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Publication Metadata only Autobiographical remembering regulates emotions: a functional perspective(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) N/A; N/A; Department of Psychology; Öner, Sezin; Gülgöz, Sami; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 181122; 49200Emotional deviation has been considered an essential factor in emotion regulation, in that, attempts to compensate for the deviation is reflected on cognitive processes. In the present study, we focused on autobiographical remembering and tested the functional role of memory on emotion regulation. We specifically examined the congruence effect in individuals' subsequent memory reports after recalling emotional events. Individuals were randomly assigned to three groups to report either sadness or anger evoking events or emotionally unspecified events that they experienced in the last five years. Results supported mood-incongruence, but only for the emotional memory groups. Despite highly negative memories reported in the initial recall, individuals in anger- and sad-memory groups revealed an up-regulation trend in subsequent recall. Furthermore, sadness and anger induction affected phenomenological features of the subsequently reported memory. Overall, our findings supported for the emotion regulation function of remembering that serves counter-regulation of the negative emotion. We discuss potential mechanisms in the light of explanations by a functional approach to autobiographical memory.Publication Metadata only Characteristics and functions of predictive and directive memories and forecasts(Wiley, 2024) Department of Psychology; Ay, Demet; Gülgöz, Sami; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and HumanitiesEarlier research focused on three functions of recollecting the past self, social, and directive functions, but few studies examined the characteristics of events serving these functions. Moreover, research has neglected the function of prediction, which refers to predicting the future by recollecting the past. The current study distinguished the predictive function from the directive function and aimed to characterize memories and future events serving different functions by employing function prompts as cues. In addition, the frequency of using function-cued memories for the other functions was measured. Results showed that predictive and directive function ratings of the predictive function cued events were significantly different. However, directive events served the predictive function as frequently as the directive function, indicating that the predictive function is a prerequisite for future planning conceptualized under the directive function. The results are indicative of a distinct predictive function and considerable overlap between functions of memories.Publication Metadata only Discrete memories of a continuous world: a working memory perspective on event segmentation(Elsevier B.V., 2024) Güler, Berna; Uysal, Bilge; Günseli, Eren; Adıgüzel, Zeynep; Graduate School of Social Sciences and HumanitiesWe perceive the world in a continuum but remember our past as discrete episodic events. Dominant models of event segmentation suggest that prediction errors or contextual changes are the driving factors that parse continuous experiences into segmented events. These models propose working memory to hold a critical role in event segmentation, yet the particular functioning of working memory that underlies segmented episodic memories remains unclear. Here, we first review the literature regarding the factors that result in the segmentation of episodic memories. Next, we discuss the role of working memory under two possible models regarding how it represents information within each event and suggest experimental predictions. Clarifying the contributions of working memory to event segmentation is important to improve our understanding of the structure of episodic memories.Publication Open Access Early parental causal language input predicts children's later causal verb understanding(Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2021) Aktan Erciyes, Aslı; Department of Psychology; Göksun, Tilbe; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 47278How does parental causal input relate to children's later comprehension of causal verbs? Causal constructions in verbs differ across languages. Turkish has both lexical and morphological causatives. We asked whether (1) parental causal language input varied for different types of play (guided vs. free play), (2) early parental causal language input predicted children's causal verb understanding. Twenty-nine infants participated at three timepoints. Parents used lexical causatives more than morphological ones for guided-play for both timepoints, but for free-play, the same difference was only found at Time 2. For Time 3, children were tested on a verb comprehension and a vocabulary task. Morphological causative input, but not lexical causative input, during free-play predicted children's causal verb comprehension. For guided-play, the same relation did not hold. Findings suggest a role of specific types of causal input on children's understanding of causal verbs that are received in certain play contexts.Publication Open Access Editorial: Representational states in memory: where do we stand?(Frontiers, 2015) Cowan, Nelson; Department of Psychology; Öztekin, İlke; PhD Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and HumanitiesThis editorial discusses representational states in memory. For decades researchers have assessed the interactions and dissociations across memory systems and representational states using behavioral investigations, seeking for the key principles that govern them. Recent advances in neuroscience have provided the field with a new set of tools that can be employed to complement and extend previous efforts by means of assessing the corresponding underlying neural mechanisms. In an effort to move toward a more unified perspective, this research topic brought together a collection of empirical, theoretical and review articles that collectively advance our understanding of representational states in memory, as well as bear the potential to reconcile some of the differences across the models. The authors conclude by highlighting several venues for future research. Recent advances in neuroscience now enable powerful approaches that combine behavioral indices along with complementary neuroscience methods that can utilize univariate and multivariate analyses of neuroimaging data on healthy individuals, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation and lesion studies to test and infer similarities and dissociations across the hypothesized states of memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved)Publication Metadata only Effect of maternal education on Turkish mother' styles of reminiscing with their children(Türk Psikologlar Derneği, 2004) Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Küntay, Aylin C.; Ahtam, Banu; Faculty Member; Undergraduate Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 178879; N/AThis study investigates the relationship of maternal education to the style of mother-child conversations about past events. Previous research conducted in the US has identified two distinct styles of communication that mothers use to elicit talk about past events from their children (i.e., elaborative style and repetitive style), but the relationship of these patterns of talk to mothers’ education level has not been investigated. In this study, we recorded 22 mother-child pairs. of these, half included mothers of high educational background, and the other half had mothers of low educational background. Mothers’ child-directed utterances were coded in terms of their forms, contents, and relationships to the child’s responses. Results show that high-education mothers addressed more utterances per event to their children than low-education mothers. Also, child-directed speech of high-education mothers tended to be more elaborative and less repetitive than the speech of low-education mothers. One major contributor to this overall difference was that high-education mothers offered more elaborative statements than low-education mothers. The proportions of questioning behavior, on the other hand, were the same across the two groups of mothers. The pattern of differences found in the study could be explained by the longer exposure of high-education mothers to "classroom discourse" in addition to the potential facilitative effects of schooling on their communicative and narrative skills. / Öz: Bu çalışma, annelerin çocuklarıyla geçmişteki olaylar hakkında konuşma davranışlarıyla anne eğitim düzeyinin ilişkisini araştırmaktad›r. ABD’de yapılan araştırmalar, annelerin çocuklarıyla anıları hakkında konuşurken kullandığı ayrıntıcı (elaborative) ve tekrarcı (repetitive) olmak üzere iki ayrı konuşma biçimi belirlemiş, fakat bu stillerin annelerin eğitim düzeyleriyle ilişkisini incelememiştir. 11 yüksek ve 11 düşük eğitim düzeyli annenin, çocuklarına geçmiş olayları hatırlatmaya çalışırken geçen konuşmaları teybe kaydedilmiştir. Annelerin çocuklarına yönelik sözceleri (utterance), biçim, içerik ve çocuktan gelen yanıtla ilişkili olarak kodlanmıştır. Bulgularda, her iki gruptaki anneler de aynı sayıda olaydan bahsederken, yüksek eğitimli annelerin olay başına daha fazla sayıda sözce oluşturduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca eğitim düzeyi yüksek annelerin, eğitim düzeyi düşük annelerle karşılaştırılınca, daha fazla ayrıntıcı ve daha az tekrarcı bir konuşma stili kullanma eğilimi gösterdikleri bulunmuştur. Bu farkın en önemli kaynağı kullanılan farklı soru oranları ve biçimleri değil, yüksek eğitimli anneler tarafından daha sıklıkla kullanılan olayların detaylarını betimleyen bildirim cümleleridir. Bulunan farklılıkların nedenleri olarak, annelerin eğitimlerinin uzunluğuyla ilişkili olarak geliştirdikleri "okul söylemiyle" tanıklıkkları ve bunun sonucunda edindikleri ayrıntıcı anlatı ve iletişim becerileri düşünülebilinir.Publication Open Access Forgetting emotional material in working memory(Oxford University Press (OUP), 2018) Singmann, Henrik; Department of Psychology; Mızrak, Eda; Öztekin, İlke; PhD Student; PhD Student; Department of Psychology; Graduate School of Social Sciences and HumanitiesProactive interference (PI) is the tendency for information learned earlier to interfere with more recently learned information. In the present study, we induced PI by presenting items from the same category over several trials. This results in a build-up of PI and reduces the discriminability of the items in each subsequent trial. We introduced emotional (e.g. disgust) and neutral (e.g. furniture) categories and examined how increasing levels of PI affected performance for both stimulus types. Participants were scanned using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) performing a 5-item probe recognition task. We modeled responses and corresponding response times with a hierarchical diffusion model. Results showed that PI effects on latent processes (i.e. reduced drift rate) were similar for both stimulus types, but the effect of PI on drift rate was less pronounced PI for emotional compared to neutral stimuli. The decline in the drift rate was accompanied by an increase in neural activation in parahippocampal regions and this relationship was more strongly observed for neutral stimuli compared to emotional stimuli.Publication Metadata only Gaze-based prediction of pen-based virtual interaction tasks(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, 2015) Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Computer Engineering; Çiğ, Çağla; Sezgin, Tevfik Metin; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Department of Computer Engineering; College of Engineering; College of Engineering; N/A; 18632In typical human-computer interaction, users convey their intentions through traditional input devices (e.g. keyboards, mice, joysticks) coupled with standard graphical user interface elements. Recently, pen-based interaction has emerged as a more intuitive alternative to these traditional means. However, existing pen-based systems are limited by the fact that they rely heavily on auxiliary mode switching mechanisms during interaction (e.g. hard or soft modifier keys, buttons, menus). In this paper, we describe how eye gaze movements that naturally occur during pen-based interaction can be used to reduce dependency on explicit mode selection mechanisms in pen-based systems. In particular, we show that a range of virtual manipulation commands, that would otherwise require auxiliary mode switching elements, can be issued with an 88% success rate with the aid of users' natural eye gaze behavior during pen-only interaction. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Publication Metadata only Intercultural engagement and relatedness: examining mediation effects(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017) N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; N/A; Kağıtçıbaşı, Çiğdem; Sakarya, Yasemin Kisbu; Aydoğdu, Ezgi; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Master Student; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; N/A; 219275; N/AMost research on student sojourners has studied students coming from the Majority World to Western countries, especially the United States, for undergraduate and graduate education. Though increasing greatly in numbers, shorter sojourn has not been the focus of attention. With regard to the adjustment of sojourners, research has tended to stress situational factors rather than personality. This study is different in terms of focusing on short term educational sojourn of Western students in a Majority World country and examining the effect of personal characteristics and cultural evaluation of the sojourners on their experience. Relatedness and country of origin were found to influence the cultural experience of exchange students through their cultural evaluation at baseline. Students with higher relatedness orientation had more positive cultural evaluations at baseline which then led to a more positive cultural experience in the receiving countryPublication Open Access Maternal behaviors mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and joint attention(Elsevier, 2021) Uzundağ, Berna A.; Department of Psychology; Küntay, Aylin C.; Koşkulu, Sümeyye; Faculty Member; Department of Psychology; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 178879; N/ASocioeconomic status (SES) is strongly related to parental behaviors and the quality of parent-child interactions. We examined whether through maternal behaviors, SES is linked to joint attention (JA), an important form of parent-child interactions predicting language development. At 12 months, 50 mother-infant dyads were video-recorded during 5-min free play. We coded for maternal behaviors (sensitivity, cognitive stimulation, positive affect, negative affect, control) and JA characteristics (frequency, duration, initiated by maternal following/directing, passive/coordinated, terminated by mother/infant). Mediation analyses showed that higher-SES mothers were more sensitive, less controlling, provided more cognitive stimulation, and displayed more positive affect resulting in JA interactions of higher quality (e.g., initiated by maternal following rather than directing infant's attention) and quantity (i.e., more time spent in JA). These findings contribute to current literature by revealing maternal behaviors as a mediator between SES and mother-infant JA interactions.
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