Metin, Burak

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Undergraduate Student

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Metin, Burak

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  • Placeholder
    Influence of competitive hydrogen bonding between hard and soft segments on the properties of siloxane and polyether-based segmented copolymers.
    (Amer Chemical Soc, 1999) Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; N/A; Department of Chemistry; Yılgör, İskender; Burgaz, Engin; Metin, Burak; Yurtsever, İsmail Ersin; Yılgör, Emel; Faculty Member; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Researcher; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; N/A; 24181; 17956; N/A; N/A; 40527
  • Placeholder
    Studies on understanding the extent of hydrogen bonding between urethane, urea, and polyether segments: comparison of experimental results and quantum mechanical calculations.
    (American Chemical Society (ACS), 2000) Department of Chemistry; N/A; N/A; Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Yılgör, Emel; Metin, Burak; Gördeslioğlu, Mehmet; Yılgör, İskender; Researcher; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; N/A; N/A; N/A; 24181
    The extent of hydrogen bonding between urethane and urea hard segments and polyether soft segments was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Model urethane and urea compounds were prepared and characterized. These models were then blended with polyether oligomers at different ratios. The change in melting peaks in both positions and enthalpies were used to measure the extent of hydrogen bonding in these systems. The DSC scans were compared with FTIR observation and also with quantum mechanical calculations. 
  • Placeholder
    Influence of competitive hydrogen bonding between hard and soft segments on the properties of siloxane and polyether based segmented copolymers
    (American Chemical Society (ACS), 1999) Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Yılgör, Emel; Yılgör, İskender; Yurtsever, İsmail Ersin; Metin, Burak; Burgaz, Engin; Reseacher; Faculty Member; Faculyt Member; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; College of Sciences; 40527; 24181; 7129; N/A; 17956
    Quantitative information on hydrogen bonding in urethane and urea type segmented copolymers were obtained through experiments and complementary quantum mechanical calculations. Polymers based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polyethers with uniform hard segments were prepared and characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, thermal analysis and stress-strain tests. In addition, quantum mechanical calculations were also performed in determining the extent of intermolecular hydrogen bonding between model compounds. These were achieved by calculating the changes in the enthalpy of formation due to attractive interactions along the minimum energy paths between model molecules.