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    Copyright law practice in Turkey
    (Istanbul University Press, 2020) N/A; N/A; Nevhis, Deren Yıldırım; Faculty Member; Law School; 176366
    Zusammenfassung Das Gesetz fuer geistige Schoepfungen und Kunstwerke trat im Jahre 1951 in Kraft. Es bestimmt den Schutzgegenstand des Urheberrechts und stellt verschiedene Kategorien,wie wissenschaftliche und literarische Werke,musikalische Werke, Kunstwerke und Filmwerke auf. Seit der Gesetzesaenderung im Jahre 1995 werden auch verwandte Schutzrechte des ausuebenden Kuenstlers,des Herstellers von Tontraegern und des Sendeunternehmens anerkannt Der Schutz der Verwertungsrechte und der urheberlichen Persoenlichkeitsrechte bildet Den Kernpunkt dieses Rechtsbereiches. Der einstweilige Rechtschutz spielt im Urheberrecht eine kritische Rolle. Die Einfuehrung der Berufungsinstanz ist aus diesem Grund zu begruessen, da die Gerichtspraxis in Vergangenheit zur Abweisung der Antraege tendierte. / Abstract The Turkish Copyright Act is from 1951. This Act distinguishes between several classes of works such as linguistic works, musical works, works of arts and cinematographic works. Under the amendment in 1995 the same. Act is regulating the related rights: The protection of the rights of exploitation and moral rights is a sensitive subject for legal practice. Furthermore, the protection of copyrights is related with preliminary injunctions. The provisional legal protection of copyrights can be safeguarded by the new built. Courts of appeal in Turkey. / Öz (Türk) Fikir ve Sanat Eserleri Kanunu 1951 tarihlidir. Söz konusu kanun birçok eser kategorisine yer vermektedir; bunlar sırasıyla edebiyat eserleri, müzik eserleri, güzel sanat eserleri ve sinema eserleridir. 1995 değişikliği ile aynı kanun eser ile bağlantılı hakları da koruma altına almıştır. Uygulamada eser üzerindeki mali haklar ile manevi yetkilerin hukuki korunmas hassas bir konudur. Bunun yanı sıra telif haklarının korunması ihtiyati tedbirler ile de bağlantılıdır. Fikri hakların geçici korunması yeni kurulan istinaf mahkemeleri ile de garanti altına alınmıştır.
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    Moving beyond the walls: the oral history of the Ottoman fortress villages of Seddülbahir and Kumkale
    (Temple University Press, 2008) Cenker, Işıl Cerem; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Şenocak, Lucienne; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 100679
    The ruins of the 17th century Ottoman fortresses of Seddülbahir and Kumkale, situated at the Aegean entrance to the Dardanelles, pose a challenge to the official historiographic tradition of the modern Republic of Turkey. The collapsing walls of the two fortresses are concrete reminders to Turkish citizens, who make regular pilgrimages to this region, and to those who live in the adjacent villages, that its history includes more than the famed victories of Turkish troops over the Allied forces during the Gallipoli campaign of World War One. The fortresses were also built with the patronage of a woman, Hadice Turhan Sultan, the mother of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed IV, to protect the Ottoman Empire’s western frontier from the Venetian navy. Modern Turkish historiography rarely mentions the role of women in the Ottoman past; and when women do appear, they are often described as scheming and opportunist members of the harem whose intrigues contributed to the eventual “decline” of the empire. Hadice Turhan Sultan’s role in developing Seddülbahir and Kumkale thus confounds traditional Turkish historiography. Based on an oral history project I conducted at Seddülbahir and Kumkale, 1999--2002, my presentation will explore how post World War One migrant residents of the villages adjacent to these Ottoman fortresses incorporated their physical reality into a unique historical narrative, one that conflates the Ottoman past of this region with its nationalist and gendered historiography. My presentation will also examine how oral history reveals the disjunctures and complex processes of negotiation that emerge when a strong nationalist historiography confronts residents of an unstable and war-torn region. I will conclude by examining how political changes in Turkey since 2002 and the more religious and conservative agenda of the present day government are shaping a new narrative for the Gallipoli peninsula, its Ottoman and Republican pasts.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    The profile of psychiatric nurses in Turkey: academic field
    (Kare Yayıncılık, 2020) Yılmaz, Sevil; Boyacıoğlu, Nur Elçin; Sukut, Özge; Doğan, Nareg; Oflaz, Fahriye; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; 185160
    Objectives: there is no current data on the number and qualifications of the academic nursing work force in the mental health and psychiatric field in Turkey. The purpose of this research, therefore, is to construct a profile of academics who are working in the field of mental health and psychiatric nursing in Turkey. Methods: this descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted between January–May 2018 via a digital questionnaire form. Of the 227 teaching staff with internet access who were invited to participate in the study, 177 filled out the questionnaires. The questionnaire consists of 42 questions about personal and professional experience. Descriptive statistics were used in the analysis of the data. Results: among the participants, 5.6% were professors; 16.9% were associate professors; 31.3% were doctoral faculty members, 14.6% were faculty members and 31.6% were research assistants. The percentage of those with master of science degrees in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing was 73.4%, while those with a doctorate in this field was 55.4%. It was further found that 89.8% of the participants worked full time, 34.5% had 1–5 years of academic experience, 45.2% taught outside the field of mental health, 20.9% had clinical experience in the field of mental health and 12.4% had never worked in a clinical area before. Finally, 34.5% stated that they had visited or studied in an institution abroad and 63.8% had participated in congresses abroad, with the mean number of international congresses attended being 3.92 (Max:43). Conclusion: the fact that about one-third of the academics were at the beginning of their academic experience and that half had no doctorate degree can be seen as characteristics posing possible risks to reaching goals. In contrast, the high number of those with clinical experience in the field of mental health can be viewed as a strong quality of the academic profile. / Amaç: ülkemizde, ruh sağlığı ve psikiyatri hemşireliği insan gücünü yetiştiren öğretim elemanlarının sayı ve niteliklerine ilişkin güncel veri bulunmamaktadır. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın amacı, Türkiye’de ruh sağlığı ve psikiyatri hemşireliği alanında görev yapmakta olan akademisyenlerin profilini ortaya koymaktır. Gereç ve yöntem: tanımlayıcı-kesitsel nitelikteki çalışmada veriler, Ocak–Mayıs 2018 tarihlerinde, dijital anket formu aracılığı ile toplanmıştır. İnternet erişimi olan 227 öğretim elemanı çalışmaya davet edilmiş olup, anketleri dolduran 177 kişi ile çalışma tamamlanmıştır. Anket formu, kişisel ve mesleki deneyime ilişkin 42 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: katılımcıların %5.6’sı profesör; %16.9’u doçent; %31.3’ü doktor öğretim üyesi, %14.6’sı öğretim ve %31.6’sı araştırma görevlisidir. Ruh Sağlığı ve Psikiyatri Hemşireliği yüksek lisans mezunu olanların oranı %73.4 olup, bu alanda doktora yapmış olma oranı %55.4’dür. Katılımcıların %89.8’i tam zamanlı çalışmaktadır, %34.5’i 1-5 yıl arası akademik deneyime sahiptir ve %45.2’si ruh sağlığı alanı dışında da ders vermektedir. Katılımcıların %20.9’unun ruh sağlığı alanında klinik deneyimi olduğu, %12.4’ünün ise daha önce herhangi bir klinik alanda çalışmadığı bulunmuştur. Akademisyenlerin %34.5’i yurtdışında bir kurumda çalışma ya da gözlem yapmak için bulunmuş olup, %63.8’i yurt dışında kongreye katılmıştır. Yurt dışı kongreye katılım sayısı ortalaması 3.92’dir (max. 43). Sonuç: psikiyatri hemşireliği akademisyenlerinin yaklaşık olarak üçte birinin akademik deneyiminin başında olması ve yarısının doktora derecesine henüz sahip olmaması hedeflere ulaşmada risk yaratabilecek bir özellik olarak değerlendirmiştir. Ruh sağlığı alanında klinik deneyimi olanların sayısının yüksek olması ise güçlü bir özelliktir.
  • Placeholder
    The Yeni Valide Mosque complex at Eminönü
    (Brill, 1998) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Şenocak, Lucienne; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 100679
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    Varying transnational and multicultural activities in the Turkish-German migration context
    (Springer Netherlands, 2012) Gerdes, Jürgen; Reisenauer, Eveline; N/A; Sert, Deniz; Teaching Faculty; N/A; Migration Research Program at Koç University (MIReKoç) / Göç Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (MIReKoç); 25879
    This chapter presents results from our empirical study based on qualitative interviews conducted with Turkish-German migrants and their significant others in both countries. After introducing the historical background on migration in Turkey and Germany, we describe, by means of a typology, the great variety of transnational contacts, activities, and orientations with respect to different migrant categories, migrants’ life courses, and different areas of action. An important result of this study is that stronger state border-crossing activities and orientations usually are embedded in even stronger intercultural and incorporation-related practices toward the migrants’ respective resident states.