Researcher: Demirci, Hasan
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Demirci, Hasan
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Publication Metadata only A brief atlas of insulin(Bentham Science, 2022) N/A; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Ayan, Esra; Demirci, Hasan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Koç Üniversitesi İş Bankası Yapay Zeka Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KUIS AI)/ Koç University İş Bank Artificial Intelligence Center (KUIS AI); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Sciences; N/A; 307350Insulin is an essential factor for mammalian organisms: a regulator of glucose metabolism and other key signaling pathways. Insulin is also a multifunctional hormone whose absence can cause many diseases. Recombinant insulin is widely used in the treatment of diabetes. Understanding insulin, biosimilars, and biobetters from a holistic perspective will help pharmacologically user-friendly molecules design and develop personalized medicine-oriented therapeutic strategies for diabetes. Additionally, it helps to understand the underlying mechanism of other insulin-dependent metabolic disorders. The purpose of this atlas is to review insulin from a biotechnologi-cal, basic science, and clinical perspective, explain nearly all insulin-related disorders and their underlying molecular mechanisms, explore exogenous/recombinant production strategies of patented and research-level insulin/analogs, and highlight their mechanism of action from a structural per-spective. Combined with computational analysis, comparisons of insulin and analogs also provide novel information about the structural dynamics of insulin.Publication Metadata only A structural basis for restricted codon recognition mediated by 2-thiocytidine in tRNA containing a wobble position inosine(Elsevier, 2020) Vangaveti, Sweta; Cantara, William A.; Spears, Jessica L.; Murphy, Frank V.; Ranganathan, Sri V.; Sarachan, Kathryn L.; Agris, Paul F.; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Demirci, Hasan; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 307350Three of six arginine codons (CGU, CGC, and CGA) are decoded by two Escherichia coli tRNA(Arg) isoacceptors. The anticodon stem and loop (ASL) domains of tRNA(Arg1) and tRNA(Arg2) both contain inosine and 2-methyladenosine modifications at positions 34 (I-34) and 37 (m(2)A(37)). tRNA(Arg1) is also modified from cytidine to 2-thiocytidine at position 32 (s(2)C(32)). The s(2)C(32) modification is known to negate wobble codon recognition of the rare CGA codon by an unknown mechanism, while still allowing decoding of CGU and CGC. Substitution of s(2)C(32) for C-32 in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae tRNA(IAU)(lle) anticodon stem and loop domain (ASL) negates wobble decoding of its synonymous A-ending codon, suggesting that this function of s(2)C at position 32 is a generalizable property. X-ray crystal structures of variously modified ASL(ICG)(Arg1) and ASL(ICG)(Arg2) constructs bound to cognate and wobble codons on the ribosome revealed the disruption of a C-32-A(38) cross-loop interaction but failed to fully explain the means by which s(2)C(32) restricts I-34 wobbling. Computational studies revealed that the adoption of a spatially broad inosine-adenosine base pair at the wobble position of the codon cannot be maintained simultaneously with the canonical ASL U-turn motif. C-32-A(38) cross-loop interactions are required for stability of the anticodon/codon interaction in the ribosomal A-site.Publication Open Access Comprehensive research on past and future therapeutic strategies devoted to treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022) Sever, Belgin; Sever, Hilal; Ocak, Firdevs; Yuluğ, Burak; Tateishi, Hiroshi; Tateishi, Takahisa; Otsuka, Masami; Mikako, Fujita; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Başak, Ayşe Nazlı; Çiftçi, Halil İbrahim; Demirci, Hasan; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM); College of Sciences; 1512; N/A; 307350Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly debilitating fatal neurodegenerative disorder, causing muscle atrophy and weakness, which leads to paralysis and eventual death. ALS has a multifaceted nature affected by many pathological mechanisms, including oxidative stress (also via protein aggregation), mitochondrial dysfunction, glutamate-induced excitotoxicity, apoptosis, neuroinflammation, axonal degeneration, skeletal muscle deterioration and viruses. This complexity is a major obstacle in defeating ALS. At present, riluzole and edaravone are the only drugs that have passed clinical trials for the treatment of ALS, notwithstanding that they showed modest benefits in a limited population of ALS. A dextromethorphan hydrobromide and quinidine sulfate combination was also approved to treat pseudobulbar affect (PBA) in the course of ALS. Globally, there is a struggle to prevent or alleviate the symptoms of this neurodegenerative disease, including implementation of antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), CRISPR-9/Cas technique, non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) or ALS-on-a-chip technology. Additionally, researchers have synthesized and screened new compounds to be effective in ALS beyond the drug repurposing strategy. Despite all these efforts, ALS treatment is largely limited to palliative care, and there is a strong need for new therapeutics to be developed. This review focuses on and discusses which therapeutic strategies have been followed so far and what can be done in the future for the treatment of ALS.Publication Open Access Low-signal limit of X-ray single particle diffractive imaging(Optical Society of America (OSA), 2019) Ayyer, Kartik; Morgan, Andrew J.; Aquila, Andrew; Hogue, Brenda G.; Kirian, Richard A.; Xavier, P. Lourdu; Yoon, Chun Hong; Chapman, Henry N.; Barty, Anton; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Demirci, Hasan; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 307350An outstanding question in X-ray single particle imaging experiments has been the feasibility of imaging sub 10-nm-sized biomolecules under realistic experimental conditions where very few photons are expected to be measured in a single snapshot and instrument background may be significant relative to particle scattering. While analyses of simulated data have shown that the determination of an average image should be feasible using Bayesian methods such as the EMC algorithm, this has yet to be demonstrated using experimental data containing realistic non-isotropic instrument background, sample variability and other experimental factors. In this work, we show that the orientation and phase retrieval steps work at photon counts diluted to the signal levels one expects from smaller molecules or with weaker pulses, using data from experimental measurements of 60-nm PR772 viruses. Even when the signal is reduced to a fraction as little as 1/256, the virus electron density determined using ab initio phasing is of almost the same quality as the high-signal data. However, we are still limited by the total number of patterns collected, which may soon be mitigated by the advent of high repetition-rate sources like the European XFEL and LCLS-II.Publication Open Access Protocol for structure determination of SARS-CoV-2 main protease at near-physiological-temperature by serial femtosecond crystallography(Cell Press, 2022) Dao, E. Han; Su, Zhen; Poitevin, Frederic; Yoon, Chun Hong; Kupitz, Christopher; Hayes, Brandon; Liang, Mengning; Hunter, Mark S.; Batyuk, Alexander; Sierra, Raymond G.; Ketawala, Gihan; Botha, Sabine; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Ertem, Fatma Betül; Güven, Ömür; Büyükdağ, Cengizhan; Göcenler, Oktay; Ayan, Esra; Yüksel, Büşra; Gül, Mehmet; Karakadıoğlu, Gözde Usta; Çakılkaya, Barış; Johnson, Jerome Austin; Demirci, Hasan; Dağ, Çağdaş; Undergraduate Student; PhD Student; Master Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Koç Üniversitesi İş Bankası Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EHAM) / Koç University İşbank Center for Infectious Diseases (KU-IS CID); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Sciences; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 307350The SARS-CoV-2 main protease of (Mpro) is an important target for SARS-CoV-2 related drug repurposing and development studies. Here, we describe the steps for structural characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro, starting from plasmid preparation and protein purification. We detail the steps for crystallization using the sitting drop, microbatch (under oil) approach. Finally, we cover data collection and structure determination using serial femtosecond crystallography.Publication Open Access Structural insight into host plasma membrane association and assembly of HIV-1 matrix protein(Nature Publishing Group (NPG), 2021) Çiftçi, Halilibrahim; Tateishi, Hiroshi; Koiwai, Kotaro; Koga, Ryoko; Anraku, Kensaku; Monde, Kazuaki; Destan, Ebru; Yüksel, Büşra; Ayan, Esra; Yıldırım, Günseli; Yığın, Merve; Sierra, Raymond G.; Yoon, Chun Hong; Su, Zhen; Liang, Mengling; Acar, Burçin; Haliloğlu, Türkan; Otsuka, Masami; Yumoto, Fumiaki; Fujita, Mikako; Senda, Toshiya; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Demirci, Hasan; Dağ, Çağdaş; Güven, Ömür; Ertem, Fatma Betül; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Koç Üniversitesi İş Bankası Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EHAM) / Koç University İşbank Center for Infectious Diseases (KU-IS CID); College of Sciences; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; 307350; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/AOligomerization of Pr55(Gag) is a critical step of the late stage of the HIV life cycle. It has been known that the binding of IP6, an abundant endogenous cyclitol molecule at the MA domain, has been linked to the oligomerization of Pr55(Gag). However, the exact binding site of IP6 on MA remains unknown and the structural details of this interaction are missing. Here, we present three high-resolution crystal structures of the MA domain in complex with IP6 molecules to reveal its binding mode. Additionally, extensive Differential Scanning Fluorimetry analysis combined with cryo- and ambient-temperature X-ray crystallography and GNM-based transfer entropy calculations identify the key residues that participate in IP6 binding. Our data provide novel insights about the multilayered HIV-1 virion assembly process that involves the interplay of IP6 with PIP2, a phosphoinositide essential for the binding of Pr55(Gag) to membrane. IP6 and PIP2 have neighboring alternate binding sites within the same highly basic region (residues 18-33). This indicates that IP6 and PIP2 bindings are not mutually exclusive and may play a key role in coordinating virion particles' membrane localization. Based on our three different IP6-MA complex crystal structures, we propose a new model that involves IP6 coordination of the oligomerization of outer MA and inner CA domain's 2D layers during assembly and budding.Publication Open Access Crystal structure of Vibrio cholerae (6-4) photolyase with DNA binding region(Elsevier, 2022) Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Kavaklı, İbrahim Halil; Demirci, Hasan; Çakılkaya, Barış; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Master Student; Koç Üniversitesi İş Bankası Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EHAM) / Koç University İşbank Center for Infectious Diseases (KU-IS CID); College of Sciences; College of Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; 40319; 307350; N/APhotolyases (PLs) reverse UV-induced DNA damage using blue light as an energy source. Of these PLs, (6-4) PLs repair (6-4)-lesioned photoproducts. We recently identified a gene from Vibrio cholerae (Vc) encoding a (6-4) PL, but structural characterization is needed to elucidate specific interactions with the chromophore cofactors. Here, we determined the crystal structure of Vc (6-4) PL at 2.5 Å resolution. Our high-resolution structure revealed that the two well-known cofactors, flavin adenine dinucleotide and the photoantenna 6,7-dimethyl 8-ribityl-lumazin (DMRL), stably interact with an ?-helical and an ?/? domain, respectively. Additionally, the structure has a third cofactor with distinct electron clouds corresponding to a [4Fe-4S] cluster. Moreover, we identified that Asp106 makes a hydrogen bond with water and DMRL, which indicates further stabilization of the photoantenna DMRL within Vc (6-4) PL. Further analysis of the Vc (6-4) PL structure revealed a possible region responsible for DNA binding. The region located between residues 478 to 484 may bind the lesioned DNA, with Arg483 potentially forming a salt bridge with DNA to stabilize further the interaction of Vc (6-4) PL with its substrate. Our comparative analysis revealed that the DNA lesion could not bind to the Vc (6-4) PL in a similar fashion to the Drosophila melanogaster (Dm, (6-4)) PL without a significant conformational change of the protein. The 23rd helix of the bacterial (6-4) PLs seems to have remarkable plasticity, and conformational changes facilitate DNA binding. In conclusion, our structure provides further insight into DNA repair by a (6-4) PL containing three cofactors.Publication Open Access Case study of high-throughput drug screening and remote data collection for SARS-CoV-2 main protease by using serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2021) Botha, Sabine; Ketawala, Gihan; Su, Zhen; Hayes, Brandon; Poitevin, Frederic; Batyuk, Alexander; Yoon, Chun Hong; Kupitz, Christopher; Durdağı, Serdar; Sierra, Raymond G.; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering; Güven, Ömür; Gül, Mehmet; Ayan, Esra; Johnson, Jerome Austin; Çakılkaya, Barış; Karakadıoğlu, Gözde Usta; Ertem, Fatma Betül; Tokay, Nurettin; Yüksel, Büşra; Göcenler, Oktay; Büyükdağ, Cengizhan; Demirci, Hasan; PhD Student; Master Student; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Koç Üniversitesi İş Bankası Enfeksiyon Hastalıkları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (EHAM) / Koç University İşbank Center for Infectious Diseases (KU-IS CID); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Sciences; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 307350Since early 2020, COVID-19 has grown to affect the lives of billions globally. A worldwide investigation has been ongoing for characterizing the virus and also for finding an effective drug and developing vaccines. As time has been of the essence, a crucial part of this research has been drug repurposing; therefore, confirmation of in silico drug screening studies have been carried out for this purpose. Here we demonstrated the possibility of screening a variety of drugs efficiently by leveraging a high data collection rate of 120 images/second with the new low-noise, high dynamic range ePix10k2M Pixel Array Detector installed at the Macromolecular Femtosecond Crystallography (MFX) instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). The X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL) is used for remote high-throughput data collection for drug repurposing of the main protease (Mpro) of SARS-CoV-2 at ambient temperature with mitigated X-ray radiation damage. We obtained multiple structures soaked with nine drug candidate molecules in two crystal forms. Although our drug binding attempts failed, we successfully established a high-throughput Serial Femtosecond X-ray crystallographic (SFX) data collection protocol.Publication Open Access In vitro and in silico study of analogs of plant product plastoquinone to be effective in colorectal cancer treatment(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2022) Sever, Belgin; Ocak, Firdevs; Bayrak, Nilüfer; Yıldız, Mahmut; Yıldırım, Hatice; Tateishi, Hiroshi; Otsuka, Masami; Fujita, Mikako; Tuyun, Amaç Fatih; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Çiftçi, Halil İbrahim; Demirci, Hasan; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; N/A; 307350Plants have paved the way for the attainment of molecules with a wide-range of biological activities. However, plant products occasionally show low biological activities and/or poor pharmacokinetic properties. In that case, development of their derivatives as drugs from the plant world has been actively performed. As plant products, plastoquinones (PQs) have been of high importance in anticancer drug design and discovery; we have previously evaluated and reported the potential cytotoxic effects of a series of PQ analogs. Among these analogs, PQ2, PQ3 and PQ10 were selected for National Cancer Institute (NCI) for in vitro screening of anticancer activity against a wide range of cancer cell lines. The apparent superior anticancer potency of PQ2 on the HCT-116 colorectal cancer cell line than that of PQ3 and PQ10 compared to other tested cell lines has encouraged us to perform further mechanistic studies to enlighten the mode of anti-colorectal cancer action of PQ2. For this purpose, its apoptotic effects on the HCT-116 cell line, DNA binding capacity and several crucial pharmacokinetic properties were investigated. Initially, MTT assay was conducted for PQ2 at different concentrations against HCT-116 cells. Results indicated that PQ2 exhibited significant cytotoxicity in HCT-116 cells with an IC50 value of 4.97 +/- 1.93 mu M compared to cisplatin (IC50 = 26.65 +/- 7.85 mu M). Moreover, apoptotic effects of PQ2 on HCT-116 cells were investigated by the annexin V/ethidium homodimer III staining method and PQ2 significantly induced apoptosis in HCT-116 cells compared to cisplatin. Based on the potent DNA cleavage capacity of PQ2, molecular docking studies were conducted in the minor groove of the double helix of DNA and PQ2 presented a key hydrogen bonding through its methoxy moiety. Overall, both in vitro and in silico studies indicated that effective, orally bioavailable drug-like PQ2 attracted attention for colorectal cancer treatment. The most important point to emerge from this study is that appropriate derivatization of a plant product leads to unique biologically active compounds.Publication Open Access Cooperative allostery and structural dynamics of streptavidin at cryogenic- and ambient-temperature(Springer Nature, 2022) Yefanov, Oleksandr M.; Barty, Anton; Tolstikova, Alexandra; Ketawala, Gihan K.; Botha, Sabine; Dao, E. Han; Hayes, Brandon; Liang, Mengning; Seaberg, Matthew H.; Hunter, Mark S.; Batyuk, Alexander; Mariani, Valerio; Su, Zhen; Poitevin, Frederic; Yoon, Chun Hong; Kupitz, Christopher; Cohen, Aina; Doukov, Tzanko; Sierra, Raymond G.; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics; Dağ, Çağdaş; Ayan, Esra; Yüksel, Büşra; Destan, Ebru; Ertem, Fatma Betül; Yıldırım, Günseli; Eren, Meryem; Demirci, Hasan; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Engineering; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 307350Ayan et al. report two structures of the protein streptavidin - one at ambient temperature determined using serial femtosecond crystallography and a second one determined at cryogenic temperature. These results provide insights into the structural dynamics of apo streptavidin and reveal a cooperative allostery between monomers for binding to biotin, and the findings are supported by GNM analysis. Multimeric protein assemblies are abundant in nature. Streptavidin is an attractive protein that provides a paradigm system to investigate the intra- and intermolecular interactions of multimeric protein complexes. Also, it offers a versatile tool for biotechnological applications. Here, we present two apo-streptavidin structures, the first one is an ambient temperature Serial Femtosecond X-ray crystal (Apo-SFX) structure at 1.7 angstrom resolution and the second one is a cryogenic crystal structure (Apo-Cryo) at 1.1 angstrom resolution. These structures are mostly in agreement with previous structural data. Combined with computational analysis, these structures provide invaluable information about structural dynamics of apo streptavidin. Collectively, these data further reveal a novel cooperative allostery of streptavidin which binds to substrate via water molecules that provide a polar interaction network and mimics the substrate biotin which displays one of the strongest affinities found in nature.