive, concurrent and mutually beneficial, relationship between transnationalism and integration.