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    Authority, modernity and gender-relevant legislation in Iran
    (Routledge, 2011) N/A; N/A; Halper, Louise; Other; Law School; N/A
    A widely accepted view, both in scholarly and more general writing, is that Muslim women benefit from a regime of secular law and suffer under religious law. Thus, we are accustomed to conflating the situation of women in countries as diverse as Iran and Afghanistan and thinking that the status of women in both is dreadful. In fact, however, indicators of women’s advancement in Iran1 are quite comparable to those of women in Turkey, which has had a secular tradition since 1924. In contrast, the situation of women in Afghanistan continues to be abysmal. At a glance, then, it appears that the presence or absence of shari’a as the law of the state is, at the least, non-determinative, whatever influence it may have. It is in fact my hypothesis that the situation of women is impacted less by the nature of the legal regime than by their political status; that is to say, the salience of women to the political process and their active involvement in it. Iran is my key example of this hypothesis, and modifications in the law of marriage and divorce there since the Islamic Revolution of 1978 to 1979 constitute my data. Let me first set out some actual data. With respect to literacy, illiterates as a percentage of Iranian women aged 15 to 24 declined from over one-third in 1980 to under 10 percent in 2000.2 Over the same period, the illiteracy rate for the entire population of adult women was cut in half, from about 60 percent to about 30 percent.3 As for education, the number of women in secondary school as a percentage of the eligible age group more than doubled from about 30 percent to almost 80 percent.4 As of 1999, for every 100 boys in primary school, 96 girls were enrolled, indicating that boys and girls were almost equally likely to be learning basic literacy and numeracy skills.5 In 2000, one-half of all Iranian university students were women,6 as were 60 percent of entering students,7 who were selected on the basis of a difficult nationwide exam. Twenty-seven percent of working-age women were in the labor force as of 2000, up from 20 percent in 1980.8 In terms of health, life expectancy went up by 11 years between 1980 and 2000 for both Iranian men and women.9 With respect to family planning, “levels of childbearing have declined faster than in any other country,” falling from an average of 5.6 births per woman in 1985 to only 2.0 births in 2000,10 a drop accomplished by a voluntary, but government-sponsored, birth control program.11
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    Business, ethics and institutions the evolution of Turkish capitalism in a comparative perspective
    (Routledge, 2020) Jones, Geoffrey; N/A; Çolpan, Aslı M.; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
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    Development of business groups and entrepreneurship the Koc Group in global perspective
    (Routledge, 2020) Jones, Geoffrey; N/A; Çolpan, Aslı M.; Other; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; N/A
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    Energy, environment and geopolitics in Eurasia: search for security in the water-energy-food nexus
    (Taylor and Francis, 2023) Graham, Norman A.; Department of International Relations; Yılmaz, Şuhnaz Özbağcı; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
    This book advances our understanding of security and its intricate interactions with geopolitics and the environment in Eurasia. Norman A. Graham and Şuhnaz Yılmaz focus on Eurasia, where the energy-water-food nexus has emerged as a vital aspect of political economy and increasinglyas a decisive factor for human security. As clearly revealed during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this nexus rests on a precarious balance. Graham and Yilmaz argue that Central Eurasia is currently “Running on Empty” and highlight the key environmental challenges, including water quantity and quality and food security. The authors draw on their extensive fieldwork in countries including Azerbaijan, China, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Turkey, and Uzbekistan to assess the interests and impact of pivotal actors and evaluate the competition and complementarities of these actors regarding water, energy, food security, and foreign policy imperatives. They also examine the broader interaction and implications of security at multiple levels by analyzing the local, national, and international factors in light of geopolitical and environmental challenges. Taking a novel and highly interdisciplinary approach, this book will be an important resource for students and scholars of energy and food security, political economy, international conflict and cooperation, and natural resource politics. © 2024 Norman A. Graham and Şuhnaz Yılmaz.
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    Ethics and corruption contrasting perspectives of the general public and business community in Turkey
    (Routledge, 2020) Department of International Relations; Çarkoğlu, Ali; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; Koç University Center for Survey Research (KUCSR) / Koç Üniversitesi Saha Araştırmaları Merkezi (KUSAM); College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 125588
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Examining age structure and estimating mortality rates in Ottoman Bursa using Mid-Nineteenth-Century population registers
    (Taylor _ Francis, 2021) Department of History; Erünal, Efe; PhD Student; Department of History; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities
    This study aims to document the age structure and mortality by age in the Ottoman city of Bursa that served as a politically and commercially significant urban center over centuries. It uses a set of hitherto unexamined Ottoman population registers kept in 1839 and updated until 1842 that provide detailed self-reported data on all male inhabitants regardless of age, including deaths, births, and migration. The study tests the quality of age and mortality data in conjunction with the Coale and Demeny regional model life tables and compares the results to historical demographic studies conducted for European regions. The results point to a demographic structure marked by high birth and death rates and prove promising for extending back the study of Ottoman demographic transition and establishing historical comparison points with the global experience.
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    Intellectual and industrial property rights in the European community and recent developments
    (ankara Univ European Union Research Centre, 2007) N/A; Arıkan, Ayşe Saadet; Faculty Member; Law School; N/A
    The Policy behind the protection of intellectual and industrial property (IP) rights is to provide a balance between the competing interest of creator, investor and society. This balance has been achieved by the attribution of exclusivity, As a reward to the creators, and introducing exceptions to exclusivity in, favour of society, but in the meantime obliging society to respect those exclusive rights though limited by time. Governments always consider the protection of IP rights as an important tool for their technological and cultural developments within the framework of abovementioned policy approach, and gram protection within the limit of their national territory. Because of this territoriality approach, different national rides relating to the scope, duration and exclusivity of such rights do exist, and this very existance have become the most striking feature of IP laws. there is no doubt that such a different existance would be detrimental to the free movement of products covered by those rights, by being capable of creating obstacles within the European Community (EC) in the absence of unification of national IP rules. This article is an humble trial to answer the question of how the EC, through its Treaty provisions and case law reconciled the exclusivity and territoriality principles of IP law, with the vital principles, for instance, of free movement of goods and of competition law./ Öz: Fikri ve smai mülkiyet haklarının (FSH) korunmasının arkasında yatan neden, yaratıcının, yatırımcının ve tophumın yaman çıkarları arasında bir denge sağlamaktır. Bu denge; yaratıcılara ödül olarak inhisari yetkiler tanıyarak, toplum lehine bu yetkilere istisnalar getirilerek ve aynı zamanda topluma, süreleri suurlannuş da olsa, bu inhisari vetkilere saygı gösterme yükümlülüğü getirilmek suretiyle sağlanmaktadır. Devletler yukarda sözü edilen yaklaşım çerçevesinde FSHnın korunmasını herzaman teknolojik ve kültürel gelişmelerinin bir aracı olarak görmüşler ve korumayı ülkeye' sınırları içerisinde bahşetmişlerdir. Bu iilkesellik yaklaşımı nedeniyle bu hakların kapsamı,vüresi, inhisarîliği bakımından firklı ulusal kurallar var olmuş ve bu husus ,FSHnın en çarpıcı özelliği olmuştur. FSH konusunda ulusal kuralların yeknesaklaştırılmadığı bir Avrupa Topluluğunda (AT) farklılıkların mevcudiyeti bu haklara konu olan malların serbest dolaşımı açısından, hiç kuşkusuz büyük bir tehlike oluşturacak niteliktedir. Bu makale Arnin, malların serbest dolaşımı, rekabet hukuku ilkeleri gibi hayati kuralları ile FSHnın ülkerellik, inhisarilik ilkelerinin gerek Ktıructc Anlaşma hükümleri, gerek Divan kararları aracılığı ile nasıl bağdaşır hale getirildiği sorusuna bir cevap niteliğini taşımaktadır.
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    Introducing emerging market multinationals in Europe
    (Routledge, 2016) Brennan, Louis; Department of International Relations; Bakır, Caner; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 108141
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    Migration-development-security nexus in the context of the external dimensions of the EU policies
    (Ankara Univ European Union Research Centre, 2020) Department of International Relations; N/A; Ergün, Kübra; Faculty Member; Master Student; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 238439; N/A
    This paper questions how migration-development nexus has been conceptualized on the EU policymaking agenda since the early 2000s. To explore this question, this paper focuses on documents laying out Union’s strategy for the external dimensions of the EU migration policy. The empirical evidence is gathered from the content analysis of Council Conclusions, Commission’s Communications and Reports, and the secondary literature on external dimensions of the EU migration policy. Our study finds that the already existing securitized approach to migrationdevelopment nexus prevailed after 2015, hollowing out the relation between migration and development with an increasingly narrower focus on development and the new narrative of ‘saving lives’. We conclude that the securitization of migration underpins the current ambivalent approach to the migration-development nexus in the EU policy-making context. / Bu çalışma, göç-kalkınma ilişkisinin 2000'li yılların başından bu yana Avrupa Birliği (AB) politikalarında nasıl kurulduğunu sorgulamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bu makale, AB göç politikasının dış boyutları stratejisini ortaya koyan belgelere odaklanmaktadır. Ampirik veriler; Avrupa Konseyi sonuçları, AB Komisyonunun tebliğ ve raporlarının içerik analizinden ve AB göç politikasının dış boyutları hakkındaki ikincil literatürden elde edilmiştir. Çalışmamız, göç-kalkınma ilişkisine dair 2015 öncesi de var olan güvenlikleştirilmiş yaklaşımın 2015 sonrası, dar bir kalkınma anlayışı ve bu dönemde ortaya çıkan 'hayat kurtarma' anlatısı ile birlikte, daha çok öne çıktığını ortaya koyar. Göçün güvenlikleştirilmesinin, AB politika oluşturma bağlamında göç-kalkınma ilişkisine yönelik mevcut ikircikli yaklaşımın temelini oluşturduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Migration-development-security nexus in the context of the external dimensions of the EU policies
    (Ankara University European Union Research Centre / Ankara Üniversitesi Avrupa Toplulukları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, 2020) Department of International Relations; Ergün, Kübra; Faculty Member; Master Student; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 238439; N/A
    This paper questions how migration-development nexus has been conceptualized on the EU policymaking agenda since the early 2000s. To explore this question, this paper focuses on documents laying out Union's strategy for the external dimensions of the EU migration policy. The empirical evidence is gathered from the content analysis of Council Conclusions, Commission's Communications and Reports, and the secondary literature on external dimensions of the EU migration policy. Our study finds that the already existing securitized approach to migration-development nexus prevailed after 2015, hollowing out the relation between migration and development with an increasingly narrower focus on development and the new narrative of 'saving lives'. We conclude that the securitization of migration underpins the current ambivalent approach to the migration-development nexus in the EU policy-making context. / Bu çalışma, göç-kalkınma ilişkisinin 2000'li yılların başından bu yana Avrupa Birliği (AB) politikalarında nasıl kurulduğunu sorgulamaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bu makale, AB göç politikasının dış boyutları stratejisini ortaya koyan belgelere odaklanmaktadır. Ampirik veriler; Avrupa Konseyi sonuçları, AB Komisyonunun tebliğ ve raporlarının içerik analizinden ve AB göç politikasının dış boyutları hakkındaki ikincil literatürden elde edilmiştir. Çalışmamız, göç-kalkınma ilişkisine dair 2015 öncesi de var olan güvenlikleştirilmiş yaklaşımın 2015 sonrası, dar bir kalkınma anlayışı ve bu dönemde ortaya çıkan 'hayat kurtarma' anlatısı ile birlikte, daha çok öne çıktığını ortaya koyar. Göçün güvenlikleştirilmesinin, AB politika oluşturma bağlamında göç-kalkınma ilişkisine yönelik mevcut ikircikli yaklaşımın temelini oluşturduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.