Gegeoğlu, Kaan

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Master Student

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Gegeoğlu, Kaan

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    Systems advantages of electric pump fed upper stage hybrid rocket
    (International Astronautical Federation (IAF), 2018) N/A; Department of Mechanical Engineering; N/A; Department of Mechanical Engineering; Gegeoğlu, Kaan; Karabeyoğlu, Mustafa Arif; Kara, Ozan; Master Student; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; N/A; 114595; N/A
    Propellant feed systems in liquid rocket engines deliver fuel and oxidizer from tanks to the combustion chamber at required flow rate and pressure. In hybrid rockets, only the liquid propellant is fed into the combustion chamber where solid propellant resides. The feed system has also a critical role for performance especially at upper stages of launch vehicles. There are two conventional feed system architectures that are mostly used. One employs a turbo pump while the other uses tank pressure to feed propellants. Briefly, propellant pumps are used in high pressure and high performance applications; however using turbo pumps makes design more complex and heavy. In contrast, the pressure fed system has simpler design although it is limited to low chamber pressures since high-pressure requirements make propellant tanks heavy. In addition there is a constant need for making elements such as tanks, valves, feed lines and pressurization devices lighter, simpler and more efficient. With advancing technologies in electric motor and batteries, electric pump feed system as an alternative to conventional feed system types has started to emerge. Most of the hybrid rocket applications evade turbo pumps since it requires carrying at least one another liquid propellant to drive turbines. Therefore, the performance of electric pump fed system over traditional pressure fed system is analyzed in this research on an upper stage of hybrid rocket engine. For this purpose, an optimization procedure has been applied on both systems and ∆V values as performance parameter are compared. on missions utilizing electric pump fed system, a noticeable improve of ∆V by 6.6% is reported. Optimization showed that longer burn times are also in the favor of electric pump fed systems.