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    An East-West conversation: Gürpınar's A Marriage under the Comet and Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
    (Wiley, 2018) Department of Comparative Literature; Ağıl, Nazmi; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 50749
    The Turkish writer Huseyin Rahmi Gurpnar's 1922 novel A Marriage under the Comet shows similarities with The Miller's Tale and The Wife of Bath's Tale from Chaucer's fourteenth-century The Canterbury Tales in terms of its subject and its characters. In the first part of the novel, Irfan, like Nicholas, makes fun of the uneducated people, frightening them with his astrological explanations and predictions. The second part of the novel, like The Wife of Bath's Tale, ends with a speech on an ideal marriage. Here too, it is advised that when choosing his/her spouse, one must value inner beauty more than appearance and that if they want a happy marriage, husbands should submit their will to their wives. The enormous interest shown the Turkish version of The Canterbury Tales, since it was translated in 1994 for the first time, might be attributed to these similarities. In the tales above, Chaucer satirizes the religious, sexual, and class culture of the English society of his age unsparingly. It is possible that Gurpnar's well-loved novel, which adapts similar stories from a different culture and time to the local context, might have played a role in preparing the relatively more conservative Turkish readers for Chaucer's work, which they would meet eighty years later. Turk yazar Huseyin Rahmi Gurpnar'n 1912'de yaynlanan Kuyruklu Yldz Altnda Bir izdivac adl roman, Chaucer'n Canterbury Hikayeleri'ned Deirmenci ve Bath'l Kadn'n anlattklar hikayelere konu ve karakter acsndan benzerlikler gosterir. Soyle ki, romann birinci bolumundeki irfan karaketri Nicholas gibi astrolojik acklamalaryla cahil insanlar korkutark elenir. ikinci bolum ise, Bath'l Kadn'n anlats gibi, ideal evlilik uzerine bir soylevle biter ve yine e seciminde karakter guzelliine baklmas, mutlu beraberlik icin kocalarn iradelerini elerine teslim etmesi tavsiye edilir. 1994 ylnda eksiksiz olarak Turkceye cevrilen Canterbury Hikayeleri'nin bunca yldr gorduu buyuk ilgi soz konusu benzerlikler uzerinden acklanabilir. Buna gore, farkl bir kulturde din, cinsiye ve snf gibi konulardaki yanllar serbest bir dille hicveden hakayeleri yerel kulture uygun balam ve uslupla yeniden anlatan Gurpnar'n bu cok sevilen roman, gorece muhafazakar yeni okur kitlesini yakla 80 yl sonra tanacaklar Canterbury Hikayeleri icin hazrlamada rol oynam olmaldr.
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    Drought-induced migrations in Syria and Turkey
    (Oxford Univ Press Inc, 2017) Department of Comparative Literature; Ergin, Meliz; Faculty Member; Department of Comparative Literature; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 101428
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    The racial formation not taken: occupational careers and the making of jazz album covers, 1950-1969
    (Elsevier, 2024) N/A; Department of Sociology; Büyükokutan, Barış; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities
    How are racial representations created? I compare two kinds of jazz album cover from the 1950s and 60s to show that the production of culture approach has untapped potential for answering that question. After demonstrating that photographic and modern art -based work constructed Blackness in different ways, I account for photography's domination of the sleeve by focusing on the structure and history of occupational careers. Compared to painters, I show, photographers had (a) easier entry into and harder exit out of cover design, and (b) earlier and more regular access to jazz musicians. Based on these findings, I call for a rethinking of the role of racial projects in racial formation; an elaboration of the production of culture approach; and the expansion of the scope of the interracial coalition concept.
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    Uneven and combined consecration: the mainstream, duplicate, and workaround institutions of jazz
    (Elsevier, 2024) N/A; Department of Sociology; Büyükokutan, Barış; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities
    I find that jazz gained a toehold in U.S. concert halls, music awards, festivals, and schools in the 1930s, 60s, 70s or 80s. I reconcile this with extant research, which identifies the 1940s and 50s as the crucial moment for jazz, by linking the processes that transpired in the sites I examine to those past research has focused on. During the 1940s and the 50s, facing resistance in the mainstream institutions I highlight, advocates of jazz built alternative institutions that duplicated or worked around the mainstream; some of these then helped jazz enlarge its mainstream foothold. Based on these findings, I extend the conceptualization of consecration as ongoing permanent revolution: in already settled fields, the consecration of new, racially stigmatized art forms may follow from uneven and combined development across multiple institutional sites, constituting a string of loosely-related events of varying intensity. A reassessment of the highbrow-lowbrow scheme follows.