Oldaç, Tuğçe

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Undergraduate Student

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Oldaç, Tuğçe

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  • Placeholder
    Investigation of nursing students' knowledge levels and attitudes in incontinence-associated dermatitis management through game-based learning: a mixed methods study
    (HMP, 2024) Kaya, Nurten; Kirkland-Kyhn, Holly; N/A; Şengül, Tuba; Akyaz, Dilek Yılmaz; Cevizci, Tuğba; Oldaç, Tuğçe; Koyun, Hamza Can; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital
    PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess nursing students' knowledge levels and attitudes towards the etiology, risk factors, and preventive measures of incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) using an escape room game. DESIGN: A mixed-method study. SUBJECTS AND SETTING: The sample size of the study was 32 students. METHODS: Quantitative data obtained with the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Nurses in Managing Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis Questionnaire (KAP-IAD-Q) and qualitative data obtained through FGDs following the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) checklist were analyzed using a thematic approach. RESULTS: The average age of the participants was 22.63 +/- 0.90, 87.5% of them were female (n=28), and 50% were third (n=16) and fourth-year students (n=16). KAP-IAD-Q total posttest score (88.06+7.00) was found to be high. Data obtained from the FGDs were categorized under 3 main themes: main focus areas during participation in the IAD-themed escape room game; advantages and disadvantages of teamwork in IAD management; and the game's contribution to a better understanding and classification of IAD. CONCLUSIONS: The use of the escape room game facilitated high, fast, and efficient learning of IAD knowledge and attitudes. It revealed challenges in collaborative decision-making, accurate diagnosis, distinguishing from other wounds, and attitude development in the management of IAD.
  • Placeholder
    Dementia risk awareness, health behaviors and motivation for dementia prevention in middle-aged and older adults in Türkiye
    (Sage, 2024) Güney, Seda; Doğan, Özlem Çiçek; Bakır, Aylin; Öztürk, Ayça; Oldaç, Tuğçe; School of Nursing; Graduate School of Health Sciences
    This study aimed to investigate factors influencing motivation for dementia preventive behaviors in a population aged 40 and over. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study between December 2022 and May 2023, involving 483 participants in an online survey. We collected data on dementia risk awareness, healthy lifestyle choices, and motivation for dementia risk reduction. The majority of respondents, comprising 41.6%, demonstrated a moderate level of risk awareness, with 50.5% believing that prevention is beyond anyone's control. Motivations for lifestyle change were significantly higher in women (p < .001) and `participants with university degree education (p < .05). Regression analysis identified gender (female), education level (higher education), and dementia risk awareness, emerged as significant predictors of motivation to change lifestyle (beta: .138, beta: .136, beta: .114, p < .001, respectively). This study underscores the importance of risk awareness in motivating dementia prevention, suggesting avenues for future research to explore specific determinants of motivation to reduce dementia risks.