Çağlayan, Benan Niku

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Benan Niku

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Çağlayan, Benan Niku

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    PublicationOpen Access
    Bronchiectasis in Türkiye: data from a multicenter registry (Turkish adult bronchiectasis adtabase)
    (Galenos Publ House, 2024) Edis, Ebru Cakir; Cilli, Aykut; Kizilirmak, Deniz; Coskun, Ayson Sakar; Guler, Nurcan; Cicek, Sedat; Sevinc, Can; Agca, Meltem Coban; Gulmez, Inci; Kabak, Mehmet; Niksarlioglu, Elif Yelda Ozgun; Kokturk, Nurdan; Sayiner, Abdullah; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; School of Medicine
    Background: Bronchiectasis is a chronic lung disease characterized by permanent bronchial wall dilatation. Although it has been known as an orphan disease, it has recently gained attention because of registry -based studies and drug research. Aims: We aimed to use a multicenter database to analyze and compare data regarding the etiology, associated comorbidities, microbiological characteristics, and preventive strategies of bronchiectasis in T & uuml;rkiye to those of other countries. Study Design: A multicenter prospective cohort study. Methods: The multicenter, prospective cohort study was conducted between March 2019 and January 2022 using the Turkish Adult Bronchiectasis Database, in which 25 centers in T & uuml;rkiye participated. Patients aged > 18 years who presented with respiratory symptoms such as cough, sputum, and dyspnea and were diagnosed with non -cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis using computed tomography were included in the study. Demographic information, etiologies, comorbidities, pulmonary functions, and microbiological, radiological, and clinical data were collected from the patients. Results: Of the 1,035 study participants, 518 (50%) were females. The mean age of the patients was 56.1 +/- 16.1 years. The underlying etiology was detected in 565 (54.6%) patients. While postinfectious origin was the most common cause of bronchiectasis (39.5%), tuberculosis was identified in 11.3% of the patients. An additional comorbidity was detected in 688 (66.5%) patients. The most common comorbidity was cardiovascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchiectasis was identified in 19.5% of the patients. The most commonly detected microbiological agent was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (29.4%). Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) were used in 70.1% of the patients, and the frequency of exacerbations in the last year was significantly higher in patients using ICS than in nonusers (p < 0.0001). Age [odds ratio (OR): 1.028; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.005-1.051], cachexia (OR: 4.774; 95% CI: 2,054-11,097), high modified medical research council dyspnea scale score (OR: 1,952; 95% CI: 1,459-2,611), presence of chronic renal failure (OR: 4,172; 95% CI: 1,249-13,938) and use of inhaled steroids (OR: 2,587; 95% CI: 1,098-6,098) were significant risk factors for mortality. Mortality rates were higher in patients with COPD than in those with no COPD (21.7-9.1%, p = 0.016). Patients with bronchiectasis and COPD exhibited more frequent exacerbations, exacerbation -related hospitalizations, and hospitalization in the intensive care unit in the previous year than patients without COPD. Conclusion: This is the first multicenter study of bronchiectasis in T & uuml;rkiye. The study results will provide important data that can guide the development of health policies in T & uuml;rkiye on issues such as infection control, vaccination, and the unnecessary use of antibiotics and steroids.
  • Placeholder
    F-18-FDG PET/CT texture analysis of anthracotic lymph nodes detected with EBUS and comparison with cytological findings
    (Hellenic Soc Nuclear Medicine, 2022) N/A; N/A; Falay, Fikri Okan; Meriçöz, Çisel Aydın; Demirtaş, Elif; Bulutay, Pınar; Seymen, Hülya; Fırat, Pınar Arıkan; Demirkol, Mehmet Onur; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Teaching Faculty; Teaching Faculty; Master Student; Teaching Faculty; Teaching Faculty; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 246484; 162418; N/A; 133565; 350778; 207545; 196946; 230719
    Objective: Lymph node metastasis is the most important factor both in the selection of treatment since many alternatives have been created in recent years, and in the evaluation of prognosis in lung cancer. The most unpredictable cause of lymph node false positivity in fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (F-18-FDG) positron emission tomography/computed tomography(PET/CT) is anthracosis. The aim of this study is to compare F-18-FDG PET/CT texture information of anthracotic (ALN) and metastatic (MLN) lymph nodes, after reevaluation of the cytological samples obtained from anthracotic lymph nodes by EBUS-TBNA. Subjects and Methods: Ninety nine patients, 78 of whom had primary lung cancer were included in the study. Two hundred and three lymph nodes from 99 patients sampled by EBUS-TBNA and diagnosed cytologically as ALN or MLN were evaluated retrospectively. All ALN were classified as grades 1, 2 and 3 cytologically. Volume of interest (VOI) of 203 lymph nodes was re-drawn and maximum standardized uptake value (SUVmax), metabolic tumor volume (MN) and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) values were recorded. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in MTV and TLG values in MLN and all ALN grades. However, only grade 1-2 ALN could be differentiated from MLN with SUVmax, and no statistically significant difference was found in grade 3 ALN and MLN. Metabolic tumor volume and TLG values over 4.10cm(3) and 26.57 showed 60% and 59% sensitivity and 83% and 94 specificity respectively for the identification of MLN. Conclusions: The contribution of MTV and TLG values of F-18-FDG PET/CT to the differential diagnosis of ALN is much more valuable than SUVmax values, especially for grade 3 anthracosis. It was thought that cytological reporting of only grade 3 ALN could make a better contribution to the F-18-FDG PET/CT evaluation analysis.
  • Placeholder
    Can PET/CT predict the diagnostic yield of ultrasound-guided transthoracic FNA?
    (Amer Thoracic Soc, 2017) Fidan, Ali; Doğan, C.; Cömert, Sevda Şener; Kıral, Nesrin; Salepci, Banu; Parmaksiz, Elif Torun; N/A; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
  • Placeholder
    Ultrasonographic evaluation of lung parenchyma involvement in sarcoidosis
    (MATTIOLI 1885, 2019) Dogan, Coskun; Kiral, Nesrin; Parmaksiz, Elif Torun; Sagmen, Seda Beyhan; Salepci, Banu; Fidan, Ali; Comert, Sevda Sener; N/A; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
    Purpose: To use ultrasonography (USG) for the evaluation of lung parenchyma in patients with sarcoidosis, andto compare the USG findings with the results of a high-resolution computerized tomography (HRCT) and pulmonary function test-carbon monoxide diffusion test (PFT-DLCO), which are commonly used methods in the evaluation of parenchymal involvement in sarcoidosis. Material and Methods: Patients with sarcoidosis and healthy controls were enrolled in the study between January 2015 and December 2017. The clinical findings, HRCT and PFT-DLCO results of all subjects were recorded, and USG findings and comet tail artifact (CTA) measurements were recorded by another pulmonologist. The USG, HRCT and SFT-DLCO findings were compared between the two groups. Based on the findings of theclinical-radiologic investigations and PFT-DLCO, as the current gold standard in diagnosis, the sensitivity and specificity of USG in demonstrating lung parenchyma involvement in sarcoidosis patients were estimated. Findings: The sarcoidosis group consisted of 79 patients and the control group included 34 subjects. The mean number of CTAs in the sarcoidosis and control groups was 33.4 and 25, respectively (p=0.001). In the sarcoidosis group, the number of CTAs in patients with DLCO% <80 and >= 80% was 37.4 and 29.7, respectively (p=0.011), and a negative correlation was identified between the number of CTAs and DLCO% (p=0.019 r=-0.267). The mean number of CTAs in patients with and without parenchymal involvement in HRCT was 36 and 25.5, respectively (p=0.001). The number of CTAs in the patients with sarcoidosis with a normal DLCO% value (>= 80%) was higher than in the control group (p=0.014). The diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of thoracic USG were found to be 76% and 53%, respectively. Conclusion: The number of CTAs in patients with sarcoidosis was higher than that of the healthy controls. The number of CTAs in patients with sarcoidosis with parenchymal involvement in HRCT and/or a low DLCO (<80%) was also elevated. Thoracic USG has a high sensitivity (76%) in demonstrating parenchymal involvement in patients with sarcoidosis.
  • Placeholder
    Antibiotic allergy from the perspective of infectious disease physicians
    (Bilimsel Tıp Yayınevi, 2020) Özyiğit, Leyla Pür; Öztürk, Ayşe Bilge; Adalıer, Nur; Sönmez, Sadi Can; Tekin, Süda; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Ergönül, Önder; Faculty Member; Undergraduate Student; Undergraduate Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; School of Medicine; 147629; N/A; N/A; 42146; 230719; 110398
  • Placeholder
    The effect of lymphangitis carcinomatosa on the stage, and survival in the primary lung cancers
    (Türkiye Klinikleri, 2019) Doğan, Coşkun; Kiral, Nesrin; Torun Parmaksiz, Elif; Fıdan, Ali; Salepçı, Banu; Şener Cömert, Sevda; Demırhan, Recep; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
    Objective: To investigate the effect of lymphangitis carcinomatosa on the stage, and survival in the primary lung cancers. Material and Methods: Patients diagnosed with primary lung cancer between 2014-2016 were included in the study. The patients were divided into two groups who were radiologically detected as having lymphangitis carcinomatosa, and who were detected with no lymphangitis carcinomatosa at diagnosis. The demographic, clinical, radiologic, and survival data of the patients were recorded in both groups. The data of both grups were compared. The data of the groups were evaluated using the Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U test and p<0.05 was considered as significant. Results: A total of 319 patients were included in the study. 264 (82.2%) of the cases were male and 55 (17.8%) were female. The mean age of the patients was 61.9±9.6. The average smoking history was 39.1±17.3 pack-years. 28 patients (8.8%) were diagnosed with LC, and 291 (91.2%) were not detected LC. When tumor histopathology of the cases were examined, the most common tumor type squamous cell carcinoma was found in both groups. No difference was detected in the characteristics of the patients diagnosed with LC, and of the patients diagnosed with no LC (Histopathologic diagnosis, stage, surgical/oncologic treatment features, history of smoking, age, and sex). The median general survival times in lung cancers detected with LC (11 months) were very similar particularly with the stage 3B (12 months) cancers with no LC (p=0.524). Conclusion: Lymphangitis carcinomatosa which is known to poorly affect the survival and prognosis, affects the survival in lung cancers. Therefore, LC must be considered in the staging of lung cancer. © 2019 by Türkiye Klinikleri./ Öz: Amaç: Primer akciğer kanserlerinde lenfanjitis karsinomatoza (LK) varlığının evre ve sağkalım üzerine etkisini araştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya 2014-2016 yılları arasında primer akciğer kanser tanısı almış olgular dahil edildi. Olgular tanı aşamasında radyolojik olarak LK tespit edilen ve LK tespit edilmeyenler olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İki gruptaki olguların demografik, klinik, radyolojik ve sağkalım özellikleri kayıt edildi. Her iki grubun verileri birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Gruplara ait veriler Ki-kare ve Mann-Whitney U testleri ile değerlendirildi. Tüm testlerde p<0,05 istatistiksel anlamlı kabul edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 264'ü (%82,2) erkek, 55'i (%17,8) kadın, yaş ortalaması 61,9±9,6 yıl olan toplam 319 olgu alındı. Ortalama sigara içme öyküsü 39,1±17,3 paket-yılı idi. Olguların 28'inde (%8,8) LK var iken, 291'inde (%91,2) LK yoktu. Olguların tümör histopatolojileri incelendiğinde her iki grupta da en sık görülen tümör cinsi skuamöz hücreli kanserdi. Lenfanjitis karsinomatoza tespit edilen ve edilmeyen olguların özellikleri (Histopatolojik tanı, evre, cerrahi/onkolojik tedavi özellikleri, sigara öyküsü, yaş, cinsiyet özellikleri) arasında fark bulunmadı. LK tespit edilen akciğer kanserlerinin ortanca genel sağkalım süreleri (11 ay) LK tespit edilmeyen özellikle evre 3B (12 ay) kanserler ile çok benzerdi (p=0,524). Sonuç: Varlığında sağkalım ve prognozun kötü etkilendiği bilinen LK, akciğer kanserlerinde sağkalımı etkilemektedir bu nedenle akciğer kanser evrelemelerinde dikkate alınmalıdır.
  • Placeholder
    Are there clinical, pathological, metabolic, and prognostic differences between cavitary and non-cavitary lung cancer?
    (Fırat Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, 2020) Doğan, Coşkun; Kıral, Nesrin; Parmaksız, Elif Torun; Salepçi, Banu; Fidan, Ali; Şener, Sevda Cömert; N/A; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
    Objective: Our study was planned to investigate the clinical, radiometabolic (PET-CT), and survival properties of primary lung cancer with cavitary. Material and Method: The files of patients diagnosed as primary lung cancer in our clinic between 2014 and 2016 were examined. The cases were divided into two groups as primary lung cancer with cavity and without cavity. Demographic, radiological, clinical, radiometabolic and survival properties of both groups were recorded. The data of both groups were compared with each other. Results: A total of 323 cases with a mean age of 61.6 ± 9.8 years were included in the study. There were 36 primary lung cancer cases with and 287 lung cancer cases without cavity. The rate of primary lung cancer with cavity was 11.1%. The rate of cavitation was significantly higher in squamous cell carcinomas (p =0.024). The size of lung cancer with cavity (65 mm) was greater than lung cancer without cavity (50 mm) Mean, maximum ? (p =0.001). Median overall survival in cavitary cancers was 14 ± 2.7 months. In non-cavitary cancers, this time was 12 ± 0.8 months (p =0.887). Otherwise, age, gender, smoking history, cancer stage, treatment characteristics, radiometabolic properties and survival were similar in both groups (p >0.05). Conclusion: The most common cavitation in lung cancers is seen in squamous cell cancers. Clinical, radiometabolic and survival characteristics of cavitary lung cancers are similar to those of noncavitary lung cancer. / Amaç: Çalışmamız kaviter primer akciğer kanserlerinin klinik, radyometabolik (PET-BT) ve sağ kalım özelliklerini araştırmak için planlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kliniğimizde 2014-2016 yılları arasında primer akciğer kanseri tanısı almış olguların dosyaları incelendi. Olgular kaviter ve kaviter olmayan primer akciğer kanserleri olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. Her iki grubun demografik, radyolojik, klinik, radyometabolik ve sağ kalım özellikleri kayıt edildi. Her iki grubun verileri birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya yaş ortalaması 61.6±9.8 yıl olan toplam 323 olgu alındı. Olguların 36’sında kavite var iken, 287’sinde kavite yoktu. Kaviter primer akciğer kanseri oranı %11.1 bulundu. Skuamöz hücreli kanserlerde kavitasyon görülme oranı belirgin olarak fazlaydı (p =0.024). Kavitasyon olan akciğer kanserlerinin boyutu (65 mm), kavitasyon olmayanlarda (50 mm) göre daha büyüktü (p =0.001). Kaviter kanserlerde medyan genel sağ kalım 14±2.7 ay iken, kaviter olmayan kanserlerde bu süre 12±0.8 aydı (p =0.887). Bunun dışında her iki grubun yaş, cinsiyet, sigara öyküsü, kanser evresi, tedavi özellikleri, radyometabolik özellikleri benzerdi (p >0.05). Sonuç: Akciğer kanserlerinde kaviteleşme en sık skuamöz hücreli kanserlerde görülür. Kaviter akciğer kanserlerinin klinik, radyometabolik ve sağ kalım özellikleri kaviter olmayanlar ile benzerdir.
  • Placeholder
    Diagnostic value of endobronchial ultrasonography in sarcoidosis and factors associated with diagnosis
    (Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2019) Çetin, Önder; Cömert, Sevda Şener; Salepçi, Banu Musaffa; Karataş, Ferhan; N/A; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic value of endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) and factors associated with diagnosis in patients with lung sarcoidosis. Methods: In this prospective study, EBUS transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) was performed for patients with a clinical and radiological suspicion of pulmonary sarcoidosis with enlarged hilar/mediastinal lymph nodes detected on a computerized tomography scan of the chest between January 2014 and September 2015. Results: During the study period, 107 patients underwent EBUS-TBNA and 1 patient underwent transesophageal endoscopic ultrasonography with fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). Four cases determined to be non-sarcoidosis (tuberculosis) were excluded from the study. of the 104 cases definitively diagnosed as sarcoidosis, 28.8% were male patients and 71.2% were female, with a mean age of 44.3±13.1 years. A total of 92.3% of the patients (n=96) were diagnosed with EBUS-TBNA and 1% (n=1) was diagnosed based on EUS-FNA results. EBUS was nondiagnostic in 7 patients and sarcoidosis was diagnosed by mediastinoscopy in 6 patients and by right supraclavicular lymph node biopsy in 1 patient. The sensitivity of EBUS-TBNA was 92.3%, with a specificity of 100%. Conclusion: EBUS-TBNA has a high sensitivity and specificity for demonstrating granulomatous inflammation in cases of suspected sarcoidosis. Given the high diagnostic rate of EBUS-TBNA, additional invasive procedures may be unnecessary.
  • Placeholder
    A new modality for the diagnosis of bleomycin-induced toxicity: ultrasonography
    (Elsevier Doyma Sl, 2018) Doğan, Coşkun; Comert, Sevda Şener; Sağmen, Seda Beyhan; Parmaksız, Elif Torun; Kıral, Nesrin; Fidan, Ali; Salepci, Banu; N/A; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
    Objective: To evaluate the role of ultrasonography (USG) in the diagnosis of bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity (BT). Material and methods: The study included patients with suspected BT during treatment with bleomycin due to various oncologic diseases between June 2015 and May 2017. The patients initially under-went clinical and high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) examinations and pulmonary function tests (PFT)-diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO), followed by registration of USG findings-number of comet tail artifact (CTA) images by a different pulmonologist. We compared the findings from USG, HRCT, and PFT-DLCO tests between BT and non-BT groups. With the diagnosis based on clinical-radiologic and PFT-DLCO assessments taken as the gold standard, we determined the sensitivity and specificity of the USG outcomes for diagnosis of BT. Results: The study included a total of 30 patients. Nine patients were diagnosed as having BT according to their clinical and radiologic findings and PFT-DLCO measurements. The mean number of CTA images was 68.7 +/- 22 in patients with BT vs 28.2 +/- 9.3 in those without BT (P < .001). The difference in CTA images between the patients with and without ground glass density was statistically significant (28.3 +/- 9.5 and 64.6 +/- 24.5, respectively, P < .001). In patients with BT, there was a negative correlation between the number of CTAs and DLCO% and FVC% values (P = .004; P = .016). USG had a sensitivity of 100%, and a specificity of 95% diagnosing BT in selected patients. Conclusion: In bleomycin-induced toxicity, USG findings are correlated with HRCT and PFT-DLCO findings, with a remarkably increased number of CTAs in BT. Thoracic USG examination is a diagnostic tool with a high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing BT. / Objetivo: evaluar el papel de la ecografia en el diagnostico de la toxicidad pulmonar inducida por bleomicina (BT). Materiales y metodos: se incluyeron pacientes con sospecha de BT durante el tratamiento con bleomicina por enfermedad oncologica entre junio de 2015 y mayo de 2017. Se les sometio a evaluacion clínica inicial y tomografia computarizada de alta resolucion (TACAR), asi como a pruebas de funcion pulmonar (PFP, prueba de difusion de monoxido de carbono [DLCO]). Se recopilaron los hallazgos ecograficos obtenidos por otro neumologo (numero de imagenes de artefacto en cola de cometa [CTA]). Se compararon los resultados de las ecografias, TACAR y PFP–DLCO entre los grupos con y sin BT. Con el diagnostico basado en las valoraciones clínico-radiologicas y de PFP–DLCO como gold standard, se determino la sensibilidad y especificidad de la ecografia para diagnosticar BT. Resultados: Se incluyeron 30 pacientes. Se diagnostico BT en nueve por los hallazgos clinicos y radiologicos y de PFP–DLCO. El numero medio de imagenes CTA fue 68.7 ± 22 en pacientes con BT vs. 28.2 ± 9.3 en aquellos sin BT (p < 0.001). La diferencia en imagenes CTAentre los pacientes con y sin densidades en vidrio esmerilado fue estadisticamente significativa (28.3 ± 9.5 and 64.6 ± 24.5, respectivamente, p < 0.001). En pacientes con BT, se observo una correlacion negativa entre el numero de CTA y los valores porcentuales de DLCO y de CVF (p = 0.004; p = 0.016). La USG tuvo una sensibilidad del 100% y una especificidad del 95% para el diagnostico de la BT en pacientes seleccionados. Conclusion: En la toxicidad inducida por bleomicina, los hallazgos de US se correlacionan con los de TACAR y PFT–DLCO, con un incremento remarcable en el numero de CTA en BT. La exploracion toracica mediante USG es una herramienta de diagnostico con elevada sensibilidad y especificidad para el diagnostico de la BT.
  • Placeholder
    Is lymphopenia detected in sarcoidosis associated with the disease activity?
    (Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2019) Doğan, Coşkun; Cömert, Sevda Şener; Parmaksız, Elif Torun; Kıral, Nesrin; Demirhan, Recep; Fidan, Ali; Sağmen, Seda Beyhan; N/A; Çağlayan, Benan Niku; Faculty Member; School of Medicine; 230719
    Objective: The association of lymphopenia detected in patients with sarcoidosis with disease activity was investigated in the present study. Methods: Patients who were diagnosed as having sarcoidosis and healthy volunteers/individuals with no diagnosis of active disease between July 2016 and June 2017 were included in this study. Patients who were detected to have an absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) of 80% was 2±0.7 (p=0.016). A positive correlation was detected between ALC and DLCO% (p=0.044, r=0.230). Although lymphopenia was detected in 42% of patients whose DLCO value was 80% (p=0.01). No significant association was detected among the sarcoidosis stage, symptom, and radiologic findings of the patients with the absolute lymphocyte count (p>0.05). Conclusion: Lymphopenia is frequently detected in patients with sarcoidosis. Lower DLCO values may be detected in patients with lymphopenic sarcoidosis.