Researcher: Maner, Çiğdem
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Maner, Çiğdem
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Publication Metadata only From post-lgm to holocene evolution of environments in the Ereğli basın: first results from geological indicators(Niğde Ömer Halis Demir Üniversitesi, 2018) Kuzucuoğlu, Catherine; Demir, Müslüm; Gürel, Ali; Dumoulin, Jean Pascal; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427During 2016-2018, three cores were retrieved from marshy areas in the Ereğli eastern at one locations positioned in the outer rim of the Upper Pleistocene alluvial fan of the Zanopa river (Konya Province). The first one (KAR) are from the Adabağ marsh which has developed in the shadow of a tombolo sand bar pertaining to the LGM Konya Paleolake system. This bar is dated to the LGM or Late Glacial. This one cores delivered complementary sequences representing two distinct part of the marsh today: (a) ADA is from a dry part of the marsh close to the sand bar; (b) BAG is from a still wet part of the marsh close to the border of the Zanopa alluvial fan. The third core (subject of this study: KAR) was taken from a peaty area expanding over the northern part of the alluvial fan, which is nowadays dry and on destruction. The communication aims at presenting initial results of geological analyses performed on these cores at Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University. These will contribute to reconstruct the climatic and environmental evolution in Ereğli area since 25 ka (LGM). Proxies presented in the communication are: (1) grain size distribution analyses, with statistic treatments of the results; (2) mineral (silt, clay) composition using XRD analyses; (3) sediment structure using thin sections; (4) geochemical content of the sediments. / Ereğli’nin doğusunda, Adabağ bataklığı ile Zanopa alüvyon yelpaze ve Adabağ Geç Pleistosen geçidi arasında yer alan KAR isimli profil 420 cm derinliğe erişen bir karot olup, 2016-2018 yılları yaz aylarında arasında örneklenmiştir. Bu karotlar yörede yapılan diğer iki yaşlandırılmayan seriler ile ilişkilendirilmiştir: Adabağ bataklığının doğu kısmında BAĞ yer alır ve KAR kesiti ise Zanopa alüvyon yelpazesinin kuzeyinde Kargacık köyüne yakın bir yerdir. KAR (bu çalışmanın konusu) kayıtları Konya ovasında Mezolitik ve Neolitik dönem insan yaşamının çevresi üzerine bilgiler vermektedir. Bu çevresel evrimin rekonstrüksiyonu sediman içeresinde bulunan tane boyu, karbonat, organik madde ve mineral bileşenlerine dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışma sonucu, elde edilen karotlar üzerinde jeolojik çalışmaları yardımıyla Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesinde tamamlanması amaçlanmıştır. Bu veriler son 25 bin yıldan beri son buzul maksimum (LGM) İç Anadolu’da meydana gelen iklim ve çevresel değişikliklerini ortaya çıkarmaya yarayacaktır. Kayıtlar sırasıyla: (1) tane boyu dağılımı analizi, istatiksel değerlendirme sonuçları ile (2) mineral içeriği (kil türleri, diğer mineraller) XRD analizleri sonucu; (3) ince kesit çalışmaları sonucu mikro yapının ortaya çıkarılması; (4) sedimanların jeokimyasal içerikleri şeklindedir.Publication Metadata only An important salt source in Karapınar Konya - Meke Gölü (Meke Maar) and an equation proposal for liki "salt-lick" in the treaty between Kuruntija and Tuthalija IV(De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2021) N/A; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427A systematic archaeological survey in the Southeast provinces of Konya has started to reveal the settlement pattern of the Bronze and Iron Ages in this region, which sheds light on the geo-environment, economy, road networks, interactions and cultures. This paper will specifically deal with the region of and around Meke Gölü and Karacadaǧ, located in Karaplnar - Konya, and discuss the surveyed settlements and possible implications of the economy with salt trade as one of the main trade commodities. In this context the salt source of the saline lake Meke Gölü (Lake Meke), which is located south of Karacadaǧ, its significance and usage of salt will be explored. Finally, the equation of Meke Gölü with the liki (salt-lick) mentioned in the frontier description in the treaty between the Great Kings Kuruntija and Tuthalija IV on the well-known Bronze Tablet discovered in Boǧazköy - Hattuša, the capital of the Hittite Empire, will be suggested and debated.Publication Metadata only The encounter of a Hittite spring sanctuary with the public: The cultural landscape conservation project in Ivriz(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2019) Teksöz, Didem; Omacan, Sinan; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427In the 2015 field season of the Konya Ereğli Survey Project (KEYAR), İvriz village located on the slopes of the Bolkar Mountains and its vicinity was systematically surveyed. During the investigations, serious threats to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage were recorded around the famous Neo-Hittite Ivriz Rock Relief in the village of Ivriz. For this reason, it has been decided to prepare the Ivriz Cultural Landscape Conservation Project of which the focal point would be the Ivriz Rock Relief and the cultural and natural elements in the immediate and distant surroundings. In this study, water basins of which the İvriz Spring is a part, settlements established around Ivriz Dam, Ivriz Stream and Deli Mahmutlu Creek, archaeological, cultural and industrial heritage elements and natural landscape are examined. As a result of the investigations, the priority was given to find solutions for the threats towards the archaeological and cultural heritage within the borders of ‘İvriz Rock Relief; I. Degree Archaeological Site’, which is the the focal point of the Ivriz Cultural Landscape Conservation Project. In 2016, İvriz I. Degree Archaeological Site Environmental Planning Project was initiated to preserve and exhibit the monuments in their natural and historical context and to take necessary security measures immediately. In this article, the archeological heritage of İvriz and the threats against it are analyzed. Furthermore the step-by-step implementation of the İvriz I. Degree Archaeological Site Environmental Planning Project and the main ideas behind it are discussed. / Konya Ereğli Yüzey Araştırması Projesi’nin (KEYAR) 2015 yılı arazi sezonunda, Bolkar Dağları’nın eteklerindekurulmuş olan İvriz köyü ve çevresi incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar esnasında İvriz köyünde bulunan ve Geç HititDönemine tarihlenen meşhur İvriz Kaya Kabartması14etrafında soyut ve somut kültürel mirasa yönelik ciddi tehditlerkayıt edilmiştir. Bu sebeple İvriz Kaya Kabartması odak alınmak üzere, yakın ve uzak çevresindeki kültürel ve doğalöğelerin, İvriz Kültürel Peyzaj Koruma Projesi kapsamında çalışılmasına karar verilmiştir. Bu çalışma kapsamındaİvriz su kaynağının bağlı bulunduğu su havzaları, İvriz Barajı, İvriz Çayı, Deli Mahmutlu Deresi çevresinde kurulmuşyerleşimler, arkeolojik, kültürel ve endüstriyel miras unsurları ve doğal peyzaj incelenmiştir. Yapılan incelemelersonucu, İvriz Kültürel Peyzaj Koruma Projesinin odağını oluşturan ‘İvriz Kaya Anıtı; I. Derece Arkeolojik SitAlanı’ sınırları içerisinde, arkeolojik ve kültürel mirasa zarar veren durumlara çözüm üretmek öncelik olarak kabuledilmiştir. Anıtların ve eserlerin yerinde kendi doğal ve tarihsel bağlamı içerisinde korunup sergilenmeleri ve gerekligüvenlik önlemlerinin ivedilikle alınması için 2016’da ‘İvriz I. Derece Arkeolojik Sit Alanı Çevre DüzenlemeProjesi’ çalışmaları başlatılmıştır. Bu makalede, İvriz’in arkeolojik ve kültürel mirası ve buna karşı oluşan tehditleranaliz edilmekte, İvriz I. Derece Arkeolojik Sit Alanı Çevre Düzenleme Projesi’nin adım adım nasıl gerçekleştiği vearkasındaki ana fikirler tartışılmaktadır.Publication Metadata only Archeological research on the Karacadağ and a hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from Karaören(De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2021) Weeden M.; Alparslan M.; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427This essay presents a partial report of surveys on the Karacadaǧ (Konya), which have been carried out since 2016 due to the find of a fragment of a hieroglyphic Luwian inscription from the 13th century BC at the village of Karaören. The results of the survey allow a holistic understanding of the material and topographic conditions which led to the writing, re-use and then find of the inscription. The inscription is presented and a possible historical-geographical framework both of this and of other related texts is explained, whereby it seems probable that there was an important military-strategic border here. The survey and associated ethnographic research established the importance of the freshwater springs on the Karacadaǧ, as well as the continuous re-use of stones attesting a profound cultural memory that runs from the Hittite period through a populous Byzantine occupation up until modern applications by the inhabitants of the Karacadağ.Publication Metadata only An attempt of community archaeology in İvriz Village: the role of archaeological heritage, during the process of rural regeneration and heritage conservation(Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi, 2018) Menteş, Aliye; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427Since 2013, an archaeological survey project in the southeast provinces of Konya has led to the development of landscaping, public and community archaeology and rural regenaration projects in İvriz. The necessity of these projects evolved from the encounter of major threats towards the tangible and intangible cultural heritage. This paper focuses on İvriz village and its cultural landscape and to discuss the current stage of the ongoing community archaeology and rural regeneration projects. The aim is to review and highlight the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of İvriz, as well as to understand the threats and constraints of the area for its sustainable development. Although there are a number of significant problems, the rich potentials for sustainable tourism could be used for the conservation of heritage sites and the general rural regeneration of the area. It is also significant to highlight that the existence of the archaeological heritage and the vital need for conservation has triggered the broader regeneration and sustainable develeopment of the area. Currently the process shows that these are all interdependent to each other and requires sensitive and holistic management approaches, where the involvement of the local community is crucial. The study investigates these through qualitative research, mainly through longitudinal observation of events and formal meetings with government bodies and other stakeholders, as well as through participant observation and interviews with local residents. / 2013 yılından bu yana, Konya ilinin güneydoğu ilçelerinde arkeolojik yüzey araştırma projesi, İvriz’de çevre düzenlemesi, kamu ve toplum arkeolojisi ve kırsal kalkınma projelerinin geliştirilmesine öncülük etmektedir. Bu bahsi geçen projelerin gerekliliği, somut ve somut olmayan kültürel mirasa yönelik büyük tehditler ile karşılaşılmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu makale kapsamında, İvriz köyü ve kültürel peyzajı üzerinde durularak devam eden toplum arkeolojisi ve kırsal kalkınma projelerinin güncel aşaması tartışılmaktadır. Amaç, İvriz’in somut ve somut olmayan kültürel mirasını gözden geçirmek ve vurgulamak, aynı zamanda sürdürülebilir kalkınması için bulunan tehdit ve sınırları anlamaktır. Bir takım önemli sorunlar olsa da, miras alanlarının korunması ve bölgenin genel kırsal kalkınması için sürdürülebilir turizm zengin potansiyeller barındırmaktadır. Arkeolojik mirasın varlığının ve acil koruma ihtiyacının olması, bölgenin daha geniş çapta kalkınmasını ve sürdürülebilir gelişimini tetiklediğini vurgulamak da önemlidir. Şu anda süreç, bunların birbirine bağlı olduğunu ve yerel toplumun katılımının çok önemli olduğunu, hassas ve bütüncül yönetim yaklaşımları gerektirdiğini göstermektedir. Bu çalışma, büyük oranda nitel araştırmaları kapsamakta, olayların ve tüm sürecin uzun süreli gözlemlenmesi ve devlet/yerel yönetim ve diğer paydaşlarla yapılan resmi toplantıların oluşturduğu veriler ile ve ayrıca yerel halkın gözünden de konuları anlamak açısından katılımcı gözlemler ve görüşmeler yoluyla incelenmektedir.Publication Metadata only A metal workshop? Multi-hollow anvils at Taştepe obası in southeastern Konya(Brill, 2017) N/A; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427During the first campaign of the Konya Ereğli Survey Project (keyar) in 2013, c. 12 km north of the Bolkar Mountains, a site called Taştepe Obası just north of the village of Çayhan was surveyed. In between domestic houses and in the field of Taştepe Obası, four large stones with man-made small circular depressions were discovered. These rocks, known as multi-hollow anvils or multi-hollow mortars, are important indications that metal ores were dressed here. The proximity to the metal-rich Bolkar Mountains might indicate the presence of a metal workshop. Very similar multi-hollow anvils have been discovered in the vicinity of the Kestel mine, where they were used for ore dressing of cassiterite, the first stage in the preparation of the ore for the smelting process. This article will introduce the site of Taştepe Obası and consider it in the context of ancient metal workshops in the region and the mining activities in the Bolkar Mountains.Publication Metadata only Investigations in the Cave of Ambarderesi Kızlar Oğlanlar Sarayı (Manastırı) in İvriz(Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınevi, 2018) Kuruçayırlı, Emre; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427A relief very similar to the king Warpalawas’ relief of İvriz lies on the slopes of the Ambarderesi valley, located in the Halkapınar district of Konya. on the opposite slope, the remains of a monastery from the Middle Byzantine period, known as the Palace of Boys and Girls (Kızlar Oğlanlar Sarayı) by the locals, is located. A natural cave situated 50 m north of the apses of the church has been examined and documented for the first time during the 2016 survey season as part of the Konya Ereğli Survey Project (KEYAR). This article discusses the results of the systematical survey conducted in the Halkapınar district and the discovered Bronze and Iron Age settlements. The significance of the cave, which was investigated during the survey conducted at İvriz and Ambarderesi, and the cup mark found at its entrance is discussed within the context of religious rituals of the Neo Hittite period. / Konya’nın Halkapınar ilçesi sınırlarındaki Ambarderesi Vadisinin yamacında İvriz’deki kral Warpalawas’ın anıtsal kaya kabartmasının yakın bir benzeri bulunmaktadır. Bunun karşı yamacında ise yerel halk tarafından Kızlar Oğlanlar Sarayı olarak adlandırılan Orta Bizans Dönemine ait manastırın kalıntıları konumlanmıştır. Girişi kilisenin apsisinin yaklaşık 50 m kuzeyinde bulunan doğal mağara Konya Ereğli Yüzey Araştırma Projesi (KEYAR) çerçevesinde 2016 yılı yüzey araştırması sezonunda ilk defa incelenmiş ve belgelenmiştir. Bu makalede, 2014-2016 arazi çalışmalarında Halkapınar ilçesinde yapılan sistematik yüzey araştırmaları sonuçları ve bölgenin Tunç – Demir Çağı yerleşimleri tartışılmaktadır. Yüzey araştırması kapsamında İvriz’de, Ambarderesi’nde ve mağarada gerçekleştirilen yüzey araştırmalarından elde edilen bulgular sunularak, mağaranın ve girişinde bulunan libasyon çukurunun önemi Geç Hitit Dönemi kültsel arınma ve temizlenme ritüelleri ile ilişkisi tartışılacaktır.Publication Metadata only Investigations in the Cave of Ambarderesi Kızlar Oğlanlar Sarayı (manastırı) in İvriz(Turk Tarih Kurumu, 2018) Kuruçayırlı, Emre; Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427A relief very similar to the king Warpalawas' relief of Ivriz lies on the slopes of the Ambarderesi valley, located in the Halkapmar district of Konya. on the opposite slope, the remains of a monastery from the Middle Byzantine period, known as the Palace of Boys and Girls (Kizlar Oglanlar Sarayi) by the locals, is located. A natural cave situated 50 m north of the apses of the church has been examined and documented for the first time during the 2016 survey season as part of the Konya Eregli Survey Project (KEYAR). This article discusses the results of the systematical survey conducted in the Halkapmar district and the discovered Bronze and Iron Age settlements. The significance of the cave, which was investigated during the survey conducted at Ivriz and Ambarderesi, and the cup mark found at its entrance is discussed within the context of religious rituals of the Neo Hittite period.Publication Open Access Ivriz cultural landscape(2017) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; 104427Publication Open Access Hatice Gonnet Baǧana Anatolian civilizations and Hittite digital collection(Üniversite ve Araştırma Kütüphanecileri Derneği (ÜNAK), 2016) Department of Archeology and History of Art; Maner, Çiğdem; Acar, Senem; Soğuksu, Derya; Çanak, Tuba Akbaytürk; Faculty Member; Department of Archeology and History of Art; College of Social Sciences and Humanities; Suna Kıraç Library; 104427; N/A; N/A; N/AIn 2014 Hittitologist Prof. Dr. Hatice Gonnet Bağana, a resident of Paris, donated her library, archive and visual collections to Koç University’s Suna Kıraç Library. Gonnet Bağana, who was a student of Professor Emmanuel Laroche in Paris, was elected as the Hittitologist in charge at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes V. Section, after Emmanuel Laroche’s retirement. Gonnet Bağana’s archive contains monographs, offprints, translations and transcriptions of Hittite texts, manuscripts, images from excavation sites, maps, and plans. This article discusses this collection from its donation to Koç University to its acquisation process and shipment from Paris to Istanbul, and from its classification, physical process and storage to digitization in the library. What makes this collection and digitization project unique is its specialization in Hittitology as being the first personal Hittiology archive digitized to be accessible for the researchers across the globe.