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Publication Open Access Allocation of child's custody after divorce as the junction point of gender equality and the child's best interest(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2021) N/A; Çelebi, Özgün; Faculty Member; Law School; 261801Allocation of a child's custody after divorce relies upon the universal principle of the child's best interest. Nevertheless, it is argued that despite its seemingly gender-neutral nature, one of the shortcomings caused by the uncertainty of such a principle is that it paves the way for gender discrimination. As a result, the topic of child custody has increasingly been mentioned in the framework of equality between men and women, as shown by references made to the relationship between custody law and gender equality both in international instruments relating to women's rights and in those relating to children's rights. In this paper we analyze the relationship between different interpretation methods of the seemingly gender-neutral principle of the child's best interest and gender equality in the context of allocation of custody after divorce. We go through the tender years, primary caretaker and joint custody concepts, which are the methods used or proposed to be used to concretize the principle of the child's best interest in different law systems and in Turkish law and contemplate whether they enable to achieve the goal of gender equality. On the grounds of these findings we discuss whether it is possible to achieve a child custody law which can reconcile the principle of the child's best interest with gender equality. / Boşanma sonrasında çocuğun velayetinin kimin tarafından icra edileceği sorunu evrensel bir ilke olan çocuğun üstün yararı ilkesi çerçevesinde çözümlenmektedir. Ancak her ne kadar görünürde cinsiyetsiz bir ilke olsa da, kavramın belirsizliğinin yarattığı sakıncalardan birinin, anne ile baba arasında cinsiyete dayalı ayrımcı çözümlere kapı açması olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle velayet konusu, gittikçe artan biçimde kadın-erkek eşitliği ile ilişkisi çerçevesinde gündeme gelmekte, velayet hukuku ile cinsiyet eşitliği arasındaki ilişki hem kadın haklarına hem de çocuk haklarına ilişkin uluslararası belgelerde karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, boşanma sonrası velayetin düzenlenmesi sorunu bağlamında, cinsiyetsiz bir kural gibi görünen çocuğun üstün yararı ilkesinin yorumlanma biçimlerinin cinsiyet eşitliği ile ilişkileri incelenecektir. Bu çerçevede, çocuğun üstün yararı ilkesini somutlaştırmak için farklı hukuk sistemlerinde ve ülkemizde uygulanan veya uygulanması önerilen anne şefkatine muhtaç olma ölçütü, birincil bakıcı ölçütü ve ortak velayet çözümünün cinsiyet eşitliği amacını gerçekleştirmeye yakın olup olmadıkları irdelenecektir. Elde edilen bulgular çerçevesinde çocuğun üstün yararı ilkesi ile cinsiyet eşitliği hedeflerini bağdaştırabilecek bir velayet hukukunun mümkün olup olmadığı tartışılacaktır.Publication Open Access Arbitration of corporate law disputes in joint stock companies under Turkish law: a comparative analysis(De Gruyter, 2019) N/A; Veziroğlu, Cem; Faculty Member; Law School; 265198This study addresses the arbitrability of corporate law disputes and the validity of arbitration clauses stipulated in the articles of association (AoA) of joint stock companies, and compares Turkish law with German and Swiss jurisdictions in particular. While corporate law disputes are considered arbitrable, disputes concerning invalidity of corporate decisions and actions for dissolution are heavily debated. The paper argues that both types of disputes are arbitrable, albeit judicial dissolution requests accommodate practical hurdles. It is also argued that arbitral awards should be granted the erga omnes effect, as long as the interested third parties are provided with the necessary procedural protection. Furthermore, arbitration clauses can be validly stipulated in the AoA of privately held joint stock companies. However, the binding effect of the arbitration clause in question depends on its legal nature, namely, korporative or formell. Addressing this issue, the paper proposes to adopt a two-step test. Finally, it suggests practicable legislative recommendations and a model arbitration clause in order to enable and facilitate arbitration in corporate law disputes.Publication Open Access Big promises, small gains: domestic effects of human rights treaty ratification in the member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council(Johns Hopkins University (JHU) Press, 2016) Ghanea, Nazila; Jones, Benjamin; N/A; Çalı, Başak; Faculty Member; Law SchoolIn recent years, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states have been increasingly willing to ratify United Nations human rights instruments. This article examines the underlying rationales for these ratifications and the limited range and drivers of subsequent domestic reforms post ratification. Drawing on both a quantitative analysis of engagement with the UN treaty bodies and Charter-based mechanisms in over 120 UN reports and qualitative interviews with over sixty-five government officials, members of civil society, National Human Rights Institutions, lawyers, and judges from all six states, this article argues that in the GCC states, UN human rights treaty ratification results from a desire to increase standing in the international community. Treaty ratification has limited effects driven by international socialization and cautious leadership preferences.Publication Open Access Bridging international political economy and public policy and administration research on central banking(Taylor _ Francis, 2021) Yağcı, Mustafa; Department of International Relations; Bakır, Caner; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 108141Central banking as an avenue of research has been of interest to scholars from International Political Economy (IPE) and Public Policy and Administration (PPA) disciplines. Nevertheless, there is very little dialogue between these two perspectives to bridge macro, meso, micro-level analyses and examine the reciprocal relationship between the global and domestic political economy context and monetary policy conduct. This article investigates the Turkish experience to bridge IPE and PPA scholarship on central banking in emerging economies. In doing so, we adopt an analytic eclectic approach combining multiple structural, institutional, and agential causal explanations with particular reference to the Structure, Institution, and Agency (SIA) theoretical framework. This is because analytic eclecticism complements, speaks to, and selectively incorporates theoretical approaches such as the New Independence Approach (NIA) of IPE and institutional and ideational PPA approaches. Drawing on the empirical context of the historical evolution of the Turkish political economy, we explore domestic and international interactions among micro, meso, and macro levels that shape central banking behavior. Our analysis also reveals how global dynamics are translated into domestic policy choices and how particular ideas influence the policymaking process. The analysis underscores the constraining and enabling influence of international dynamics, politics of ideas on emerging economy central banking, and the essential role individual and organizational agency play in the policymaking process.Publication Open Access Constitutional amendments and constitutional core values: the Brazilian case in a comparative perspective(Federal University of Paraná, 2019) N/A; Scotti, Valentina Rita; Law SchoolThe debate over the exercise of primary and secondary constituent power is a long-lasting one and is grounded on positions diverging according to the interpretation of constitutionalism and democracy, and to the conception of constitution's flexibility. In order to safeguard the sacrality of fundamental Charter at the same time ensuring its flexibility, framers, moreover after WWII, entrenched therein both specific procedures for the exercise of the secondary constituent power and clauses for the protection of constitutional fundamentals. After the exhaustion of the primary constituent power, a relevant role has been played by Supreme Courts, which ensured the enforceability of the abovementioned clauses and procedures, and, in some cases, inferred them in the lack of explicit constitutional provisions. The Brazilian Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) is among those Courts which had to infer their competence in reviewing constitutional amendments from the unamendability clauses entrenched in the Charter. The analysis, in a comparative perspective, of the STF's activism is the focus of this journal article. / O debate sobre o exercício do poder constituinte originário e derivado é duradouro e se baseia em posições divergentes de acordo com a interpretação do constitucionalismo e da democracia, e com a concepção da flexibilidade da Constituição. A fim de salvaguardar a sacralidade da Carta fundamental, assegurando ao mesmo tempo a sua flexibilidade, os seus fundadores, principalmente após a Segunda Guerra Mundial, incluíram procedimentos específicos para o exercício do poder constituinte derivado e cláusulas sobre a proteção dos valores constitucionais fundamentais. Após o esgotamento do poder constituinte originário, uma função relevante foi desempenhada pelos Supremos Tribunais, o que garantiu a aplicabilidade das cláusulas e procedimentos acima mencionados, e em alguns casos identificou-os diante da falta de disposições constitucionais explícitas. O Supremo Tribunal Federal brasileiro (STF) está entre os tribunais que tiveram que inferir sua competência de controlar a constitucionalidade de emendas constitucionais a partir das cláusulas pétreas consagradas na Constituição. A análise do ativismo do STF numa perspectiva comparativa é o âmago deste artigo.Publication Open Access Constitutional dismemberment via referenda: a comparative overview(Federal University of Paraná, 2020) N/A; Scotti, Valentina Rita; Law SchoolConstitutional dismemberment is one of the main consequences attached to constitutional amendments that Albert's book analyses. After having analyzed Albert's definition, the present essay focuses on the practice of constitutional dismemberment via referendum and discusses whether, in times of populism and democratic decay, the constitutional design should provide for specific measures in order to protect the political opposition from the allegiance between the populist leadership and the majority of the population. Building on the existing literature and on a comparative analysis, the essay concludes by highlighting the pros and cons of introducing special protections for political minorities during constitutional referenda to protect democracy against populist deviations, suggesting the need to provide further studies in this field. / O desmembramento constitucional é uma das principais consequências associadas às emendas constitucionais que o livro de Albert analisa. Depois de analisar a definição de Albert, o presente ensaio focaliza a prática do desmembra-mento constitucional por referendo e discute se, em tempos de populismo e decadência democrática, o desenho cons-titucional deve prever medidas específicas para proteger a oposição política da aliança entre a liderança populista e a maioria da população. Com base na literatura existente e em uma análise comparativa, o ensaio conclui destacando os prós e contras da introdução de proteções especiais para as minorias políticas durante os referendos constitucionais para proteger a democracia contra os desvios populistas, sugerindo a necessidade de fornecer mais estudos nesse campo.Publication Open Access Contractual time limits to commence arbitration(Kluwer Law International, 2020) N/A; Karaşahin, Yasin Alperen; Law School; 257378Arbitration and multi-tier dispute resolution clauses may contain a time limit to commence arbitration. The expiry of such a time limit could have different legal results. First, it could make the arbitration clause ineffective. Second, it could extinguish the claim or prevent its enforcement through legal proceedings. In the latter case, the contract provision about the time limit would have to be examined with regard to its compliance with mandatory provisions of the law applicable to limitation periods. Even the determination of the law applicable to limitation periods causes considerable difficulty. It is another difficult issue to determine which provisions of the law applicable to limitation periods are mandatory and, if so, whether the contract provision complies with the limits of the law. Once it is established that the contract provision is valid, the acts necessary to prevent the expiry of the time limit would have to be examined.Publication Open Access Cross-border activities of multinational companies and tort liability: international jurisdiction of English courts within the framework of Vedanta v Lungowe and Okpabi v Shell decisions(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2021) N/A; Oba, Meltem Ece; Researcher; Law School; 265205The increase in overseas activities of multinational corporations due to globalisation has also augmented the discussions over overseas human rights violations of such corporations. According to the discussions under international law, holding corporations directly liable for human rights violations remains yet a disputed issue. Against the backdrop of debates under international law, the liability of multinational corporations arising from tort law has become an alternative legal ground for holding multinational corporations accountable for their overseas wrongs. In a dispute where the parent company is domiciled in England and its subsidiary is domiciled in a foreign country, victims who suffer from the activities of the subsidiary may file compensatory claims against both the subsidiary and the parent company before English courts based on principles of tort law. This article examines civil jurisdiction of English courts about such disputes. In this context, initially the debates in international law regarding the human rights liabilities of multinational companies are briefly touched upon, then the Civil Procedure Rules are examined followed by an analysis of the Vedanta v Lungowe and Okpabi v Shell decisions. / Küreselleşme ile beraber çok uluslu şirketlerin özellikle gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki sınır ötesi faaliyetleri arttıkça bu şirketlerin sınır ötesi insan hakları ihlallerine ilişkin tartışmalar da yoğunlaşmıştır. Uluslararası hukuk doktrinindeki farklı görüşler karşısında çok uluslu şirketlerin insan hakları ihlallerinden doğrudan sorumlu tutulması henüz mümkün görünmemektedir. Buna bağlı olarak, çok uluslu şirketlerin sınır ötesi insan hakları ihlallerinden doğan zararın giderilmesinde şirketlerin haksız fiil sorumluluğuna dayanılması gündeme gelmiştir. Hâkim şirketin merkezinin İngiltere’de bulunduğu, bağlı şirketin ise yabancı bir ülkede tescil edildiği çok uluslu şirketlerde, bağlı şirketin faaliyetlerinden zarar gören kişiler İngiliz mahkemelerinde hem bağlı şirkete hem de hâkim şirkete karşı haksız fiile dayalı tazminat talepleri ileri sürebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada söz konusu ihtilaflar kapsamında İngiliz mahkemelerinin milletlerarası yetkisi incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, öncelikle çok uluslu şirketlerin sorumluluğuna ilişkin uluslararası hukuktaki tartışmalara kısaca değinilmiş, ardından İngiliz Medeni Usul Kuralları ele alınmış ve son olarak Vedanta v Lungowe ve Okpabi v Shell kararları incelenerek İngiliz mahkemelerinin bu tür uyuşmazlıklardaki yetkiye ilişkin yaklaşımı incelenmiştir.Publication Open Access Do dividend distributions and dividend commitments of a target company violate the prohibition of financial assistance (TCC Article 380/1)?(İstanbul Üniversitesi Yayınevi, 2018) Paslı, Ali; Veziroğlu, Cem; Faculty Member; Law School; 265198Pursuant to Turkish Commercial Code ("TCC") Article 380 paragraph 1, "[L]egal transactions concluded between the company and another person for acquisition of its shares and the subject of which is granting of advance, loan or security, shall be null and void." According to this provision, a public company cannot provide financial assistance to a third party with a view to acquiring its shares. This article examines a target company's dividend payout or commitment to its buyer (who would be a shareholder following an acquisition of the target company's shares) that is financed by a bank loan or from its retained earnings (i.e., without using any external source). We ask whether use of such funds in acquisition finance constitute "financial assistance" in the meaning of TCC 380/1. According to TCC, the prohibition of financial assistance applies only if three conditions exist cumulatively: (1) There must be an acquisition of shares; (2) there must be a financial assistance transaction, and (3) financial assistance must be made for the acquisition of shares. Therefore, the aforementioned transactional mechanism must be filtered through these three conditions. In our view, dividend payouts or commitments to the buyer following her share acquisition does not violate the prohibition of financial assistance, regardless of whether such amount is funded by a bank loan or the company's retained earnings. Using profits distributed by the target company in order to finance the acquisiton of the target company's shares makes no differrence according to our analysis. It is also possible that a commitment may be given for the target company's dividend payout in certain periods and for certain amounts in order to ensure repayment of the credit provided for the acquisition. The obligor of the said commitment may be the buyer or the target company (as a legal entity). If the target company is the obligor, the consequences for violating the commitment will vary according to the modality of the undertaking. Nonetheless, we believe that the target company's dividend payout must be made in compliance with the rules and procedures laid down by the TCC and by the company's articles of association. Otherwise, in addition to sanctions with respect to distribution of profit (TCC 512), the prohibition of financial assistance may step in. Hence, both the general assembly's resolution towards dividend payout and the payment of dividend (act of disposal) may be considered null and void regardless of whether the buyer's receipt of the dividend was wrongful and in bad faith. / 6102 sayılı Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun (“TTK”) 380. maddesinin 1. fıkrası uyarınca “[P]aylarının iktisap edilmesi amacıyla, şirketin başka bir kişiyle yaptığı, konusu avans, ödünç veya teminat verilmesi olan hukuki işlemler batıldır”. Anılan hüküm, payları üçüncü kişi tarafından iktisap edilen anonim ortaklığın alıcıya finansal yardımda bulunmasını yasaklamaktadır. İşbu makalede incelediğimiz husus hedef anonim ortaklığın bir bankadan kredi temin etmesinin ardından söz konusu meblağı, yahut dış finansman kullanmaksızın birikmiş kârını, şirketin paylarını iktisap ederek pay sahibi sıfatını kazanan alıcıya kâr dağıtımı yoluyla aktarması ve bu kaynağın devralma işleminin finansmanında kullanılmasının TTK 380/1 anlamında “finansal yardım” sayılıp sayılmayacağıdır. Finansal yardım yasağının uygulama alanı bulabilmesi için şu üç şartın bir arada bulunması gerekmektedir. Bunlar; (1) pay iktisabı, (2) finansal yardım işlemi ve (3) finansal yardımın alıcının pay iktisabı amacıyla yapılmasıdır. O halde yukarıda açıklanan işlem örgüsü de bu üç şartın süzgecinden geçirilmelidir. Kanımızca bir bankanın anonim ortaklığa kredi temin etmesi ve söz konusu kredinin, anonim ortaklığın paylarını iktisap ederek pay sahibi sıfatını kazanan alıcıya kâr dağıtımı yoluyla aktarılması, yahut zaten hedef şirketin malvarlığına dâhil olan mevcut kaynağın kâr dağıtımı suretiyle alıcıya tahsis edilmesi TTK 380/1’de düzenlenen finansal yardım yasağının kapsamına girmemektedir. Ulaştığımız bu sonuç açısından, hedef şirketin nakit ihtiyacı sebebiyle bankanın sağlayacağı kredi neticesinde hedef şirketin dağıtacağı kârın, yine hedef şirketin paylarının iktisabı amacıyla kullanılacak olması da hiçbir fark yaratmamaktadır. Aynı şekilde, hedef şirketin paylarının iktisabının ve bunun finansmanı için sağlanan kredinin geri ödenmesini teminen, hedef şirketin belirli süreler içinde ve belirli oranlarda kâr dağıtımı yapacağına dair bir taahhüdün verilmiş olması da mümkündür. Söz konusu taahhüdün yükümlüsü alıcı olabileceği gibi, hedef şirket tüzel kişiliği de olabilir. Yükümlülüğün şirket üzerinde olması şeklindeki ikinci ihtimalde taahhüde aykırılığın sonuçları, taahhüdün veriliş şekline göre değişiklik gösterecektir. Ancak bunun için, hedef şirket nezdinde yapılacak kâr dağıtımının TTK ve esas sözleşmede öngörülen usul ve esaslara riayet edilerek gerçekleştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Aksi hâlde hedef şirket tarafından pay sahibine yapılacak malvarlığı aktarımına ilişkin kâr dağıtımını düzenleyen hükümlerde öngörülen yaptırımlara (TTK 512) ek olarak, finansal yardım yasağının da uygulanması riski doğabilecektir. Keza bu durumda pay sahibi konumundaki alıcının, kâr payını haksız yere ve kötü niyetle alıp almadığına bakılmaksızın, hem genel kurulun kâr payı dağıtım kararı hem de tasarruf işlemi niteliğindeki hedef şirketin temettü ödeme işlemleri kesin hükümsüz sayılabilecektir.Publication Open Access Forum: conflict delegation in civil wars(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2021) Karlen, N.; Rauta, V.; Salehyan, I.; Mumford, A.; Stark, A.; Wyss, M.; Moghadam, A.; Duursama, A.; Tamm, H.; Jenne, Erin K.; Popovic, M.; Department of International Relations; Akça, Belgin San; Faculty Member; Department of International Relations; College of Administrative Sciences and Economics; 107754This forum provides an outlet for an assessment of research on the delegation of war to non-state armed groups in civil wars. Given the significant growth of studies concerned with this phenomenon over the last decade, this forum critically engages with the present state of the field. First, we canvass some of the most important theoretical developments to demonstrate the heterogeneity of the debate. Second, we expand on the theme of complexity and investigate its multiple facets as a window into pushing the debate forward. Third, we draw the contours of a future research agenda by highlighting some contemporary problems, puzzles, and challenges to empirical data collection. In essence, we seek to connect two main literatures that have been talking past each other: external support in civil wars and proxy warfare. The forum bridges this gap at a critical juncture in this new and emerging scholarship by offering space for scholarly dialogue across conceptual labels.
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