Researcher: Önal, Emre Doruk
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Önal, Emre Doruk
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Publication Metadata only Plasmonic photothermal therapy in third and fourth biological windows(amer Chemical Soc, 2017) N/A; N/A; Department of Physics; Department of Physics; Önal, Emre Doruk; Güven, Kaan; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering; College of Sciences; N/A; 52290The recently reported third and fourth biological transparency windows located respectively at 1.6-1.9 pm and 2.1-2.3 mu m promise deeper light penetration in many tissue types, yet they have not been utilized in photothermal therapy applications. Nanoparticle-assisted photothermal therapy poses a nontrivial optimization problem in which the light absorption efficiency of the nanoparticle has to be maximized subject to various constraints that are imposed by the application environment. Upscaling the typical absorber dominant nanoparticle designs (e.g., rod, sphere) that operate in the first and second transparency windows is not a viable option as they become increasingly inefficient absorbers, and their size can get prohibitively large for internalization into certain cell strains. The present study addresses this issue and suggests a versatile approach for designing both monolithic and self-assembling absorber dominant nanostructures for the new transparency windows. These nanoparticles are lithographically fabricatable; additionally, they are easily adaptable to low-cost, mass production compatible chemical growth methods. We demonstrate up to 40% size reduction and 2-fold increase in absorption efficiency compared to the conventional nanobar design. The overall photothermal performance in third and fourth windows is improved up to 55% per mass and 17-fold per nanoparticle compared to the second window.Publication Open Access Structure and dynamics of ion clusters in linear octupole traps: phase diagrams, chirality, and melting mechanisms(American Physical Society (APS), 2011) Calvo, F.; Department of Chemistry; Department of Chemistry; Yurtsever, İsmail Ersin; Önal, Emre Doruk; Faculty Member; College of Sciences; 7129; N/AThe stable structures and melting dynamics of clusters of identical ions bound by linear octupole radiofrequency traps are theoretically investigated by global optimization methods and molecular dynamics simulations. By varying the cluster sizes in the range of 10-1000 ions and the extent of trap anisotropy by more than one order of magnitude, we find a broad variety of stable structures based on multiple rings at small sizes evolving into tubular geometries at large sizes. The binding energy of these clusters is well represented by two contributions arising from isotropic linear and octupolar traps. The structures generally exhibit strong size effects, and chiral arrangements spontaneously emerge in many crystals. Sufficiently large clusters form nested, coaxial tubes with different thermal stabilities. As in isotropic octupolar clusters, the inner tubes melt at temperatures that are lower than the overall melting point.