Researcher: Tafazoli, Saeede
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Tafazoli, Saeede
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Publication Metadata only In-situ surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy investigations on surface transformations of oxide derived copper electrodes during CO2RR(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2023) Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Tafazoli, Saeede; Yusufoğlu, Muhammed; Balkan, Timuçin; Kaya, Sarp; Koç University Tüpraş Energy Center (KUTEM) / Koç Üniversitesi Tüpraş Enerji Merkezi (KÜTEM); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of SciencesWe investigated the catalytic activity and C2 selectivity in electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction reac-tion (CO2RR) on two distinguished electrodeposited Cu oxides with distinct morphologies and structures. The electrode with a compact structure exhibited two times higher faradaic efficiencies of C2 products (40%). Through utilizing electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), it was realized that the formation of a metastable phase (malachite) on electrode surfaces by consumption of HCO3- could cause a shift in local pH. The analysis of SERS indicated a strong correlation between the presence of the malachite phase and strongly-adsorbed CO on electrode surfaces, preventing dimerization and fur-ther reduction. This malachite phase terminating the surface can hinder the charge exchange and inter-fere with further reductions in C2 products.Publication Metadata only Enhancement in CO selectivity by modification of ZnO with CuxO for electrochemical reduction of CO2(Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, 2023) Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Yusufoğlu, Muhammed; Tafazoli, Saeede; Balkan, Timuçin; Kaya, Sarp; Koç University Tüpraş Energy Center (KUTEM) / Koç Üniversitesi Tüpraş Enerji Merkezi (KÜTEM); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of SciencesThe electrochemical reduction reaction of carbon dioxide (CO2RR) has garnered significant attention due to its potential for the formation of carbon monoxide, which has industrial relevance. Herein, an oxide-derived Cu-Zn electrocatalyst with an optimized CuxO layer that shows high selectivity toward CO with a faradic efficiency of 75% at a low overpotential (-0.8 V vs reversible hydrogen electrode) is reported. Various structural characterizations and activity tests are conducted to understand the origin of this improvement depending on the CuxO amount. Electrochemical surface area and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements suggest that the addition of CuxO increases double-layer capacitance and decreases charge transfer resistance. Scanning electron microscopy images indicate that the electrodes undergo a severe reconstruction process, which is further confirmed by X-ray diffraction that shows the formation of CuZn4 alloy during the reduction reaction. Furthermore, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy depth profile analysis shows that after CO2RR at -0.8 V, the Cu/Zn ratio is higher than that after -1.2 V, which suggests that applied potential plays a significant role in the reconstruction process and hence the difference in selectivity. The presence of copper in the surface layer has a significant impact on the improvement of selectivity toward CO.Publication Metadata only ALD-engineered CuxO overlayers transform ZnO nanorods for selective production of CO in electrochemical CO2 reduction(American Chemical Society, 2024) Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Yusufoğlu, Muhammed; Tafazoli, Saeede; Jahangiri, Hadi; Yağcı, Mustafa Barış; Balkan, Timuçin; Kaya, Sarp; Koç University Tüpraş Energy Center (KUTEM) / Koç Üniversitesi Tüpraş Enerji Merkezi (KÜTEM); Koç University Surface Science and Technology Center (KUYTAM) / Koç Üniversitesi Yüzey Teknolojileri Araştırmaları Merkezi (KUYTAM); Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of SciencesThe electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) holds tremendous promise as a strategy for lowering atmospheric CO2 levels and creating new clean energy sources. The conversion of CO2RR to CO, in particular, has garnered significant scientific interest due to its industrial feasibility. Within this context, the CuZn-based electrocatalyst presents an attractive alternative to conventional CO-selective electrocatalysts, which are often costly and scarce. Nevertheless, the wide-range utilization of CuZn electrocatalysts requires a more comprehensive understanding of their performance and characteristics. In this study, we synthesized ZnO nanorods through electrodeposition and subsequently coated them with CuxO overlayers prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD). CuxO significantly enhanced CO selectivity, and 88% CO selectivity at a relatively low potential of -0.8 V was obtained on an optimized CuxO overlayer thickness (CuxO-250/ZnO). The addition of CuxO on ZnO was found to dramatically increase the electrochemical surface area (ESCA), lower the charge-transfer resistance (R-ct), and introduce new active sites in the epsilon-CuZn4 phase. Furthermore, electrochemical Raman spectroscopy results showed that the CuxO-250/ALD electrode developed a ZnO layer on the surface during the CO2RR, while the bare ZnO electrode showed no evidence of ZnO during the reaction. These results suggest that the addition of CuxO by ALD played a crucial role in stabilizing ZnO on the surface. The initial amount of CuxO was shown to further affect the redeposition of the ZnO layer and hence affect the final composition of the surface. We attribute the improvement in CO selectivity to the introduction of both epsilon-CuZn4 and ZnO that developed during the CO2RR. Overall, our study provides new insights into the dynamic behavior and surface composition of CuZn electrocatalysts during CO2RR.Publication Open Access Thienothiophene and triphenylbenzene based electroactive conjugated porous polymer for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR)(American Chemical Society (ACS), 2022) Isci, Recep; Sutay, Berkay; Eroglu, Mehmet S.; Ozturk, Turan; N/A; Balkan, Timuçin; Tafazoli, Saeede; Other; PhD Student; N/A; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; Koç University Tüpraş Energy Center (KUTEM) / Koç Üniversitesi Tüpraş Enerji Merkezi (KÜTEM); Koç University Tüpraş Energy Center (KUTEM) / Koç Üniversitesi Tüpraş Enerji Merkezi (KÜTEM); n2STAR-Koç University Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization Center for Scientifc and Technological Advanced Research; N/A; N/ACatalysts based on metal-free conjugated porous polymers (CPPs) are still rare for electrochemical oxygen reduction reactions (ORR). In this study, a conjugated porous polymer, TT-TPB, based on thieno[3,2-b]thiophene (TT) and triphenylbenzene (TPB), was synthe-sized applying palladium(0) catalyzed Suzuki coupling reaction and its ORR activity was investigated in alkaline condition. It demonstrated comparable electrocatalytic performance of approximate to 0.89-0.9 V Fonset vs RHE with the commercially available Pt/C. Density-functional theory (DFT) calculations revealed that TT-TPB featured efficient electrocatalytic active sites derived from volumetric, areal, and O2 adsorbing calculations, which were in line with the experimental results. Moreover, semiconducting and surface properties of TT-TPB were investigated in detail using electro-chemical and spectrophotometric techniques. This work shows the potential application of thienothiophene-based metal-free CPP in the electrochemical conversion process.