Biçer, Osman

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PhD Student

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Biçer, Osman

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    An efficient 2-party private function evaluation protocol based on half gates
    (Oxford Univ Press, 2019) Bingol, Muhammed Ali; Kiraz, Mehmet Sabir; Levi, Albert; N/A; Biçer, Osman; PhD Student; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; N/A
    Private function evaluation (PFE) is a special case of secure multi-party computation (MPC), where the function to be computed is known by only one party. PFE is useful in several real-life applications where an algorithm or a function itself needs to remain secret for reasons such as protecting intellectual property or security classification level. In this paper, we focus on improving 2-party PFE based on symmetric cryptographic primitives. In this respect, we look back at the seminal PFE framework presented by Mohassel and Sadeghian at Eurocrypt'13. We show how to adapt and utilize the well-known half gates garbling technique (Zahur et al., Eurocrypt'15) to their constant-round 2-party PFE scheme. Compared to their scheme, our resulting optimization significantly improves the efficiency of both the underlying Oblivious Evaluation of Extended Permutation (OEP) and secure 2-party computation (2PC) protocols, and yields a more than 40% reduction in overall communication cost (the computation time is also slightly decreased and the number of rounds remains unchanged).
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    PublicationOpen Access
    M-stability: threshold security meets transferable utility
    (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2021) Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Computer Engineering; Biçer, Osman; Küpçü, Alptekin; Yıldız, Burcu; Faculty Member; College of Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; N/A; 168060; N/A
    Use of game theory and mechanism design in cloud security is a well-studied topic. When applicable, it has the advantages of being efficient and simple compared to cryptography alone. Most analyses consider two-party settings, or multi-party settings where coalitions are not allowed. However, many cloud security problems that we face are in the multi-party setting and the involved parties can almost freely collaborate with each other. To formalize the study of disincentivizing coalitions from deviating strategies, a well-known definition named k-resiliency has been proposed by Abraham et al. (ACM PODC '06). Since its proposal, k-resiliency and related definitions are used extensively for mechanism design. However, in this work we observe the shortcoming of k-resiliency. That is, although this definition is secure, it is too strict to use for many cases and rule out secure mechanisms as insecure. To overcome this issue, we propose a new definition named ?.,""-repellence against the presence of a single coalition to replace k-resiliency. Our definition incorporates transferable utility in game theory as it is realistic in many distributed and multi-party computing settings. We also propose m-stability definition against the presence of multiple coalitions, which is inspired by threshold security in cryptography. We then show the advantages of our novel definitions on three mechanisms, none of which were previously analyzed against coalitions: incentivized cloud computation, forwarding data packages in ad hoc networks, and connectivity in ad hoc networks. Regarding the former, our concepts improve the proposal by Küpçü (IEEE TDSC '17), by ensuring a coalition-proof mechanism.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    Highly efficient and re-executable private function evaluation with linear complexity
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2022) Bingöl, Muhammed Ali; Kiraz, Mehmet Sabr; Levi, Albert; Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Computer Engineering; Biçer, Osman; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering
    Private function evaluation aims to securely compute a function f(x(1), ..., x(n)) without leaking any information other than what is revealed by the output, where f is a private input of one of the parties (say Party(1)) and x(i) is a private input of the ith party Party(i). In this article, we propose a novel and secure two-party private function evaluation (2PFE) scheme based on the DDH assumption. Our scheme introduces a reusability feature that significantly improves the state-of-the-art. Accordingly, our scheme has two variants, one is utilized in the initial execution of the function f, and the other is utilized in its subsequent evaluations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and most efficient 2PFE scheme that enjoys a reusablity feature. Our protocols achieve linear communication and computation complexities and a constant number of rounds which is at most three.
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    PublicationOpen Access
    BlockSim-Net: a network-based blockchain simulator
    (TÜBİTAK, 2022) Ramachandran, Prashanthi; Agrawal, Nandini; Department of Computer Engineering; Department of Computer Engineering; Biçer, Osman; Küpçü, Alptekin; Faculty Member; College of Engineering; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; N/A; 168060
    Since its proposal by Eyal and Sirer (CACM '13), selfish mining attacks on proof-of-work blockchains have been studied extensively. The main body of this research aims at both studying the extent of its impact and defending against it. Yet, before any practical defense is deployed in a real world blockchain system, it needs to be tested for security and dependability. However, real blockchain systems are too complex to conduct any test on or benchmark the developed protocols. Instead, some simulation environments have been proposed recently, such as BlockSim (Maher et al., SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev. '19), which is a modular and easy-to-use blockchain simulator. However, BlockSim's structure is insufficient to capture the essence of a real blockchain network, as the simulation of an entire network happens over a single CPU. Such a lack of decentralization can cause network issues such as propagation delays being simulated in an unrealistic manner. In this work, we propose BlockSim-Net, a modular, efficient, high performance, distributed, network-based blockchain simulator that is parallelized to better reflect reality in a blockchain simulation environment.