Kuşçu, Kemal

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    Face and emotion recognition in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, ultra-high risk for psychosis, unaffected siblings, and healthy controls in a sample from Turkey
    (Elsevier, 2024) Sağdıç, Meylin; Erciş, Mete; Üçok, Alp; İzgi, Büşra; Eser, Hale Yapıcı; Kuşçu, Kemal; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine
    Face and emotion recognition are crucial components of social cognition. We aimed to compare them in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (SCZ), ultra-high risk for psychosis (UHR), unaffected siblings of schizophrenia patients (SIB), and healthy controls (HC). Methods: One hundred sixty-six participants (45 SCZ, 14 UHR, 45 SIB, and 62 HC) were interviewed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5). Positive and Negative syndrome scale (PANSS), PennCNB Facial Memory (CPF), and Emotion Recognition Task (ER40) were applied. Results: In CPF, SCZ performed significantly lower than SIB and HC. SIB was also significantly lower than HC for total correct responses. The sample size of the UHR group was small, and the statistical comparisons did not reach a significance, however, a trend towards decreased performance between the SCZ and SIB was found. In ER40, SCZ performed significantly lower than HC and SIB in all domains, except for the insignificant findings for angry ER between SIB and SCZ. SIB also performed significantly lower than HC for angry, negative, and total ER. UHR was similar to SCZ for happy and sad ER and performed significantly lower than HC for happy ER. The effect of SCZ diagnosis on the efficiency of CPF and ER40 was significant when corrected for age and education. For SCZ, PANSS also significantly affected the CPF and ER40. Conclusion: Our findings suggest varying levels of face and emotion recognition deficits in individuals with SCZ, UHR, and SIB. Face and emotion recognition deficits are promising schizophrenia endophenotypes related to social cognition.
  • Placeholder
    Qualitative dimensions of technology-mediated reflective learning: the case of VR experience of psychosis
    (Association for Computing Machinery, 2021) Department of Psychology; Department of Psychology; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; N/A; Department of Psychology; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Eskenazi, Terry; Günay, Aslı; Yantaç, Asım Evren; Vatansever, Ali; Şemsioğlu, Sinem; Gürkan, Onur; Akbaş, Saliha; Kuşçu, Kemal; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Teaching Faculty; PhD Student; Researcher; PhD Student; Other; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduade School of Social Sciences and Humanities; 258780; 222027; 150162; 52621; 121209; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A
    Self-reflection is evaluation of one’s inferential processes often triggered by complex social and emotional experiences, characterized by their ambiguity and unpredictability, pushing one to re-interpret the experience, and update existing knowledge. Using immersive Virtual Reality (VR), we aimed to support social and emotional learning (SEL) through reflection in psychology education. We used the case of psychosis as it involves ambiguous perceptual experiences. With a codesign workshop, we designed a VR prototype that simulates the perceptual, cognitive, affective, and social elements of psychotic experiences, followed by a user-study with psychology students to evaluate the potential of this technology to support reflection. Our analyses suggested that technology-mediated reflection in SEL involves two dimensions: spontaneous perspective-taking and shared state of affect. By exploring the subjective qualities of reflection with the said dimensions, our work contributes to the literature on technology-supported learning and VR developers designing for reflection.
  • Placeholder
    Face memory and emotion recognition in individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, their unaffected siblings, individuals with ultra-high risk for psychosis and healthy controls
    (Elsevier Science, 2022) Sağdıç, Meylin; İzgi, Büşra; Erciş, Mete; Üçok Alp; Eser, Hale Yapıcı; Kuşçu, Kemal; Doctor; Other; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 134359; N/A
  • Placeholder
    Worldbuilding and mandala as a tool for co-speculating on the healthcare domain in 2050
    (Assoc Computing Machinery, 2021) Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; N/A; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Yantaç, Asım Evren; Vatansever, Ali; Kayı, İlker; Kuşçu, Kemal; Omaç, Tevfik; Faculty Member; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; Other; Undergraduated Student; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 52621; 121209; 168599; N/A; N/A
    Covid-19 pandemic that demanded distancing from social life had a drastic impact on our societal systems from economy to education but especially healthcare, which became the center of attention in 2020. While making gaps in the social systems visible, these times have reminded us the significance of exploring possible futures, scenarios and how design methods can help co-speculating on possible futures. With a motivation to co-speculate on possible futures with the healthcare domain experts, discuss how 2020 might effect the world in general and reflect back on the future of the healthcare domain based on these speculations, we have started a series of worldbuilding workshops. Here in this paper, we are sharing the lessons learned through the first three workshops conducted in this long term project, where we worked with 8 domain experts, used design fiction stories and the worldbuilding mandala tool to co-speculate on possible futures of 2030, 2040, and finally 2050. This paper shares insights regarding the methods used and how they helped the co-speculation process, but not the implications regarding healthcare sector.
  • Placeholder
    Role of emotion regulation and fear of compassion on depression and anxiety in patients with colorectal cancer
    (Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2022) Kılıç, Özge; Dikmen, Yasemin; N/A; Özata, İbrahim Halil; Yalçınay-İnan, Merve; Tüfekçi, Tutku; Ağcaoğlu, Orhan; Kuşçu, Kemal; Balık, Emre; Teaching Faculty; Doctor; Researcher; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; N/A; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; N/A; 177151; N/A; 327608; 175476; N/A; 18758
    INTRODUCTION: Maladaptive emotion regulation (ER) styles act as transdiagnostic mechanisms that underlie many psychiatric symptoms linked to cancer. ER and fear of compassion (FC) were studied in breast cancer, but their effects on psychiatric symptoms of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients are not studied. We aim to examine the role of ER and FC on depression and anxiety in Turkish CRC patients. METHODS: This observational, cross-sectional study recruited 38 patients with CRC who were being followed up by the general surgery department of a university hospital. Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Fear of Compassion Scale, the Exercise of Self-care Agency Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Distress Thermometer, Numeric Pain Intensity Scale, and Ostomy Adjustment Inventory were applied. Multiple regression analyses were performed to identify factors affecting depression and anxiety levels. RESULTS: Twenty-nine men and 9 women (median age=56.5, 28–69), most of whom were married and highly educated, were recruited. Expressive suppression (p=0.013) and pain (p=0.010) positively (Model, R2=0.42, p<0.001) and self-care agency (p=0.021) negatively influenced anxiety levels. Expressive suppression (p=0.017) and male gender (p=0.020) positively influenced depression levels (Model, R2=0.28, p=0.003). There was no association between cognitive reappraisal and levels of depression and anxiety. Among ostomates (n=17), 11 patients had low and 6 patients had medium adaptation to an active ostomy. No patient exhibited high adjustment to an ostomy. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Findings indicate that in CRC patients, expressive suppression affects levels of anxiety and depression while cognitive reappraisal does not. FC was not found to be related to anxiety and depression. Physicians should carefully observe the patients’ and the caregivers’ ER strategies and the dynamic and interactive psychological states to understand which patients need psychological and psychiatric interventions. We suggest future studies explore the interventions that target expressive suppression patterns to prevent anxiety and depression in CRC patients. / GİRİŞ ve AMAÇ: Uyumsal olmayan emosyon düzenleme biçimleri, kanserle ilişkili psikiyatrik belirtilerin altında yatan tanılar üstü mekanizmalar olarak rol oynar. Emosyon düzenleme ve şefkat korkusu meme kanseri hastalarında incelenmiştir ancak kolorektal kanser hastalarında psikiyatrik belirtiler üzerine etkileri araştırılmamıştır. Emosyon düzenleme ve şefkat korkusunun depresyon ve anksiyete üzerindeki rolünü Türk kolorektal kanser hastalarında incelemeyi amaçladık. YÖNTEM ve GEREÇLER: Bu gözlemsel, kesitsel çalışmaya, bir üniversite hastanesinin genel cerrahi bölümü tarafından takip edilen 38 kolorektal kanser hastası alındı. Emosyon Düzenleme Ölçeği, Şefkat Korkusu Ölçeği, Özbakım Gücü Ölçeği, Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği, Distres Termometresi, Sayısal Ağrı Derecelendirme Ölçeği, ve Stomaya Uyum Envanteri uygulandı. Depresyon ve anksiyeteyi etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek için çoklu regresyon analizleri yapıldı. BULGULAR: Çalışmaya çoğu evli ve yüksek eğitimli (medyan yaş= 56.5, 28–69) olan 29 erkek, 9 kadın alındı. Anksiyete düzeyleri üzerine dışavurumu bastırma (p=0.013) ve ağrının (p=0.010) etkisi pozitif, özbakım gücünün (p=0.02) etkisi negatifti (Model, R2=0.42, p<0.001). Depresyon düzeyleri üzerineyse dışavurumu bastırma (p=0.017) ve erkek cinsiyet (p=0.020) pozitif yönde etki etmekteydi. (Model, R2=0.28, p=0.003). Bilişsel yeniden değerlendirme ile depresyon ve ve anksiyete arasında ilişki saptanmadı. Stomaya uyum aktif stomalı hastaların (n=17) 11’inde düşük, altısında ortaydı. Stomaya yüksek uyum gözlenmedi. TARTIŞMA ve SONUÇ: Sonuçlar, kolorektal kanser hastalarında dışavurumu bastırmanın anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerini etkilediğini, bilişsel yeniden değerlendirmenin ise bu düzeyleri etkilemediğini göstermiştir. Şefkat korkusu anksiyete ve depresyonla ilişkili bulunmamıştır. Hekimler, hangi hastaların psikolojik veya psikiyatrik müdahaleye ihtiyaç duyduğunu anlamak için hasta ve bakımverenin emosyon düzenleme biçimlerini ve dinamik ve etkileşimli psikolojik durumlarını dikkatle gözlemelidir. Gelecek çalışmaların kolorektal kanser hastalarında anksiyete ve depresyonu önlemek için dışavurumu bastırma paternini hedef alan müdahaleleri araştırmasını öneririz.
  • Placeholder
    Examining online practices of an autism parent community in Turkey: goals, needs, and opportunities
    (assoc Computing Machinery, 2019) N/A; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Yıldız, Zeynep; Gatos, Doğa Çorlu; Subaşı, Özge; Yantaç, Asım Evren; Kuşçu, Kemal; PhD Student; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Other; KU Arçelik Research Center for Creative Industries (KUAR) / KU Arçelik Yaratıcı Endüstriler Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (KUAR); Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; School of Medicine; N/A; N/A; 240920; 52621; N/A
    Autism is a complex, life-long condition that manifests itself in unique ways in each person. Due to the complexity of the condition along with not having efficient and immediate social support, parents with autistic children often seek for and rely upon the information generated by the community (parents, caregivers, autistics and experts) on online platforms. We look into what parents of autistic individuals discuss on an online platform in Turkey, how they practice autism online and why those practices are important or relevant. Our findings show how parents cope with understanding and defining autism, and how they seek for empowering each other, and managing the everyday collectively under a dominant medical discourse around autism in Turkish context. Based on our findings, we extend the existing knowledge on collective and alternative ways of re-defining autism as lived experience and introduce recommendations on how those strategies can be integrated to design.
  • Placeholder
    Layer zero: An approach for deepening self-reflection on instagram shares
    (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2021) N/A; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Karaturhan, Pelin; Yantaç, Asım Evren; Kuşçu, Kemal; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Other; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; School of Medicine; N/A; 52621; N/A
    Self-reflection is an essential part of personal well-being and development. One of the strategies to support reflective thinking is to revisit personal recordings. Existing and emerging social media platforms are powerful mediums for self-reflection. However, additional mechanisms may be necessary to support deepening reflective thinking through social media use. We explore the concept; Layer Zero, a tool that helps users record reflective logs when they share on Instagram through a question set, and present them later for reflection. This paper focuses on the data collection phase of Layer Zero. We conducted 2 user studies through Instagram with a total of 29 participants to understand the potential of Instagram shares for reflection and measure the effectiveness of questions on self-reflection. We found that our approach can help users engage in deeper reflective thinking about their motivations, actions and thought processes. The results indicate various design insights for future social media reflection tools.
  • Placeholder
    The impact of childhood trauma and daily life experiences on emotional and psychotic symptom intensity in psychosis: an experience sampling study
    (Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2022) Dokuz, Gonca; Kani, Ayse Sakalli; Uysal, Omer; N/A; Kuşçu, Kemal; Other; School of Medicine; N/A
    Adverse childhood experiences create vulnerability to psychosis through biological and cognitive changes, and that may be observed as an increased emotional and psychotic response to daily life experiences in adulthood. This study aims to examine the effects of childhood maltreatment on psychotic patients' daily stress and emotional and psychotic intensity related to various experiences throughout the day. Daily activities and events, and emotional and psychotic intensity of forty-one psychotic patients were assessed with the Experience Sam-pling Method. The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) was used to evaluate childhood adversities. Multi-level regression analyses showed that all trauma subtypes, except for sexual abuse, were associated with increased psychosis and event-stress. Emotional maltreatment was the most associated trauma type with high negative and low positive affect and increased daily stress. Patients reported the highest stress and negative affect related to internal experiences but the lowest stress related to recreational actions. Social activities were also associated with higher positive affect and lower stress and psychosis, with the high CTQ group having greater stress in those activities. Our study demonstrates the negative impact of childhood trauma, especially emotional maltreatment, on daily stress and emotional and psychotic intensity in psychotic patients via different daily experiences.
  • Placeholder
    Test-retest reliability of the Turkish translation of the Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery
    (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022) Moore, Tyler M.; Gur, Ruben C.; N/A; İzgi, Büşra; Yalçınay-İnan, Merve; Port, Allison M.; Kuşçu, Kemal; Eser, Hale Yapıcı; PhD Student; Doctor; Other; Other; Faculty Member; Koç University Research Center for Translational Medicine (KUTTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Translasyonel Tıp Araştırma Merkezi (KUTTAM; Graduate School of Health Sciences; N/A; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; N/A; 134359
    Psychiatric disorders are associated with cognitive dysfunction (CD), and reliable screening and follow-up of CD is essential both for research and clinical practice globally; yet, most assessments are in Western languages. We aimed to evaluate the test-retest reliability of the Turkish version of the Penn Computerized Neurocognitive Battery (PennCNB) to guide confident interpretation of results. Fifty-eight healthy individuals completed the PennCNB Turkish version in two sessions. After quality control, reliability analysis was conducted using Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), corrected for practice effects. Most measures were not significantly different between the sessions and had acceptable ICC values, with several exceptions. Scores were improved considerably for some memory measures, including immediate Facial Memory and Spatial Memory, and for incorrect responses in abstraction and mental flexibility, with correspondingly acceptable ICCs. Test-retest assessment of the Turkish version of the PennCNB shows that it can be used as a reliable real-time measurement of cognitive function in snapshot cross-sectional or longitudinal determinations. Preliminary validity assessment in this normative sample showed expected positive correlations with education level and negative correlations with age. Thus, the Turkish version of the PennCNB can be considered a reliable neuropsychological testing tool in research and clinical practice. Practice effects should be considered, especially when applied in short intervals. Significantly better performances in the retest, beyond practice effect, likely reflect nonlinear improvements in some participants who "learned how to learn" the memory tests or had insight on solving the abstraction and mental flexibility test.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Virtual dance mirror: a functional approach to avatar representation through movement in immersive VR
    (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2022) Öztürk, Aslı; Topal, Onur Sümer; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Psychology; N/A; Department of Media and Visual Arts; Department of Psychology; Yantaç, Asım Evren; Eskenazi, Terry; Akbaş, Saliha; Şemsioğlu, Sinem; Kuşçu, Kemal; Faculty Member; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Graduate School of Social Sciences and Humanities; School of Medicine; 52621; 258780; N/A; N/A; N/A
    Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) technologies offer new possibilities for studying embodied interaction with different sets of constraints and affordances for action-taking while using one's physical body. In this study, we designed and prototyped a VR dance experience, Virtual Dance Mirror, where a dancer's bodily movements are reflected on a 3D avatar model using a motion-capture suit. We investigated the novel possibilities for avatar design based on the expression of movements available for dancers in VR environment. After a preliminary briefing session, we conducted a user-study with five dancers with semi-structured interviews. Our findings support HCI literature on virtual body design to facilitate collaboration and non-verbal communication between VR users.