Gülbezer, Elif Er

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Teaching Faculty

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Elif Er

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Gülbezer, Elif Er

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  • Placeholder
    Overlapping inflammatory diseases in hidradenitis suppurativa patients and their families
    (Wiley, 2023) Gülbezer, Elif Er; Özcanlı, Adil; Başkurt, Defne; Vural, Seçil; School of Medicine
  • Placeholder
    A patient with local hypersensitivity reactions to three TNF-α inhibitors and local/systemic hypersensitivity reactions to tocilizumab: desensitization to tocilizumab
    (Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2022) N/A; Gülbezer, Elif Er; Teaching Faculty; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 168883
    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors are effective alternatives for chronic inflammatory diseases. They are generally well tolerated; however, they may lead to the immediate/delayed local or systemic hypersensitivity reactions (HSR). Tocilizumab is a monoclonal antibody against interleukin 6 receptors. It is given both via intravenous (IV) and subcutaneous (SC) routes and there are limited data reporting that the overall injection and/or infusion reaction rate to tocilizumab is estimated as 7-8%. Cross-reactivity between either TNF-α inhibitors or tocilizumab is not expected. However, we herein present an unusual case of a patient who reacted with local injection site reactions (ISRs) to three TNF-α inhibitors, adalimumab, etanercept, and golimumab. The patient then reacted with ISR and anaphylaxis to SC and IV tocilizumab, respectively. Skin prick tests with all biologicals were negative but positive in early readings of intradermal testing. After all, tocilizumab was successfully administered via rapid drug desensitization. / Öz:Tümör nekroz faktör-alfa (TNF-α) inhibitörleri, kronik enflamatuvar hastalıklar için etkili alternatiflerdir. Genellikle iyi tolere edilirler, ancak erken/geç tip lokal veya sistemik aşırı duyarlılık reaksiyonlarına (ADR) yol açabilirler. Tosilizumab, interlökin-6 reseptörlerine karşı bir monoklonal antikordur. Hem intravenöz (İV) hem de subkütan (SK) yolla verilir ve sınırlı sayıda çalışmada tosilizumab ilişkili enjeksiyon ve/veya infüzyon reaksiyon oranının %7-8 olduğu bildirilmiştir. TNF-α inhibitörleri veya tosilizumab arasında çapraz reaktivite beklenmemektedir. Ancak biz burada olağan dışı bir olgu olan üç TNF-α inhibitörü, adalimumab, etanersept ve golimumab, ile lokal enjeksiyon yeri reaksiyonu gelişen bir hasta sunduk. Hastada daha sonra SK ve İV tosilizumab ile sırasıyla lokal enjeksiyon yeri reaksiyonu ve anafilaksi gelişti. Tüm biyolojik ajanlarla yapılan deri prick testleri negatif, intradermal testlerin erken okumaları pozitifti. Bununla birlikte tosilizumab hızlı ilaç desensitizasyon yoluyla başarıyla uygulandı.
  • Placeholder
    Frequency of metabolic syndrome and its relationship with disease characteristics in patients with systemic sclerosis
    (Bmj Publishing Group, 2022) Ozmen, U.; Barutcuoglu, B.; Yargucu, F.; N/A; Gülbezer, Elif Er; Teaching Faculty; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 168883