Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser

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PhD Student

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Şeyma İnciser

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Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser

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  • Placeholder
    Evaluation of the nurse-led symptom management program for patients with gynecologic cancer undergoing chemotherapy
    (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2024) Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Seven, Memnun; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; School of Nursing; Koç University Hospital
    Background Patients with cancer experience symptoms concurrently. Nurses need to make multisymptom management and educate patients about self-management strategies.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a nurse-led symptom management program (NL-SMP), developed based on the Symptom Management Model, quality of life (QoL), and symptom severity of women with gynecological cancer undergoing chemotherapy.MethodsThis randomized controlled study sample consisted of 41 women receiving chemotherapy at an outpatient clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, between November 2018 and December 2019. European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Scale, Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale, and Modified Brief Sexual Symptom Checklist-Women were used to collect data. Women were randomly assigned to 2 groups: intervention (n = 21) and control (n = 20). The intervention group attended the NL-SMP in addition to usual care. Data were collected at the first (time 1), third (time 2), and last chemotherapy cycle (time 3). Repeated measures analysis of variance, Cochran-Q, and t tests were used to analyze the data.ResultsIn the intervention group, the QoL was significantly higher;symptom severity was lower than that of the control group at time 2 and time 3. At time 3, more women in the control group reported at least 1 sexual difficulty and were not satisfied with their sexual function, whereas there was no change for women in the intervention group.ConclusionThe NL-SMP, which consisted of systematic symptom assessment, prioritization of symptoms, providing symptom, and patient-specific education, decreased deterioration in the QoL and symptom severity of women.Implications for PracticeConducting multisymptom assessments, prioritizing symptoms, providing symptom- and patient-specific education, and supporting symptom self-management throughout treatment can lead to effective symptom management.
  • Placeholder
    Consanguineous marriage and its effect on reproductive behavior and uptake of prenatal screening
    (Wiley) Şahin, Eda; N/A; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Seven, Memnun; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; 125009; 32470
    The study aimed to determine the prevalence of consanguinity among pregnant women, its effect on reproductive behavior and the uptake of prenatal screening. The sample consisted of 842 pregnant women recruited to a prospective cohort study conducted in twenty-three cities from different regions in Turkey between June 2017 and March 2018. of the women, 17.7% (n = 149) were in consanguineous marriages. The consanguineous couples were younger at the time of their marriages than non-consanguineous couples, and 49% of the consanguineous marriages were arranged. The educational levels of both spouses in consanguineous marriages were lower than those in non-consanguineous marriages. There was a statistically significant difference in the prevalence of the pregnant women having a prenatal screening test between women in consanguineous marriages (53%) and those in non-consanguineous marriages (78.2%). There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of having health problems during pregnancy, the number of pregnancies, abortions and/or stillbirths, the week of delivery and the birthweight of the baby. Healthcare providers play a key role in eliciting whether or not pregnant couples are consanguineous, providing a tailored risk assessment, education, and counseling about screening and diagnostic tests for early diagnosis and management of the fetus, explaining the testing process and possible outcomes, and helping couples make informed decisions regarding their reproductive options or pregnancy management.
  • Placeholder
    Palliative care needs of the cancer patients receiving active therapy
    (Springer, 2022) Bağçivan, Gülcan; Seven, Memnun; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Bilmiç, Ezgi; Tabak, Levent; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Master Student; N/A; N/A; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; School of Medicine; Graduate School of Health Sciences; Graduate School of Health Sciences; N/A; N/A; School of Medicine; 261422; 32470; 202015; 125009; N/A; N/A; N/A; 167625
    Purpose To identify cancer patients' palliative care needs with problem burden, problem intensity, and felt needs related to these problems while receiving cancer treatment. Methods This is a descriptive survey study conducted at a tertiary hospital with no palliative care services in Istanbul, Turkey, from September 2019 to February 2020. Data were collected using the Patient Information Form and the Three Levels of Needs Questionnaire (3LNQ). Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) were used to present data. Results The mean age of patients was 60.2 +/- 13.0, and the mean duration since the diagnosis was 11.6 +/- 21.4 months. Of the patients, 40.4% were diagnosed with gastrointestinal (GI) cancer, and 34.4% had stage 4 cancer. Patients mostly received help for their pain (85.7%), lack of appetite (64.8%), and nausea (73/7%). The most frequent unmet needs were problems with concentration (70%), worrying (68%), difficulties with sex life (63.6%), problems with being limited in work and daily activities (61.4%), and being depressed (58.5%) among patients who reported to have these symptoms. Conclusion This study shows that patients with cancer require supportive and palliative care along with medical treatment for cancer and its treatment-induced physical and psychological symptoms. The study results have the potential to guide the development of palliative care services, especially for outpatient oncology settings in countries where palliative care services mostly focus on the end-of-life care. Further studies are also needed to focus on interventions to meet cancer patients' palliative care needs during the medical cancer treatment process with tailored palliative care delivery models.
  • Placeholder
    The sexual experiences of Turkish women after bariatric surgery: a qualitative study
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021) Guven, Betul; Akyuz, Aygul; Ozkaya, Birgul Odul; N/A; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; PhD Student; Graduate School of Health Sciences; 125009
    Bariatric surgery affects not only quality of life in general, but also sexual life of patients. Because sexual life is also affected by cultural factors, it is believed that the effects of bariatric surgery on sexual life in different cultures need to be evaluated. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of Turkish obese women in their sexual life before and after bariatric surgery. The sample of the study was included 16 women who underwent bariatric surgery. Data were collected via semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed thematically. During the analysis process three categories were identified. The main categories were as follows: "weight-related experiences until surgery:' "surgical motivations and expectations," and "changes after surgery:' This study highlighted the impact of bariatric surgery on women's sexual lives. Bariatric team member should be aware of effects of obesity and bariatric surgery on sexuality and address sexuality in counseling for patients.
  • Placeholder
    A mobile application for symptom management in patients with breast cancer
    (Oncology Nursing Society, 2022) Seven M.; N/A; N/A; Department of Computer Engineering; N/A; Department of Computer Engineering; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Bağçivan, Gülcan; Özkasap, Öznur; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; College of Engineering; School of Medicine; 125009; 261422; 113507; 202015
    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of a symptom management mobile application on quality of life and symptom severity in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. SAMPLE & SETTING: This parallel randomized pilot study consisted of women with breast cancer admitted to oncology outpatient clinics between November 2019 and January 2021 in Turkey. METHODS & VARIABLES: Participants (N = 40) were randomly assigned to the intervention (n = 20) or control group (n = 20). The intervention group used the mobile application in conjunction with usual care. The control group received usual care. Participants were assessed during the first, third, and last chemotherapy cycles. Data were collected using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Questionnaire–Core 30 and the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System. RESULTS: During the study, the decrease in general health and physical functioning and the increase in the severity of depression/sadness in the intervention group were statistically lower than in the control group. IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: The use of a mobile application for symptom management may promote general well-being and physical function and may alleviate symptoms of depression/sadness in women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Further studies are needed to evaluate the application in clinical settings with larger groups.
  • Placeholder
    The effect of bariatric surgery on sexuality: experiences of obese men in Turkey
    (Taylor & Francis, 2022) Guven, Betul; Akyuz, Aygul; Ozkaya, Birgul Odul; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Seven, Memnun; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Nursing; 125009; 32470
    Sexuality is an important aspect of quality of life and also a critical part of a relationship. Because social and cultural factors may affect sexual life, it is believed that the effects of bariatric surgery on male sexuality in different cultures need to be evaluated. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore sexual experiences of Turkish obese men who underwent bariatric surgery. Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were conducted with 12 men who underwent bariatric surgery at a training and research hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed thematically. This sample of men described sexual dysfunction that lead to relationship problems before surgery. Physical health problems, difficulties at work such as stigma, and sexual problems were the factors that men decided to have bariatric surgery. Obese men stated that satisfaction in both sexual and emotional life improved after surgery. Along with the overall quality of life, improvements in the sexual life of obese men are one of the important effects of bariatric surgery that should be known.
  • Placeholder
    Experiences of breast cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study
    (Oncology Nursing Soc, 2021) N/A; N/A; N/A; Department of Computer Engineering; N/A; Department of Computer Engineering; Seven, Memnun; Bağçivan, Gülcan; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Özkasap, Öznur; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; Graduate School of Health Sciences; College of Engineering; School of Medicine; 32470; 261422; 125009; 113507; 202015
    Purpose: This study aimed to explore the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of life of breast cancer survivors. Methods: This qualitative descriptive study included 18 breast cancer survivors who completed cancer treatment within the last five years in Istanbul, Turkey. A directed content analysis was performed using the quality-of-life domains as guiding themes. Results: The mean age was 51 ± 5.9, and the average months since active treatment were 26.5 ± 9.8 (9-48). Six themes and associated categories are as follows: Physical functioning; Changes in physical activity and weight, new physical symptoms, Role functioning; Work-life, changes in household chores, Emotional functioning; Emotional changes, fear of having the COVID-19 infection, Cognitive Functioning; Risk Perception about the COVID-19 infection, reactions to the COVID-19 pandemic' measures, Social Functioning; Familial relationship changes, social interactions, General Health/Utilization of Healthcare services; Changes in routine follow-ups, changes in diet. Conclusion: Breast cancer survivors had different challenges causing new physical and psychological symptoms such as lymphedema, pain, burnout, and anxiety that may have long-term effects on their quality of life.
  • Placeholder
    Palliative care needs of patients with cancer receiving active therapy
    (2020) Bağçivan, Gülcan; Seven, Memnun; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; PhD Student; N/A; N/A; Faculty Member; School of Nursing; School of Nursing; Graduate School of Health Sciences; N/A; N/A; School of Medicine; Koç University Hospital; 261422; 32470; 125009; N/A; N/A; 202015
    Objectives: List the symptomsmost experiencedbypatents whenadmittedtotheoutpatientclinic. Discuss the unmet palliative careneeds of patientswithcancer. Importance: Needsassessmentofpatients isoneof the first step to plan and deliver palliative care services. Objective(s). To identify cancer patients’ palliative care need swith burden and severity of problems and felt needs related to these problems. Method(s): Across-sectional descriptive study, conducted in Septembere October 2019. The sample of the study was consisted of 136 cancer patients from an oncology out patient clinic in a tertiary hospital with no palliative care services in Istanbul, Turkey. Patients characteristics formand theThree Levels of Needs Question naire were used to collect data. Results:The mean age of patients was 61.5 13.2, the mean duration since the diagnos is was 1.21 1.92 years. The majority of them were diagnosed with breast (17.6%), colorectal (12.5%) or pancreas (12.5%)cancerand 45.6%hadstage4cancer. Of patients,55.9%expressed feeling as though they burden their families to someextend and 40.4%feell onelyat some level.Majority of (95.5%)patients have quite a bitor very much confidence in the healthcare service and the adequacy of help and/or treatment taken from health services was rankedas5.9 1.28(outof 10). The most intense problems for the patients were tiredness (18.4%), problems carrying out physical activities (16.9%) and worrying(12.5%). The most frequentun metneeds were tiredness (38.9%, n¼34), to be depressed(19.9%,n¼27)and lack of appetite(18.4%n¼25)among patients who reported to have these symptoms. Conclusion(s): Regarding to the unmet needs of patients, the health care professions should assess and integrate evidence-based intervent iontopalliate the burden of the symptoms for cancer patients. Tiredness and lack of appetite and depressive symptoms can be seen as cluster and trigger eachother’s, therefore should befocused together. Impact: Measuring patient’s experience in symptoms andpatient-reported palliative care needs is important to improve palliative cancer care in clinical settings.
  • Placeholder
    Professional values in a sample of nursing students from different countries
    (Istanbul Univ-Cerrahpasa, 2021) N/A; N/A; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Subaş, Furkan; Seven, Memnun; Kaya, Nazike; PhD Student; Nurse; Faculty Member; Nurse; Graduate School of Health Sciences; N/A; School of Medicine; N/A; N/A; Koç University Hospital; N/A; Koç University Hospital; 125009; N/A; 32470; N/A
    AIM: This study aimed to determine the professional values of nursing students from different countries. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted with a convenience sample of nursing students from different countries. The data were collected using an identification form and the Nurses' Professional Values Scale-Revised. A total of 305 nursing students from Turkey, Tanzania, and Spain were included in the analysis. RESULTS: In this study, the mean nursing professional values scores were 113.5 +/- 12.8, 105.8 +/- 16.0, 107.9 +/- 8.4 for Turkey, Tanzania, and Spain, respectively (minimum-maximum: 44-130). There were no statistically significant differences between the Turkish and the Spanish students' professional value scores, but the Turkish students' scores were higher than the Tanzanian students. CONCLUSION: The factors affecting the level of professional values of students for each country were different. For educators, it is important to develop teaching strategies to empower professional values. Understanding cultural differences can guide professional values and universal ethics in nursing practice, education, and research.
  • Placeholder
    Evaluation of the nurse-led symptom management program for patients with gynecologic cancer undergoing chemotherapy
    (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (LWW), 2022) N/A; N/A; Paşalak, Şeyma İnciser; Selçukbiricik, Fatih; Seven, Memnun; PhD Student; Faculty Member; Faculty Member; Graduate School of Health Sciences; School of Medicine; School of Nursing; 125009; 202015; 32470
    Background: patients with cancer experience symptoms concurrently. Nurses need to make multisymptom management and educate patients about self-management strategies. Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a nurse-led symptom management program (NL-SMP), developed based on the Symptom Management Model, quality of life (QoL), and symptom severity of women with gynecological cancer undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: this randomized controlled study sample consisted of 41 women receiving chemotherapy at an outpatient clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, between November 2018 and December 2019. European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Scale, Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale, and Modified Brief Sexual Symptom Checklist-Women were used to collect data. Women were randomly assigned to 2 groups: intervention (n = 21) and control (n = 20). The intervention group attended the NL-SMP in addition to usual care. Data were collected at the first (time 1), third (time 2), and last chemotherapy cycle (time 3). Repeated measures analysis of variance, Cochran-Q, and t tests were used to analyze the data. Results: in the intervention group, the QoL was significantly higher; symptom severity was lower than that of the control group at time 2 and time 3. At time 3, more women in the control group reported at least 1 sexual difficulty and were not satisfied with their sexual function, whereas there was no change for women in the intervention group. Conclusion: the NL-SMP, which consisted of systematic symptom assessment, prioritization of symptoms, providing symptom, and patient-specific education, decreased deterioration in the QoL and symptom severity of women. Implications for Practice: conducting multisymptom assessments, prioritizing symptoms, providing symptom- and patient-specific education, and supporting symptom self-management throughout treatment can lead to effective symptom management.