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Publication Open Access Connecting rural change and local crafts: rebranding sock knitting in Yenikaraagaç(Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture / Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2019) Aktaş Bilge Merve; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Sociology; Alaca, Ilgım Veryeri; Gürel, Burak; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Sociology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 50569; 219277Rural development literature has demonstrated that in modem times, farming alone is usually unable to provide sufficient returns to develop a rural economy and keep the processes of outmigration and aging of the rural population in check. The development of non-farm activities such as small-scale industries, handicrafts, and rural tourism has been recognized as an indispensable method of providing relatively sufficient income to villagers, preventing rural exodus, and maintaining a lively village culture which combines contemporary practices with time-honored traditions. Based on a fieldwork in the village of Yenikaraagac (located near the city of Bursa in western Turkey) and the outreach postcard project connecting the village to urban areas, we argue that design-based approaches can expand the audience of local craft practices and contribute to rural development. This argument is supported by our examination of the historical trajectory and current state of sock knitting in Yenikaraagag. The postcard project, which connects sock knitting in the village to other areas, is an example of how designerly approaches present the potential of local crafts to maintain dignified livelihoods in rural Turkey.Publication Open Access Description and narration of 14 Anatolian cities in the 18th century (1)(Middle East Technical University Faculty of Architecture / Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Mimarlık Fakültesi, 2020) Akder, Feyza; Akder, Feyza; Researcher; Vehbi Koç Ankara Studies Research Center (VEKAM) / Vehbi Koç Ankara Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (VEKAM)Claude Aubriet was a French artist who worked in the Jardin du Roi. In 1699 French botanist Joseph Pitton de Tournefort made Aubriet an offer of an expedition to the Levant. They were off to develop Tournefort's classification via discoveries of plants, and add new species to Jarden du Roi. Eventually, text and illustrations formed the travelogue Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy in 1717. Aubriet drew landscapes of 14 cities in Anatolia: Elegri Eregli, Sinope Sinop, Cerasonte Giresun, Tripoli Tirebolu, Trebisonte Trabzon, Erzeron Erzurum, Cars Kars, Coulhisar Koyulhisar, Tocat Tokat, Angora Ankara, Prusa Bursa, Magneise Manisa, Smyrna Izmir, and Scalanova Kusadasi. While Tournefort highlighted in his text what is exotic to his taste, Aubriet drew scientifically coherent landscapes. That is as if he followed a code where a typical city's main elements were listed. In this paper, I will discuss if Aubriet's compositions exemplify the utility of the transcultural model as landscape depiction? Aubriet's depiction reminds of 16th-century city-atlases of Georg Braun the cartographer (Civitates Orbis Terrarum). Aubriet, highlights the architecture and topographical elements. Thus, they exhibit a similar cartographic method with some European city depictions. Also, they are general views, portraying the city as a whole, as if it were one of the local people Tournefort narrated about. Aubriet's cities are supposed to illustrate the text however the compositions of the landscapes are different than the text. Are they a dual representation of the same land in the same book, by European scientist/artist/traveler? Did Tournefort represented early modern Anatolian cities by putting them in Oriental outlooks as such did Aubriet put them in European outlooks? So, do they point out a cultural encounter both with self and the other? Both Relation d'un Voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy's text and illustrations were outcomes of an in-situ observation. The illustrations are a key element to the survey but they aren't examined, interpreted thoroughly until now. There is no satisfactory explanation of why the depiction is done in this specific manner; how this perception reflected the cities and why the depiction should be called European at all, except for the nationality of the artist. Yet, these rare depictions are very interesting and valuable both for the Turkish and European history of art. The first part of the paper points to the European features of the city views even though these are lands in the Levant. This paper compares the illustrations in Voyage du Levant to the Civitates Orbis Terrarium. This comparison leads to the literature covering 16th-century city depictions and Ptolemy's geography. The author of this paper has looked for an answer within these sources why Aubriet's method of depicting cities is "European". Tournefort was on the other hand, after the "other", "strange" and "novel" at the same time. Some parts of Tournefort's descriptions have the same features as the 19th century Orientalist discourse, but Tournefort's observations, the exotic features are not reflected in the illustrations. The second part of the paper is a brief catalog of the city views. The main idea is the comparison of the description styles of Tournefort and Aubriet. This diversity is intriguing because Aubriet and Tournefort were working together with each other and for the same establishment Jarden du Roi since 1690. The catalog helps to answer some of the questions asked in the beginning. / Claude Aubriet Jardin du Roi’de görevli bir ressamdı. 1699 yılında Fransız Botanikçi Jopseh Pitton de Tournefort Aubriet’ye Ege Adaları, İstanbul ve Anadolu’yu kapsayan bir keşif gezisinde çıkmayı teklif etti. Gezinin amacı yeni bitkiler keşfederek Tournefort’nun bitki sınıflandırma sistemlerini geliştirmek ve Jarden du Roi koleksiyonuna yeni bitkiler eklemekti. Geziden sonra metinler ve illüstrasyonlar birleştirilerek, 1717 yılında basılan Relation d’un Voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy oluşturuldu. Aubriet Anadolu’daki 14 kenti çizmiştir: Elegri Ereğli, Sinope Sinop, Cerasonte Giresun, Tripoli Tirebolu, Trebisonte Trabzon, Erzeron Erzurum, Cars Kars, Coulhisar Koyulhisar, Tocat Tokat, Angora Ankara, Prusa Bursa, Magneise Manisa, Smyrna İzmir, ve Scalanova Kuşadası. Tournefort metinde kendi için egzotik olanı öne çıkarırken, Aubriet birbirleri ile bilimsel olarak tutarlı manzaralar resimledi. Aubriet sanki kentlerin ana parçalarının sıralandığı bir kuralı takip ediyordu. Bu makalede Aubriet’nin kompozisyonlarının kültürlerarası bir model olarak manzarayı kullanıp kullanmadığını tartışacağım. Aubriet’nin çizim biçimi kartograf Georg Braun’ın 16. yüzyıl kent atlaslarını (Civitates Orbis Terrarum) anımsatmaktadır. Aubriet mimariyi ve topografik öğeleri öne çıkarır. Bu şekilde Avrupa kentlerinin resimlenme biçimlerine benzer kartografik bir yöntem kullanır. Aubriet’nin çizimleri aynı zamanda genel görünümlerdir, kenti bir bütün olarak resmederler. Aubriet’nin kentlerinin aslında metni illüstre etmesi gerekir; ancak manzara çizimleri betimlemelerden farklıdır. Bu iki betimleme aynı kitabın içinde iki farklı temsil biçimi mi oluşturmaktadır? Tournefort Anadolu erken modern Anadolu kentlerini oryantalist bir çerçevede, Aubriet ise Avrupalı bir çerçevede mi gördü? Dolayısıyla metin ve görseller kendi ve öteki arasındaki kültürlerarası bir karşılaşmaya işaret eder mi? Relation d’un Voyage du Levant’ın metni ve görselleri sahada (in-situ) yapılan gözlemin sonucudur. Görseller sahada çıkarılan envanterin önemli bir parçasıdır; ancak henüz detaylı bir şekilde incelenip anlamlandırılmamışlardır. Kent manzaralarının biçimlendirilmesinin neden özellikle bu şekilde yapıldığına ilişkin; ressamın algısının kentleri nasıl yansıttığı ya da resimlendirmenin ressamın vatandaşlığı dışında neden Avrupa kökenli olarak adlandırılması gerektiği tartışılmamıştır. Hâlbuki bu görseller hem Türkiye hem de Avrupa resim sanatı için çok nadir dolayısıyla önemli örneklerdir. Makalenin birinci bölümü Aubriet’nin Anadolu’da yer alan mekânları çizmesine rağmen, Avrupa kent manzaraları ile ilişkilenen özelliklerini ortaya koymaya çalışır. Bu makalede Voyage du Levant içinde yer alan kent manzaraları Civitates Orbis Terrarium kentleri ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu karşılaştırma 16. yüzyıl’da kent resimlerinin nasıl yapıldığı ve Ptolemy’nin coğrafya kavramları üzerinden yapılmıştır. Makalenin yazarı bu çaba ile Aubriet’nin yaptığı Anadolu kent manzaralarındaki Avrupalı özellikleri ortaya çıkarmaya çalışmıştır. Bir taraftan Tournefort’nun kent betimlemeleri “öteki”, “tuhaf” ve “değişiktir Tournefort’nun betimlemelerinin bir kısmı 19. yüzyıl oryantalizm tartışmaları ile ortak özellikler taşır. Ancak Tournefort’nun bu tarz betimlemeleri görsellerde ortaya çıkmaz. Makalenin ikinci kısmı Anadolu kent manzaralarına ilişkin kısa bir katalog biçimde yazılmıştır. Bu kısımda ortaya çıkarılmak istenilen, Aubriet ve Tournefort’nun çizim ve metini arasındaki farkları ortaya çıkabilmektir. Bu farklılık dikkat çekicidir çünkü Aubriet ve Tournefort 1690 yılından itibaren Jarden du Roi’de beraber çalışmışlardır. Katalog ile başlangıçta biçimlendirme ile ilgili sorduğumuz sorulara da bazı cevaplar bulunabilmiştir.Publication Metadata only Design and integration of a bimorph thermal microactuator with electrostatically actuated microtweezers(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2008) Yilmaz, Mehmet; Yalcinkaya, Arda D.; Leblebici, Yusuf; Zervas, Michalis; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Alaca, Burhanettin Erdem; Faculty Member; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Koç University Surface Science and Technology Center (KUYTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Yüzey Teknolojileri Araştirmalari Merkezi (KUYTAM); College of Engineering; 115108A multi-digit gripper is proposed that consists of two electrostatically actuated end-effectors operating in the plane of the device and three thermal end-effectors operating out of plane. The integration of thermal and electrostatic actuation mechanisms is realized by using a three-mask monolithic process. First mask is used to define the silicon electrostatic actuator on SOI wafer. Second mask is used to obtain the bimorph thermal microactuator made of polyimide and aluminum layers on top of the electrostatic actuator. Third and the final mask is used to release the integrated electrostatic and thermal microactuators.Publication Metadata only Online optimization of first-responder routes in disaster response logistics(IBM, 2020) N/A; Department of Industrial Engineering; Shiri, Davood; Salman, Fatma Sibel; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Industrial Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Engineering; N/A; 178838After a disaster, first responders should reach critical locations in the disaster-affected region in the shortest time. However, road network edges can be damaged or blocked by debris. Since response time is crucial, relief operations may start before knowing which edges are blocked. A blocked edge is revealed online when it is visited at one o f its end-nodes. Multiple first-responder teams, who can communicate the blockage information, gather initially at an origin node and are assigned to target destinations (nodes) in the disaster-affected area. We consider multiple teams assigned to one destination. The objective is to find an online travel plan such that at least one of the teams finds a route from the origin to the destination in minimum time. This problem is known as the online multi-agent Canadian traveler problem. We develop an effective online heuristic policy and test it on real city road networks as well as randomly generated networks leading to instances with multiple blockages. We compare the performance of the online strategy with the offline optimum and obtain an average competitive ratio of 1.164 over 70,100 instances with varying parameter values.Publication Open Access Reviewed work: İstanbul 1910–2010 kent, yapılı çevre ve mimarlık kültürü sergisi / City, built environment and architectural culture exhibition(University of California Press, 2011) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Şenocak, Lucienne; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 100679Publication Open Access Sound in new media and design studies(Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Press, 2014) Tahiroğlu, Koray; Ikonen, Antti; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Özcan, Oğuzhan; Faculty Member; Department of Media and Visual Arts; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 12532Publication Metadata only The cultural lives of domestic objects in late antiquity(Cambridge Univ Press, 2020) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Uytterhoeven, Inge; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 27313N/APublication Open Access The soundscape of sixteenth-century Istanbul mosques: architecture and Qur'an recital(University of California Press, 2016) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Ergin, Nina Macaraig; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 52311Publication Metadata only The soundscape of sixteenth-century Istanbul mosques: architecture and Qur'an recital(Soc Architectural Historians, 2008) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Ergin, Nina Macaraig; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/APublication Metadata only The triconch house(Cambridge Univ Press, 2022) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Uytterhoeven, Inge; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 27313N/A